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Analysis & Interpretation


Classification of respondent on the basis of age.

Particulars Below 20 years 20 30 years 30 40 years 40 and above Total No of Respondents 20 52 20 8 100 % of Respondents 20% 52% 20% 8% 100%

GRAPH 1 Graph showing Classification of respondent on the basis of age

60 40 20

Below 20 years 20 - 30 years 30 - 40 years 40 and above

20 8

On the Basis of age

The above table shows that respondents there are- 20% of respondents are below 20 year, 52% of respondents lies between the age group of 20 30 years,

another 20% of respondents lies between 30 40 years and 8% of respondents were 40 & above.
TABLE 2 Classification of respondent on the basis of Qualification Qualification Below SSLC PUC Graduation Post Graduation Total No of Respondents 22 24 38 16 100 % of Respondents 22% 24% 38% 16% 100%

GRAPH 2 Graph Showing Classification of respondent on the basis of Qualification

16 0 38 0 24 0 22 0





Qualification of Respondents.

Above table showing 22% of Respondents are below SSLC, 24% of respondents are from PUC, 38% of respondents are graduates and 16% of respondents are post graduates.

TABLE 3 Classification of respondent on the basis Occupation. Professions Student Self Employed Salaried Others Total No of Respondents 56 22 22 0 100 % of Respondents 56% 22% 22% 0% 100%

GRAPH 3 Graph Showing Classification of respondent on the basis Occupation

Others 0% salaried 22%

, selfemployed, 22%

, Student, 56%

Above table showing 56% of respondents are students, 22% of respondents are self- employed and 22% of respondents are salaried. So majority of respondents are Students.

TABLE 4 Classification of respondents on the basis of Gender.

Gender Male Female Total

No of Respondents 100 0 100

% of Respondents 100% 0% 100%

GRAPH 4 Graph Showing the Respondents on the basis of sex.

100 80 60 100 40 20 0 Male

Male Female

From above table its clear that maximum number of male has served 100% of the total respondents and there are no females who ride TVS Apache 160 in our locality. The gender also helps to determine the buying habits of respondents.
TABLE 5 Classification of respondent on the basis of Annual income.

0 Female

Income Below Rs 10000 Rs10000-Rs15,000 Rs 15,000 Rs 20,000 Rs 20,000 and above TOTAL

No of Respondents 28 14 42 16 100

% of Respondents 28% 14% 42% 16% 100%


Graph showing Classification of respondent on the basis of Annual income


50 40 30 20 10 0
14 28 16

Below 10000 Rs10000-15,000 Rs15,000-20,000

20,000 & above

Above table showing 28% of respondents are below income group of Rs 10000, 14% of Respondents are in the income group of 10000 to 15,000, 42% of respondents are in the income group of 15,000 to 20,000 and 16% of respondents are in the income group of 20,000 and above. TABLE 6 Classification of respondents on the basis of their happiness for TVS Apache 160

Particulars Yes No Total

No of Respondents 82 18 100

% of Respondents 82% 18% 100%

GRAPH 6 Graph Showing the Respondents on the basis of their happiness for TVS Apache 160


18 82


From above table its clear that maximum number of respondent are Happy 82% & 18% are unhappy.

TABLE 7 Classification of respondents factors influencing to choose TVS Apache 160 Factors Quality Features Mileage Cost Service Power No of Respondents 16 20 22 10 12 20 % of Respondents 16% 20% 22% 10% 12% 20%




GRAPH 7 Graph showing the classification of respondents factors influencing to choose TVS Apache 160.

40 20 0 Quality Features Mileage Cost 16 20 22 10 12 20



From the above table and table classification on the basis of reason we can clearly analyze that 16% of respondents were influenced by the Quality, 20% of respondents for Features, 22% of respondents Mileage, 10% for Cost, For service 12% and the remaining 20%% like for Power.
TABLE 8 Classification of respondents on the basis of duration of using TVS Apache 160. Duration Past 6 months 6 months 1 year 1 year 2 years More than 2 years TOTAL No of Respondents 20 30 30 20 100 % of Respondents 20% 30% 30% 20% 100%

GRAPH 8 Graph showing the classification of respondents on the basis of duration of using TVS Apache 160.











Past 6 mon

6 mon - 1 yr

1 yr - 2 yr

More than 2 yrs

The above table shows that 20% of respondents are using TVS Apache 160 from past 6 months, 30% from 6 months to 1 year, 30% from 1 year to 2 year and remaining 20% from more than 2 years. TABLE 9 Classification of respondents on the basis of Opinion of TVS Apache 160

Rating Excellent Ok Good Poor

No of Respondents 60 4 30 6

% of Respondents 60% 4% 30% 6%




GRAPH 9 Graph showing the respondents on the basis of Opinion of TVS Apache 160

6 30 60 4 Excellent Ok Good Poor

Above table showing 60% of respondents feel overall opinion is Excellent. 4% of respondents say it is Ok. 30% of respondents feel that it is Good and only 6% of respondents say poor
TABLE 10 Classification of respondents on the basis of the Price of the TVS Apache 160. Cost Costly Reasonable Very Costly TOTAL No of Respondents 30 40 30 100 % of Respondents 30% 40% 30% 100%

GRAPH 10 Graph showing the respondents on the basis of the Price of the TVS Apache 160.

Very Costly, 30 Costly, 30

Reasonable, 40

The above table clearly gives out the structure of price of TVS Apache 30% of the respondents are saying that the it is Very costly, 30% feels that it is costly, 40% of respondents are saying the price of TVS Apache is Reasonable.

TABLE 11 Respondents on the basis of medium influenced to purchase TVS Apache160

Medium Friends Showroom Media Advertisement

No of respondents 30 16 28 22

% of respondents 30% 16% 28% 22%

Others TOTAL

4 100

4% 100%

GRAPH 11 Graph showing respondents on the basis of medium influenced to purchase TVS Apache160

40 20 0

30 16


22 4

The above table clearly gives out the structure that 30% of respondents got aware through Friends, 16% got aware from Showroom, 28% through Media, 22% from Advertisement and remaining 4% from other medium.
TABLE 12 Classification on the basis of availability of TVS Apache in your Locality? Particulars Yes No Total No of Respondents 100 0 100 % of Respondents 100% 0% 100%


Graph showing availability of TVS Apache in your Locality.


0 100


From above table its clear that there is 100% availability of TVS Apache.


Number of respondents who have seen TVS Apache Advertisements.

Particulars Yes No Total No of Respondents 88 12 100 % of Respondents 96% 4% 100%


Graph showing the respondents who have seen TVS Apache Advertisements




The above table clearly shows that 96% of total respondents are aware of TVS Apache advertisement, and 4% have not seen.


Respondents on the basis of awareness through different Medias

Media No of Respondents 44 14 10 4 20 % of Respondents 44% 14% 10% 4% 20%

Newspapers Hoardings Radio Magazines

Others TOTAL

8 100

8% 100%

Graph 14

Graph showing respondents on the basis of awareness through different Medias

44 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Television

20 14 10 4 8






The above table clearly gives out the structure that 44% of respondents got aware through Television, 14% got aware from Newspapers, 10% from Hoardings, 4% through Radio, 20% through Magazines and remaining 8% from Others.

Classification of Respondents opinion on advertisement Media Opinion Excellent Good Ok Poor No of Respondents 34 24 22 12 % of Respondents 34% 24% 22% 12%

Dont remember TOTAL

8 100

8% 100%


Graph showing the opinions of respondents on advertisement Media.

40 20 0

34 24 22 12 8





Don't Remember

The above table clearly says that 34% of the respondents feels its Excellent, and 24% of respondents said it is good, 22% said its Ok, 12% said it was poor, and remaining 8% of respondents said they Dont remember.

TABLE 16 Classification on the basis of comparative analysis of TVS Apache160 with other motor bikes of same category.
Particulars Price Features Sound Mileage Power Quality No of Respondents 20 26 12 16 20 % of Respondents 20% 26% 12% 16% 20%

Others (Maintenance Cost) TOTAL

6 100

6% 100%

GRAPH 16 Graph showing comparative analysis of TVS Apache160 with other motor bikes of same category.

30 20 10 0


26 12 16 20 6 Series 1 Price Features Sound Mileage Power Quality Others (Maintenance Cost)

The above table clearly says that 20% of the respondents feel that the Price of TVS Apache RTR 160 is less compare to other bikes, and 26% of respondents said it is having good feature, 12% of respondents said it is having a Sound Mileage, 16% said it is good with power, 20% of respondents appreciated the quality and remaining 6% of respondents said the maintenance Cost is low.

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