2 Example of KAIZEN

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Examples of KAIZEN

Project on Dissemination of j Quality/Productivity Improvement ( (KAIZEN) Practice ) for Small and Medium Enterprises in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan g SEKI Takaharu Japan International Cooperation Agency

Suggestion system for improvement, together with small group activities as one of the major features Of KAIZEN

1. Companys major reform/restructure vs. KAIZEN approach 2. Features and benefits of KAIZEN practices 3. 3 Some examples of KAIZEN practices 4. Suggestion system for improvement 5. Small group discussions 6. Outcomes of KAIZEN approach

Research Institute Corp. 3

Companys major reform/restructure vs. vs KAIZEN approach

Major reform/ restructure
Organized plan, evaluation & implementation Official approval for implementation

KAIZEN activities
Proposal derived from daily operational scene Proposal and implementation on self initiative

Must produce good result

Reform/ restructure

Implementation is important
Small improvement found only by the employees on the spot


Institute Corp.

Features and benefits of Approach

Features: 1. 1 Bottom up activity (Involvement of employees at the operational level) 2. Continuous efforts of the employees to improve their workplaces with self-initiative self initiative Benefits: Not only quality improvement and productivity improvement But also provide motivation to workers for their skill up Since, 1. 1 The employee proposes ones ideas for work improvement of their one s own work place, and the idea is accepted by his boss. 2. The small group discussion produces outputs Then, the employee fi d satisfaction, and motivated to work f Th h l finds i f i d i d k for improvement
Research Institute Corp.

KAIZEN practice starts with small improvement Example (1) Secure the eyesight to prevent collision each other => Productivity improvement

Picking work at distribution Center g

Factory A y Factory B y Factory C

Plain view of the parts storage area of a warehouse A picking cart

ShelfParts Storage) ShelfParts Storage) Picking Lane

Distribution Center Picking and Delivering materials to each shop

Picking Lane ShelfParts Storage) Picking Lane ShelfParts Storage)

Main Lane

ShelfParts Storage) Picking Lane ShelfParts Storage) Picking Lane

Shop P

Shop Q

Shop R

Picking Lane

Research Institute Corp.

Improvement efficiency of parts picking works at the warehouse

1. Carts are used at the parts storage area to pick up the yp necessary parts from the shelves. 2. The collision of two picking carts were often happened when they go out from part storage picking lane to the main lane, resulted i d l lt d in decrease i work efficiency. in k ffi i 3. There was a suggestion from a worker engaged in the picking work to ensure eyesight by leaving the shelf without storing parts. 4. The collisions were decreased with implementing this p g suggestion. 5. This kind suggestion is possible only by the workers who know the work place well Manager cannot make this type well. of suggestions. 9 Research Institute Corp.

KAIZEN practice starts with small improvement Example (2) Prevent picking carts from collision by securing the moving space with centerline on the picking lane => P d ti it i > Productivity improvement t


Improvement at parts picking work at warehouse

1. The picture shows a picking cart. 2. More than one picking carts are working in the parts storage area for picking up the parts. 3. The width of cart lane is minimized to increase the storage capacity 4. It has disturbed the carts form moving smoothly 5. 5 A worker suggested to draw a centerline on the picking lane to avoid collision
Research Institute Corp. 11

KAIZEN practice starts with small improvement Example (3) Save searching time of tools by storing them in order => Productivity improvement


Improvement in tool search time

1. It takes time to find out necessary tools to be used from disorganized tool boxes. Further, it sometimes causes tools missing. 2. Tools can be found easily, if the tool labels are put on the tool box or tool board 3. This suggestion reduced the waste time 4. 4 This is a part of 5S(Five-S) activities

KAIZEN practice starts with small improvement Example (4) Save searching time of materials by storing them in order => Productivity improvement

Research Institute Corp.



Improvement for material search time to shorten at warehouse

1. Unnecessary materials may increase if it is not controlled well well, 2. It will take time to find out necessary materials, if it is stored with the unnecessary materials materials. 3. If the unnecessary materials are removed, searching time of the necessary materials can be reduced. 4. 4 Putting material labels on the shelf will also improve the searching works. 5. 5 This is a part of 5S(Five S) activities. 5S(Five-S) activities
Research Institute Corp. 15

Recognition of the efforts of the employees will significantly increase the motivation for the KAIZEN participants. Following is an example of recognition of their efforts by posting the record of their efforts on a boa d at e o p ace board a the workplace.

Research Institute Corp.


KAIZEN is a bottom up activities p involving employees, who know the workplace operation best
Top Down Management Section Manager Staff Manpower Structure of Company
Research Institute Corp.


Suggestion system makes employees easy to submit ideas or plans plans, which may improve daily works

Bottom Up
17 Research Institute Corp. 18

Concept of Suggestion Activity

1. Involve all the members into KAIZEN activities 2. 2 Number of submitted suggestions is more important important, rather than the impacts and effects of the suggestions. 3. On the average, one suggestion may be effective out of 10 suggestions submitted. 4. Awards for the useful suggestions will promote further suggestions. 5. Suggestion Committee should be organized to evaluate the suggestions suggestions.

A sample of suggestion sheet gg Suggestion The suggestion sheet will be returned to the p p proposer with comment/ responses from p the evaluation committee

Comments/ responses from the committee

Research Institute Corp.


Research Institute Corp.


The number of suggestions increases year by year

No. of items pe one pe er erson

Advantage of Small Group Discussions

Easy to discuss on the topics common among the group members All the members can join the discussion without feeling self-consciousness Member can understand their roles

2. 3.

By Toshiba Engineering Co., LTD.

Research Institute Corp. 21

Organize a small group p 2. Within the same workplace 3. Number of members should be 5-7 maximum 4. Group has its own group name
Research Institute Corp. 22

Effects of KAIZEN approach

Objective of the company to get profit, etc profit Needs of individual Self Actualization
All groups

Sustained Activities
By S ll Gorup activity B Small G ti it
Organize small group

select a leader Next Theme Grasp current state

Evaluation, lessons learned

Set theme Set target schedule, schedule role

reason, select theme

Realization through small group activities

Improvement of work environment, which enables the realization of capability of individual employees Productivity improvement

prevent occur again

Confirm effect countermeasures and execute

23 Research Institute Corp.

Improvement of company performance I t f f

Institute Corp.

cause and effect diagram


- END Reference
1. Ueda Toshio,New D 1 U d T hi N Development of Small group A ti iti l t f S ll Activities, S Sannou U i 1991 Univ. 1991 2. Nikkeiren KouhoubuPresentation Skill at Workshop meeting and Small group Activities1992 3. 3 Kajihara Y taka E ec tion of Small gro p Acti ities Management P blish YutakaExecution group ActivitiesManagement Publish 1982 4. Toshiba Engineering Co.Increasement of Intelligent ProductitityKanki Publish1987 Publish 1987 5. Sannou Univ., Quality Management 6. Niigata Engineering Co. Small group Activities1995


Research Institute Corp.


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