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Statistics Honors End-of-Course Project

Your assignment is to plan, conduct, analyze and present the results of a statistical study. This project is the culmination of your course in Statistics. It will count as a test grade!

1. Plan: Fill out Project Proposal and turn it in.

Formulate the general question you want to answer with your study. What question will you answer with your study? Will it involve quantitative () or categorical (%) data? Will you do a survey or an experiment? Keep in mind that no matter what you study, you must decide the hypotheses and level of significance that will be used beforehand. State your hypotheses and level of significance. Here are some examples from previous years that worked well: o What is the average amount TKA high school students spend on lunch each day? H0: = $3.50, HA: > 3.50. o Can students tell the difference between Coke and Publix Brand cola? H0: p =.50, HA: p >.50. o What is the average amount of time (in hours per week) TKA high school students spend playing video games? H0: = 4, HA: > 4. o What percentage of kindergarteners will want to be a doctor when they grow up? H0: p = .40, HA: p >.40.

You may include a secondary question in your study that wont be a tested question. o What is your favorite lunch item here at TKA? o Which do you prefer, Coke or Publix Brand cola? o What type of game system do you use? o what do you want to be when you grow up? The answers to these questions can be used in your presentation, and usually serve to make it more entertaining. Who will you survey? Keep in mind that to conduct a good statistical study, your sample must be chosen appropriately, and must adequately represent the population you wish to generalize to. Examples of types of sampling include: o Systematic: survey every 7th student at the end of the lunch line o SRS: obtain a list of all TKA high school students, # them 1 whatever. Use a random number generator to choose 50 students o Stratified: same as above but take 10 freshmen, 10 sophomores, 10 juniors and 10 seniors o Convenience sampling will cost you points!!!

How and when will you conduct your survey? You may use class time to conduct your survey if necessary. If you are planning on surveying students in other classes, you must obtain permission from the teacher and set up an appointed time to visit. No exceptions to this rule!!!

2. Conduct:
Once your proposal has been approved and any appointments to survey have been made, you will go out and actually conduct the study! Remember that you are presenting to the class at the end of all this, so consider filming or taking pictures during your study.

3. Analyze:
To receive full credit, you must conduct at least one full hypothesis test AND one full confidence interval. Hypothesis Test: 1. Hypotheses and Level of Significance 2. Sample Data 3. Conduct the test; obtain a z-score and a p-value. 4. Conclusion. (Reject or Fail to Reject the null in context) Confidence Interval: Once you have completed the hypothesis test, use the data you obtained to create a confidence interval (Examples: We are 95% confident that the true mean amount spent each day at lunch is between ____ and ____. We are 98% confident that TKA high school students spend between ____ and ____ hours a week playing video games. We are 90% confident that between ___% and ___% of kindergarteners want to be a doctor when they grow up.)

4. Present:
The results of your study will be presented to the class. Your presentation: should be 3 - 5 minutes in length should include a visual representation of your findings be communicated clearly and concisely employ the interest of your audience use video, a PowerPoint presentation, or a poster boards to display your data.

Attached are the project proposal (Due Thursday, April 28th) and the Grading Rubric I will be using. Projects will be presented to the class Thursday and Friday May 5th and 6th. You must be prepared to present Thursday May 5th.

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