Introduction To Matlab

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Digital Signal Processing : Introduction to MATLAB

Ms. T. Samanta Lecturer Department of Information Technology

BEIT, 6th Semester

Getting Started with MATLAB - Rudra Pratap Digital Signal Processing - Sanjit K. Mitra. Digital Signal Processing-A Practitioners Approach - Kaluri V. Rangarao - Ranjan K. Mallik
BEIT, 6th Semester

MATLAB -> MATrix LABoratory Built-in Functions -Computations -Graphics -External Interface -Optional Toolbox for Signal Processing, System analysis, Image Processing
BEIT, 6th Semester

How many windows?

BEIT, 6th Semester

MATLAB Windows
Command window: main window characterized by >> command prompt. Edit window: where programs are written and saved as M-files. Graphics window: shows figures, alternately known as Figure window.

BEIT, 6th Semester

Edit Window

Command Window

Figure Window
BEIT, 6th Semester

Matlab Basics

BEIT, 6th Semester

MATLAB Basics: Variables

Variables: -Variables are assigned numerical values by typing the expression directly >> a = 1+2 >> a = 3 >> a = 1+2; press enter

suppresses the output

BEIT, 6th Semester

several i j pi predefined variables sqrt(-1) sqrt(-1) 3.1416...

>> y= 2*(1+4*j) >> y= 2.0000 + 8.0000i

BEIT, 6th Semester

Global Variables Local Variables

BEIT, 6th Semester

MATLAB Basics:
Arithmetic operators: + addition, - subtraction, * multiplication, /division, ^ power operator, ' transpose

BEIT, 6th Semester

Matrices : Basic building block Elements are entered row-wise >> v = [1 3 5 7] creates a 1x4 vector >> M = [1 2 4; 3 6 8] creates a 2x3 matrix >> M(i,j) => accesses the element of ith row and jth column
BEIT, 6th Semester

Basics Matrices
Special Matrices null matrix: nxm matrix of zeros: nxm matrix of ones: nxn identity matrix: M M M M = = = = []; zeros(n,m); ones(n,m); eye(n);

--Try these Matrices [eye(2);zeros(2)], [eye(2);zeros(3)], [eye(2),ones(2,3)]

BEIT, 6th Semester

Matrix Operations
Matrix operations: A+B is valid if A and B are of same size A*B is valid if As number of columns equals Bs number of rows. A/B is valid and equals A.B-l for same size square matrices A & B. Element by element operations: .* , ./ , .^ etc
--a = [1 2 3], b = [2 2 4], =>do a.*b and a*b
BEIT, 6th Semester


BEIT, 6th Semester

Few methods to create vector

LINSPACE(x1, x2): generates a row vector of 100 linearly equally spaced points between x1 and x2. LINSPACE(x1, x2, N): generates N points between x1 and x2. LOGSPACE(d1, d2): generates a row vector of 50 logarithmically equally spaced points between decades 10^d1 and 10^d2. a = 0:2:10 generates a row vector of 6 equally spaced points between 0 and 10. BEIT, 6th Semester

Waveform representation

BEIT, 6th Semester

2D Plotting
plot: creates linear continuous plots of vectors and matrices; plot(t,y): plots the vector t on the x-axis versus vector y on the y-axis. To label your axes and give the plot a title, type xlabel('time (sec)') ylabel('step response') title('My Plot') Change scaling of the axes by using the axis command after the plotting command:axis([xmin xmax ymin ymax]);
BEIT, 6th Semester

2D Plotting
stem(k,y): for discrete-time signals this command is used. To plot more than one graph on the screen, subplot(m,n,p): breaks the Figure window into an m-by-n matrix of small axes, selects the p-th axis for the current plot grid : shows the underlying grid of axes
BEIT, 6th Semester

Example: Draw sine wave

t=-2*pi:0.1:2*pi; y=1.5*sin(t); plot(t,y); xlabel('------> time') ylabel('------> sin(t)')

BEIT, 6th Semester

Matlab Plot

BEIT, 6th Semester

Example: Discrete time signal

t=-2*pi:0.5:2*pi; y=1.5*sin(t); stem(t,y); xlabel('------> time') ylabel('------> sin(t)')

BEIT, 6th Semester

Matlab Plot

BEIT, 6th Semester

Example: Draw unit step and delayed unit step functions

n=input('enter value of n') t=0:1:n-1; y1=ones(1,n); %unit step y2=[zeros(1,4) ones(1,n-4)]; %delayed unit step subplot(2,1,1); stem(t,y1,'filled');ylabel('amplitude'); xlabel('n----->');ylabel('amplitude'); subplot(2,1,2); stem(t,y2,'filled'); xlabel('n----->');ylabel('amplitude');
BEIT, 6th Semester

Matlab Plot

BEIT, 6th Semester


BEIT, 6th Semester

Scripts and Functions

Script files are M-files with some valid MATLAB commands. Generally work on global variables present in the workspace. Results obtained after executing script files are left in the workspace.

BEIT, 6th Semester

Scripts and Functions

Function files are also M-files but with local variables . Syntax of defining a function function [output variable] = function_name (input variable) File name should be exactly same as function name.
BEIT, 6th Semester

Example : user defined function

Assignment is the method of giving a value to a variable. You have already seen this in the interactive mode. We write x=a to give the value of a to the value of x. Here is a short program illustrating the use of assignment. function r=mod(a,d)
%If a and d are integers, then r is the integer remainder of a after division by d. If a and b are integer matrices, then r is the matrix of remainders after division by corresponding entries.

%You should make a file named mod.m and enter this program exactly as it is written. %Now assign some integer values for a and d writing another .m file and Run a =[10 10 10]; d = [3 3 3]; Another .m file to access mod(x,y); above function
BEIT, 6th Semester

Loops, flows:
for m=1:10:100 num = 1/(m + 1) end
%i is incremented by 10 from 1 to 100

I = 6; j = 21 if I > 5 k = I; elseif (i>1) & (j == 20) k = 5*I + j else k = 1; end %if statement
BEIT, 6th Semester


BEIT, 6th Semester

Few in-built Matlab functions

sin() cos() log() asin() acos() exp() sinh() conv() sqrt() square() rand() random() real(x) imag(x) abs()

Type help, followed by the function name on the Matlab command window, press enter. This will display the function definition. Study the definition of each function.
BEIT, 6th Semester

1>Draw a straight line satisfying the equation: y = 3*x + 10 2>Draw a cosine wave with frequency 10kHz. Use both plot and stem functions to see the difference. 3>Draw a circle with radius unity. (use cos for x axis, sin for y axis) 4>Multiply two matrices of sizes 3x3.
BEIT, 6th Semester

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