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Comprehensive Examination Reviewer for Philosophy of Education

MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. Etymologically, philosophy means love of wisdom. More precisely, it means: A. Search of Meaning B. Search of good

C. Search for truth

D. Search for the beautiful 2. The type of philosophy that aims to establish world-views is known as:

A. Speculative
B. Normative C. Analytical D. Evaluative 3. The type of philosophy that recommends norms and standards to guide human thinking and conduct is called A. Synthetic B. Critical C. Analytical

D. Prescriptive
4. The type of philosophy that examines concepts, issues, problems, etc. is called A. Normative B. Synthetic

C. Analytical
D. Speculative 5. The problem of knowledge and its validity is the concern of A. Axiology

B. Epistemology
C. Metaphysics D. Logic 6. The pupil is the doctrine of man in classroom; a concern of

A. Metaphysics
B. Axiology C. Logic D. Epistemology 7. A field of metaphysics that deals with the origin and development of the universe is A. Ontology B. Teleology

C. Cosmology
D. Cosmetology 8. The belief that knowledge is impossible is called A. A priori

B. Agnosticism
C. Scepticism D. Rationalism 9. The belief that the chief source of knowledge is reason is known as: A. Intuitionism

B. Rationalism
C. Empiricism D. Scepticism
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10. The belief that knowledge comes from sense perception is: A. A priori

B. A posteriori C. Empiricism
D. Rationalism 11. The logic that makes use of the contrast of ideas is called A. Experimental B. Inductive C. Deductive

D. Dialectic
12. The field of values that deals with the study of good and evil is known as

A. Ethics
B. Aesthetics C. Theology D. Teleology 13. The field of values that deals with art and beauty is called: A. Cosmetology B. Theology C. Ethics

D. Aesthetics
14. The belief that all is God and God is all is known as

A. Pantheism
B. Theism C. Atheism D. Deism 15. The field of metaphysics that deals with the meaning or purpose of life or existence is A. Ontology B. Theology C. Cosmology

D. Teleology
16. The field of logic that proceeds from the specifics to general or universal is called A. Deduction

B. Induction
C. Syllogism D. Dialectic 17. The type of logic that proceeds from the universal to the specifics or particulars is called A. Experimental B. Inductive

C. Deductive
D. Dialectic 18. Knowledge which is self-evident because it does not require observation is known as

A. A priori
B. A posteriori C. Functional D. Empirical 19. The Indian darsana that believes in the ethics of non-violence is A. Carvaka B. Buddhism C. Vaishesika

D. Jainism
20. The Indian darsana that sees life as pain and suffering is A. Jainism B. Carvaka

C. Buddhism
D. Sankhya
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21. The Indian darsana which believes that the way to pure consciousness or Brahman is through A. Karma

B. Yoga
C. Dharma D. Eightfold Path 22. The Indian belief of extreme hedonism as evident in the saying drink and be merry for tomorrow you die, is

A. Carvaka
B. Sankhya C. Karma D. Vaishesika 23. The Chinese believe that the highest achievement of man as man is to be a/an A. Teacher B. Emperor C. Warrior

D. Sage
24. The Chinese master who believes in the original goodness of man is A. Confucius B. Chuang Tzu

C. Mencius
D. Lao Tzu 25. Regarded as the father of Taoism is

A. Lao Tzu
B. Mo Tzu C. Confucius D. Mencius 26. The Golden Rule is attributed to A. Mencius

B. Confucius
C. Chuang Tzu D. Lao Tzu 27. The Chinese master who believes that man should think with his heart is A. Lao Tzu B. Chuang Tzu C. Mo Tzu

D. Mencius
28. The record of the life and activities of Muhammad is called A. Sunna B. Koran

C. Hadith
D. Shiaria 29. According to Salat, how many times do Muslims pray daily? A. 3x B. 4x

C. 5x
D. 6x 30. The Philosophy that believes that the pupil is a rational being is A. Naturalism

B. Realism
C. Pragmatism D. Idealism 31. The Philosophy which regards emotive statement as false is

A. Language analysis
B. Existentialism C. Pragmatism
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D. Naturalism 32. The Philosophy which believes that man has no windows is A. Pragmatism B. Language analysis

C. Existentialism
D. Idealism 33. The Philosophy which regards the teacher as a model is A. Realism B. Naturalism C. Pragmatism

D. Idealism
34. The Philosophy which considers the pupil as physical being is

A. Naturalism
B. Idealism C. Realism D. Pragmatism 35. The Philosophy which is also known as experimentalism, practicalism, or instrumentalism is A. Realism B. Naturalism

C. Pragmatism
D. Idealism 36. The Philosophy which views that teacher as an authority, a master teacher is A. Idealism

B. Realism
C. Naturalism D. Pragmatism 37. The Philosophy which regards the pupil as a spiritual or mental being is A. Pragmatism B. Naturalism C. Realism

D. Idealism
38. The Philosophy which believes that the school exists due to the overlong infancy of man is A. Realism B. Idealism C. Pragmatism

D. Naturalism
39. The Philosophy that views the school as supplying the volume of learning that each generation need is

A. Pragmatism
B. Naturalism C. Realism D. Idealism 40. The Philosophy that believes that man realizes his essence by means of his own decision is A. Language analysis

B. Existentialism
C. Pragmatism D. Reconstructionism 41. The Philosophy that believes that philosophy of education is not possible is A. Existentialism B. Reconstructionism

C. Language analysis
D. Pragmatism
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42. The Philosophy which believes that the school exists to form man as man is A. Idealism B. Naturalism

C. Realism
D. Pragmatism 43. The Philosophy which views the teacher as a group leader, facilitator or consultant is

A. Pragmatism
B. Idealism C. Realism D. Naturalism 44. The theory which believes that education is not life itself but preparation for life is A. Reconstructionism B. Progressivism C. Essentialism

D. Perennialism
45. The theory which believes that learning involves hard work is A. Perennialism B. Progressivism

C. Essentialism
D. Idealism 46. The theory which believes that the school should create a new social order is

A. Reconstructionism
B. Progressivism C. Perennialism D. Essentialism 47. The theory which believes that education is life itself is A. Perennialism B. Reconstructionism C. Essentialism

D. Progressivism
48. The theory which believes that truths can be learned from the Great Books is A. Progressivism

B. Perennialism
C. Reconstructionism D. Essentialism 49. The theory which believes that learning should be active and should make use of the interests of the child is A. Perennialism

B. Progressivism
C. Reconstructionism D. Essentialism 50. The theory which believes that since human nature is constant, education should be the same too, is

A. Perennialism
B. Reconstructionism C. Progressivism D. Essentialism

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ANSWER KEY: 1. C 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. B 10. B/C 11. D 12. A 13. D 14. A 15. D 16. B 17. C 18. A 19. D 20. C 21. B 22. A 23. D 24. C 25. A 26. B 27. D 28. C 29. C 30. B 31. A 32. C 33. D 34. A 35. C 36. B 37. D 38. D 39. A 40. B 41. C 42. C 43. A 44. D 45. C 46. A 47. D 48. B 49. B 50. A

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