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Anja Christin Kaiser First Semester 2011/2012 Ndejje University


Client Server Programming for Applications

Client-Server Architecture Peer-to-Peer Architecture (P2P) Pipe-and-Filter Architecture Event Driven Programming Application Layers Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Model TCP/IP Internet Model


Client Server Programming for Applications


Client-Server Architecture
Server Client request Internet responds

The Client asks for a service from the Server. The Server sends back the responds to the client.


Client Server Programming for Applications

Client-Server Architecture
One part acts as the Server and the other as Client The Server programs starts and provides first some services to connect via a communication channel The Client program asks for services from the Server More than one Client can communicate with the same Server at the same time Clients are mostly browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Netscape) Browsers interact with the Server using protocols (a set of instructions) Protocols define the right transfer of data requested by a browser and provide by a Server Protocols are for example HTTP, FTP, SMTP, et.
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Client-Server Architecture
The ideal Client-Server system is independent of the used operating system Client-Server systems can grow or shrink Horizontally: by adding/removing Clients Vertically: by larger/faster Servers or Multi-Servers


Client Server Programming for Applications

Client-Server Architecture
Centralized Systems
A host computer (mainframe) is responsible for all processes like input, output, data storage and retrieval Clients can be on the same or separate machines Requests are send over a network or local Used in the past (1970s)

Distributed Systems
A number of computers (PCs, workstations) are responsible for all processes Distributed physically Connected through a network Used nowadays

Cooperative Systems
Like distributed but resources are shared transparent for the users
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Client-Server Architecture
Centralized Systems
Printer Client Program

File Client Program

Mail Server Program File Server Program Printer Server Program



General Server

Client Server Programming for Applications

Client-Server Architecture
Distributed Systems
Printer Client Program

File Client Program

Mail Server

Mail Server Program

File Server

File Server Program

Printer Server Program

Print Server



Client Server Programming for Applications


Client-Server Architecture
Advantages of Distributed Systems The work load is distributed on different machines low cost increase of performance Remote access for some services Distributing data minimize loss Easier to implement due to the separation of Client and Server functions Disadvantage Centralized data increase the reliability
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Client-Server Architecture
Example The Server starts The Server waits (listen) for the Clients Client starts running Clients performs some operations (for example connecting to the Server) The Server accepts the connection (if willing) The Client sends a request to the Server The Server waits for the request from the Client The Server does the necessary actions The Server responds to the Client This interaction can be continued until one of them shuts down
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Client-Server Architecture
:Server listen connect accept connection send request responds close connection :Client


Client Server Programming for Applications


Client-Server Architecture
Example 2: The WWW The Client is a Web Browser (for example Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera) A User starts the Web Browser User asks for display web contents The Server is a Web Server (for example Apache Web Server, IIS) The Server listens to incoming requests The Server provides services for the Client (displaying web content) The Server runs infinitely Client terminates when service is complete
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Client-Server Architecture
Model 1: Static Web-Pages
Static Web-Pages do not change until they are modified by their developer
Displays the content of the file Request for a Web Page

Locates the file Server and sends it back


Client Server Programming for Applications


Client-Server Architecture
Model 1: Static Web-Pages Browser takes the URL and embeds it inside a HTTP request Browser sends the HTTP request to the Server Server receives the HTTP request and finds the requested HTML file Server sends back the file and closes the connection Browser interprets the HTML command Browser displays the page content and invokes helper applications (like xview, audio, etc.)


Client Server Programming for Applications



Client-Server Architecture
Model 2: Dynamic Web-Pages
More work for the Server Requests are for example searches Content of the dynamic web pages depends on the request For example CGI programs
Displays the data Requests for a Web Page

Server Locates the program that processes the request and sends the data to the Server; Server sends back the data to the Browser
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Client-Server Architecture
Model 2: Dynamic Web-Pages Browser collects the data and specifies a POST method Server receives the request and searches for the POST method Server starts the CGI program The CGI program reads the environment variables, receives the message body, does some work (database access, etc.) and returns back the result via output pipe Server sends back the result to the Web Browser


Client Server Programming for Applications



Client-Server Architecture
Model 3: Server Side Scripting Dynamic response due to Server side technologies Easier to maintain web pages Mostly Server side code is embedded in HTML documents Code not visible for Clients Examples
Active Server Pages (ASP) Hypertext Pre-processor (PHP) Java Server Pages (JSP) Server Side Includes (SSI) Java Applets
Displays the file

Requests for a Web Page

Server Locates the file; Execute the embedded scripts; Server sends back the final formatted file to the browser


Client Server Programming for Applications


Client-Server Architecture
Model 3: Server Side Scripting Example: Java Applet Browser requests for a Java Applet Browser initiates a separate network connection to down load the Java Applet in the Web Page Server calls and sends the Java Applet Browser loads the Java Applet into the Client and executes it Afterwards it deletes the Java Applet


Client Server Programming for Applications



Peer-to-Peer Architecture (P2P)

P2P is a system in which each participant (peer) can act as Client and Server for all other programs P2p is therefore a distributed application architecture The tasks are shared between the peers Each peer has the same rights; they are equal Each peer makes a part of the resources (processing power, disk storage, network bandwidth) These resources are directly available to other network participants They form a connection between each node for sharing information and files Example: Napster (as file sharing system; music), Skype, VoIP, Instant Messaging (Yahoo Messenger)
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Peer-to-Peer Architecture (P2P)

P2P without central based Server

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Peer-to-Peer Architecture (P2P)

Classification Unstructured Pure No central Server; roles of Clients and Servers are equal Hybrid Some functions are implemented as Client-Server and others as P2P Provide a central Server which keeps peer information/sends those information on request For example: A Client contacts the Server to receive the address of another Client. Than he starts a new session with this Client
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Peer-to-Peer Architecture (P2P)

Centralized P2P Central Server used for indexing function and loading the whole system Connection are not defined by an algorithm Structured Peers (and resources) organized according to specific criteria and algorithms Use distributed hash tables


Client Server Programming for Applications




Peer-to-Peer Architecture (P2P)

Advantages Shared resource like bandwidth, capacity, storage space increase the total power of the system Decentralization increase robustness (no single point of failure) Low cost High availability due to large numbers of resources Increased network connectivity Disadvantages Unsecure code can infect the whole network system (viruses, malware) reduced by security and file verification mechanisms Heavy bandwidth because of ongoing file transfer
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Client-Server vs. P2P

Advantages of Client Server Architecture Easier to maintain Server can repair, upgrades without affecting the Client Security Data are stored on the server Server controls the access Only permitted clients will get access Administration Controls the flow Disadvantage: Network traffic/availability Single point of failure (Server)
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Pipe-and-Filter Architecture
Pipe-and-Filter Architecture consists of arbitrary number of components An event starts a sequence of processing steps Each step performs a specific function The components (filter) transforming/filtering the data Several filter working at the same time Each filter can have any number of input and output pipes Filters can run as different threads or on different machines The data are passed to other components using pipes The pipes are the connectors Each pipe has a certain role in the filter process
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Pipe-and-Filter Architecture
Pipes are usually a data buffer to store the data and it should be possible to add and remove pipes at runtime on each filter The data source can be a text file, a keyboard input or a consecutive data input The destination (sink) can be a file, database or a computer screen Simple architecture Examples UNIX programs Compiler; filtering, parsing, analysis and generating program code
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Pipe-and-Filter Architecture











Client Server Programming for Applications


Pipe-and-Filter Architecture
Example: Unix shell The pipe symbol is | cat takes input data without displaying them grep finds text within a file sort sorts the input data > cat in.txt | grep something | sort > out.txt









Client Server Programming for Applications




Pipe-and-Filter Architecture
Advantages Useful if many transformation needed Flexible and robust Splitting tasks in smaller sequences which can be performed independently Easy to use filters in different order or extend them Disadvantages Buffer overflow if a filter needs all data to proceed (sorting) Possible deadlocks Needs of specific data types (e.g. characters) complicates the process and slows it down
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Event Driven Programming

It is an application architecture technique Sometimes also called event-based programming The program flow is handled by events An event is a signal which can be a sensors input an user action (a mouse click or button press) timers a reaction to another signal Useful for GUI programming For implementation you can use any programming language
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Event Driven Programming

To develop an event driven application you have to implement event-handler routines which deal with the events The main program will responds to these events For example: A user clicks a button The corresponding routine opens a new file An event handler is bind to an event The application has a main loop with two sections Event detection Event handling This main loop checks for events and calls the right event handler
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Event Driven Programming

Event Source the source of the event to happen provides a way for the event consumer to register and deregister their interest (event handler) Event Consumer the object which is interested in listening to a particular event contains a method for handling events Event Object passed a parameters to the event handler method


Client Server Programming for Applications




Event Driven Programming

Event consumer registers interest Event handler executes List of registered event

Event Consumer
Invokes event handler of registered event consumer

Event Source

Event Object

Event occurs


Client Server Programming for Applications


Event Driven Programming

Limitation The most existing implementation (graphical user interfaces) are not thread-safe The program code can be convoluted or hard to understand Examples Microsoft Visual Basic Java Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT) XwindowProtocol


Client Server Programming for Applications




Application Layers
In the most application architectures the functions are split into modules Each module/layer
has a distinct functionality provides high level services to other modules deploys low level services provides by other modules hides the details of the low level service implementation

Reducing the complexity in large programs Reusability of modules Portability across multi-platforms Abstraction
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Application Layers
Examples Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) for computer network protocols Computer Architecture Open GL graphics drawing library Stream of bytes models (file I/O, sockets)


Client Server Programming for Applications




Application Layers
Computer Architecture
Operating System Kernel Assembler Firmware Hardware


Client Server Programming for Applications


Application Layers
Example: Bank Money transfer
Sender Fills in the payment form Higher Layer Receiver The receiver can withdraw the money from his account The money is transferred to the receiver account The money is received by the bank computer system

The payment form is insert Middle Layer into the computer system The money is transferred from Lower Layer the bank computer system to the receiver bank system The money is transferred from the source to the destination bank


Client Server Programming for Applications




Application Layers
The functionalities of a network operation system are organized by using different layers called Protocol Stack This stack describes how information is transferred from on software application in one computer through a network to another software application in another computer There are two common connection protocol models: Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Model TCP/IP Internet Model


Client Server Programming for Applications


Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Model

Standardized by ISO (International Standards Organization) in 1984 Dominated the networking and data communication literature until 1990s OSI is a set of protocols allowing two different systems to communicate with each other without depending on their underlying architecture 7 layers They can be implemented in software, hardware or both


Client Server Programming for Applications




Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Model

3 categories for the layers upper layers: dealing with application issues; implemented only in software middle layers: interface between upper and lower layer; implemented on both (software/hardware) lower layers: handling data transport issues; implemented mostly in hardware


Client Server Programming for Applications


Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Model

Application Presentation Session Upper Layers

Transport Middle Layers Network

Data Link Lower Layers Physical

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Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Model

Lower Layers Physical Layer Lowest layer Transmission and representation of bits Physical characteristics of the interfaces and media Synchronization between the systems Examples: antenna, amplifier, network cables, repeater, hub Data Link Layer Guarantees a reliable and accurate transmission of frames (bit blocks) Flow Control (transfer rate) Error Control Protocols: Ethernet
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Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Model

Middle Layers Network Layer
Transmission of packets Supply of logical addressing Routing between network node/hub Use of Internet Protocols (IP/IPsec)and NSAP addresses

Transport Layer
Transmission of messages Offers a unit access to the upper layers Guarantees a Quality of Services Error Control for end-to-end Flow Control for end-to-end Protocols: TCP, UDP, SCTP
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Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Model

Upper Layers Session Layer
Establishes and manages communication sessions between two systems Persistent logical link between one system to another Offers organized and synchronic data transfer (check points for re-entry) Protocols: Connection-Oriented Session/Connectionless Session

Presentation Layer
Translation of message format between different operating systems (ASCII, EBCDIC, Unicode) Offers a syntactical correct data transfer Additional task like Compression and Encryption

Application Layer
Highest layer Access to the network Obtains services like mail service, file transfer, www, remote login, chatting, etc. Protocols: SMTP, HTTP, NFS, FTP, Telnet
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TCP/IP Internet Model

Dominant architecture because it was free provided within the UNIX operating system Sometimes called Internet reference model Consists of 5 layers There is no presentation and session layer Their functions are shared between application and transport layers


Client Server Programming for Applications




TCP/IP Internet Model

Two types of communications take place: Peer-to-Peer communication: same layers on different computers communicating using layer protocol Interface communication: neighbouring (adjacent) layers on the same computer communicating through interfaces Each layer adds control information (meta data) to facilitate communication between layers like source address, destination address, error control information, etc.


Client Server Programming for Applications


TCP/IP Internet Model

Application FTP, SMTP, POP, NNTP, HTTP, TELNET Transport TCP, UDP Middle Layers Network IP Data Link ETHERNET, SATNET, SLIP Lower Layers Physical TDM, FDM, WDM UTP, DSL, ADSL Upper Layers


Client Server Programming for Applications




TCP/IP Internet Model

Client 1
Intermediate nodes

Client 2

Application Peer-to-peer protocol Transport Network Data Link Physical


Application Transport Network Data Link Physical Network Data Link Physical Network Data Link Physical

Client Server Programming for Applications

Computer Science Program, The University of Texas, Dallas Wikipedia;


Client Server Programming for Applications




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Client Server Programming for Applications



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