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What? No, stop that... Its rather vulgar and barbaric and Id appreciate it if youd stop trying.

Well now you have a frogs tongue; perhaps that will dampen your efforts for a while.
The bloodline known as the Kiasyd seems to offer a chance for some small reprieve for the tortured memmembers of the Mekhet clan. The Kiasyd are heirs to a dual legacy of madness and enlightenment. Their acceptance of the dark nature of reality, however, leaves them better able to cope with the former. The Kiasyd are, all-in-all, the most peaceable and civil clan or bloodline. Whether this is by blood, design, or mere necessity is a matter of debate. What is not up for debate amongst those aware of their existence is their mastery of secrets. While not the most social of the lot, Kiasyd can be found in the company of almost anybody, especially if they can learn something new from them. That said, its not entirely unlikely to have a Kiasyd locked in a library for decades, only going out to feed and that, only if there are no other options. There have been rumors of Kiasyd with large herds of ghouls that exist and reproduce for the sole purpose of being a food supply for the Kiasyd scholar, without forcing him to stop research in order to go hunting. Parent Clan: Mekhet Nickname: Albinos, Apostates, or Fae-Touched Covenant: Wherever there are secrets to unearth, the Kiasyd are there. The Kiasyd are almost exclusively members of the Ordo Dracul, though they seem rather wary of the Vlad Tepes origin myth as a whole. They have been an integral part of the Ordo Dracul since its early days of existence, and are primarily responsible for the establishment of the tradition known as Finding the Wyrms Nests. Kiasyd are found primarily in positions of power within the covenant, but not in positions involving any degree of interaction with the outside world, or even with the general population of the order itself. Few know of their existence, and even those who know a Kiasyd may not be aware of the existence of others. Some Kiasyd are believed to exist among the Unaligned or Circle of the Crone, but it is rather unlikely that any Kiasyd reside in the Invictus, and positively certain that not a single one sympathizes with the Lancea Sanctum. Appearance: Driven to the shadows by their bloodline weakness, all Kiasyd have chalky white skin, which takes on a faint bluish glow in the moonlight. Rumor has it that the tone of a Kiasyds skin is an indication of the age of the vampire, since neonates are generally less pale than ancillae or elders, but nobody knows for sure. No matter the amount of Vitae used, they can never give their skin a natural tone. The Kiasyd are generally tall, thin and of wispy stature. Their features are usually elven and their irises become indistinguishable from their pupils in their dark color, often widening as well. Many Kiasyd end up with eyes that are completely black, the iris expanding past the visible portion of their eyes. Though this change is rather dramatic, and definitely renders the vampire unrecognizable by any acquaintances, it does not preclude social contact with mortals. While the eyes seem haunting, the Kiasyd are often considered to be hauntingly beautiful by mortals. Usually attractive, the Kiasyd are a mixture of old and new when it comes to fashion sense. Many Kiasyd adopt old-world styles of dress, often from times predating their own mortal lives, as a reflection of their drifting interests. This trend is prevalent among those Kiasyd high in the Ordo Dracul Hierarchy, but they are not at all opposed to modern dress, usually adopting more upscale styles even for more casual environments. Its just as easy to see a Kiasyd dressed in Victorian clothing as it is to see one in goth. Whatever the case, they usually stand out in a positive way. Sunglasses are often used to hide their eyes as contacts dont really work, even as an explanation. The Kiasyd, it seems, are mildly obsessed with their appearances, but more importantly, with the image they project. Haven: Permanent havens are important to the Kiasyd. Even those Kiasyd among the upper echelons of the Ordo Dracul prefer to have their own personal havens separate from the order, even if they seldom use them. They often seclude themselves in their havens, whiling away the innumerable hours of study until they decide to leave, usually forced due to the curious prying of unwelcome guests. They often choose a private library, museum, art gallery, historical ruins or catacombs in which to establish havens. While gaudy manifestations of wealth are anathema, most Kiasyd like to keep a haven that demonstrates a decent style of living, even for one who is undead. Gothic decor is common, but never without a definite mood of whimsy. The Kiasyds haven is an anachronism of anachronisms, deep gothic decor in a modern age, accented with whimsical tapestries, modern or abstract art, and even floral patterns. A Kiasyds haven is likely to intrigue any mortal who happens to see it, and may even disturb the more orthodox and traditional of elders. Whatever the style, the haven almost invariably has a very large and well-stocked library, and many of the accouterments of gen-

teel living. Kiasyd pride themselves in being gracious hosts and some keep vintage Lacrima for guests. Background: The Kiasyd rarely embrace, but almost always bring their childer into the bloodline. Kiasyd choose polite and intelligent mortals as progeny. Potential childer are well disciplined in their studies and share the Kiasyds love of books and curiosity for unearthing new knowledge. That said, not all Kiasyd are as formal and rigid as one would expect, in fact some are surprisingly outgoing and whimsical. Mortals with particular vision, or a keen sense of the hidden world around them are prospective childer, and the Kiasyd are not so naive as to think that one must distinguish oneself to prove worthiness. Most Kiasyd were not successful in mortal life, it simply isnt possible to advance those sorts of talents in mortal society. The Kiasyd embrace those with a divinatory gift and a discerning intellect: someone capable of advancing the knowledge of the Kindred condition. Character Creation: The Kiasyd are known for their intelligence, but they pride themselves in their civility. Most Kiasyd come from scholarly or socialite concepts, as attractive and studious people draw their attention. Mental and Social attributes and Skills are prized. As is to be expected, Physical Attributes and Skills are not that common, that said, Kiasyd are not weaklings, at least not all of them. The Kiasyd do not embrace those whom they do not feel could handle the Beast or undeath. Bloodline Disciplines: Auspex, Celerity, Mytherceria, Obfuscate. Kiasyd are also known to practice Dominate, Protean, and Vigor, though at out-of-clan costs. Weakness: Kaisyd appear to manifest odd derangements with startling frequency, consequences of their unique Discipline. A Kiasyd must take one severe derangement that is theirs for all eternity, and all rolls to avoid losing Humanity or acquiring derangements suffer a -2 penalty. Kiasyd derangements are almost always related to scholarly pursuits: the most common examples are Obsessive Compulsion relating to study or the collection of books, Dehumanization, Depersonalization, Magical Ideation, Schizophrenia, Supernatural Fascination, or Waking Nightmare. Furthermore, Kiasyd have something of the alien and inhuman about them which unnerves mortals especially: they have pale skin even for Kindred, angular features, and dark eyes. Due to their haunting beauty, theyre considered two Humanity dots lower than they really are for purposes of social interaction (so a Kiasyd with a Humanity of 6 is treated as if she had Humanity 4 when interacting with mortals). This urgent motivation to maintain humanity presents a possible ulterior motive for the Kaisyds alignment with the Ordo Dracul: The Kaisyd find the Coils of the Dragon to be their salvation, and it is a rare Kaisyd that doesnt have at least the first tier of The Coil of the Beast. Organization: The Kiasyd have a strange combination of tight and loose organization. The Kiasyd have very, very few members, possibly no more than fifty worldwide. While every one of them knows where the rest are most of the time, they dont really care what they are up to. Using technology and the internet to keep in touch, they meet in person every 50 years, in order to exchange knowledge. Whatever the individual background may be, these meetings are always civil and the chance of a fight is next to none.

It is said that the Kiasyd have secrets that they keep even from the Ordo Dracul, and that as a group they are working toward some mysterious and frighteningly specific goal. Attempts to extract information concerning this goal have been ineffective. Furthermore, the Kiasyd watch each others Humanity carefully, sometimes performing interventions to save their clanmates. Concepts: Librarian, Educator. Student, Museum Curator, Archaeologist

Rumor has it that centuries ago, a rather adventurous Mekhet, now known only as Kiasyd, was roaming the Earth, going almost anywhere in his quest for knowledge, forbidden or not. After a disappearance that lasted almost a century with no records of where he had been he returned to civilized Kindred society with a new discipline he named Mytherceria. That was the birth of a new and very mysterious bloodline. The rumors about Kiasyds time in absence range from the most mundane, such as self-induced torpor, to the bizarre, with some more mystical minded Kindred mentioning ancient curses, hexes and the work of unseen divine or demonic forces. Others, speak of ancient spirits that for some reason took an interest in the founder of the bloodline. Finally, there are those who link the founders altered looks with those known as Fair Folk in lore (and modern fantasy) or Fae, children of Oberon. This last rumor was fairly popular in the past, when people believed in such things but as society advanced it was considered more of a fairytale than actual possibility for the origins of the bloodline. With changeling freeholds appearing around the globe many are those who look back into that theory as more than a fable.


The First Childe

The founder of the bloodline is nowhere to be seen for the last few decades and rumors about him range from Final Death to Golconda. The whereabouts of the first childe on the other hand, are known and the same goes for most of the ones who followed. Born to an Irish family and ahead of her time, she was a strong willed redhead that refused to act her gender and often passed for a young man something that made it easier for her to sneak out and fly off into one adventure after the next. Despite what one would expect, she did not meet her sire or any Kindred during one of these adventures but they met in Dublin when her father took her with him on a business trip whatever that could mean in the 1500s. Kiasyd was researching the myths and history of Ireland at the time some speculate to unearth hidden mysteries and forbidden lore and was surprised by the redhead lass. After a quick deal with her father, the founder of the bloodline became the employer and given the standards of the time, the owner of the girl that would eventually become his first childe. Unlike most, if not all, women at the time, she was educated at least as much as the average man waswhich was not much to begin with and eager to learn more. It has been rumored that Kiasyd had his eyes on the Irish lass long before she was old enough to receive the Embrace. Nobody knows if that was possible, or simply something he said to ap-

pease her. Some speculate that Kiasyd managed to develop a power that enabled him to look into the future to such extend that he knew his childes future long before he ever met her. Whatever the case, he took her in and while waiting for her to reach her prime, he molded the young girl to what he perceived as the perfect childe or as many say, what he saw she would turn into. Kiasyd and his first childe soon left Ireland and despite what was and still is considered normal for Kindred, took on a nomad lifestyle. They travelled all around Europe and some even claim seeing them as far as Africa mostly Egypt. Eventually however their travels brought them back to Britain, where they would settle for a few decades in Scotland. After that time passed, Kiasyd left to an unknown direction, leaving the childe to her own devices. She left soon after, returning home to Ireland where she would spend quite some time. For reasons unknown, the redhead, answering to Anastasia, left Ireland once more in favor of Scotland and more specifically Edinburgh, where she and her sire once lived. It was there that she eventually came across and drew the interest of the Ordo Dracul. After a period of testing her mettle and determination, she was finally accepted and to the surprise of the local Academy, she took the Coils with surprising ease, something that brought her a certain amount of renown. It was not long before her talents and inquisitive nature brought her to the position of Kogaion. With changelings making an appearance soon after Oliver Cromwells siege of the city, Kiasyd in general and the Ordo Dracul Kogaion in particular find themselves in the center of attention. When the rumors started that such creatures existed, the Dragons naturally got interested in them, with the Kiasyd as the spearhead. On their part, the Lost were hardly eager to discuss the fine points of living in Faerie, especially with someone supposedly touched by the Gentry. A cautionary tale among the Kiasyd is the Embrace of a miller named Domenico Menoccio Scandella in Montereale, Italy, 1601. Menoccio was Embraced by a member of the Mekhet elite, vestigially a member of the clergy, and a deserter of the Lancea Sanctum. Some whispers imply that this vampire was Longinus himself, but those whispers are carefully guarded, for the implications of such would be dire and disastrous to the Lancea Sanctum, who would not, and does not, hesitate to punish such heresies. Mennoccios heresies consisted of a combination of resentment toward the Catholic hierarchy and its abuses of the peasantry, denial of the omnipotent nature of God, and an unusual theory of the creation of the universe as being like the generation of worms from cheese (based upon the theory of spontaneous generation, an acceptable cosmology of the time). As it turns out, at least as far as anyone can tell, Menoccios cosmology was a combination of an acute social awareness, undying dedication to the expression of his ideas, and a singularly notable communion with the faery realm. Upon his Embrace, Menoccios sanity deteriorated steadily as he was increasingly deluged by sensory data. He embraced desperately, hoping to pass on his gift to someone who could handle it. Menoccio met final death in 1666, only 130 years after his

mortal birth, at the hands of his own childer who witnessed the decline of his humanity, and sanity.

Dark Heresy

While the story of Menoccios Requiem is debated among those non-Kiasyd who know of it, the implications thereof hold true: the Kiasyd are non-believers. This is not to say that they are atheists, few vampires are, but that they are not traditionalists. Kiasyd invariably waver from any and all former convictions upon their embrace or induction into the bloodline. The Kiasyd are known as Apostates, and though this terms origin is a derogatory one, when applied to the Kiasyd the term is almost always reverential. The Kiasyd seem to have a world cosmology all their own, and its one which they do not seem willing, or capable, of sharing with others easily. Not very big on family ties, Kiasyd can work with others and usually do. When it comes down to choosing between covenant or bloodline, they go with the former unless the bloodline as a whole is in danger. Usually alone or in the company of their fellow covenant members, more often than not on a quest to find something, be it knowledge or artifact. New additions to the bloodline are welcomed as long as they display the required enthusiasm about finding out what should be hidden. Truth be told, many Kiasyd would gladly allow members of other clans in the bloodline if it was possible. Due to the fact they can spend months studying at times, the Kiasyd are no strangers to the concept of ghouls. Be it for a steady source of blood, protection, assistance in research or simply the need to be with someone during a break from their studies, Kiasyd usually have a number of ghouls. Depending on the vampire and the ghoul, they treat them as property or as almost equals. As a strange nod to certain rumors about the Kiasyds founder, the ghouls of the Albinos display a strange allergy to items made of cold iron.

Society and Culture

As a result of Kiasyds lust for knowledge the odd discipline known as Mytherceria was created. A collection of powers inclined towards the exposure of new knowledge, Mytherceria has driven many of its victims to babbling madness, or at least frustration. The Kiasyd are grateful others outside the bloodline cannot learn this discipline they know that were it turned against them, they may be forced to reveal secrets the world is better off not knowing. It becomes increasingly difficult to deceive the Kiasyd as they absorb more and more knowledge. This power reveals lies told to the Kiasyd in several different ways, which varies from vampire to vampire. Some Kiasyd perceive lies via their tellers tongue glowing in an unnatural color, while others eyes well up with blood tears when lied to. The manner varies from Kiasyd to Kiasyd, but the effect is always the same he knows you have lied to him. Cost: Dice Pool: This power involves no roll, and is considered always on. The character may turn off this power if he wishes,



but such is an all-or-nothing proposition. He may not turn off certain aspects of this power and keep others active. Action: N/ A Note: If the Storyteller feels this effect is too powerful, she may instead rule that the Kiasyd applies his Mytherceria dots to attempts at detecting lies, which stacks with Auspex . This power is what makes it possible for the Kiasyd to aid the Ordo Dracul in Finding the Wyrms Nests and is responsible for their myriad eccentricities. The Kiasyd can see, hear and speak with ghosts, spirits, or mental projections in the state of Twilight. He can also detect their unseen presence if they are hiding or have chosen to not reveal themselves. Furthermore, Kiasyd are able to see past the Mask of fae creatures, tapping into the alleged ties of the Bloodlines founder to Faerie. Changelings, the True Fae, hedgespawn garments, even tokens and areas near the Hedge all look as they truly are in the eyes of the Kiasyd. When Looking Glass is used, the Kiasyds eyes turn into mirrors with the true form of their surroundings reflected on them for all to see. Cost: Dice Pool: This power involves no roll, and is considered always on. The character may turn off this power if he wishes, but such is an all-or-nothing proposition. He may not turn off certain aspects of this power and keep others active. Action: N/ A This power allows the Kiasyd to absorb the aura of a person and take its elements as his own. The Kiasyd must touch or pick up on the subject and first perform a successful read. Instead of just receiving and interpreting the patterns and colors of the aura, the Kiasyd absorbs the impressions into his own. (This power is unique in the sense that it does not provide functionality on its own. Knowledge of Auspex is required to fully utilize this powers benefits.) Anyone attempting to use this power on or read the aura of the same subject subsequently must accumulate more successes than the Kiasyd did to get any impression at all. The first Kiasyds successes subtract from the number of successes scored by anyone trying to read the subject thereafter. Cost: 1 Willpower, 1 Vitae Dice Pool: Wits + Empathy + Mytherceria Action: Instant Roll Results Suggested Modifiers Dramatic Failure: The Kiasyd los- Duration Modifier es his own aura instead of the sub- One night ject. Three nights -1 Failure: The subjects aura is not One week -2 absorbed. One month -3 Success: The number of successes Six months -4 determines the amount of infor- One year -5 mation absorbed from the subject and taken as native by the user. One aspect of the persons identity (species, emotional state, special circumstances) per success, change ownership as intended. Exceptional Success: The aura is completely absorbed.

Looking Glass

Aura Absorption

The vampire can create mystical wards, symbols of occult power that disorient onlookers. Many Kiasyd use these glyphs to protect their libraries, though some spiteful vampires use them as curses by placing them on individuals who have earned their disfavor. The vampire creating the ward inscribes the symbol in a visible location such as a library door, bookshelf or an individuals clothing. Cost: 1 Willpower and 1 Vitae per glyph Dice Pool: Intelligence + Larceny + Mytherceria Action: Instant Roll Results Suggested Modifiers Dramatic Failure: The ward af- Duration Modifier fects the Kiasyd for the scene. One night Failure: The ward fails. Three nights -1 Success: Anyone seeing the ward, One week -2 entering the warded area or touch- One month -3 ing the warded object becomes ad- Six months -4 dled and lost, subtracting two dice One year -5 from her Mental and Physical dice pools as long as she maintains contact or proximity to the ward, unless she makes a Wits + Investigation roll against the Kiasyds successes. The effects of multiple glyphs stack to a maximum of -5. The Kiasyd is immune to his own wards. If the glyphs are destroyed in any way, the ward is broken. Exceptional Success: Additional successes are their own reward. The Kiasyd has knowledge of many hidden and intriguing truths. He can phrase these enigmas as a vexing riddle, causing whoever hears the Riddle Phantastique to do nothing but try to solve it. The Riddle is so impenetrable that it can actually damage the fragile brains of those who think about it. Malkovians and deranged individuals sometimes have it easier when solving the Riddle, but at other times it plagues them by driving them even more insane. Cost: 1 Willpower, 1 Vitae Dice Pool: Manipulation + Occult + Mytherceria versus subjects Composure + Blood Potency Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The Kiasyd falls under the spell of the Riddle for the scene. Failure: The target knows the answer immediately. Success: After a successful roll, the victim can do nothing but sit and ponder the Riddle until she accumulates three times the riddlers successes. The subject rolls Wits + Academics or Investigation or Occult (plus or minus the number of derangements the victim has, at the Storytellers discretion). She makes this roll as soon as she is told the Riddle, and then once per hour until she has gathered enough successes. Subjects of Riddle Phantastique wont perform obviously suicidal actions. While life-threatening concerns like combat will still cause her to react, she will tend to ignore all other distractions.

Chanjelin Ward

Riddle Phantastique

Should the victim fail a roll to solve the Riddle, she takes one point of lethal damage as the mystical enigma racks her body. This damage cannot be healed until the Riddle has been solved. The riddler can end this trance just by telling the victim the answer, but no one else can do so. Exceptional Success: Additional successes are their own reward.

The illusion persists until you leave the area or until someone manages to dispel the effect (by passing a hand through the illusory rose, testing the air and feeling no wind, etc). You may also dispel the illusion at your desire; doing so is immediate and requires no action.

Fata Morgana ( )
Your illusions appeal to all of the senses. Though you still cannot harm or affect others physically with your phantasms, you can generate static constructs that seem real to any senses that you choose to affect. Thus, you can make a wall that appears solid, has a texture to the touch and smells of old dust and paint, but which has no real substance and can be passed through. Alternately, you could create a phantasm that lacks certain characteristics you could cause a person to believe that you were holding arose and brushing it against the cheek, provoking the feeling of the flower against the skin and the scent of the rose, when in fact you do not have a rose. These illusions are still incapable of independent movement. Cost: 1 Willpower, 1 Vitae Dice Pool: This power involves no roll. Action: Instant These illusions remain viable under the same conditions as phantasms created with Ignis Fatuus. No longer confined to mere static images, you can create an illusion that appeals to many senses and has its own capabilities. You must first create an illusion using one of the lesser powers of this Discipline. Then, you can give it a semblance of life. People can be made to move, water to drip and lights to shine in complex patterns. You can even create blatantly strange moving effects, like a knife that flies about threateningly or a human who comes apart and back together again. Cost: As the power used, plus 1 Vitae Dice Pool: This power involves no roll. It allows the Albino to follow up with an application of Chimerstry or . Action: Reflexive. The Vitae point is spent in the same turn that the Kiasyd uses Chimerstry (this may take two turns if the subject can only spend 1 Vitae/ turn). All rules, rolls and modifiers apply to the use of the follow-up power, as normal. Once so imbued, you cause the phantasm to move in one specific pattern that you desire. If you spend a complete turn in concentration, you can change this pattern at no extra cost. You must be present for your illusion to sustain itself. You no longer need to be present to sustain your illusory creations. Any illusion that you make with Chimerstry can be imbued with Permanency, allowing it to persist even if you leave the area. Cost: As the power used, plus 1 Willpower Dice Pool: This power involves no roll. It allows the Albino to follow up with an application of Chimerstry , or . Action: Reflexive. The additional Willpower point is spent in the same turn that the Kiasyd uses Chimerstry (two turns total). All rules, rolls and modifiers apply to the use of the follow-up power, as normal. The phantasm remains until you dissolve it or until someone sees through the illusion to dispel it in some fashion. Thus, you

Prerequisite: Mytherceria , Obfuscate Effect: The Kiasyd live in a world of illusions and dreams. Consequently, they wield power over perceptions, shaping their own illusions and crafting dream stuff to their liking. With the Chimerstry discipline merit, the Kiasyd call on the energy of dreams and imagination, giving it form and phantasmic substance. This discipline merits powers can conjure almost any shade that springs to mind, though plausible effects or duplications of things that the conjurer has experienced are much more likely to fool viewers and victims. With enough mastery, the vampire can even give such illusions shadow substance, causing injury to others. Chimerical illusions can only create, not remove thus, they may add elements to a scene, but cannot cause something to become invisible. Chimerstry could cover up somethings features but not remove selected parts. Furthermore, each illusion is a single object; one use of Chimerstry cannot create an entire host of illusory sensations or items. Chimerical creations must be freestanding items or sensory effects a chimerical piece of clothing could conceal someones real appearance, but a chimerical stake could not suddenly materialize inside of someones chest. Dispelling Illusions: These illusions vanish only if dispelled by the creator, if the illusionist ceases concentrating on her creations, or if they are banished by an opponent who proves the illusions nonexistence. You or someone else must demonstrate physical proof that an illusion is not real by possibly shoving a hand through an illusory wall in order for you to disbelieve that a wall is not really there. You cannot simply disbelieve mentally or be told socially only because your mind has been tricked and you must physically prove it to yourself. Wounds inflicted will last until the victim is physically convinced with her own eyes that the illusory effect is not real, or in the case of healing illusionary damage, you expend blood normally to heal (even though your blood has been wasted). You generate a brief, static illusion that affects a single sense. You could cause the appearance of a rose in your hand, or make someone hear a low wind or feel the grating touch of sandpaper. This illusion has no real substance (and it cannot come or injure your victims), but it can confound or mislead. The illusion cannot move in any fashion, although you can hold and move an illusion that you create. Thus, an illusion of a person cannot walk or fidget, but you can pick up and brandish an illusory knife. Cost: 1 Willpower Dice Pool: This power involves no roll. Action: Instant

Merit: Chimerstry

Apparition ( )

Ignis Fatuus ( )

Permanency ( )

can cast an illusion over an area and then leave, allowing the illusion to persist. Your terrifying powers of deception extend directly into the mind of your victim. By focusing your efforts on one individual, you can create terrifyingly realistic phantasms. These illusions can affect the senses and move about in any fashion that you desire, but they affect only one victim. Because of the absolute realism of these phantasms, they can actually convince the victim that he has been injured or affected physically. An illusory fire created with this power burns its target, a phantom wall bars passage and a chimerical stake as that seems to bend and twist toward the heart (although only causing bashing damage). Cost: 1 Willpower Dice Pool: Manipulation + Subterfuge + Chimerstry minus the subjects Composure. Action: Instant This attack inflicts bashing damage, but might feel and looks like something far more serious to the target. If the targets Health track is filled by this imaginary damage, he immediate falls unconscious or into torpor. Unconscious targets wake during the next scene, while vampires driven into torpor can awaken the next night. This requires a Resolve + Composure roll and the expenditure of one Vitae. If this roll fails, the characters length of torpor is calculated normally, though the characters allies can attempt to awaken him early. Further, even the Beast can be fooled by this Horrid Reality after a victim has suffered from a successful attack that inflicted at least one bashing damage (such as being burned by illusionary fire, illusionary gut wrenching hunger pangs, etc.) which may invoke frenzy as a side or intended effect. The victim of Horrid Reality must test normally per the illusionary situation with Resolve + Composure roll in an extended challenge to maintain self control in the face of the false stimuli. However, the Beast isnt as easily fooled as the Kindreds conscious mind. All invoked illusionary stimuli/ triggers are resisted at one half the amount of successes needed (rounded up). For instance, the sight or smell of blood (when starving) normally takes 4 successes to resist, but the illusionary sight or smell of blood (when tricked into thinking youre starving) would only take 2 successes to resist. Or, believing youre in an illusionary burning building (requiring 5 successes normally to resist) would only take 3 successes instead. Resisting frenzy triggers is done reflexively and treated as a side effect (not the direct attack which does bashing damage).

Horrid Reality ( )

In order to successfully activate this power the character must first succeed in a touch attack (see Touching an Opponent, p. 157 of the World of Darkness Rulebook) unless the target is not actively defending themselves. Cost: 1 Willpower Dice Pool: Manipulation + Persuasion + Dominate minus targets Composure + Blood Potency Action: Reflexive Roll Results Successes Duration Dramatic Failure: The Kiasyd is 1 One scene turned into stone instead of the sub2 One night ject. 3 One week Failure: The power does not work. 4 One month Success: The transmutation takes a 5 One year number of turns equal to the Size of the target. This power does not damage the target in any fashion. Indeed it grants him a Durability equal to his Stamina or 3 (whichever is greater). The number of successes determines the duration of the effect, though the Kiasyd may restore the subjects flesh through another touch at any time before this period ends. Exceptional Success: The change is instantaneous, and can be made permanent with the expenditure of a Willpower dot; the only known way to reverse the effect is through another touch of the Kiasyd. Some Kiasyd use these statues to decorate their havens, like some macabre wax museum. This power costs 27 experience points to learn.

Earth Sword
(Protean , Vigor +) The Kiasyd cause huge, strong spikes to shoot out of walls, ceilings and floors. These will be made of whatever material they shoot out of and can be especially dangerous to vampires in wooden houses. The Kiasyd clearly dont like being caught unprepared and some are unfortunate enough to find that out. Cost: 1 Vitae Dice Pool: Dexterity + Weaponry + Vigor minus targets Defense + Armor as per normal attack Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The Kiasyd is staked by the swords instead of the target. Failure: The power does not work. Success: Each success inflicts a point of lethal damage. Exceptional Success: As above, but the target is staked if Kindred. This power costs 12 experience points to learn.

Basilisks Touch
(Dominate , Protean ) The Kiasyd can turn victims to solid stone simply by touching them. As expected, supernatural subjects are especially hard to fall victim to this power, of course there are always exceptions and a few neonates had the chance to realize just how far Elder Kiasyd can go to protect their books. Victims of this power are not killed; instead they are locked in stasis, or Torpor in the case of Kindred.

Shadow Sight
(Auspex , Mytherceria ) Kiasyd are able to peek into the Shadow Realm as they are searching for more and more knowledge. Some places reveal secrets to them, others without that ability would never dream of. While its never a full proof method of gathering information, it can be of great help to the Kiasyd. When Shadow Sight is used, the Kiasyds eyes film over with the deep indigo of the night sky, lit by pinpoints of starlight. Cost: 1 Willpower Dice Pool: Wits + Occult + Mytherceria

Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The Kiasyd cannot use the power for the scene. Failure: The Kiasyd is unable to see into the Shadow Realm but can try again. Success: Shadow Sight works for a number of turns equal to the successes. Exceptional Success: As above, but for the scene. This power costs 9 experience points to learn.

Steal the Mind

(Auspex or , Mytherceria ) The Kiasyd absorbs the Skills from his victims mind, and is able to call on them immediately, even though he might have never had knowledge of them before. This power is invasive, actually stealing the Skills temporarily, leaving their original owners ignorant and inept. The Kiasyd may select a combination of Skills to his satisfaction. Taking some of a victims Skill dots may leave a remaining bit the Kiasyd need not take all of a subjects dots in a given Skill. If Kiasyd takes less dots than he already has in a given Skill, these points do not serve to raise his own score. In all cases, the maximum to which the Kiasyd can raise a Skill is the level the target has in that Skill. Blood Potency restrictions apply. Example: A character with three dots in Occult, from whom a Kiasyd steals one, retains an Occult 2. The Kiasyd would not increase his Occult score if he already had a sco re of one or m o re, as he took only o ne do t. If a victim has a do t in Academ ics and the Kiasyd gets 2 successes, he cant gain 2 dots in Academ ics. Cost: 1 Willpower Dice Pool: Wits + Empathy + Mytherceria minus subjects Composure + Blood Potency Action: Instant Roll Results Suggested Modifiers Dramatic Failure: No subsequent Duration Modifier attempt can be made by the Kiasyd One night on a target against whom he fails for Three nights -1 at least a year. One week -2 Failure: No subsequent attempt One month -3 can be made by the Kiasyd on a Six months -4 target against whom he fails for at One year -5 least a week. Success: The number of dots that can be absorbed is equal to the number of successes. Exceptional Success: As above, additional successes are their own reward. After purchasing the initial version of this power, an advanced version is also available at Auspex . This power is a further extension of the Kiasyds mystical lore-gathering abilities. In their ever-increasing quest for knowledge, the Kiasyd have found a way to rip memories and knowledge from sentient beings. The Kiasyds victim becomes a mindless fool for the duration of this powers effect, able to function only on a basic autonomic level (mortals continue to breathe, while vampires simply stand in a stupor). Normally in this state, the victim is so confused that she wanders aimlessly, or sits and does nothing.

As soon as the Kiasyd purloins the memories, he often records them in a more permanent form such as a scroll or book, before they escape his own memory. While the Kiasyd has stolen her subjects mind, she retains her own consciousness, but has complete access to all of the subjects thoughts and memories. Subjects have no knowledge that they have been affected in this manner, though any attempts to harm them by the Kiasyd or anyone else return their wits to them immediately. Cost: 1 Willpower Dice Pool: Wits + Subterfuge + Mytherceria minus subjects Composure + Blood Potency Action: Instant Roll Results Successes Duration Dramatic Failure: The subject is 1 One scene aware of the attempt. 2 One night Failure: The power does not work. 3 One week Success: Those who are victims of 4 One month this power for long periods of time 5 One year may starve, but they will eat food presented before them. The number of successes determines the duration of the effect, though the Kindred may return the subjects mind at any time before this period ends. Exceptional Success: As above, no added bonus. This power costs 24 experience points to learn the basic version and 27 experience points to learn the advanced version.

Stone Travel
(Celerity +, Protean ) The Kiasyd can travel into the earth by creating a small tunnel to get to unearthed treasures, away from danger or to just move easier. The tunnels can be used by others, but they will not be very safe and they collapse easily. The vampire is able to travel underground with almost no chance of being captured and can cave in any part of the tunnel at will. Physical contact is required both for creating and for destroying the tunnel. Cost: 1 Vitae Dice Pool: Strength + Athletics + Celerity Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The tunnel is opened but once the Kiasyd is inside, it caves in. Failure: The tunnel does not open. Success: The number of successes translates into the kilometers per hour at which the traveler can move. Exceptional Success: As above, additional successes are their own reward. This power costs 15 experience points to learn. Cleansing Impression (Auspex , Obfuscate ): Erase all psychic impressions from an object. See Carthians p. 192. Eyes of the Dragon (Auspex , Any tier of any Coil ): Can determine which, if any, Coils of the Dragon a subject has in use. See Ordo Dracul p. 199. Sample the Earth (Auspex , Protean ): Can determine whether or not a given area is a Wyrm's Nest, and its nature. See Ordo Dracul p. 200.

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