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Theory of Machines

LECTURE NOTES- MECE 303 Theory of Machines 9- Static Force Analysis Fall Semester 2010/2011 Halil Orhan YILDIRAN, MS

Static Force Analysis

-A mechanism is a device that transmits/ transform motion and in doing so transmits power by means of forces and torques in its elements. -In designing a mechanism it is necessary to know the manner in which forces (force or torque) are transmitted from input to output so that components of the mechanism can be properly sized to withstand the stresses developed. FORCE ANALYSIS


DYNAMIC FORCE ANALYSIS (Inertia forces and torques due to acceleration are taken into consideration)

Static Force Analysis

Consider a planar (2D) mechanism: -Given input motion (displacements, velocities and accelerations) -Find: *Motion of the rest of the mechanism * The forces necessary to generate the motion of the mechanism , (# independent forces required to generate the motion of the mechanism is equal to the dof of that mechanism) * Joint (reaction) forces ASSUMPTIONS -Rigid body assumptions of the components are used -Gravity may or may not be considered -Frictional forces at the joints will be assumed to be negligible

Static Force Analysis

Force is a vector quantity ( has magnitude and direction). Also it has a line of action (LA) and point of application.

F = Fx i + Fy : Cartesian j
F = F (i cos + sin ) , F = F j

F = Fe i complex F = F polar

Static Force Analysis

Force: action of one body on the other

F ij : force on body j due to action of body i
F ji : force on body i due to action of body j

Newtons third law: F ij =- F ji

Static Force Analysis

In order to calculate forces and torques in a mechanism, it is necessary to isolate each element of the mechanism as a free body (which is called Free Body Diagram -FBD) and then apply equilibrium conditions.

F 1i

F 1ii 1


F ki
" 1i "

F 1i
M F ji
FBD of link i

Static Force Analysis

Same force with different LA is not equivalent as below (because rotation effect is different)




Static Force Analysis

But in a rigid body mechanics the point of application is not important if our concern is only the equilibrium of the body. Hence we can slide a force on its LA.



Static Force Analysis

*Moment of a force about a point.


M A = r x F = r 'x F
M A = r sin3 F = r ' sin3'F = Fh 1 2 12
h h


(Sense is obtained by right hand rule)

Static Force Analysis

*Moment of a couple (two equal, opposite and non collinear force)

r r M A = rx F = M B = M C

Moment vector does not have point of application. It is a free vector, because a rigid body rotates as a whole. Hence the place of a moment on a rigid body is not important. 10

Static Force Analysis

Forces (Moments) in Mechanisms and Machine systems *Applied forces: Input (Driving) forces , weights, spring forces, etc. *Joint forces: (Reaction forces and Constraint forces): action and reactions at the joints, friction forces (resistance to motion) JOINT FORCES. Consider frictionless joints. At a joint, the contact of kinematic elements are such that some of the possible motions (3 in planar, 6 in spatial) are prevented. At the directions for which the motion is prevented, there are forces developed due to contacts. (See Table 5.2 in the Text Book)

Static Force Analysis

Revolute joint:

*=3 (3 possible motion: 2 translation, 1 rotation) *2 translation is prevented there are joint forces in those directions *Since rotation is not prevented no joint moment


F ji

x ij

F ji
OR i

F ji

y ij

F ij


Static Force Analysis

Prismatic joint

*Translation along y axis and rotation are prevented There are joint forces in y direction and joint moment . *Translation along x axis is allowed no force in x direction *LA of force F ji is arbitrary (eg. Thru midpoint)


F ij M ij


F ji

Static Force Analysis

Cam joint:

Only 1 translation along n is prevented 1 force


Static Force Analysis

Cylinder in a slot

Only 1 translation along n is prevented 1 force


Static Force Analysis

STATIC FORCE ANALYSIS In machinery or mechanisms all members have mass. If these members are accelerating or decelerating, inertial forces will be associated with this motion. If magnitude of these forces are small relative to the externally applied loads, they can be neglected in the force analysis. Such an analysis is referred to as STATIC FORCE ANALYSIS.

F = m.a , M = I . If the RHS are small can be neglected


G denotes center of mass, a denotes acceleration, I denotes mass moment of inertia In static analysis inertia forces and torgues are neglected to yield F = 0 , M = 0 static equilibrium equations


Static Force Analysis

For the equilibrium of a body we can solve for 3 unknowns using 3 equations

Fx = 0,

Fx = 0,

r MA =0

= 0 ,or


= 0 , or =0


=0 =0

r M A = 0


Static Force Analysis

These equilibrium equations are simplified in some special cases Two Force member (2F)

r FB = F FA

r F A = F

F = 0 F M = 0 F

= F B : forces must be equal and opposite


and F B must be collinear


Static Force Analysis

Eg: a binary link with R joints, no other force on it. Note: A two force member is either in tension or compression

F kj

F ij

The line of action (LA) is drawn connecting the point of application of forces, forces are shown as equal and opposite.


Static Force Analysis

Two Force and a Moment Member (2F+M) r FA = F r T

r F B = F

F = 0 F = F : force must be equal and opposite M = 0 gives the relation of moment M (T) to the forces.

once the forces are shown equal and opposite in //LAs, only the moment equation is needed. M = 0 : T .k + r x F = 0 T .k + r (i cos + sin ) xF (i cos + sin ) = 0 j j
T + Fr sin( ) = 0

Static Force Analysis

*Three Force Member (3F) A rigid body under the action of three forces is in static equilibrium only if the forces intersect at one point and the RESULTANT OF THE 3 FORCES IS ZERO. 3 forces F A , F B and F C acting on the body Let LA of the two forces intersect at O. As M = 0 LA of the third force must also pass thru O. ie. 3 forces must be CONCURRENT If the forces are shown concurrent in the FBD, moment equation is not necessary.



Static Force Analysis

Ex. Slider crank Mechanism

13 12

Given force P, find T12 as a function of position variables Assume inertial forces are small compared to other forces and gravity and friction forces are negligible.


Static Force Analysis


13 12 13 13+ 12


Static Force Analysis

F x = 0 -P+F34 cos(13+)=0 F34 = F

P cos(13 + )
P cos(13 + )

= 0 R14+F34sin(13+)=0 R14= -F34sin (13+ )=

sin(13+ )

= -Ptan (13+) Link 3 (Link 3 is two force member) F43= F23 (in magnitude) Link 2 (Link 2 is two force and a moment member) F23= F32=R12(in magnitude)


F32 r2sin(13- 12)+T12=0

T12=- F32 r2sin(13- 12)


Static Force Analysis

Ex: Four Bar Mechanism Given P14 (external applied load) and . Find T12 as a function of position variables. (B0C=b4) Link length; A0A=r2, AB=r3, B0B=r4

13 14



Static Force Analysis


+13 13






Static Force Analysis

Link 4 (3F) F x = 0 R14x+F34cos(13+)+P14 cos( +)=0 R14x =F34cos 13- P14 cos =0 (A)


= 0 R14y+F34sin(13+)+P14 sin( +)=0 R14y =F34sin 13- P14 sin =0 (B) = 0 F34r4sin(13+-14)+ P14b4 sin(+ -14)=0


-F34r4sin(13-14)- P14b4 sin(-14)=0 (C)

Using (C) F 34 can be found. Then from (A) R14x and from (B) R14y can be found If we want to find R14 and

R14 y 2 2 R14 = R14 x + R14 y , = a tan R 14 x


Static Force Analysis

Link 3 (2F) F43= F34=F23 Link 2 (2F+M) F32= R12 M Ao = 0 T12+F32r2sin(13-12)=0 T12 can be found


Static Force Analysis

Ex: Quick Return Mechanism





Static Force Analysis

(a)Using static equilibrium find joint forces and input torque T12 to drive the slider (link 6) against load P for a given crank angle.

(b) Find forces on the links and input torque T12 for the given conditions below P = 800 N j A0A=r2=22.5 cm B0B=r4=100 cm BC=r5=40 cm r1=60 cm, b1=110 cm 12=120


Static Force Analysis

Solution: (a) FBDs


12 14



Static Force Analysis

Link 6


= 0 F56 sin(15+3/2)+P=0 F56 =

P sin(15 + 3 / 2)

= 0 F56cos(15+3/2)+F16=0 F16= P cot (15+3/2) F56= F65= F45= F54


Link 4

M Bo = 0 -F34 s43+F54 r4 sin (15+/2- 14) F34 = F F


F54 r4 sin(15 + / 2 14 ) s 43

= 0 R14y+F34 sin(14-/2)+F54sin( 15+ /2)=0

R14y=-F34 sin(14-/2)-F54sin( 15+ /2)=0


= 0 F34cos(14-/2)+F54cos( 15+ /2) - R14x=0

R14x= F34 cos(14-/2)+ F54cos( 15+ /2)


Static Force Analysis

To find polar form

R14 = R

2 14 x


2 14 y

R14 y , = a tan R 14 x

F43= F34= F23= F32 Link 2


= 0 T12+F32r2sin(14+ /2 -12)=0 T12 is found


Static Force Analysis

(b)Numerical values From position analysis when 12=120 14=164.70, 15=19.79, s43=73.87 cm Substitute the numerical values in the equations above we get: F56=850.21 N F16= -287.84 N F65=F56=F45=F54=850.21 N F34=-941.9 N R14x= - 536.3 N, R14y=108.5 N , R14=547.2 N F43= F34= F23= F32= - 941.9 N T12=15062.2 (CCW) ANS


Static Force Analysis

FBD with correct force directions


12 14



Static Force Analysis

Principle of superposition

For linear systems the individual responses to several inputs can be superposed on each other to obtain total system response. Ex: P and Q are given. Find T12


Static Force Analysis

We consider each force separately and then add them

T 12 = T 12 + T 12
' "

F ij = F ij + F ij



Static Force Analysis-Resistive Forces

1-Static Frictional Force This is the force that is necessary to slide one body relative to the other. This force is along the contact surface and it is related by the normal force N acting at the contacting surfaces. f = - N where = the coefficient of static friction.

2-Sliding Frictional Forces This is the force necessary to keep the relative motion of two sliding bodies continuously. It is also given by the equation: f = - N where =coefficient of sliding friction, which is less than the coefficient of static friction. Sliding friction is also known as Coulomb friction. 3-Viscous Damping Force This is the force that is proportional to the relative velocity of the two contacting surfaces. f = - cv where c=coefficient of viscous friction v=relative velocity. Viscous friction assumes that there is a fluid film between the two surfaces in contact.


Static Force Analysis-Resistive Forces

Prismatic Joints In prismatic joints, the reaction force between two links in contact will not be perpendicular to the slider axis if resisting force is taken into account. The resultant reaction f ij force will be inclined. tan = = Fi j The angle which is known as friction angle.


Revolute Joints In revolute joints, the line of action of the reaction force will not pass through the center of the joint but will be tangent to a circle, which is known as the friction circle. The radius, rf, of this circle is : rf = rij sin , where rij is the radius of revolute joint. For small angles sintan. Therefore: rf = rij sin rij tanrij


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