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--------------------------------------------------------------------Input Macro driver v0.5 written by Gangta gangtakun@hotmail.

com ported and fixed by emufan --------------------------------------------------------------------Credits: HyperYagami: External file support is based on his cheat engine Jyaku: For online/offline testing and reporting bugs Mr K aka MHz: Ideas of input macro came from Kawaks input macro Emufan: For porting the original FBA Combo source.

--------------------------------------------------------------------Version History: v0.1 - Primitive input macro Each macro is hard coded into the game driver v0.2 - Intput macro can be disabled or enabled - Added more input macro types (normal, auto, block) v0.3 - External macro support based on HyerYagami's cheat engine. Write your own input macro for each game:) v0.4 - Added some shortcut moves and ~xx for holding xx frames Switched the style similar to Kawaks macro v0.4a - Fixed weird crash bug (thanks to Jyaku for testing) v0.5 - Increased macro capacity and fixed some minor bugs (made by emufan). --------------------------------------------------------------------How to edit a macro: Edit the macros.dat with Notepad. macros.dat must be in config\macros folder the FBA direcotry. --------------------------------------------------------------------Rules for input macro: combo type : game zip name : combo move : combo name --------------------------------------------------------------------Valid combo types: a b n e autofilre block other input until combo finishes normal not a combo, used to specify clones (i.e. e:sf2u:sf2)

-------------------------------------------------------------------Valid short cut moves: (+360) clockwise 270 motion (-360) - counter clockwise 270 motion (+720) clockwise 630 motion

(-720) (+DRG) (-DRG) (HCF) (HCB) (QCF) (QCB)

counter clockwise 630 motion forward dragon punch motion reverse dragon punch motion half circle forward motion half circle back motion quarter circle forward motion quarter circle back motion

-------------------------------------------------------------------Valid keys U D L R , 1 2 3 4 5 6 ~xx up down left right next frame button 1 button 2 button 3 button 4 button 5 button 6 hold this for xx frames

-------------------------------------------------------------------Examples: // forward dragon motion, weak punch b:sfa:R,D,DR,1:whatever b:sfa:(+DRG),1:whatever <----------------------------- alternative // clockwise 360, fierce punch b:mvsc:R,RD,D,DL,L,LU,U,2:whatever b:mvsc:(+360),2:whatever <----------------------------- alternative // Xmen Vs SF Wolvarine 9 hit combo (dash towards right before this) b:xmvsf:1,D~10,D4,D~15,D2,~10,6,RU~30,1,~10,4,~10,2,~10,5,~10,3:whatever // Simple 3 button macro for The King of Fighters 99 b:kof99:123:whatever // Iori's Maiden crusher macro (after Maiden masher) b:kof2001:(QCF),(QCF),(QCF),(QCF),13:whatever b:kof2001:D,DF,F,D,DF,F,D,DF,F,D,DF,F,13:whatever

<--- alternative

// Autofire for Metal slug series (hold for 3 frames within a shot) a:mslug3:1~3:whatever -------------------------------------------------------------------Hints and Information: - A maximum of 1270 characters can be used for each input macro. - Each input macro can be named by maximum of 40 characters. - You can add a maximum of 100 macros / player (F.EX: If 2 Players = 50 x Player, if 4 players = 25 x Player) - Input macro feature can be enabled or disabled from FB Alpha Plus! -> Misc menu, or by directly editing fbapa.ini in the

/config/ directory. - Input macro can only be enabled or disabled before you start a game and after unloading (F6) a game. - Some motions just work for the side are intended to be, if for example you have a (QCF),3 motion, it won't work properly if you see to your left, that's the reason why some macros are for (Right) and (Left). ******************************************************************************** - Not necessary if you are using fb evo, fb evo will automaticly disable macros when kaillera is on NOTE FOR KAILLERA PLAYERS: ******************** Game will desync if: ************************ 1. You are playing someone with official build, and you have input macro enabled. 2. You are playing someone with this build, but one has macro enabled; the other, disabled. 3. Both have macro enabled, but they do not have the same macro for the game * For a better Kaillera playing, is better NOT TO ENABLE this feature, is intended only for those players that aren't very confortable with keyboard, this isn't designed for internet playing due the problems it can exibit.

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