Curriculum Vitae - Anthony Boanada-Fuchs

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Anthony Boanada-Fuchs French and Austrian National 16.06.1980 anthony.boanda.fuchs@graduateinstitute.


Graduate Institute - Pavillion B 132, Rue de Lausanne 1202 Geneva, Switzerland Tel : +41 7 8771 6761

Present Situation PhD Candidate at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (Geneva) University Studies M.Sc. Degree in Architecture Theory, Technical University of Delft, 2009. Thesis: Formal Responses towards Informality: How local institutions of powers have struggled to answer to informal growth - a historic and cross-cultural overview. M.Sc. Degree in Urban Studies, Technical University of Delft, 2006. Thesis: E-merging Centralities: The power of locality in the manifestation of shopping typologies in the city of Berlin: towards consideration for a metropolitan strategy. Second Degree in Architecture (Diplme de Deuxime Cycle), Ecole dArchitecture de Strasbourg (EAS), 2004. First Degree in Architecture (Erster Studienabschluss), Technische Universitt (TU) Innsbruck, 2002. Four years of History, one year of Philosophy studies Languages German: English: French: Portuguese: Dutch: Mother tongue Fluent Fluent Moderate Basic

Experience (selection) 2011 2012 2010 2011 Teaching Assistant for the Course on Public Policy and Governance Assistant for the Executive Master course on Governance (IMAS) Teaching Assistant for the Courses on Urban Ecology and Citizenship and Social Development in the City Assistant for the Executive Master course on Governance (IMAS) 2008 2009 2007 2009 2007 2008 Editor assistant at the Journal of Planning Practice and Research (PPR) Assistant Professor at the Spatial Planning Department of the TU Delft Researcher at the Spatial Planning Department (RP&S) of the TU Delft Researcher at the funded project Sustainable Urban Areas (SUA) Urban form and shopping

2006 2007 2006 2007 2005 2007

Member of the executive committee of the international conference ISUU in charge of coordination and basic communication. MSc graduation coordinator assistant at the department of urban studies (Stedebouw) at the TU Delft Laboratory coordination assistant at the Laboratory Urban Transformation, Coordination assistant at the research studio Spacelab at the TU Delft Research student assistant at Spacemate, TU Delft

2004 2005

Current and Past Memberships 2011 2010 July 2009 current current current current June 2010 April 2010 The Euro-India Centre Young Academics - Aesop EADI European Association of Development, Network-Association of European Researchers on Urbanisation in the South (N-Aerus) October 2007 December 2009 Publications Edited Book Bruyns, G., Fuchs, A., Hoekstra, M.J., Meyer, H., Van Nes, A. (Eds.), (2007): Proceedings of the 4th International Seminar on Urbanism and Urbanization, IFOU, Delft. Book contribution Fuchs A., Milbert I. (2010) : Logement, in : Dictionnaire de l'Inde contemporain, edited by Frdric Landy, Armand Colin, Paris. Conference Contributions Fuchs, A. (2009): Learning from the Past? The struggle of formal institutions of powers to respond to informal processes , paper presented at the: Sasbe Conference 15th19th June, 2009, Delft, The Netherlands. Fuchs, A., Read, S.A. (2008): From the Creative to the Vital City and Region , paper presented at the: ACSP-AESOP Joint Congress, 7-11th July 2008, Chicago. Fuchs, A. (2008): New approaches to urban form and processes: Retail distribution as indicator , paper presented at the: The Urban Project, 4th-7th June, 2008,Delft, The Netherlands. Fuchs, A., Harteveld, M.G.A.D. (2007): A forgotten chapter in European Urbanism , paper presented at the: 4th International Seminar on Urbanism and Urbanization, 24 - 26th September, 2007, Delft, The Netherlands Fuchs, A. (2007): European Urbanism - from fiction to reality? Beyond shrinking city debates , paper presented at the: 4th International Seminar on Urbanism and Urbanization, 24 - 26th September, 2007, Delft, The Netherlands Founder and Member of the Urban Detectives, A platform for research and education, Delft Graphical assistance to the Gateway Model United Nations, Geneva

January 2010

Other Achievements 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 March April April April July April November March 2006 2 month field research in Ahmedabad 2 month field research in Ahmedabad 2 weeks Workshop: CSI in Lagos 2 weeks Workshop: CSI in So Paulo 4 weeks Field Trip to South Africa 2 weeks Workshop: CSI in New York 3 Weeks Field Trip to Cape Town 3 weeks Workshop Urban Body in Mumbai Several Fieldtrips to Berlin

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