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Brian Jones

Kempe/Pizan Project

I recently stumbled across an obscure version of Christine de Pizan’s City of

Ladies, which contains a chapter about Margery Kempe. The manuscript is typical of

Pizan’s work, as it falls within the bounds of her style and values. By embellishing the

virtues and victimization of Kempe’s character, as well as omitting her faults, the author

of this chapter has ensured Kempe’s position as a member of the City. In fact, this story

falls into Pizan’s section about the Lady Justice, which discusses women of high religious

fortitude; this seems fitting. Whereas Reason relates to women of superior intellect, and

Rectitude to those of great strength and action, Justice is the allegorical lady to whom

women of remarkable faith are connected. As one can see in Kempe’s story, especially in

Pizan’s apparent version, Kempe’s greatest work comes from the example she sets with

her public confessions of Christ and commitment to his words. With this agenda in mind,

the following is an exact replication of the chapter:

Of Margery Kempe

Lady Justice continued speaking of the ladies building the tower, and wished to

describe to me, Christine, a record of another such lady. She said, “The lady Margery

Kempe married and consummated, and her womb grew full. She then began to see

demons all round her, and it caused her great agony. Christ appeared to her and she used

her faith to ward off the demons. She began to live chastely, and begged her husband to

honor the good request. So she focused on living a life of piety, by wearing a hair shirt
and abstaining from meats. An anchorite in Lynn, as was God’s will, was taken as her


“Many visions and meditations took Margery to speak with Christ, including a

visit to care for a young Virgin Mary and to see the births of John the Baptist and the

Holy Son. Because of her great faith, she was also allowed to bear witness to the Three

Kings, and to travel with the Virgin’s family to Egypt. At a different time, the Virgin

visited Margery and told her that she and her family will find seats at the table in Heaven.

Margery was also used as an example of God’s grace. When a stone in the cathedral of St.

Margaret fell on Margery’s head, she was left unscathed, to display the protection that she

drew from her faith.

“She then wished to strengthen her spirit further by traveling to blessed grounds.

Her husband agreed to travel with her, as well as to maintain a chaste marriage. While on

her travels, she was sent by Christ to visit several religious sites, including an abbey that

held a sinful monk. Margery told the monk about his sins, and gave him hope for

repentance, which he made. The power of Christ in her life was so powerful that she

would weep loudly while sitting at Mass. She wished to sacrifice herself and be a martyr,

and Christ told her that her willingness to do so made her as righteous as if she had

actually done so. He then commanded her to visit the holy cities of Rome, Jerusalem, and

Santiago de Compostela. She pursued this endeavor, and even sought permission to travel

there from the Archbishop of Canterbury. Like her dealings with other members of the

church, Christ influenced the Archbishop to give her support. Throughout her travels,

Margery encouraged many to engage in holy acts, such as the giving of alms to the

church and the poor. Her faith was so great that she could be considered of the same
chastity as a consecrated virgin. In this way, she spiritually saved herself for a time to be

a bride of Christ.

“Unfortunately, she often was accompanied by those less pious than she. As she

would speak of the holiness of the Gospel and the influence it had over her, others would

frequently grow envious of her piety. Many times, Margery was persecuted for her faith;

but the faith only became stronger through these experiences.

“When she finally journeyed to Jerusalem, Margery found herself spiritually and

emotionally bound to the holy ground beneath her feet. Encountering the sites of both

Christ’s death and resurrection, she wept tears of grief and joy, reflecting on the gifts that

she had been given from her Heavenly Father. She also bore witness to several other

places of great significance, including the birthplace of John the Baptist and the grave of

the once-resurrected Lazarus.

“Margery then moved on to Rome. Despite finding room at the Hospital of St.

Canterbury, she was removed because of the harsh and misinformed words of a local

priest. However, she carried on with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. She soon found that

St. John the Evangelist had been sent by Christ to be her confessor, and this gave her

encouragement. After spending time spreading the message of Christ and the stories of

her blessed visions, Margery came to live in poverty, as a means of sacrifice and penance.

This was not a result of her spending all her wealth, but rather extending it to the poor

and the needy. In this fashion, she came upon several more individuals who enjoyed her

company and testament. She also enjoyed their exhortations, including those spoken by

Latin and German speakers. The language barrier was not one which stopped her from
finding encouragement; rather, she extracted great joy from simply being in the presence

of like-minded, faithful followers.

“Margery eventually left Rome to return home and meet her husband. During this

time, she faced obstacles such as storms and disease, but through faith she persevered.

She soon traveled through Leicester, where several men in the church wished to question

and even persecute her for faith. Although they were controlled by the evil in their hearts,

the men were not able to put down Margery’s spirits; and through the power of God,

some hearts were turned to allow her safe passage. A similar situation occurred when she

arrived in York, and several men wished not to take communion with her. Again, God

ensured that she would be able to partake in His body. Eventually, she arrived back in

London to receive yet another blessing and dispensation from the Archbishop, before

returning home. While in Lynn, God blessed Margery by sending a new priest; one who

was moved by His Spirit and Margery’s words. Unfortunately, others at the church still

wished to exercise their evil hearts by persecuting her further. Christ often returned to

encourage and guide her. As time went on, then, her fellow disciples came to understand

the strong emotional ties she had with the Spirit. Her tears during sermons were allowed

and admired. Margery became a pillar of her church, caring for the sick and the needy,

including her own injured husband. During this time, her meditation on Christ grew

deeper, which continually strengthened her faith.

“The final test of her faith came when her husband and sons died, and made one

last journey with her daughter-in-law. This travel was not only one which ensured the

girl’s physical safety, but also one which influenced her spiritual life. Spending time with

the faithful Margery showed her the way in which Christ could be the most important
factor in her life, and the girl was grateful. Soon after, she returned home to live out the

rest of her days in peace, preaching and caring for other faithful servants of Christ.”

One can see that the emphasis on Kempe’s faith in this chapter is fitting to her

positioning in the towers of the City of Ladies. Still, one must wonder why this chapter

has not appeared in other versions of the book. By and large, the style and format fits

Pizan’s works, but smaller details are not entirely fitting. Despite the omission of any of

Kempe’s faults, for instance, the chapter still spends quite a bit of time discussing the

suffering she endures. Although Pizan does mention the victimization of her ladies as a

means to polish their images, she does not focus as much as this chapter does. If Pizan

had truly written this chapter, it would have provided more details on Kempe’s good

deeds. This must be a forgery.

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