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18 theSun | TUESDAY DECEMBER 16 2008

speak up!

Make development
control transparent
IN THE aftermath of the there are obstacles, there
Bukit Antarabangsa hillslope are problem-fixers. The
failure on Dec 6 that cost connivance of national
four lives, destroyed 14 and state leaders and
houses and caused miseries councillors in the approval
to thousands of nearby of questionable development
residents, national and projects has not been well
state leaders promised understood.
that landslide tragedies The main weakness
would not happen again. is that the development
All development projects in control process is too
Bukit Antarabangsa have LocalCounsel opaque. Despite the
been frozen. millions of ringgit spent on
The parliamentary by Goh Ban Lee e-government, details of
public accounts committee development projects are not
has called for new laws, the local authorities. They up-loaded on the councils’
including copying those from are the approving authorities websites. Worse, the OSC
Hongkong. In Pahang, the of layout plans, building operates behind closed
local authorities have been plans and earthwork plans. doors. How or why projects
directed to refer property They issue the development are approved or rejected
development applications to order. are not made known to the
the state government. The In practice, the fate of public. The minutes of its
Federal Territory Ministry development projects is meeting are limited to the
has frozen development on decided by a committee. final decisions.
Class 4 terrain, meaning Before April 2007, it was the In short, there is
land with above 35° slope. town planning and building neither transparency nor
While this flurry of committee (TPBC) made accountability.
activities is expected, they up of about 13 councillors While the country waits
are knee-jerk reactions. The with the mayor or president for the new laws and policies
problem is not inadequate as chairman. The technical and more study tours to
laws or policies, but officers, such as architects Hongkong or Switzerland,
ineffective development and engineers, were there is an urgent need
control. advisers. to make the OSC, the
For instance, Since April 2007, the gatekeeper of development
development on Classes 3 TPBC has been replaced by projects, not only transparent
and 4 hillslopes – terrain the one stop centre (OSC) but also accountable.
above 25° slope – has been committee. The mayor For transparency, OSC
discouraged for sometime. or president is still the meetings must be opened
In fact, Selangor has banned chairman, but the number to the public, including the
development projects on of councillors is limited to press. For accountability,
these areas since June 2008. four. The dozen or so heads the deliberations must be
Despite protests and appeals of technical departments recorded verbatim and
from interested parties, it from the council and other interference by federal or
held fast to the decision government departments are state leaders must also be
(theSun, Aug 27). now committee members, recorded.
Indeed, even if Malaysia not advisers. Equally important,
were to adopt legislations Although the OSC state or even federal ad
similar to Hongkong’s laws has been established to hoc committees must not
on hillside development, facilitate faster processing be allowed to interfere in
it would be useless if of development project the processing of specific
development control laws or applications, getting projects.
maintenance procedures are approvals is still no walk in There is no guarantee
not complied with and the the park. In fact, considering that there will be no more
anti-corruption mechanisms the pitfalls on the road tragedies due to failures of
are weak. No wonder, most to getting approval for the built environment. But
Malaysians are sceptical, a project, it is a wonder a more transparent and
indeed cynical, of the why anyone wants to be a accountable development
promises. The urgent task developer. But for those who control process will
is to ensure a more effective persevere, the profits can be help reduce chances of
development control. substantial. questionable projects being
Despite media attention In their quest for profits, approved. Furthermore, it
on national and state leaders the developers have the makes the search for more
visiting the disaster site and assistance of a plethora of robust environmental and
their promises, the role of the professional consultants. safety laws meaningful.
federal and state government The responsibilities of the
in development control is consultants in the Bukit Dr Goh Ban Lee is a retired
largely limited to passing Antarabangsa tragedies have academic interested in urban
laws and formulating not been fully discussed and governance, housing and
policies. Development acknowledged. urban planning. Comments:
control is the jurisdiction of Furthermore, where


Top officials need longer contracts

I THINK there is something wrong in the way our terminated after two-year periods but their pred-
government is appointing people to head local ecessors also suffered the same fates as well.
universities and local bodies such as City Hall. People might think that those individuals who
Initially, it was the former UM vice-chancellor had their contracts terminated after two years are
who had her contract terminated after a two-year not up to the mark and thus their reputations and
term and now the mayor of KL has suffered the integrity will suffer a major blow.
same fate. It seems that a change of ministers in charge of
We cannot have people running our institu- such institutions will see a change of heads under
tions for brief periods as there is not enough time their ministries. Please give longer contracts to
for them to familiarise themselves with the work people who are head hunted for top government
cultures of the organisations concerned and im- posts to enable them to leave lasting legacies
plement changes to improve the delivery systems when they leave office.
to be at par with first class cultures.
Mind you, these two individuals are not the Hamdan Ibrahim
first to suffer such ignominy; to have their services Kuala Lumpur

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