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BACKGROUND ABOUT CEMENT INDUSTRY During 70s & 80s scenario was bad.

On the shop floors of cement industries workers & engineers had their faces covered with dust. Health conditions of these employees were bad. Even the farms were affected. We want to build the best cement plant in the world in terms of technology, environmental stewardship, employee welfare & community well being. AMBUJA CEMENTS EFFORTS FOR ENERGY CONSERVATION The following activities are carried out by the cell: Continuous monitoring of heat & power consumption Conducting regular energy audits Conducting regular meetings with all the departments Formulation of proposals for energy saving &implementation of the same. ENERGY SAVING MEASURES ADOPTED & SAVINGS ACHIEVED

Sr.No. ENERGY SAVING MEASURES SAVINGACHIEVED 1 . S p e e d r e d u c t i o n o f p a c k i n g p l a n t b a g f i l t e r fans60 Kw/Hr 2. Speed reduction of cement mill ES P f a n s 6 1 . 8 K w / Hr 3. Variable frequency drives for cooler fans 17.4 Kw/ Hr 4 . V a r i a b l e f r e q u e n c y d r i v e s f o r r e v e r s e a i r fan of bag house54 Kw/Hr 5 . B u c k e t e l e v a t o r f o r r a w m a t e r i a l t r a n s p o r t 1 4 0 K w / Hr 6 . R e l a c i n g r o o t s b l o w e r w i t h c e n t r i f u g a l blower for polycom ground bin

AMBUJA CEMENTFOUNDATION(ACF) The Ambuja Cement Foundation is the Corporate SocialResponsibility wing of Ambuja CementsLtd. that works with therural communities surrounding Ambujas manufacturing sites. Presently the Foundation has made its presence felt in ten statesacross the country & 522 villages. Energies, involve and enable communities to realize their potential. ACF is involved in programmes like -Natural Resource Management - Agricultural Development - Improvement of health status - Self-Employment -Educational Support -Economic Enhancement.

Ropar District of Punjab became 100% literate

Special Projects- Ambuja Manovikas Kendra - S k i l l & Entrepreneurship Development Institutes- Krishi Vigyan Kendra

ENVIRONMENT ALISSUES IN CEMENT MANUFACTURING PROCESS Green House Gas Emissions- Chemical Process of making clinker ( 52%)- Combustion of fossil Fuel sin the kiln ( 36%)- Indirect emissions from purchased electrical power ( 12%) Air Pollution- Dust Emission.-Nitrogen Oxides.- Sulphur Dioxide. CONTI Emissions to water. Alternate FuelsUsed Tyres- SolventsUsed Oil Rehabilitation of land. MAINTAINING WORLD CLASS STANDARDS ISO14001 -EMS Developing & implementing innovative practices & technology inproduction process & new cement plant design. Use of selective mining techniques. Use of alternative raw materials & natural cementing materials. Whole of life approaches. Cost effective transportation of the material. Water management Water treatment measures CONTI Sewage Water Reclamation Plant Recycling & reuse of materials.-

Water Reservoirs- Blast furnace slag & Fly Ash- Agriculture waste & Industrial waste were used as alternate sources of energy CONTI Using alternative fuels & reusing waste materials- Petroleum CokeWaste Oils-Used Solvents Engages in constant meetings with the villagers AMBUJA CEMENT ENVIRONMENTALPOLICY They adopt ecologically sound mining technologies& practices . Rehabilitate mined out areas. Ensure healthy working environment by institutionalizing preventive programmes. Develop and propagate environmental awareness amongst employees. Ambuja Cement plants are not characterized by smoking chimneys & shop floor full of layers of dust. CONTI Best Possible Technology in pollution control from operations. Cement with RoseTouch Cement with GreenTinge The air quality in Ambujanagar was also found better. ENVIRONMENTAL TRACK RECORD OF AMBUJA CEMENT GACL won 1st prize for EMS awarded by Gujarat Pollution Control Board. GACL won Nations 1StAward on Environmental Performance instituted by Government of India. The National Council For Cement & Building materials has been awarded National Award for the 2nd Best Environmental Excellence GACL Ropar plant was awarded the Rajiv Gandhi

Environmental Award for Clean Technology. CONTI The companys Ropar grinding unit been awarded National Awardfor Prevention of pollution instituted by Ministry of environment &forests. Th e c o m p a n i e s m i n e s h a v e b e e n a w a r d e d v a r i o u s p r i z e s & recognitions by the Directorate of Mines Safety & Indian Bureau ofmines for environment protection, safety in operations & low noise, air& water pollution

Our sincere Thanks to Mr. Pradip Mishra BIBLIOGRAPHY Corporate Social Responsibility The Indian Experience By Baxi & Prasad

Thank you Ambuja Cement is of the view that sustainable development is central to creating efficient &effective business in the 21st century.

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