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1 OBJECTIVE OF STUDY The objective of the study is as follows How these HR Practices help any organization to know its stand in the market and to be Competitive by implementing good HR Practices for their employees. To understand how the organization would achieve its goals by implementing good HR Practices.

3.2 REVIEW OF LITERATURE The purpose of review of literature is analyzing the effectiveness H.R practices of the employees. It also assists in knowing the various attributes which influences their behavior. It helped in finding the perceptions, and precise and elaborate information required for the study. Name of author : Hippock Year of study : 1935 Result of study: Studies have found that the lack of HR Functions can cause serious consequences. One is the intent to turnover. Good HR Practice help in increasing productivity

Vlachos 2006, march Greece This study aims to assess the extent, if any, to which, specific HR practices may contribute to firm growth. We review a rich literature on the links between firm performance and the following HR practices: (1) job security (2) selective hiring, (3) self-managed teams (4) compensation policy, (5) extensive training, and (6) information sharing. We surveyed HR managers and recorded their perceptions about the links between HR practices and firm growth. Results demonstrated that compensation policy was the strongest predictor of sales growth. Results provide overall support for all HR practices except of job security. Eventually, selecting, training, and rewarding employees as well as giving them the power to decide for the benefit of their firm, contribute significantly to firm growth.

3.3 FORMULATION OF HYPOTHESIS I have conducted the survey to measure job satisfaction of employees at tyco flow and idex . I have assumed the following about the survey.

For survey of H.R practices employees are selected randomly in the company. It is assumed that will give true information without any kind of fear regarding their satisfaction towards job. As human nature is not permanent job satisfaction will also change. The employees are given all the information. The question asked in the questionnaire are not hurting or embursing the employees feeling.

Employees are not given any kind of fear from their superior in feeling the questionnaire.

3.4 RESEARCH DESIGN The present study is Descriptive in nature. 3.5 Sample Size :Questionnaire is filled by 200 employees.

3.6 Sampling Unit: The marketing researcher must define the target population that what will be sample. He must aware about who is to be surveyed? In my research we have targeted Tyco flow control and Idex Corporation limited. 3.7 DATA COLLECTION METOD We have collected the data from two sources which are given below: 1. Primary Data The primary data was collected by using questionnaires. The

questionnaire has 36 questions and the sample size will be taken 200. A liker scale (five point scale) was used such as strongly agree, agree,

neither agree nor disagree, disagree and strongly disagree. 2. Secondary Data Published Sources such as Journals, Government Reports, Newspapers and Magazines etc.

Unpublished Sources such as Company Internal reports prepare by them given to their analyst & trainees for investigation.

3.8 LIMITIATION OF STUDY 1. Some respondents hesitated to give the actual situation; they feared that management would take any action against them. 2. There was a fear of reprisal among the employees to reveal their personal feelings and the result may not reflect the actual satisfactions. 3. The findings and conclusions are based on knowledge and experience of the respondents sometime may subject to bias.

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