EPM1016 Assignment2k12

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EPM1016 Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques Assignment Title: Decoding a Sanwa YX-360TR conventional multimeter.

In this assignment, students will experience on how to reverse engineering a conventional instrument to plot of the circuit diagram then to analysis the validation about the design. Students should use and practice their knowledge gained from other subjects such as circuit theory or digital logic design. Students are also encouraged to be independent and initiative. However, the students may consult their group tutor for more guidance and assistance if they have problems in the assignment.

Assignment objective: Expose student to hands on experience with measuring tools. Expose student to reverse engineering. Expose students to the instrument circuit analysis. Enhance students in report writing and presentation skills. Encourage students to be more initiative and practice to work in team.

Assignment regulation: Decode the circuit design of the project according to the steps given. The assignment group is follows the lecture group section. Each mini group must have 7 members. Follow the assignment schedule plan strictly.

Assessment scheme:

The assignment contributes 15% to the total course work. The distribution of the marks is as follow: Presentation. (5 marks) Individual contribution to the team. (5 marks) (The team members are required to evaluate between each other.) Final assignment report. (5 marks)

Activity: Each mini group must assign 1 leader for overall and 1 assistant leader for presentation. The leader of each group must confirm the group members latest on or before 9-04-2012. Confirmation of the mini groups by summiting the group list (Form 1) personally to subject lecturers [Mr.Low (EM101) and Mr. Prabu (EM102)] . Report submission date on or before 24-04-2012 [Mr.Low (EM101) and Mr. Prabu(EM102)]. Group leader personally send hard copy report only to the subject lecturer Presentation Details are as follow: EM101 group Venue: CLCR 2003 Date: 25-04-2012 Time: 10pm-12noon EM102 group Venue: CLCR 2003 Date: 25-04-2012 Time: 2pm-4pm

Form 1


Trimester 3 2011 / 2012

Group Registration Form

No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Members Name Student ID Majoring

Form 2

Distribution of work load

No. 1. 2. 3. Members Name (ID) Workload
Group leader Overall circuit diagram drawing. (report) Assistant group leader Overall circuit diagram drawing. ( report / presentation introduction) Resistance measuring circuit diagram drawing of the multimeter. Explain how it works when a component is measured. (report / presentation) Current DC measuring circuit diagram drawing of the multimeter. Explain how it works when a current is measured. (report / presentation) Voltage DC measuring circuit diagram drawing of the multimeter. Explain how it works when a voltage is measured. (report / presentation) Voltage AC measuring circuit diagram drawing of the multimeter. Explain how it works when a voltage is measured. (report / presentation) hfe measuring circuit diagram drawing of the multimeter. Explain how it works when a component is measured





Assignment steps.

1. Students need to purchase 1unit of Sanwa YX-360TR conventional multimeter for each group. (not more than RM50.00 per unit in market now) (RM7.45 per student). (Multimeter is a very important tool as all electronic engineers should have one. In some engineering schools every student must purchase one.)

2. Take the photo and write down the serial number. It will be prove you had purchase one for your group. No sharing multimeters allowed with groups. 3. Read the manual and try measuring some components or voltages. 4. Next make sure you have a photocamera or video camera. A good quality on with you when doing this experiment. Open up the multimeter screws carefully. Take out the battery and the nob of the multimeter range switch. Leaving the PCB naked like in the picture on your right side. During this process take picture for the report and presentation

5. Reconstruct the circuit diagram from the PCB layout you see in the multimeter. Put in the symbol of the component and values in the circuit diagram. 6. Then figure out which portion of the circuit works for which section of the multimeter measuring. (Example, draw the circuit diagram just for the DC voltage measurements only.)

Report steps 1) Front page would be Form 1. (Printed) 2) Page 1 - Distribution of work load table Form 2. (Printed) 3) Page 2 - Pictures of serial number and dissembling the multimeter. If you want your group picture also. All the pictures should be in 1 page only. (Printed) 4) Page 3 - Draw the overall circuit diagram of the multimeter in 1 pg. only. (Hand drawn and written only.) 5) Page 4 - Draw the resistance measuring circuit diagram of the multimeter in 1 pg. Page 5 - Explain how it works when a component is measured in 1 pg. only. (Hand drawn and written only.) 6) Page 6 - Draw the DC current measuring circuit diagram of the multimeter in 1 pg. Page 7 - Explain how it works when a current is measured in 1 pg. only. (Hand drawn and written only.) 7) Page 8 - Draw the DC voltage measuring circuit diagram of the multimeter in 1 pg. Page 9 - Explain how it works when a voltage is measured in 1 pg. only. (Hand drawn and written only.) 8) Page 10 - Draw the AC voltage measuring circuit diagram of the multimeter in 1 pg. Page 11 - Explain how it works when a voltage is measured in 1 pg. only. (Hand drawn and written only.) 9) Page 12 - Draw the hfe measuring circuit diagram of the multimeter in 1 pg. Page 13 - Explain how it works when a component is measured in 1 pg. only. (Hand drawn and written only.) 10) Page 14 - Conclusion and Discussion.

Presentation steps Presentation steps flows as above by all the members of the group. Items to check in for presentation.

Bring pen drive with your PowerPoint presentation slides for each mini group. 1 unit of multimeter and show the serial number to the lab technician for each mini group.

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