Compilation Spelling Words Actual Used

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Week No.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. abbreviate bankruptcy capitalize database earnings faade grammar handkerchief identity juvenile

M W F Syllabication ab-bre-vi-ate bank-rupt-cy cap-i-tal-ize data-base ear-nings fa-cade gram-mar hand-ker-chief i-den-ti-ty ju-ve-nile Pronunciation [ bri i et] [bk rp si] [kp I tl Iz] [det bes] [ nIz] [f sd] [grm ] [hk tIf] [I dn t ti] [d3u v nIl]

Date Covered:
Meaning tv. To make something shorter esp. a word. n. state of not having enough money to pay off debts. tv. to write a letter of the alphabet in uppercase. n. a collection of facts or other information organized in a way that it is accessible in a number of different ways. n. the amount of money someone makes by working; income. n. the front of a building; the part of the building that faces the street. n. a system of abstract rules in a language that determine how sentence structures and the relationships between words within sentences. n. a square of soft fabric used to wipe ones nose or face. n. who or what a certain person or thing is. n. a child (from a legal point of view).

Word List


1. I asked my teacher how to abbreviate the word secretary. / To save space, I abbreviated as many words as I could. 2. Kevin couldnt pay his debts, so he declared bankruptcy. / The failed company went into bankruptcy. 3. Always capitalize the first word in a sentence. / In the German language, all nouns are capitalized. 4. The library catalog is stored in a large database. / The pupil tried to access the database holding the 2000 census. 5. Mrs. Toledo saves a third of her earnings. / A large percent of my earnings goes to taxes. 6. During the earthquake, the faade of the small shop collapsed. The faades of the stores had been freshly painted. 7. I hope to be able to master English grammar and pronunciation. 8. Throughout the sad movie, I dabbed my eyes with a handkerchief. / Bob blew his nose into his handkerchief. 9. Only the detective knew the identity of the suspect. / I will not reveal the identity of the secret ingredient in my dish. 10. Many juveniles are arrested annually for shoplifting. / The juvenile was tried in court as an adult for the crime. Week No. 2 Date Covered: Compilation of Spelling Words for Grade V Dasmarias Elementary School

Word List 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. knapsack laboratory maintenance narration orientation parenthesis questionnaire rampant salutation tabulate

Syllabication knap-sack lab-ora-tor-y main-te-nance nar-ra-tion ori-en-ta-tion pa-ren-the-sis ques-tion-naire ram-pant sal-u-ta-tion tab-u-late

Pronunciation [np sk] [lb r tor i] [men t nens] [nr e n] [or i n te n] [p rn siz] [kws t ner] [rm pnt] [sl j te n] [tb j let]

Meaning n. a backpack; a bag used to carry things that that is slung over ones back n. a room or building that contains scientific equipment for experiments, tests, manufacture or instruction. n. keeping equipment and supplies in good condition. n. telling a story or giving an account of something that happened. n. becoming familiar with something; making someone familiar with something. n. irreg. either of the pair of symbols ( and ) used to enclose information of secondary importance in writing or printing. n. a printed set of questions. adj. growing, moving or spreading out of control. n. something that is written to greet someone at the beginning of a letter. tv. to count something, such as votes.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Kim carried a knapsack on his camping trip. / We filled the knapsack with food and clothes. Our laboratory has a lot of sophisticated equipment. / The intern took the blood samples in the laboratory. Proper car maintenance includes checking the oil regularly. / Without proper maintenance, mechanical equipment will break down. The movies soundtrack was damaged, so the narration was garbled. / The jury paid close attention to the witnesss narration. Theres a week of orientation for new pupils before each school year. / My orientation to the new country took some time. Darwin forgot to close the parenthetical statement with a right parenthesis. / I put parentheses around the translation of the foreign phrase. The examiner gave me a questionnaire to fill out. / I responded to a questionnaire about my personality. The lawn of the abandoned house was choked with rampant weeds. / Police were called in to help control the rampant violence in the school. The salutation belongs above the body of a letter. / The letters salutation contained a spelling error. All the votes were tabulated on election night. / The computer tabulated the companys expenses automatically.

Week No.

Date Covered:

Compilation of Spelling Words for Grade V

Dasmarias Elementary School

Word List 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. utterance vagabond whiny xerography yacht zealous absenteeism beautification camaraderie dainty

Syllabication ut-ter-ance vag-a-bond whiny xe-rog-ra-phy yacht zeal-ous ab-sen-tee-ism beau-ti-fi-ca-tion cam-a-rade-rie dain-ty

Pronunciation [t rns] [v bnd] [MIn i] [zIr gr fi] [jt] [zl s] [b sn ti Iz n] [bju t fI ke n] [km rd ri] [den ti]

Meaning n. speaking; a stream of spoken words. n. someone without a job who travels or wanders from place to place; a hobo adj. often whining; often complaining in an annoying way. n. the process used to make photocopies, which causes an image to be copied by using heat to fuse colored powder to a piece of paper. n. a large boat or ship used for pleasure or racing. n. full of zeal; having a lot of enthusiasm; very eager. n. the habit of being absent frequently. n. making someone or something more beautiful. n. a spirit of togetherness; friendship among friends. adj. delicate & pretty; delicate & small


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Karlos utterance of the vulgar phrase shocked his parents. / With the utterance of each word, my sore throat felt worse. The vagabond hitched a ride on the freight train. / A few vagabonds set up camp just outside of town. Mrs. Baltong told the whiny children to be quiet. / The whiny diner kept complaining about the food. Before xerographys development exact copies were expensive to make. Xerography has almost eliminated the need for carbon paper. I will never be wealthy enough to own a yacht. / John Luis yacht pulled into the harbor. The zealous soldier hoped to be sent into battle. / An overly zealous protester struck a police officer. If your absenteeism doesnt stop, were going to fire you. / After the handbook was approved, the rate of absenteeism at the school dropped. The beautification of the school was initiated by the pupils government. / Beautification of the town square included installing a new fountain. The school ran smoothly because the teachers had a sense of camaraderie. / The friends had a great camaraderie during the trip. The charming baby was dressed in a dainty gown. / Bea looked at the dainty teacup and asked for something less fragile.

Week No.

Date Covered:

Compilation of Spelling Words for Grade V

Dasmarias Elementary School

Word List 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. eavesdrop fallacious gregarious hallucinate intervene judgment knight lucid mannequin nuisance

Syllabication eaves-drop fal-la-cious gre-gar-i-ous hal-lu-ci-nate in-ter-vene judg-ment knight luc-id man-ne-quin nui-sance

Pronunciation [ivz drp] [f le s] [gr gr I s] [h lu s net] [In t vin] [d3d3 mnt] [nIt] [lus Id] [mn kin] [nu sns]

Meaning iv. to secretly listen to other people talking in private. adj. not true; wrong; incorrect adj. social; eager to be around other people. tv. to see or hear something that is really not there. iv. to come between opposing people or groups. n. the ability to make proper decisions. n. a mounted soldier in medieval times who, through honorable deeds; has risen to a high level of military rank. adj. very easy to understand; very clear. n. an object in the shape of a male or female body, used to display clothes or products in stores; a dummy. n. a bother; an annoyance.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Mirasol tried to eavesdrop on her parents, but they caught her. / It is not polite to eavesdrop! The senator denied the accusation and called it fallacious. / The newspaper spread fallacious gossip about the famous movie star. The gregarious host mingled with all of the guests. / My gregarious sister makes friends wherever she goes. As he became more addicted to drugs, Eddies hallucination could occur anywhere. / During his hallucination, the patient saw a giant blue monster. In the middle of the fight, the police intervened. / The brothers wouldnt stop arguing until their mother intervened. You made the error because your judgment is faulty. / You certainly exercised poor judgment in this matter. The brave knight saved the princess. / The knight in the fairy tale slew the dragon. The witness provided a lucid description of the accident. / John Luis response was surprisingly lucid, considering how frightened he was. I arranged the mannequins in the stores display window. / This outfit looked good on the mannequin but not on me. The flies were in nuisance at the picnic. / My noisy neighbor is quite a nuisance.

Week No.

M W F Syllabication Pronunciation

Date Covered:

Word List

Compilation of Spelling Words for Grade V

Dasmarias Elementary School

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

occasion pamphlet quarrelsome rascal satiate taboo unanimous vacate wreck youth

oc-ca-sion Pam-phlet quar-rel-some ras-cal sa-ti-ate ta-boo unan-i-mous va-cate wreck youth

[ ke 3n] [pm flIt] [kwrl sm] [rs kl] [s i et] [t bu] [ju n ms] [ve ket] [rk] [ju]

n. the time when something happens; the time when something occurs. n. a booklet; a small publication that has information about a certain subject. adj. likely to cause an argument; fond of fighting or arguing. n. someone who is bad or not honest; a villain tv. to satisfy someone fully; to satisty a need fully. n. something that is not socially acceptable; something that is not talked about because it is socially unacceptable. adj. in complete agreement; agreed to by everyone. tv. to leave a place, which then becomes empty; to stop living, working or using a place. n. a serious accident, esp. were something is destroyed. n. the period of time when one is a child or a teenager.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

John met several friends on one occasion, but usually he is all alone. / On several occasions, Ive forgotten my keys. A man handled me a pamphlet about climate change. / The charitys goals are described in this pamphlet. My quarrelsome friend will argue about any subject. / The quarrelsome couple decided to separate. The sheriff dragged the rascal out of the bar. / The rascal robbed the passengers in the jeepney. The gourmet meal satiated my hunger. / An ice-cold buko juice satiated my thirst. Eating balut for foreigners is a taboo. / Many cultures have some taboo concerning abortion. The class is unanimous of considering him as the class president. / My friends and I made a unanimous decision to order pizza. The landlord ordered the tenants to vacate the premises immediately. The tenants vacated the apartment before the end of the month. A wreck blocked traffic on the highway. / The journalist reported live from the site of the wreck. In her youth, Juliet tutored other students. / Kevin spent his youth with his grandparents.

Week No.
1. abhorrence

ab-hor-rence [b hor ns]

Date Covered:
n. disgust, intense hatred.

Compilation of Spelling Words for Grade V

Dasmarias Elementary School

Word M W List 2. abolish 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. abundant accentuate accessible




abol-ish abun-dant ac-cen-tu-ate ac-cess-i-ble ac-comm-o-date ac-quaint ac-tu-ate acu-men ad-age

[ bl I] [ bn dnt] [k sn tu et] [k ss bl] [ km det] [ kwent] [k tu et] [ kjum n] [d Id3]

tv. to ban something; to get rid of something completely. adj. full, brimming, in large amounts. tv. to stress or emphasize something; to make something more noticeable. adj. easy to reach, enter, obtain or use. tv. to adjust to something; to adapt to something. tv. to cause someone to get to know someone or something. tv. to set something in motion; to start something. n. insight; shrewdness n. a wise saying.

accommodate acquaint actuate

9. acumen
10. adage Sentences

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Winbert Kim could not conceal his abhorrence of the movie. / Andrew let his abhorrence of his nephew ruin the family gathering. If I will become the president, I will abolish corruption. / The committee abolished all entry requirements. The abundant crops would feed the village all throughout the year. / Abundant rainfall made the land fertile. The drummer hit the drum harder to accentuate the first beat. / The tall girl wore short skirts that accentuated her height, making her look even taller. The post office is handicapped accessible. / The public library is accessible to everyone. The restaurant couldnt accommodate my diet. / The desk clerk said that the hotel could accommodate our special needs. The teacher acquainted her class with the history of glass. / I bought a book to acquaint myself with English grammar. What do I press to actuate this device? / The supervisor actuated the assembly line by turning a switch. Kenneth has a lot of business acumen and earns a high salary. / With her theatrical acumen, Joe Ann produced a fantastic play. Isnt there an old adage about a stitch in time? / I remember the old adages I used to hear from my aunt.

Week No.

Date Covered: Dasmarias Elementary School

Compilation of Spelling Words for Grade V

Word List 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. belief beneficial benevolent beverage bibliography bilingual biodegradable biography blissful boisterous

Syllabication be-lief ben-e-fic-ial be-nev-o-lent bev-er-age bib-li-og-ra-phy bi-lin-gual bio-de-grad-able bi-og-ra-phy bliss-ful bois-ter-ous

Pronunciation [bI lif] [bn fi l] [b nv lnt] [bv () rId3] [bIb li k ss bl] [baI lI gwl] [baIo dI greId bl] [baI gr fi] [blIs fl] [bIs tr s]

Meaning n. something that is thought to be true; an opinion; a conviction. adj. having an advantage or benefit. adj. kind; wishing to help other people; charitable. n. a drink other than water. n. a section at the end of a book, article or other documents that lists all of the sources of information used to write the work. adj. able to speak two languages. adj. able to decay naturally. n. the story of someones life; a book about someones life. adj. joyful. adj. noisy and happy; rough, loud and playful.


1. John Luis held the belief that people are basically good. / Mary didnt share that belief with us. 2. The medication was beneficial in curing the disease. / Marys college classes were beneficial to her career path.
3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

The benevolent doctor donated time and skills to the neighborhood clinic. / Some benevolent soul donated clothes to the orphanage. What sort of beverages should we serve at the party? / Can I get you a beverage? The author included a lengthy bibliography at the end of the book. / How many books were listed in the bibliography? The bilingual child spoke both English and Spanish. / Many immigrants are bilingual. Certain biodegradable materials such as paper are also recyclable. / Vegetable matter is biodegradable. Mylyn read the biography of her favorite singer. / I am looking for a biography of Shakespeare. The new parents blissful mood lasted for weeks. / Our vacation was a very blissful time for us. The boisterous antics of the children warmed Grandmas heart. / The friends played a boisterous game of football.

Week No.

M W F Syllabication Pronunciation

Date Covered:

Word List

Compilation of Spelling Words for Grade V

Dasmarias Elementary School

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

calisthenics camouflage carcinogenic caricature cartridge casserole catastrophe champagne charade chemistry

cal-is-then-ics cam-ou-flage car-ci-no-gen-ic car-i-ca-ture car-tridge cas-se-role ca-tas-tro-phe cham-pagne char-ade chem-is-try

[k Is n Iks] [km fl3] [kr sIn d3n Ik] [kr I k t] [kr trId3] [ks rol] [k ts tr fi] [m pen] [ red] [km Is tri]

n. exercise for physical fitness. tv. to disguise or conceal someone or something, making the person or thing blend with the background. adj. causing cancer. n. a sketched portrait that exaggerates the unique features of the subject. n. a container for holding a specific substance such as ink, tape or black powder, used within a larger device or machine. n. a deep baking dish. n. a very large and serious disaster. n. a sparkling white wine made in the Champagne area of France or similar wines made elsewhere. n. a rough acting out of a phrase, word, or event, especially as part of a game. n. the science involving the elements and their compounds, the reactions of elements when they are mixed together, and the properties of the elements under different conditions.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

7. 8. 9. 10.

The army recruits do calisthenics every morning. / In order to lose weight Nicole Enna did calisthenics. Tan uniforms camouflaged the soldiers in the desert. / Jane used some make up to camouflage her blemishes. I eat organic produce in hopes of avoiding carcinogenic pesticides. / Many chemicals and preservatives are known to be carcinogenic. I didnt like the caricature that made my ears look so big. / Political cartoons are often caricatures of politicians. Jessica loaded a new toner cartridge into the copying machine. / Aleli placed the ink cartridge in the printer. The cake should be baked in a 9 x 13-inch casserole. / I lent my best casserole to my neighbor. April suffered the catastrophe of losing her job. / The crash of the stock market was a financial catastrophe. We opened a bottle of champagne to celebrate. / Champagne is a sparkling white wine. Mary Ann did her charade so well that everyone guessed the answer immediately. / Kevin performed a charade that no one could guess! Regina studied chemistry in high school and college. / We do our chemistry in this laboratory.

Week No.

M W F Syllabication de-ceit Pronunciation [dI sit]

Date Covered:
Meaning n. a dishonest act; lying, cheating or

Word List deceit

Compilation of Spelling Words for Grade V

Dasmarias Elementary School

defrauding. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. declamation defiant delectable demure depreciate deprive descendant deteriorate devour dec-la-ma-tion de-fi-ant de-lec-ta-ble de-mure de-pre-ci-ate de-prive des-cen-dant de-te-ri-o-rate de-vour [dk l me n] [dI fI nt] [dI lk t bl] [dI mjur] [dI pri I et] [dI prIv] [dI sn dnt] [dI tIr rt] [dI v ] n. a loud speech; a loud statement adj. disobeying authority; not respecting authority. adj. delicious, tasting very good. adj. shy or modest; reserved; coy. iv. to lose value over time; to become worth less money over time. tv. to refuse to let someone or something; the condition of being deprived of something. n. someones child, grand child, great-grand child, and so on. iv. to decline; to fall apart; to worsen. tv. to eat something quickly and completely.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Once the accountants deceit was discovered, she was fired. / Jeric thought he had gotten away with his deceit, but his teacher had found out. Ellas declamation was heard by everyone in the room. / John Luis brief declamation concerning the mayors error caught everyones attention. Defiant protesters blocked the busy street. / The defiant teenager frequently skipped school. All the delectable food was eaten quickly. / The chef was famous for creating delectable desserts. The demure young lady hid her smile with her fan. / Ahlen refuses to act demure as a way of attracting men. People dont want their property to depreciate. / The dollar depreciates rapidly. The abusive parents deprived the child of proper nutrition. / A plant will die if you deprive it of light. Orange is a descendant of Emilio Aguinaldo. / Vicky kept the family records for the benefit of her descendants. The old wooden fence is deteriorating. / Peoples health often deteriorates as they grow older. The starving animal devoured the food in the garbage can. / Halfway up the mountain, the hungry hikers devoured their food.

Week No.

M W F Syllabication eclec-tic Pronunciation [ klk tIk]

Date Covered:
Meaning adj. varied; taken from many different

Word List eclectic

Compilation of Spelling Words for Grade V

Dasmarias Elementary School

places or systems. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. eclipse economic efficient edible edifice educable education eerie elaborate eclipse eco-nom-ic ef-fi-cient ed-i-ble ed-i-fice ed-u-ca-ble ed-u-ca-tion ee-rie elab-o-rate [I klIps] [k nm Ik] [I fi nt] [d bl] [d fIs] [d3 k bl] [d3 ke n] [ Ir i] [I lb () rIt] n. the darkening of a celestial body when another body passes between it and the star that gives it light. adj. saving money; thrifty; economical. adj. organized; using time, energy and money with efficiency. adj. able to be eaten. n. a large, impressive building. adj. able to be taught; able to learn. n. the teaching of knowledge and skills; a system for teaching knowledge and skills and then certifying the students degree of success. adj. strange, peculiar; weird; frightening. iv. to explain [something] using many details.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Lulus taste of music is eclectic. She likes everything from classical to RNB. / The man with an eclectic taste in clothes wore sneakers with a barong tagalong. We observed the eclipse with a special, protective viewer. / An eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the sun and the earth. Buying in bulk is an economic way to shop. / I look for the most economic products when I shop for groceries. Aleli is an efficient and conscientious teacher. / The financial analysts found efficient ways for the company to save money. The cake was garnished with edible decorations. / Your cooking is simply not edible. This huge edifice is a tribute to modern architecture. / The limestone edifice on the corner was built in the 1930s. The depressed teacher wondered if some students were educable. / Youre still educable even after graduation. What could be more important than the education of our children? / The teachers protested when the government reduced its support for education. I had an eerie feeling as we walked through the abandoned house. / The stranger across the room gave me an eerie look. Luis elaborated his ideas carefully. / Dont elaborate! I dont want to hear every little detail.

Week No.

M W F Syllabication Pronunciation

Date Covered:

Word List

Compilation of Spelling Words for Grade V

Dasmarias Elementary School




[f kl ti]




[fr n haIt]

3. flatter
4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. familiarity fascinate favorable February ferocious fictitious filthy

flat-ter fa-mil-i-ar-i-ty fas-ci-nate fa-vor-a-ble Feb-ru-ar-y fe-ro-cious fic-ti-tious filth-y

[fl t] [f mIli r I ti] [fs neIt] [fI vr bl] [fb ru ri] [f ro s] [fIk tI s] [fIl i]

n. the people who teach in the university or college adj. relating to or measured according to a temperature scale in which 32 represents the point at which ice forms and 212 represents the point at which steam forms. v. to please or gratify by compliments or attentions. n. thorough knowledge or mastery of something. v. to attract and hold the attention of; arouse the interest or curiosity of; allure adj. creating or winning favor; pleasing. n. the 2nd month of the year usu. containing 28 days, but containing 29 days in leap year. adj. savagely fierce or cruel; violently harsh; brutal. adj. created, taken or assumed for concealment; not genuine; false. adj. very dirty.


1. The faculty is paid well by the said university. / The faculty members sat for a meeting. 2. The temperature is 70 degrees Fahrenheit. / It is reported over the news that tomorrows weather will register a 75 Fahrenheit. 3. I was flattered by the invitation given by him. / It is truly flattering on my part that Paul John graced my invitation. 4. His familiarity in survival tactics saved him from death. / Bills familiarity in computer software made him famous. 5. Ancient Egypt has always fascinated me. / I was fascinated with the outcome of test that it turned out really well. 6. Today, we will experience a favorable weather. / She is most like by her co-employees because of her favorable attitude. 7. Valentines Day is observed in the month of February. / He will be celebrating his birthday on the 2nd day of February. 8. Based on the folktale, a ferocious creature would attack pregnant women. / The ferocious beast devoured its prey easily. 9. They used fictitious names on their board exam applications. / It was found out later that the person who took the exam was just a fictitious character. 10. Stay away from filthy places or you might get sick. / What I hate most is to see a filthy house. Week No. 12 Date Covered:
Word List M W F Syllabication Pronunciation Meaning

Compilation of Spelling Words for Grade V

Dasmarias Elementary School

1. 2. 3. 4.

gourmet government gratify grin

gour-met gov-ern-ment grat-i-fy grin grouch gym-na-si-um grump-y guid-ance guar-an-tee Groan

[gr meI] [gr meI] [gv n mnt] [grt faI] [grIn] [grat] [d3Im neI zi m] [grmpi] [gaId ns] [gr n ti] [gron]

adj. of or involving fancy or exotic foods. n. the political system by which direction and control over the actions of the members or citizens of a community, society, state, etc., is exercised. v. to give pleasure to (a person or persons) v. to smile broadly. n. a complaining and continually unhappy person. n. a building or room designed and equipped for indoor sports, exercise, or physical education. adj. unhappy and bad-tempered; grouchy n. advice or counseling esp. for students in educational or work related matters. v. to offer an assurance for. v. to utter a deep, mournful sound to express contempt, dislike, disapproval, etc.

5. grouch
6. 7. gymnasium grumpy

8. guidance
9. 10. guarantee groan


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

8. 9.


I had the chance to visit a gourmet food store. / It was my first time to dine in a gourmet restaurant. The government is ensuring the public of a stable economy. / People believe that our government is making its effort for our own welfare. Her praise gratified us all. / It gratified us that we were going home soon. He grinned delightedly. / As she was walking the aisle, she grinned at her guests. An old grouch as she was described by her co-workers. / Stop being a grouch and learn to appreciate life to the fullest. Im always excited to go to the schools gymnasium. / Every Friday, my classmates and I usually go to the gymnasium for our PE class. She is always a little grumpy when wakes up. / Pupils are at their toes whenever they see the grumpy teacher. The problem child was sent to the guidance office for counseling. / She usually goes to the guidance office every Friday for a counseling session. The company guarantees its machines for ten years. / The salesman guarantees that the appliance is durable and will last long. The audience groaned at the joke. / After hearing the companys announcement, many of its employees groaned.

Week No.

Word List M W F Sylcidedlabication Pronunciation

Date Covered:

Compilation of Spelling Words for Grade V

Dasmarias Elementary School

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

council counsil effect affect destract

Coun-cil Coun-sil Ef-fect Af-fect Des-tract Dis-tract Ad-vise Ad-vice Pro-ceed Pro-cede

Kounsil Kounsel i-fekt -fekt di-trakt Dis-trakt Ad-ves Ad-vis Pre-sed Pri-sed

n. consultative or advisory assembly; a body elected or appointed to advice. n. advice resulting from consultation; a legal advises. n. the result produced by a cause; influence or power o change. Verb (+) feeling or mood-to make an impression on. V. (i) to lessen value or estimation. V. (t) to divers/disturb the attention of. V. (+) recommended a course of action to give advice. n. a stated opinion meant to help to determine correct action on conduct. v. (i) to move forward to go further. v. (t) to go before in rank; importance; come before in time; in front of.

6. distract
7. 8. advise advice

9. proceed 10. procede

Sentences 1. The final verdict will be decided by the council. We should consult about this case. Usually, stomachache is an effect of over eating. They say mumps affects male fertility. The owner destracted the value of the land he is selling. Noisy pupils distract my concentration.


4. 5.

7. Juvenile delinquents need professional advise. 8. The patient was adviced to have a three day rest.
9. 10. The teacher told her pupils to proceed to the next station. Dr. Silverias speech was procede by the principal.

Week No.
1. interrogative

M W F Syllabication In-ter-rog-a-tive Pronunciation Interagtiv

Date Covered:
Meaning A word or expression use to ask question.

Word List

Compilation of Spelling Words for Grade V

Dasmarias Elementary School


pronunciation reporter research librarian dictionary successful exceed spacious ventilation

Pro-nun-ci-a-tion Re-por-ter Re-search li-brar-i-an Dic-tio-nar-y Suc-ces-ful Ex-ceed Spa-cious Ven-ti-la tion

prnnsie an Riportr Ri srtS Laibr rian dik Sn ri sks sfl

The way someone says thing 1 words. Someone who provides a news paper, magazine; someone who reports news of information. The collection of information. Someone who manages or helps separate a library. A book that contains meaning of word. Having accomplished something or having reached high status. To surpass the limits of something. Having a lot of space; wide open. The movement of fresh air into or out of the place.

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Spe- s v ntile n

Sentences 1. 2. Interrogatives usually being with question. Good and correction pronunciation is important to reporters. Carlo asked the reporters about his view on education. The teacher asked his pupils to do some research on the origin of man. If you want to borrow a book asked the librarian how to do it. Now that your in grade 6 you should be expect in using the dictionary. Kim Sam Soon is successful baker. Vernon exceeded Benydechs speed record in the track event. Mary moved from the small room to a spacious one. Make sure your babys room has proper ventilation.

4. 5. 6. 7.

9. 10.

Week No.
1. 2. exclaim complex

M W F Syllabication Ex-claim Com-plex Pronunciation

Date Covered:
Meaning To say something with strong. A psychological condition.

Word List


Compilation of Spelling Words for Grade V

Dasmarias Elementary School

3. 4. 5. 6.

conjunctions hospitality generous solidarity physical discipline disability financial

Con-juc-tion Hos-pi-tal-i-ty Gen-e-rous Sol-i-dar-i-ty Phys-ic-al Disc-i-pline Dis-a-bil-i-ty Fi-nan-cial Sa lid riti fizikl diseplain disbilti fnen l haspitelati

A part of speech that connects words phrases and clauses. Kindness shown towards strangers, guests. Not selfish; giving feeling. Unity caused by having common interests or goals About the body Controlled behavior achieved aas the result of training. Physical or mental handicap. Business matters dealing with money.

8. 9. 10.

Sentences 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Joana exclaimed that someone forgot to turn off the stove. Bill has had an insecurity complex since he was a child. Use a comma before a conjunction when it joins two clauses. Filipino hospitality makes forgive feel welcome . The generous millionaire Donald 10% of his a nests to charity . Trisha feet solidarity with other cancer survivors. My doctor advised me to participate in physical activities. Soldier lived a life of discipline. We have insurance that pays money if we develop disability. My lawyer explained the financial aspects of my fathers will.

Week No.
1. 2. corsage bouquet

M W F Syllabication Pronunciation Korsaz Boke

Date Covered:
A small bouquet of one or more flowers pinned to a womans clothing or worn around. An arrangement of cut flowers that can be held in one hand.

Word List

Compilation of Spelling Words for Grade V

Dasmarias Elementary School

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

extinction endanger quotation technology pneumonia acknowledge plumber hurries

kstnk n ndendzr
Kwote n r kldzi nmoj

The death of a spices of plant or animal. To plant someone or something in a dangerous position. A statement that was said or writer. The study of mechanical and industrial science. An infection in the lungs involving fluid in the lungs. the recognition given to someone for doing something well. Someone who is trained to install and repair pipes. A female who has inherited a fortune.


9. 10.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 9. 10.


Sentences Bill bought a corsage for her mother. John sent me a bouquet of flowers for my birthday. What caused the extinction of the dinosaurs? Driving when drunk endangers everyone on the road. I consulted a book of famous quotations before writing my speech. John wants to attend a collage that teaches technology. The president gave an acknowledge on Tonys work. The plumber fixed the leaking pipe under the sink. Jane is the only hurries to the family fortune.

7. Elderly people are prone to pneumonia.

Week No.
1. 2. corridor applause

M W F Syllabication cor-ri-dor ap-plause Pronunciation kor dr plz

Date Covered:
Meaning A hallway; a passage between two rows of rooms. A show of approval by clapping ones hands together.

Word List

Compilation of Spelling Words for Grade V

Dasmarias Elementary School

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

appose dissolve accurate suppress command imperative furniture conversation

ap-pose dis-solve ac-cur-ate sup-press com-mand im-per-a-tive fur-ni-ture con-ver-sa-tion

pozt Dizalv ek-jr t Spr s km nd Imper tiv fr ni t r Kan vr se n

To be against someone or something; to fight against, to argue against. To melt a solid, such as sugar into a liquid Correct, exact, without error. To restrain something; to prevent something from happening. An order, as statement that tells someone what to do. Necessary, having to be done; urgent The objects in a house or office that can moved. A discussion; talk between people.

Sentences 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. We will commemorate our anniversary tomorrow. I have to go to the restroom during an intermission. The members of the committee made a unanimous decision on who will lead their group. The president adjourned the meeting at five o clock. Nobody agreed with the conclusion presented by the investigators. It is difficult to capture a bear because they are basically wild. A courteous child never forgets to say thank you. Elmer pointed the mural on the wall of our library. When interrupted, David exclaimed that he wanted to be left alone. When constipated, take a laxative.

Week No.
1. 2. brood fringe

M W F Syllabication brood fringe Pronunciation brud Fridz

Date Covered:
Meaning The young birds hatched at one time in the nest. The fart farthest from the center; edge

Word List

Compilation of Spelling Words for Grade V

Dasmarias Elementary School

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

gravel hut lure perch retail stride swarm twig

gra-vel hut lure perch re-tail stride swarm twig

grevl lur prts ritel straid sworm twig

Small stones, often mixed with coarse sand. A small, roughly made house o shelter; a. An attraction; something to attract fish. A place where a bird rests; rod The sale of goods in small quantities to the actual users. Walk with long steps; progress. A large, active group of insects, things, people, etc. A small branch of a tree of bush.

Sentences 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. There are twelve chickens in the brood. The wood cutter had a little house on the fringe of the forest. The path to the house as covered with gravel. In the storm, they found a shabby hut in the forest. The fisherman had some bright colored lures to attract fish. The bird flew down from its perch in the cage. Most people buy meat and groceries at retail. Great strides have been made in science since 1900. A swarm of people surrounded the car to see the famous actress in it. The three bears so many apples that the twigs seen almost broken down.

Week No.
1. 2. 3. 4. adjoin ally chaste confide

M W F Syllabication ad-join al-ly chaste con-fide Pronunciation dzain e lai t est knfaid

Date Covered:
Meaning Be next to be very close or near. Join or ride by agreement. Pure in world thought and deed; modest vintous. Tell as a secret; put trust or have faith.

Word List

Compilation of Spelling Words for Grade V

Dasmarias Elementary School

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

defy disrupt enable fantastic impact interfere

de-fy dis-rupt en-a ble fan-tas-tic im-pact in-ter-fere


Refuse to obey, pay no attention to. Bring or throw into disorder; break up; spent.

ne bl f ntestik
impekt In tr fir

Make able. Finerful; strange; as if unreal or imaginary. The striking together of two objects; a cellisim. Push oneself into a matter which does not concern one.

Sentences 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Canada and Mexico adjoin the United States of America. Her parents teach her to be haste and decent in her behavior. When she was a child she always confided he problems to her sisters. The driver of car was defying the traffic law of speeding. An accident has disrupt railways service into and out of the city. The birds large wing enable it to fly very fast. The wall was covered with many fantastic pictures and photograph. The force of the impact threw the driver out of the car. It is best not to interfere in other peoples arguments. 7

2. Great Britain, France and Italy were allied during the First World War.

Week No.


Date Covered:

Week No.
1.schedule 2.intermidiate

M W F Syllabication sched-ule in-ter-me-di-ate Pronunciation Skd: l intrmi :d : it

Date Covered:
Meaning A work plan or time table. Something between others in a series, higher grade level in elementary.

Word List

Compilation of Spelling Words for Grade V

Dasmarias Elementary School

3.responsibility 4.textbook 5.assignments 6.variety 7.communication 8.introduce 9.forty 10.jolly Sentences

re-spon-si-bil-i-ty text-book as-sign-ment va-ri-e-ty com-mu-ni-ca-tion in-tro-duce for-ty jol-ly

risponsbiliti Teksbuk sn mnt vriiti: k ; my-n-k-sher intrds frti, : doli

A person for whom or a thing for which one is responsible. Book written/ published for used by students as a basic for their studies. A specified amount of work expected to be done at home. A number or collection of things differing in character. Exchange (by speech or letter) of information between persons. To make someone acquainted with specified subject/ lesson. Being 10 more than 30; four times ten. Full of good humor and fun.

1. The teacher asked her pupils to copy their schedule.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Grade IV VI are the intermediate (pupils) in the elementary level. Know your rights as well as your responsibilities. Take good care of your textbooks, you will learn so much from it. Do your assignments everyday. I have a variety of orchids at home. Communication is important to our everyday life. Here in our class, you will be introduce to many lessons. They say Life begins at forty. Its good to be with a jolly person.

Week No.
1. 2. concept bitterness

M W F Syllabication con-cept bit-ter-ness Pronunciation Kn-sept bid (r) ns

Date Covered:
Meaning Something conceived in mind; thought/ idea. The quality or state of being bitter.

Word List

Compilation of Spelling Words for Grade V

Dasmarias Elementary School

3. 4. 5. 6.

immediately create realize strength

im-me-diate-ly cre-ate rea-lize strength weak-ness limi-ta-tion con-tent-ment ly-rics

-m-dlt, li Kr t re, lz stren (k) th wek-nes lim tashn kntentmnt liriks

As soon as; without delay. To bring into existence. Change from what is imaginary into what is actual actor. Moral courage or physical force/ vigor. Something that is a mark of lack of strength. A restriction or restraint imposed. The quality/ state of being contented. The words of a popular song or a musicalcomedy number.

7. weakness
8. 9. 10. limitation contentment lyrics

Sentences 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. The pupils learned many science concepts within the week. Karlo immediately applied ice on his sprained ankle. Our teacher told us to create our own dance steps. She didnt realize how important books are. Being friendly and forgiving is her strength. Mathematics is Joans weakness. At you age, you should ready know your limitation. People are known to have no continent. I like the lyrics of the song Only you

2. He has long forgotten the bitterness in his heart.

Week No.
1. 2. 3. 4. because although whenever unless

M W F Syllabication be-cause al-though when-ev-er un-less Pronunciation Bi-k z l- tho Hwen vr Un-les

Date Covered:
Meaning A direct word for giving reason for reason that, on account of the fact that. Admitting or granting that. Adverb or conjunction at whatever time. If it be not a fact that supposing that.

Word List

Compilation of Spelling Words for Grade V

Dasmarias Elementary School

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

conjunction sentence palace people could Filipino

con-junc-tion sen-tence pa-lace peo-ple could i-li-pi-no Sen-tns Pal-s P-pol kd Fi -pe-

A word used to connect words. A word or related group of words expressing a complete thought. A royal residence or any splendid residence or stately building. A general term for human beings living under the same govt. Past tense of can. A native or inhabitants of the Philippines.

Sentences 1. We worked slowly because of the frequent brownouts. 2. Fely caught a large fish although she had taken the bait of her hook. 3. The dog will not dance whenever Jiko whistles. 4. The clown would not smile unless the child shook his hand. 5. The parts of the compound sentence is may be joined by a conjunction or by a semi-color. 6. A compound sentence consist of two or more simple sentence joined together. 7. The king and queen lived in a very large palace near the shore. 8. Like people, trees have limitations. 9. The tired boy is straightening himself up so much as he could. 10. Filipino children should read books that tell biography of our heroes.

Week No.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. encyclopedia enormous special communicate borrow

M W F Syllabication en-cy-clo-pe-dia e-nor-mous speci-al co-mmu-ni-cate bor-row Pronunciation En-s-klo-p-dia -nr ms Spesh-l k-m y n-kt br-

Date Covered:
Meaning A back containing informations of all subjects. Excessive on extraordinary in size. Having some distinguishing characteristics. To make or hold communication. To take on a promise to return it or its

Word List

Compilation of Spelling Words for Grade V

Dasmarias Elementary School

equivalent. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. successful experience Saturday message field reporter suc-cess-ful ex-per-ience sa-tur-day mes-sage field-re-por-ter Seksesful Ik-spis-ns Sat-r-d Mes ij Fild- ri- pr ter Obtaining what one desires or intends. Knowledge derived from ones own action or practice. The seventh day of the week. A communication, as of information. A bearer of news in field.

Sentences 1. 2. You want to find out if it is warm in Hawaii in December. What section of encyclopedia article on Hawaii should you scan? Have you seen the enormous ear of the elephant? Some plants and animals have a special kind of friendship. Knowing oneself and reaching out to others is one way of learning how to communicate using good English. Ill borrow the book. In sure Ill enjoy reading it. When I grow up, I want to be a successful nurse. I could not forget my experience with an Igorot girl when I asked her how old is she. Could you attend the seminar on Saturday? May I leave the message for your mother? My father worked as a field reporter for a popular radio and television station.

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Week No.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. believe friend courtier quiet piece

M W F Syllabication be-leive friend cour-ti-er qui-et piece Pronunciation Bi-lv Frend Kr-te-r Kw-t ps

Date Covered:
Meaning To accept as true or real. An intimate and trustworthy companion. A member of a court circle. Undisturbed, motionless, being free from disturbance. A small portion.

Word List

Compilation of Spelling Words for Grade V

Dasmarias Elementary School

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

niece editor-in-chief receive size leis

niece ed-itor-in-chief re-ceive size leis

ns Editor-in-chip Ri-sv sz la

The daughter of a sister or brother. The chief editor in a publication. Effect, cause. To acknowledge. Mission.

Sentences 1.

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


Do you believe in God- given talents? The tree is indeed a generous friend. The king ordered a barber to come to the palace and when he arrived, he sent all his servants and courtier outside. Zeus made Hades the king of the underworld because he was quiet and stern. My mother gave me a piece of paper and one ball pen before I leave the house. The daughter of my brother is my niece. The editor-in-chief of the newspaper was very popular and very credible. Did you receive the scarlet flower I have you? The policeman will size the strangers inside the hotel. The guest speaker is wearing a beautiful leis.

Week No.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. parchment panelist haberdasher illegitimate illiterate apprentice

M W F Syllabication parch-ment pan-el-ist hab-er-dash-er ille-gi-ti-mate illi-ter-ate ap-pren-tice Pronunciation prch mnt pan-el-ist hab-e-dashr illejebi mt illi r it ap-prentice

Date Covered:
Meaning The skin of a sheep prepared for waiting on. A number of discussions. A dealer of mens hails, shirts, etc. Born of parents not married to each other. Not knowing how to read and write. To learn, first experience in working.

Word List

Compilation of Spelling Words for Grade V

Dasmarias Elementary School

7. 8. 9. 10.

aptitude induce recognize errand

ap-ti-tude in-duce rec-og-nize er-rand

ap-t tud in-dly us rek-og-ns er-rand

Capacity of learning. Effect, cause. To acknowledge. Mission.

Sentences 1.

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10.

A parchment paper will be used to print the certificate. The panelist was asked to explain the effects of burning things around. The illegitimate child has the right to be recognized. Young actor looks for haberdasher for signature clothing. Most of them are illiterate. The apprentice work hard to become a regular factory worker. The aptitude test will be given to them to determine their captivities in choosing the right career in the future. The doctor induced the medicine to the patient. The teachers recognize their pupils effort during the campaign. Jose runs or an errand.

Week No.

M W F Syllabication na-tion-a-li-ty occu-pa-tion ac-com-plish han-di-capped for-tu-nate Pronunciation n nel ati akj pa n kam pli hen di kept fort ,nit

Date Covered:
Meaning The state that arises from having citizenship in our particular country or being born in a particular country. A job; a career; what one does for a living. To finish something; to successfully complete something. Disabled; impaired. Lucky; (being) bringing good results.

Word List 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. nationality occupation accomplish handicapped fortunate

Compilation of Spelling Words for Grade V

Dasmarias Elementary School

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

appropriate statement organization volunteer suggestion

ap-pro-pri-ate state-ment or-ga-ni-za-tion vo-lun-teer sug-ges-tion

pro pri It Stet mnt org nI ze n va ln tir sg des t en

Correct; suitable; proper. Something that is said; something that is stated. Group of people united for a specific purpose. Someone who does work for free. A hint; a trace; something that reminds someone of someone something.


1. If you were born in Philippines, your nationality is Filipino.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. I listed my occupation and monthly salary on the credit-card application. I must accomplish a lot today. The handicapped person road to work in a special bus. I am glad we made the fortunate decision to vacation in Mexico. Vulgar language is not appropriate in the work place. The lawyer issued a statement concerning the trials outcome. Every member of the organization received the company memorandum. Many volunteers helped the victims of the typhoon. The teacher gave him his suggestion.

Week No.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. stump request dishwasher afford fetch hug physician

M W F Syllabication Stump Re-quest Dish-washer Af-ford Fetch Hug Phy-si-cian Pronunciation St ^mp Rik west diwa ford f ts h^g fizin

Date Covered:
Meaning The short part of the trunk of a cut tree. An act of asking for something. A person that wash dishes. To give or provide To go and get. To embrace with a kiss on the cheek. A doctor of medicine licensed to diagnose and treat diseases.

Word List

Compilation of Spelling Words for Grade V

Dasmarias Elementary School

8. 9. 10.

palpitate leukemia skull

Pal-pi-tate Leu-ke-mia skull

pe lpi te Luk I mi sk^l

Tremble. A disease where the body has more white blood cells than red blood cells. The body covering of the brain.

Sentences 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. There are stumps in the park to set on. The request in granted. His father is a dishwasher in the hotel. The doctor can afford a free- medical mission for a week. The school bus will fetch us 6:30 a.m. We hug our parents before living. My grandmother is our family physician. The patients hearts palpitate. My best friend has leukemia. He got a fracture skull.

9. 10.

Week No.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

M W F Syllabication Pronunciation

Date Covered:

Word List

Compilation of Spelling Words for Grade V

Dasmarias Elementary School

19. 20. Sentences 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

Week No.
21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29.

M W F Syllabication Pronunciation

Date Covered:

Word List

Compilation of Spelling Words for Grade V

Dasmarias Elementary School

30. Sentences 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

Week No.
31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

M W F Syllabication Pronunciation

Date Covered:

Word List

Compilation of Spelling Words for Grade V

Dasmarias Elementary School

Sentences 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

Week No.
41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.

M W F Syllabication Pronunciation

Date Covered:

Word List

Compilation of Spelling Words for Grade V

Dasmarias Elementary School

Sentences 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.

Compilation of Spelling Words for Grade V

Dasmarias Elementary School

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