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A Project Report On <Project Name> Submitted By

<Student Name><Exam No.> <Student Name><Exam No.> M.C.A Semester-VI

Industry Guided By
< Industry Guide Name>

Internal Guided By
< Industry Guide Name>

Submitted to
Acharya Motibhai Patel Institute of Computer Studies

Ganpat University, Kherva-382711 April./May.-2012

Acharya Motibhai Patel Institute of Computer Studies

Ganpat University, Kherva382711


This is to certify that the following students of M.C.A. Semester-VI have completed their full time project work titled Title of the project satisfactorily fulfill the requirement of M.C.A Semester-VI, Ganpat University, Kherva, in the year 2011-2012.

Enroll. No


Exam No

Internal Guide

Project Co-ordinator


Mr. Ketan. D. Patel

Dr. S.M.Parikh

Page 3: Industry Certificate Page 4: Acknowledgement Page 5: Preface Page 6: Contents

(Strictly follow given format of table of content)


Sr. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Title Project Profile Company Profile Requirement Specification Functional Specification Minimum Hardware & Software Requirement Time line chart (Gantt chart) Activity Diagrams Use Case Diagrams Class Diagrams Sequence Diagrams Collaboration Diagrams Data Dictionary E-R Diagram Process Algorithm Input Design Output Design Deployment Diagrams Testing Post Implementation Review Future Enhancement Bibliography / References Page No

NOTE: Fonts should be remain constant times new roman, size 12 , throughout the report. However titles and subtitles can have different size. Also set proper margin

Paper size: A4 Margins: Left 1.5, Right 1, Top 1, Bottom 0.5 Page No: At the center of the bottom (footer); format: m Font: Times New Roman Chapter headings: 14 Bold, Upper case Main headings: 12 Bold & Underlined, Upper case Sub headings: 12 Bold, Title case Sub-sub headings: 12 Bold & Italics, Title case Table, Fig. Nos: 12 Italics, Title case

Format for bibliography: Authors, Title, (year), Publisher / publication, Price (if available) Some of the topics may not be applicable to some of the projects in that case you can ignore some content or you can add as per the requirement and guidance of your project guide.

Contents For Power Point Presentation

Sr. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Title Project Profile Company Profile Requirement Specification Functional Specification Minimum Hardware & Software Requirement Time line chart (Gantt chart) Activity Diagrams Use Case Diagrams Class Diagrams Sequence Diagrams. Collaboration Diagrams Data Dictionary E-R Diagram Process Algorithm Input Design Output Design Deployment Diagrams Testing Post Implementation Review Future Enhancement Bibliography / References Page No

Note: Prepare your presentation with professional look. Formatting must be unique for all the slides. All the slides must have proper heading and numbering. There should not be any spelling and grammar mistake in your presentation. You must be clear about your role & work in the project in case of group project. Both partners must be able to explain their presentation contents in case of group project.

General guidelines Company profile must include the following details Company name When established Total Manpower Achievements, Certifications etc. Specialization Company Clients Company Services In requirement specification you need to include Requirement study Study of existing system. Highlight drawbacks of existing system. Need for new system. Highlight the advantages and new features of new system. In functional specification you need to include Functionality of the project Main modules of the system with functionality Users of your system with specific role

Best of Luck

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