Never Again April 19 2012 by Miguel Avila

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Deputation Toronto Police Services Board

April 19 2012


Original Letter delivered to the board on February 16, 2012 My Name is Miguel Avila, A member of the Latin American Tenant Association, I am a taxpayer and a disabled person. Today we are here to put an end to senseless murders , I can not be not any more "diplomatic" the last straw was broken when members of your force brutality over-exercised your powers against a transsexual on the streets of Toronto. Mr Alok, here are some suggestions that you can champion as chairman of the Toronto Police Services Board, to recommend for immediate implementation to all the T.P.S divisions in the City of Toronto. 1.- An expansion of the mobile crisis intervention team, which currently operates in nine police divisions, partnering a registered psychiatric nurse with an officer. The team functions as a secondary response to certain situations when the risk of violence is diminished, it should also be available as a first-response unit. 2.- Studies had suggested that Police should aim at a leg or an arm when confronting a disturbed person but as reported last week , quoting Training Constable Michael S. Police are not trained to aim for an arm, or leg, they are trained to aim for the torso. "Officers are trained to aim for, essentially, centre mass of the threat. 3.- Before a new recruit is hire to become a Police Constable he/she must undergo several test to ensure that she/he is not going to aim her/his weapon on a innocent man/woman with mental illness, This rigorous test will ensure that once all necessary training has positive evaluated the officer then she/he qualifies to carry a weapon of service. Otherwise she /he are not to become a Police Constable and request their immediate resignation.

On this regards I have to report to this board I have the privilege to meet one of this team of officers and nurse in early March 2012, I shock the hand of the nurse and thank for being here. I could not hide my sense of joy , I congratulated them for their presence, I don't know the real reasons for their presence but it certainly give me personally a sense of tranquility, a sense of peace and security. However my joy did not last for long. I ask of the nurse what are the reasons for not being here in the late hours of the night in case dispatch call to deal with a T.C.H tenant who may be experiencing a mental breakdown.. or else.. The response was simple, the Ontario Ministry of Health has provided limited funds to the T.P.S to hire a nurse to pair with a front line officer to answer this particular calls, they are currently working 10 hours shift in the afternoon so, there is a problem , so here we are dear board members with a problem perhaps we could "brainstorm" some ideas to deal with this issue. For instance $10 Million dollars generously were given by the Province to the T.A.V.I.S program (.July 12, 2011) on top of the budget allocated for T.A.V.I.S I wonder if half or this funds can be transfer to the "Mobile Intervention Units" rather than investing on more police officers to terrorize and scare children in the 13 priority neighborhoods. Mr Alok and board members if you are serious enough to help people with mental illness you must make priorities. Saving lives should be one of them.

Mr Alok Please be aware, Torontonians deep feel that the T.P.S has declared an open season on the Mentally Ill in Toronto, I will monitor this issue with great interest in the months to come, Sincerely Yours, Miguel Avila Ward 28 220 Oak Street Resident

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