Functional Specification - SCN

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13 Replies Latest reply: Aug 1, 2007 11:35 AM by Siddharth Sridhar

Idrees Syed Jun 19, 2007 5:53 AM

Functional specification
This question is Assumed Answered. I would appreciate if you could explain how to write the functional specifications for the ABAP team in order to do the configuration,I am working on pricing and I have to write some functional spec. for the ABAP team. If u can send me some document will be highly appreciated at my email Regards. Idrees



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VSN VSN Jun 19, 2007 6:13 AM (in response to Idrees Syed)

Helpful Answers - 5 points

Helpful Answer Re: Functional specification To speak at macro level that is at projet manager or at senior levels. The Functional Spec (Specification) which is a comprehensive document is created after the (SRS) Software Requirements Document. It provides more details on selected items originally described in the Software Requirements Template. Elsewhre organizations combine these two documents into a single document. The Functional Specification describes the features of the desired functinality.. It describes the product's features as seen by the stake holders,and contains the technical information and the data needed for the design and developement. The Functional Specification defines what the functionality will be of a particulat area that is to be precise a transaction in SAP terminology. The Functional Specification document to create a detailed design document that explains in detail how the software will be designed and developed.[4/27/2012 7:40:31 PM]

Functional specification | SCN The functional specification translates the Software Requirements template into a technical description which a) Ensures that the product feature requirements are correctly understood before moving into the next step, that is detchnical developement process. b) Clearly and unambiguously provides all the information necessary for the technical consultants to develop the objects. At the consultant level the functional spects are preapred by functinal consultants on any functionality for the purpose of getting the same functinality designed by the technical pepole as most of the times the functionalities according to the requirements of the clients are not available on ready made basis. Let me throw some light on documentation which is prepared before and in a project: 1) Templates 2) Heat Analysis 3) Fit Gap or Gap Analysis 4) Business Process Design 5) Business Process Model 6) Business Change & Impact 7) Configuration Design, which is just 5 % of Total SAP- have different names 8) Future Impact & Change Assessement 9) Functional Design (Module Wise) 10) Risk Assessement 11) Process Metrics and Many More-- Which has impact on Business and its work flow

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Guest Jun 19, 2007 6:58 AM (in response to Idrees Syed)

Re: Functional specification Sent the mail reward if helps

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robertz p Jun 19, 2007 7:25 AM (in response to Idrees Syed)

Re: Functional specification Basically it will be prepared for all New Enhancements that comes in the project. it consists of the Project Details and the person how perpared in the front page. As a functional consultant we have to understand the requirement from the client and based on that we have to prepare this funtional Spec.Later Functional Consultant will forward the same to the Technical Team to add their comments called Technical Spec,in which the Abapers will give the Technicality of the Requirment in the same and finally it will be sent to Client for Approval. Functional specification: The Functional Spec (Specification) which is a comprehensive document is created after the (SRS) Software Requirements Document. It provides more details on selected items originally described in the Software Requirements Template. Elsewhere organizations combine these two documents into a single document. The Functional Specification describes the features of the desired functionality.. It describes the product's features as seen by the stake holders, and contains the technical information and the data needed for the design and development. The Functional Specification defines what the functionality will be of a particular area that is to be precise a transaction in SAP terminology. regards mahesh

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Functional specification | SCN

Rajesh Banka Jun 19, 2007 8:39 AM (in response to Idrees Syed)

Re: Functional specification Email sent. Regards, Rajesh Banka Reward points if helpful.

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prakash madala Jul 2, 2007 10:14 AM (in response to Rajesh Banka)

Re: Functional specification Dear Rajesh, I also need Functional specification. Can u send same material to my mail id i.e., Thanks in advance, M.Prakash

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Siddharth Sridhar Aug 1, 2007 11:35 AM (in response to Rajesh Banka)

Re: Functional specification Rajesh Does this document that you mail contain the modus operandi on how to write the functional specification ? If so could you mail it to me at Regards Siddharth Sridhar

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TAJUDDIN MOHAMMED Jun 19, 2007 12:02 PM (in response to Idrees Syed)

Helpful Answer Re: Functional specification What Is A Functional Specification? Functional specifications (functional specs), in the end, are the blueprint for how you want a particular transaction or report to look and work. It details what the report or transaction will do, how a user will interact with it, and what it will look like. By creating a blueprint of this first, time and productivity are saved during the development stage because the programmers can program instead of also working out the logic of the user-experience. It will also enable you to manage the expectations of your clients or management, as they will know exactly what to expect. Why write a Functional Spec? A key benefit of writing up a Functional Spec is in streamlining the development process. The developer working from the spec has, ideally, all of their questions answered about the application and[4/27/2012 7:40:31 PM]

Functional specification | SCN can start building it. And since this is a spec that was approved by the client, they are building nothing less than what the client is expecting. There should be nothing left to guess or interpret when the spec is completed...and this, in a nut, explains my love affair with the Functional Spec. The Fucntion specification has the pseudo code of the program, the logic how the report or transaction should work and what the tables to be used. It should define the business need and business functionality of the report or transaction and the criticalities if this report or transaction fails. It should have the work around solution in case of emergency. What Are Functional Specification in SAP? To speak at macro level that is at projet manager or at senior levels. The Functional Spec (Specification) which is a comprehensive document is created after the (SRS) Software Requirements Document. It provides more details on selected items originally described in the Software Requirements Template. Elsewhre organizations combine these two documents into a single document. The Functional Specification describes the features of the desired functinality.. It describes the product's features as seen by the stake holders,and contains the technical information and the data needed for the design and developement. The Functional Specification defines what the functionality will be of a particulat area that is to be precise a transaction in SAP terminology. The Functional Specification document to create a detailed design document that explains in detail how the software will be designed and developed. The functional specification translates the Software Requirements template into a technical description which a) Ensures that the product feature requirements are correctly understood before moving into the next step, that is detchnical developement process. b) Clearly and unambiguously provides all the information necessary for the technical consultants to develop the objects. At the consultant level the functional spects are preapred by functinal consultants on any functionality for the purpose of getting the same functinality designed by the technical pepole as most of the times the functionalities according to the requirements of the clients are not available on ready made basis. Let me throw some light on documentation which is prepared before and in a project: 1) Templates 2) Heat Analysis 3) Fit Gap or Gap Analysis 4) Business Process Design 5) Business Process Model 6) Business Change & Impact 7) Configuration Design, which is just 5 % of Total SAP- have different names 8) Future Impact & Change Assessement 9) Functional Design (Module Wise) 10) Risk Assessement 11) Process Metrics and Many More-- Which has impact on Business and its work flow Hope this helps you. Regards TAJUDDIN

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Idrees Syed Jun 19, 2007 2:07 PM (in response to Idrees Syed)

Re: Functional specification Is there any standard form or format we maintain. and if the answer is yes if u can send me one, thanks[4/27/2012 7:40:31 PM]

Functional specification | SCN

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Sridhar k Jun 30, 2007 1:22 PM (in response to Idrees Syed)

Re: Functional specification hi is there any templete for the functional spec document? can anyone provide me that my id Regards sridhar

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Rajesh Banka Jul 2, 2007 2:37 PM (in response to Idrees Syed)

Re: Functional specification Rough example of Functional Specs. Please map it in Excel & it will give you better clearity. This is Sample for SD report covering Link Between Project System, Sales Order, Delivery, Billing & Accounting Document <b>Initial Screen</b>: Fields | Table-Field | Remark | Table Joint Sales Organization | VBAK-WAERK | Single Selection Distribution Channel | VBAK-VTWEG | Multiple Selection Division | VBAK-SPART | Multiple Selection Sales office | VBAK-VKBUR | Multiple Selection Sold to Party | VBPA-KUNNR | Multiple Selection | VBAK-VBELN=VBPA-VBELN Material | VBAP-MATNR | Multiple Selection | VBAK-VBELN=VBAP-VBELN WBS Element | VBAP-PS PSP PNR | Multiple Selection | VBAK-VBELN=VBAP-VBELN Sales Order Type | VBAK-AUART | Multiple Selection Billing Type | VBRK-FKART | Multiple Selection | VBAK-VBELN=VBFA-VBELV & VBRKVBELN=VBFA-VBELN Period <b>Main Screen</b>: <i>Header</i> Sales Organization | VBAK-VKORG Period <i>Item Level</i>: Sold-to-Party | VBPA-KUNNR where VBPA-PARVW = AG Distribution Channel | VBAK-VKWEG Division | VBAK-SPART WBS Element | VBAP-PS_PSP_PNR Sales Office | VBAK-VKBUR Sales Doc type | VBAK-AUART Sales Doc No | VBAK-VBELN Material | VBAP-MATNR Mat Desc | VBAP-ARKTX Qty | VBAP-KWMENG UOM | VBAP-MEINS Doc Currency | VBAK-WAERK Delivery No | LIKP-VBELN Billing Document Type | VBRK-FKART Billing Document No | VBRK-VBELN Billing Document Line No | VBRP-POSNR Quantity | VBRP-FKIMG Price - Base Price[4/27/2012 7:40:31 PM]

Functional specification | SCN Price - Service Tax Price - Education Cess Price - VAT Price - Other taxes Price - Total Accounting Document Number | BKPF-BELNR Table Joints at Item Level: VBAK-VBELN = VBPA-VBELN VBAK-VBELN = VBAP-VBELN VBAK-VBELN = VBFA-VBELV (For Delivery) VBAK-VBELN = VBFA-VBELV LIKP-VBELN = VBFA-VBELV VBRK-VBELN = VBRP-VBELN VBRK-XBLNR = BKPF-XBLNR some details are missing, please try to identify & use it as per your requirement. Regards, Rajesh Banka Reward suitable points. How to give points: Mark your thread as a question while creating it. In the answers you get, you can assign the points by clicking on the stars to the left. You also get a point yourself for rewarding (one per thread).

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Idrees Syed Jul 3, 2007 7:12 AM (in response to Rajesh Banka)

Re: Functional specification Can you also send me this doc in excel format. thanks

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CHANDRA SRIHARI Jul 2, 2007 2:49 PM (in response to Idrees Syed)

Re: Functional specification HI rajesh, Can u please send that functional spec to bit clear as it is confusing. Thanking you chan in excel format to understand a

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sai anand karthikeyan Jul 3, 2007 7:19 AM (in response to Idrees Syed)

Re: Functional specification Pl also mail me some functional specs. mail: <b></b>[4/27/2012 7:40:31 PM]

Functional specification | SCN

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