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P.G. Diploma in Logistics and Retail Management G.H.

Patel Institute of Business Management

SEM-II 204-Human Resources Management

Case Study of Mr. Kishore

Submitted By: Vinod Nair Date- 18th April, 2012

Submitted To: Dalwadi Sir

This case was all about the busy branch manger Mr. kishore who was working under the Indian Bank at one of its villages. In the bank there were two clerks and an attender to support the branch manager in his work. The whole works such as transaction, account settlement are come under the three person of the Indian bank. The problem arises when the work was not completed and the staff gone away after completing the banking hours i.e 11:00am to 5:00pm. After the banking hours, the branch manger works lately for completing the uncompleted work due to high burden on its works. The workload becomes increase when the top level management asked to submit the financial statement of a particular time period. Such incident was happened to the case of Mr. kishore , he was asked to submit the report on 31 st December. He was very efficient to his job. The time duration was too short and he have to submit the report timely so he work till past 2:00 am on 30 th December for tallying the accounts since hardly one day is left for closing the accounts for the year. On this fateful night, the branch manager was attacked by some robbers who stolen their 5 lakhs after wounding their right hand which had to be amputated later. He was considered as the key factor of the Indian bank for account settlement of his bank by working lately. After his recovery, when the branch manager applied for compensation. The bank management was of the opinion that Mr. kishore violated the job specification by working beyond the stipulated hours of work. He was not entitled to get any compensation for the accident occurred during non-employment hours. They also called foe and wanted to recover the amount lost from his salary and Provident fund.

Problem Identify: In this case the main problem arise due lack of job specification. The staff and the branch manager did not complete the work on time (banking hours) and they stay there to complete the work after the banking hours. Now we considered the rights of two parties: On the side of Mr. kishore: 1) He has a right to get compensation due to the losing his right hand at a period of working time in a bank. 2) He was the only person who carries all the work on his head without considering the subordinate after banking hours. 3) He has the right to get more salary due to overtime working and the bank should provide securities and facilities to Mr. kishore. 4) The work of the bank didnt complete in a stipulated time because the bank doesnt have the latest technology from the staff can complete. 5) As he was the branch manager his duty is to control the bank if there any deviation occur but then also he has many work without their supporters.

On the side of Bank: 1) The bank didnt say to Mr. kishore to work overtime after the banking hours. 2) He has the responsibility to complete the work on time so he is not eligible to get the compensation from bank. 3) But bank have the responsibility to get the loss amount from his salary and provident fund. 4) If the work is getting overburden then he has the responsibility to ask the top level management to recruit some people for his help instead of doing the whole work from his side.

Requirement of Modification:

1) The bank has limited no. of staff and there was no accountant which can carry the work related to accountant. The bank need to recruit some staff which can the work according to their specialization i.e accountant for account. And also should require 1 or 2 staff in additional. 2) There was no security at night for the Indian bank in the village which increase the risk of bank i.e, robbers The bank should provide additional security which minimize the risk of cash holding in bank from certain robbers. 3) The bank was using the traditional technology which increase the burden of work and delay the work which result they fail to submit the financial statement to the top level management in time. The bank should update the technology for improving the work schedule and also can complete the work as fast as possible.

4) The management doesnt give higher remuneration to efficient staff from which efficient staff didnt get any benefit from the work. The management should give higher remuneration to the efficient employee which motivate the other inefficient employee to give the best performance The appropriate title of this case was Job Specification which considered a vital role for any management to look for.

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