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Words of Different Quills

TOURNIQUET The pain was sharp, Itchy, deep inside of me. For it was no ordinary knife, That, I could have removed myself. But it was a dagger, Perfectly made by the hands of a Spartan; Sharp, strong, truly metalled. The pain was still sharp Cos it pierced through my ribs Separating one or two from its fuse. Though my heart did escape it But I felt the sharp edge Trying to give it a severe bruise. Now the pain was striking Even more severe. So I fell on my knees, the dagger, In my ribs, still there. And then I felt an unusual thirst, Not of anything but, water. So I smiled and said to myself, Ive got to get out of this perdition first I tried to get up from my slack, But like a smashed fella, I fell back again. Not on my knees this time, But, with a thud, on my back. The scorching sun raying straight On my forehead, And my eyes blinked a million times. The thirst came back again, This time as if I had walked a thousand miles. Hey, I did not die though. Cos later in the small hours, My eyes opened again. The dagger still inside of me, I hated it, like a worst foe. And like the Seeker, I began to imagine my worst fears; That I would die alone, Here, in the emptiest middle of nowhere.

So I tried to get up the second time, But I fell back again. I laid still, breathed a deep breath, Thinking my life is finally getting exhausted From its length to its ending breadth. I started to feel the earths warmth Next to my ear. The wind was unusually cold and Gulls cawing in the sky, I could feel them very near. I felt the daggers striking pain, again. And I knew I had breathed my penultimate Breath. A warm tear rolled from my eyes Down on my cheek. Then , just then I began to sense its closure. Death. So I was going to die, finally. I never got scared because it would Have been the biggest joke and yet, silly. I just kept smiling. Knowing that I was on the brink of My own extinction. Alone, deserted, single, just me. A total absence of any sensation. My eyes, filled with warm tears closed. And like a tired laborer, away I dozed. That was when she appeared. And if youd ask, Id say from nowhere. She knelt, felt my forehead and felt my pulse Was still there. But I wasnt breathing though. So she closed my nostrils and breathed in me. A Mord Siths breath of life. And with a thin gasp of breath, My eyes opened. But with a dull sight though. I knew not how, but she had removed the dagger. Cos the pain wasnt there, And I felt I could even stagger. To stop the bleeding, she had torn her dress Hey, and even some part of mine. She had tears in her eyes too And she kept saying, Youre going to be fine. That was my God-sent savior from deaths prickly net. She made me write the story and titled it Tourniquet

MIGRAINE I hate you. Cos you're cruel, and you spoil my leisure. Sneaky, creepy, invisible you come and you destroy my rapture. I despise you. Cos i involuntarily tend to cuddle. While you pound and torment me with your strongest cudgel. You're a coward. Cos you never reveal yourself. You know if you do, I'd break you to a thousand shard. I really hate you. You take pride in your devilry and feel so high. Like mobile phones, amongst other common pains you're an "-i". Sometimes you happen to be not alone, you usher in some pains more. Cos when you insidiously intrude my head, you make an open door. You render me deviant, and i pray for God's sake, please depart and never return you damn headache. DON'T PUSH ME Once, I lived in a place so peaceful and tranquil. When the world made sense, and it was never ill. But things are changed now, and totally different. Cos this place is now ruled by diseased miscreants.

They hold their hands so high as if they really care. But they do their nefarious deeds in huge shares. Mindless fools so corrupt, filthy and unkind. They rob surreptitiously, leaving the people in torment, and paying no mind. Well, like I always pray God will one day intervene. And then, this whole shit will surely be supervened. As their torque of misdeeds goes on sequentially, may God's wrath descend on them (if they don't repent), torrentially. And while life is so horrible for them, and rather sordid, may it not cease quickly, may it be slow and very torrid. Now, don't get it twisted cos this ain't no curse. I'm just doing what a bewildered man would do out of an empty purse. DESTINY Destiny, as some say, can only be delayed but not changed. Well, how about the saying that we write our destiny, isnt that strange? Thank God I'm a Muslim cos it taught me that I do not write it. My destiny has been written long before I know the meaning of it. Nothing can derail or alter anyone's destiny. Not science, not physics, not any absolute scrutiny. Now see, it's destiny that I have you all as my friends. And I pray you all safely get pass life's twists and bends. May our lives be blessed and our times be perfect. That we could gladly talk about it in retrospect. Though God surely knows

where each one of us resides, thereafter. We wouldn't hesitate to ask for a good end, cos it does matter. An everlasting life in Firdaus, Na'iim or largest 'Adn. Alongside the Holy Prophet, with the Noble Sahaba; the sweetest place in Heaven. Ya Allah, in Your Infinite Grace and Rahma, I ask You these. Grant me, my family and my loved ones, please. LILIES OF THE VALLEY Have you ever seen one? Very precious like gems, crystals and rubies. Adorable, cute, worth cared for like babies. You'll find them with hazel eyes, tawny, and sometimes blue. Unlike Medusa, one gaze, you're stunned and all respect due. Their skin soft, tender and pretty mild. Their lips red, succulent; one kiss, you'll go wild. They walk gorgeously, as if they practise it. Oh dearie! Sexily, calmly, womanly, like Halle Berry. They at their most attractive when they are tall. Your hand holds perfectly her hips, when you walk into the mall. You'll get my point, if you refer here. To Charlize, Sharapova, and Kate Henshaw. Clear! The not tall ones I never left out. Cos they are perfect, too if you'd check them out. It does not matter if they're dark or light. She takes good care of her skin, that'll be just right. Check out Eva Mendez, Dakore, Genevieve and Meagan Fox. See how truly stunning they are

as if they eat Lux. Have you ever seen one? So touchable, hard to resist, so magical. Like Meagan Good, Gabrielle Union. Hmm, great spectacle. See them Vibrant in Prada, Chanel, Vickie's Secret or Fendi. Drop dead gorgeous, sexy and sweet like Heidi. I can fill a thousand sheets to say something more. But I'd want to stop herecos I wouldn't want to have you thinking it's all folklore. FOLKS LIKE THE EPHORS Everyone whinges and brings up ideas. So corrupt, filthy and diseased, and without fears. They name it REFORM, to make it look legit. But they are too dumb cos we all know the plot behind it. This will stop, though, cos so I pray. That God will not let Nigeria to keep going astray. A true leader will rise and Nigeria will have her true forms. And these miscreants will rot, sipping tea in condoms.

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