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A Project Report Prepared By D.S.V. Senanayake CCHRM 2011/su/06/54 Course: Certificate Course in Human Resources Management July, 2011





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3.1. Background of the Organization 3.2. Objectives of the Organization 3.3. Organizational Structure

3.4. Products/ Services and Customer or Market Segments

4. ANALYSIS 4.1. Methodology 4.2. Analysis

32 32 34





Appendix 1: Company Data Profile Appendix 2: Survey Questionnaire

38 39

List of References



I extend my heartfelt gratitude

To panel of IPM lecturers, for your continuous support, inspiration & courage given to me throughout the study program To Mr. Bennett Patternet, head of group human resources at Carsons Management Services (Pvt) Ltd, who generously shared his valuable time to provide insights to the company & its functions

To all my friends and colleagues who assisted me in the collection of information provided constant reminders & much needed motivation


As a planning student at university of Moratuwa, I had selected Human Resource Management as a key area of study which will aid me in my long term career development. Planning is always dealing with people. At the same time it is one of a function of Management. This is the main reason I decided to join the Institute of Personnel Management and follow this CCHRM program. Retrospectively, Im very happy that I have taken that decision, as I now understand more clearly what the study of Human Resource Management offers to a professional. It has also proved to be an enjoyable field of study, as it gathers more on practical experiences than established theory. The commitment & dedication of the IPM lecture panel have immensely contributed to this experience, proving once again that IPM is truly the best institution in Sri Lanka providing studies in Human Resources.

This Project is based on motivation, and is an effort made as a part of the CCHRM undertaken in order to complete this level. It was indeed a good opportunity for me to be exposed to the practical implementation of the motivation process in an organization, being an undergraduate this was a wonderful experience for me to observe the balance between the theory & its practice. Through this project I was able to identify the true sense of motivation & how in fact it affects real day to day situations. Getting in to the shoes of the employees & interviewing them I learnt the factors they are truly motivated with, what if at all de-motivates them, their joys & worries in the organization from their own point of view. My Executive report is focused on Identification of the motivation process & contains how its practiced in reality. The observations were made on Carsons Management Private Ltd & information was collected through interviewing the staff. A certain number of significant issues were discussed & also I was able to come up with suggestions which were taken in to account by them. It was indeed an invaluable learning experience


I undertook this study on formulation & implementation of the motivation process as partial requirement of the Certificate Course in Human Resources Management conducted by the Institute of Personnel Management of Sri Lanka, In order to proceed to next level in the study of Human Resource Management I was guided to do a report on a particular lesson we learnt at the classroom for the completion of this level of study.

We were expected to examine a particular Human Resource Management issue & make use of the theory, knowledge & skills we learnt in theoretical point of view in a real day to day practical scenario of an organizational setting.

The main objective was to apply the fundamentals & principals we learnt throughout the course to a practical situation and analyze measure & evaluate how in fact that theoretical knowledge we gained could bring about productivity to an organization.

Through this invaluable learning experience we were able to observe a balance between the theory & practice. Also we were able to identify the loopholes, lapses & drawbacks of an organizational setting from the point of employees, how a theory we learn in simple terms could be difficult in implementing in to an organizational settings & adhering accordingly. We were able to determine the relationship between rewards and recognition and employee motivation and satisfaction, the impact of rewards on motivation and satisfaction, the impact of recognition on motivation & which factors contribute to work motivation and satisfaction.

We were also able to come up with recommendations in order to resolve the problems that arise in implementing the theories we learn to practical situations & how in fact they could take necessary steps to overcome these issues.


My main focus in this project report is to discuss on the topic Formulation & Implementation of the Motivation Process. Im aiming to discuss the fundamentals, principles & theories of the motivation process.

What is Human Resources Management?

Human Resource Management (HRM) is the recognition of the importance of a companys workforce as vital human resources and the utilization of several functions and activities to ensure that they are used effectively and legally for the benefit of the individual, the organization and the society.

Thus the way people are managed in an organization determines whether it will achieve the objectives and be prosperous or failure. The objective of HRM is to generate and retain an appropriate and contented workforce who gives the maximum individual contribution to organizational effectiveness

Functions of Human Resources Management

Man Power Planning Recruitment & Selection of employees Performance Management including Performance Appraisal & Motivation Employee Evaluation Industrial Relations Employee Welfare Employee Training & Development Human Resource Information Systems

The responsibility for HRM functions rests with every manager in the organization. Therefore all managers are, in a sense, HR managers, since they all get involved in HRM functions identified above. They all have HRM role in a firm, which has a separate HR Department with its own HR manager, a dual responsibility exists between the HR manager and other managers for the performance and development of policies, procedures, programs and rules relating to the HR function and, ensuring implementation of those. Whereas other managers will be responsible for assisting the HR manager in planning HR programs and, for proper implementation of those HR policies, procedures, programs, rules etc.

What is Motivation?
Motivation is the inner power or energy that pushes one toward performing a certain action. Motivation is one of the most important factors determining organizational efficiency. All organizational facilities will go waste in the lack of motivated people to utilize these facilities effectively. Often, a person has the desire and ambition to get something done or achieve a certain goal, but lacks the push, the initiative and the willingness to take action. This shows a lack of motivation and inner drive. Every superior in the organization must motivate his/ her subordinates for the types of behavior. Diagnosing human behavior and analyzing as to why people behave in a particular way is of prime importance in motivating them irrespective of the nature of the organization because individual is the basic component of any organization.

Motivation as a Managerial Function

Managers normally encounter problems such as how to motivate employees to achieve the goals of the organization how to satisfy the needs of the employees, how to tap the hidden human capabilities in the organization. This is the challenge of motivation. Managers are responsible to get the organizational objectives achieved through coordinating the efforts of their subordinates. It is very much clear that efficiency& effectiveness of organizational work, among other things, is heavily determined by the degree of motivation of employees. As a manager identifying individual characteristics (such as interests, attitudes towards self /job / work situations, needs) is important. The manager should design the jobs and surrounding factors accordingly because they are the factors that lead to motivation of people. Factors are task variety, autonomy, feedback, intrinsic rewards.

Motivation Process
An unsatisfied need creates tension that stimulates drives with in the individual. These drives generate a search behavior to find particular goals that, if attained, will satisfy the need and lead to the reduction of tension.

The Psychological Process of Motivation

Unsatisfied Needs



Search Behavior

Satisfied Need

Reduction of tension

Theories of Motivation
Major theories of motivation could be divided into 2 categories. 1. Content theories 2. Process theories

Content Theories

These theories focus on the needs that motivate behavior. Greater emphasis is placed on the characteristics of the people, but do not attempt to make any allowance for individual differences. The first theory to be considered under content theories is the Maslows Hierarchy of needs. The Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Theory

Physiological needs: We are motivated to satisfy needs that ensure our physical survival. Needs in this group include food, water, air, shelter, clothing and sex. Most people have satisfied their physiological needs allowing them to concentrate on higher level needs. For some though, physiological needs are dominant and are the biggest needs in their lives. 1. Safety needs. Once physiological needs are met one can concentrate on bringing safety and security to our lives. Safety and security needs include, order, stability, routine, familiarity, control over ones life and environment, certainty and health.

2. Social needs or love and belonging needs. These needs include love, affection, belonging and acceptance. People look for these needs in relationships with other people and are motivated for these needs by the love from their families.

3. Esteem needs. All people have a need for stable, firmly based, usually high evaluation of themselves for self-respect or self-esteem and for the esteem of others. These needs may therefore be classified into two subsidiary sets. These are, first, the desire for strength, achievement, and adequacy, mastery of competence, confidence, independence and freedom. Second, we have what we call the desire for reputation or prestige (defining it as respect from other people), status, fame, glory, dominance, importance, recognition, dignity or appreciation.

4. Need for self-actualization. This level of hierarchy is concentrated on an individual being able to reach their full potential a human being. Once someone has satisfied the first four levels of needs then they have the ability to concentrate on functioning to their highest potential. But even if all these needs are satisfied, we may often still expect that a new discontent and restlessness will soon develop, unless the


individual is doing what they are fitted for. Musicians must play music, artists must paint if they are to be at peace with themselves. What humans can be, they must be. They must be true to their own nature.

The first four needs are what we call deficiency needs, because they come from things we are lacking. These needs can be met only by external sources, by the environment, people or things going on around us. Self-actualization is a growth need. This doesnt just address what we are lacking in our lives, but it gives us room to grow and develop as an individual. This need is always intrinsically motivated, because we do it out of pure enjoyment and desire to grow. Maslow, does explain that self-actualization is rarely achieved, but we must make sure employees have satisfied their deficiency needs in order to move on to their growth one. Intrinsic motivation will not occur until they are well fed, safe in their environment, and can love and respect the teachers and their classmates. From there on motivation will be a breeze.

Two Factor Theory (Motivation-Hygiene Theory)

According to the Two Factor Theory of Frederick Herzberg people are influenced by two factors. Satisfaction and psychological growth was a factor of motivation factors. Dissatisfaction was a result of hygiene factors. Hygiene factors are needed to ensure an employee does not become dissatisfied. They do not lead to higher levels of motivation, but without them there is dissatisfaction. Motivation factors are needed in order to motivate an employee into higher performance. These factors result from internal generators in employees.


Typical Hygiene Factors are:

Working conditions Quality of supervision Salary Status Security Company Job Company policies and administration Interpersonal relations


Typical Motivation Factors include:

Achievement Recognition for achievement Responsibility for task Interest in the job Advancement to higher level tasks Growth

Factors to motivate Employees

Appreciation or recognition for a job well done Being aware of the company matters An understanding attitude from the management Job security Good wages Interesting work Career advancement opportunities Good working conditions Good discipline Set examples of high standards Sense of Freedom Concern about employee welfare A healthy Organization culture Transparency Proper Job Design


Factors that de-motivates employees

Lack of basic needs & proper working conditions Poor Recruitment & Placement in the wrong job Lack of fair wages & other perks Sexual or Verbal harassment No proper recognition for a job well done Less opportunities for career advancement Lack of Training & Development Setting unachievable standards Lack of opportunities to experiment new things Lack of a good disciplinary procedure Lack of a healthy relationship between the employers & employees Industrial disputes Discrimination on the grounds of race, sex, age & religion Lack of welfare facilities Lack of transparency in the company procedures Lack of practice in proper health & safety measures


Relationship between performance & motivation

A motivated and qualified workforce is vital to increase the productivity and quality of a company in order to contribute to achieving targets. Motivation in the work context is defined as "an individual's degree of willingness to exert and maintain an effort towards organizational goals" .The challenge for managers are how to create this kind of motivation. Research has shown that workers and their managers often perceive motivation differently. In addition, little is known about the motivational factors that are important for a better performance. While there are many theories on motivation, two different areas of motivation are often confused: motivation to be in a job and motivation to perform. Both are important, and managers need to understand the impact of their activities on both areas. Herzberg's two-factor theory of motivation at the workplace is used to explain the distinction between these two areas of motivation. It distinguishes satisfiers, which are the main causes for job satisfaction (or motivation to perform), from dissatisfies, which are the main causes for job dissatisfaction (or de-motivation to remain in a job) when absent or perceived as insufficient. Examples of motivating factors are achievement, recognition, responsibility and the work itself. Dis-satisfiers include: working conditions, salary, and relationship with colleagues, administrative supervision, etc. An organization needs to influence satisfiers through performance management the "measuring, monitoring and enhancing the performance of staff, using a range of human resources management (HRM) tools such as: job descriptions, supervision, performance appraisals, continuous education, rewards and career development.


The Relationship between incentives & motivation

Increasingly, organizations are realizing that they have to establish an equitable balance between the employees contribution to the organization and the organizations contribution to the employee. Establishing this balance is one of the main reasons to reward and recognize employees. Organizations that follow a strategic approach to creating this balance focus on the three main components of a reward system, which includes, compensation, benefits and recognition .Studies that have been conducted on the topic indicates that the most common problem in organizations today is that they miss the important component of recognition, which is the low-cost, high-return ingredient to a well-balanced reward system. A key focus of recognition is to make employees feel appreciated and valued. Research has proven that employees who get recognized tend to have higher self-esteem, more confidence, and more willingness to take on new challenges and more enthusiasm to be innovative.

The Motivational techniques in practice

Management by objectives Behavior modification Quality Code Profit sharing plans Skill based pay Viable pay programs Employee Involvement Flexible benefits Comparable work


How a company motivates an employee

o Best employee of the month o Best employee of the Quarter o Special Names for rewards o Ceremonial occasions to announce & reward employee



3.1 Background of the Organization

Carsons Management Services (Pvt) Ltd is situated in the heart of Colombo in Janadipathi Mawatha.

Company history
1867 Carsons arrived in Sri Lanka 1880 Carsons opens his first office in Baillie Street in Colombo to import cotton goods. 1881 The company obtains the agency of London Assurance 1881 H. Cumberbatch, a coffee planter, joins Sabonadiere & Company, an organization that was foremost among the estate agencies of that period and dealt with the produce of 113 plantations 1884 Sabonadiere and company declare bankruptcy with the decline of the Coffee Industry. H. Cumberbatch resurrects the interests of the Company under the name of Cumberbatch & Company, which goes on To become one of the most recognized estate agency houses in the Island. 1891 Carson & Company obtains the agency in Ceylon for the Bibby Line Streamers. 1897 Carson & Company acquires the agencies for the Nippon Yusen and the White Star Line of steamers.


1902 Carson & Company moves to Australia Building in York Street, Fort 1910 The Grand Central Ceylon Rubber Estates belonging to Carson & Company is floated on the London Stock exchange with an authorized capital of 1.5 million sterling pounds, making it the largest rubber concern in Sri Lanka 1913 Carson & Company is converted in to a limited liability company 1947 The merger between Carson & Company Limited and Cumberbatch & Company, results in the name of the Company being changed in to Carson Cumberbatch PLC 1964 - Leechmen & Company Limited, which was incorporated in 1953, becomes a subsidiary of CCCL, CCCL moves in to a new office complex at Vauxhall Lane, Colombo 2 1972 CCCL diversifies into hotels, real estates & investments. The Group builds two hotels Girithale & Moonlight Hotel & takes over the management of Pegasus Reef 1976 Sri Krishna Corporation, a 75 year old company, which is a leading manufacturing and exporting house in Sri Lanka, acquires a controlling interest in Carson Cumberbatch PLC 1986 CCCL constructs its own office premises at 67, Dharmapala Mawatha, Colombo 7 1988 CCCL demolishes building occupied by the Companys airline & travel sectors on Janadhipathi Mawatha to build a new office complex, Equity two 1990 CCCL enters into a joint venture with Unit Trust of India, Bank Of Ceylon & HSBC Asset Management Company to set up one of Sri Lankas pioneering fund management companies


1991 Carson Management (Pvt) Limited is established to provide management services to all companies of the group 1992 CCCL secures the management contract for the Elpitiya plantations, which the company had managed until privatization 1993 Carsons expands its interest in Oil palm plantations- The Indonesian Plantation project under P.T. Agro Indomas commences, increasing the overseas oil plantations area under cultivation from 1800 hectares to 18000 hectares 1997 A state of the art brewery at Biyagama is commissioned, which will more than double the Groups brewing capacity. CCCL takes over the management of three investments holding companies The Ceylon Guardian Investment Trust Limited, the Ceylon Investment Trust Limited & the Rubber Investment Trust Ltd 1998 As part of the investment management activities of the Group, the management of Sri Lankas first dedicated country fund, The Sri Lanka Fund is vested with the group 1999 The Group divests its stake in Moonlight Beach Hotel 2000 Sale of the Bukit Darah estate and re- investment into a new plantation project of 20,000 in Central Kalimantan, PT Agro Bukit


Carsons People
Carson Company spans across Sri Lanka & South East Asia & in numbers the staff at the head office is around 600 & employees including the ones at plantations exceeds more than 12,000 in numbers.

They believe if employees are motivated & dynamic they can take to the company to greater height. As such they ensure that they recruit, reward, manage performance & provide training & development opportunities that are in keeping with or above industry norms.

Human Resource Philosophy

They believe that People will make the difference They strive to provide a climate & resources that will enable all employees to advance on their own merit They recognize good performance They provide good opportunities for continued individual training & development They make sure that ideas, concerns & issues are identified & two way communication is maintained They offer pay & benefits that are fair & competitive They encourage employees to learn from mistakes They provide an environmental that identifies, encourages & rewards excellence, innovation & quality customer care They remember that respect for human dignity is fundamentals to our society


Training & Development

They develop & provide efficient & effective training & development programs that continuously support their business needs.

What they achieve by this; Providing orientation & foundation training within the one month of an employee joining the organization Providing approved further skill development / technical training to employees as directed by the line management within 6 months Developing proactive training programs that support business objectives Identifying suitable employee development programs that support their principal requirements

The Carsons work culture is centered on achieving individual excellence while fostering team spirit , Their employees are encouraged to identify their professional goals & are provided the necessary training & development required for the attainment of these goals, while promoting an atmosphere driven on achievement, they emphasize the importance of adhering to their core values, they are focused on creating a work place that spurs creativity & innovation, nurturing their employees innate abilities & skills.


Key International Alliance Partners & Project Financers

Carlsberg UK Standard Charted Bank Singapore Air France KLM Royal Dutch Airlines North West Airlines Of The USA Martinair The International Finance Cooperation Unit Trust of India HSBC Asset Management ( Hong Kong )

Listed Companies
Carson Cumberbatch PLC Bukit Darah PLC Indo Malay PLC Good Hope PLC Selinsing PLC Ceylon Brewery PLC Lion Brewery ( Ceylon ) PLC Ceylon Guardian Investment trust PLC Ceylon Investment PLC Shalimar ( Malay ) PLC Union Assurance PLC Equity One PLC Equity Two PLC Watapola Investment PLC


o Stands a place in the top ten business organizations in Sri Lanka o Won the National HR award in 2004

Labor Regulations

Factory Ordinance ensures that the machinery is working in proper


o Shop & Office Employees Act o EPF & ETF Act- Apart from that they also have a private provident fund where 8% of the contribution is by the employee & 10% is from the employer o Workmen Compensation & accident while on duty- They have a critical insurance coverage for the employees & their family members on the expenses of the company, Also the company bares the vicarious liability of any person who enters their premises, they have ensured the outsiders protection through a personal insurance cover o Termination of employees Act o Maternity Benefit Act o Gratuity Act o Industrial Dispute Act

Industrial Relations & Welfare

o Medical Schemes o Personal Accident Insurance o Canteen facility o Transport- for the workers of the Lion Brewery Biyagama o Open door policy, They strictly believe in a first name culture o Other welfare facilities, They had been provided a business environment with Internet & Intranet facilities


Internal Communication Process

o Notice boards o News letters o Communication day- this is where the employees & the heads get a chance to have chit chats o Tea parties with the Heads of the departments o Town Hall Meetings Once a month o Intelligent Work stations

HR Procedure in Operation

Time & Attendance-

working hours are from8.15am 4.45 pm, The

breweries employees do have work on shift basis, One hours lunch time is given Leave Procedure - They have earned leave & privileged leave 14 Annual leave, 7 days could be taken consecutively, Also they have an online leave procedure where hierarchical permission is excluded but if that leave exceeds three days the employees have to produce a medical certificate, Also all the records could be done online Disciplinary procedureo They have a progressive correction policy, First the employees are been given verbal warnings, Then it leads to verbal counseling, There after it leads to written causation & finally it could even lead to termination of the employment o If its damage to business image or harm other people could definitely lead to take serious action against the employee


3.2 Objectives of the Organization

Being a truly regional holding company

In keeping with the their visions of becoming a truly regional holding company & given the opportunities that exist within the rapidly developing economies of the Asian Region, they believe that their horizons in all their core businesses should extend to South & South East Asia, As such, while Sri Lanka will remain their home base , their strategic plan takes into account the need to mobilize resources & develop core competencies that can make all their businesses regionally competitive over time ranging from oil plantations in Malaysia & Indonesia to Breweries, Investment Holdings , Portfolio Management, Real Estate, Airlines, Financial Services & Leisure in Sri Lanka The challenges they have to contend with in pursuing the strategy to look up to their long term goals would be numerous, since the competitive and regulatory environments and market entry barriers they have to face would be enormous.

Nevertheless they strongly believe that the opportunities that the developing economies in Asia present are too attractive to be overlooked and that any well managed Sri Lankan company should eventually look at integrating itself with the growth trends that are sweeping across the Asian landscape. They have also realized that the kind of expansion they have planned for the Group cannot take place only through their own efforts. The importance of strategic alliances, joint ventures and other collaborative arrangements that will bring them both the financial resources and the technical and management competencies required for expansion will be continuously explored. Locally, they find that their existing resource base and expertise needs to be stretched further to expedite the rate of growth of some of their locally focused sectors.


The Company Focuses & Their Values

Its mainly focused on results; the emphasis has been towards the creation of sustainable long term share holders value in all their business.

They believe that the creativity, dedication & innovative spirit of their staff will make the difference between the successes or failures of their business & hence they are committed to reward them based on merit & providing them opportunities to grow & develop with the company.

As a socially responsible Corporate they have recognized the need to be sensitive to the needs of the environment & the communities that they work for.

Long Term Goals

To acquire the whole world by 2025


3.3 Organizational Structure


Board of Directors

Chief Executive Officer

Managing Director

General Manager Head of IT

Head of Finance

Head of HR

Head of Admin

Head of Sales & Marketing

Head of Production

Finance executive

HR executive

Admin executive

S &M executive

Production Executive

IT Executive

Finance Assistant

HR Assistant

Admin Assistant

S&M Assistant

Production Assistant

IT Assistant


3.4 Products/ Services and Customers or Marketing Segments

1. The Oil palm plantation sector owns a land bank of approximately 70,000 hectares in Malaysia and different regions of Indonesia including Central Kalimantan and East Kalimantan. 2. The Beverage sectors Lion Brewerys 546,000 hectoliter brewery is equipped with brewing technology; also they own 51 % of the shares in Ceylon Brewery. Additionally they own a 20.2% stake in Ceylon Cold Stores, which owns a brand in the food and beverage business in Sri Lanka.

3. The investment holdings sector comprises a blue-chip quoted equity portfolio traded on the Colombo Stock Exchange.; it includes the Investment Holding companies such as the Guardian company, Guardian Fund Management & the Sri Lankan Fund.

4. The Real Estate Sector owns and manages a total built up area of approximately 240,000 square feet comprising office and stores space in Colombo City namely Equity 1,2,3 & 5. They have a clientele range from City Bank Ltd, FedEx, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines & Air France .These are listed as Rental properties, Also they own profiles of the property where they build & sell, These are situated in Athurugiriya & Mount Lavinia.

5. The Leisure sector holds the passenger general sales agencies of Air France, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines and Northwest Airlines formerly known as Carson's Construction Limited, started as a joint venture in November, 1980 between Carson Cumberbatch & Co. Ltd., and the Edwards Brothers Group of New Zealand & also it includes the hotels such as Girathale & Pegasus Reef.


6. The Management services which was established in 1993, acts as a centralized service provider giving policy direction & management support services to the operating subsidiaries of the Carsons group

These include; Company Secretarial services Corporate Tax services Human Resource Management & Development Information & Technology Legal Services Internal Audit services Risk Management



5.1 Methodology
This includes the system of methods used in the preparation of my project report as to how employees could be motivated. These are the following methods which were utilized to identify the issues, they are as follows.

A number of employees were randomly picked ranging from top level to executive & supervisory levels & a brief interview was conducted to identify how if at all they are motivated, The factors that demotivates them or demoralizes them, If the motivational process practiced in the organization is satisfactory. Through this process a number of issues were identified. The employees were highly satisfied with the company policies such as freedom of expression, trying new things, not been punished for mistakes , They were quite pleased of the bonuses they receive at the end of the year, Also the employees of the Leisure sector especially the hotels were also entitled to customary bonuses & hurdle rates

Observations were made on the motivational techniques practiced in the organization, Unique motivational techniques were spotted during the observations such as the incentive schemes they use, Also a performance appraisal usually takes place once a year & through this exercise the company identifies the requirement of a job related skill development of an employee & direct them for their training needs, for this to become a reality they also make training budgets to fit the needs.


Also career discussions are made by the employees & facilitate them to reach their goals. A business plan is made focusing on the possible future needs of the company for a better productivity. A very healthy team culture was also among the observations in the motivational process where the needs of every employee are attended with a special interest. The most significant observation made was the companys training matrix hung on the HR department where all the names of the employees were included along with the records of what training they require for better career prospects

A questioner was used to analyze the process of motivation used in the organization, it was given to randomly picked employees in different levels to identify if they are satisfied with the process & what other measures could be taken to improve the process.

Suggestion Boxes
In the Lion Brewery employees were given opportunities make suggestion as to what they expect from the company & also a human resource policy is implemented yearly with reforms to the previous policies with suggestions as to what over & beyond the company expects from the employees. Also costumers comments are taken in to account in the leisure sectors especially in the hotel sector of what they expect from the company & necessary steps are implemented to motivate employees to reach those criteria by rewarding them on performance basis such as best employee of the month / year etc


Other Sources
Among the other sources, family days, communication days, town hall meetings & tea parties were organized to boost the morale of the employees & build up a healthy relationship between the employees & employer, Also the family members of the employees are also been rewarded with scholarships for educational purposes & the employees family members are also exposed to enhance their computer skills & linguistic skills. Books are distributed among school children of the employees

5.2 Analysis
Through this project my main aim was to find a balance between the theory we learnt & how it could be applied to a real life organizational setting. Through using different methodology such as interviewing, making observations, providing questioners & referring to the suggestion boxes I was aiming to identify the issues the employees face from their point of view, It was a successful way to analyze if the theoretical knowledge we learn in the classroom could be practical when it is applied to an organizational setting.

What I intended was to analyze how the theories applied to a practical scenario could be made satisfactory, what problems could be encountered in implementing new strategies to overcome the issues & what necessary steps could be taken to improve to bring better productivity. A happy employee is always a productive employee , thats what in fact Carsons Cumber batch PLC always believe in. They have always ensured that the people who make a difference in their company should be given on par or even above industrial standards. They have always prioritized the employees needs to make sure that they are better looked after but yet they have identified certain tribulations that should be attended in order to make their vision a reality. They have recognized that in order to compete with the present market they not only need to retain their staff but also they should be well trained to adapt according to the modern technological changes of the


society. As means of motivating the employees they should be concerned in sharpening the technical knowledge of the employees, The Company had taken initial steps in providing a business environment to all its employees at the head office with intranet & internet facilitates & also the competencies of technology should be further expanded to the other businesses of the company as well especially the production sectors such as breweries, plantations & real estate where with the knowledge of modern technology a better productivity could be gained.



A questionnaire was used to analyze the process of motivation in the company. The questioner was distributed among randomly picked employees ranging from different top levels to the executive levels & below. The questioner included a number of questions as to the satisfactory of the motivation process implemented presently, What are faults, drawbacks & loopholes the employees observed & their suggestions as to what could be done in order to overcome these issues.

The statistics that were collected from the employees were of use to identify certain findings as to what employees feel about the present process.

Accordingly in general they were generally satisfied with the process implemented presently; also they were impressed that the company has a Human Resource philosophy ensuring their needs & that philosophy was subjected to reforms in order to suit the modern trends in the market.

They also pointed out that in order to attain the vision set for them they need to have a better awareness of the technological changes in the modern society. Also they were much in need of technological expertise to guide them. Apart from the head office, the employees of the other businesses were in need of improving their linguistic skills to keep up with standards; especially the employees of the leisure sector including hotels & Air lines were keen to improve their skills in languages.

Also they were in need of more employees recruited to their respective businesses to expand their opportunities in growing their horizons to indeed conquer the whole world in the near future.



The key findings I identified through the use of various methodologies were indeed top concerns of the company already. The issues analyzed were needed further attention of the company & they had already taken necessary steps to proceed towards modifying their policies to adapt to the modern changes in the society. The company can take advance steps to provide efficient & effective training & development programs to enhance the technological & linguistic knowledge of the employees, mostly expanding the intranet & internet facilities not only to the head office employees but also to employees from other sectors, They could also provide technology & linguistic workshops in the factory premises where the employees could attend at their leisure times Company could expand their resource base & expertise needs in order to overcome the challenges they face They could get the help of strategic alliances, joint ventures and other collaborative arrangements that will bring them both the financial resources and the technical and management competencies required for expansion

They could come up with more career opportunities in order to meet the requirement of attaining their vision.


Appendix 1:

Companys Data Profile

Carsons in its glory in the past

Pictures of the products / Services of the Company



Investment Companies & Financial Services


Real Estate



Management Services

Community projects


Appendix 2

Survey Questionnaire
Name: Mr. / Ms. / Miss



Marital Status:

Educational Qualifications:

Job Title:

Responsibilities of the job:

Working Conditions:

No of years / months working for the company:

In what capacity did u join the company?

Monthly Gross Salary:

Other Perks / Rewards:

Entitlement to Welfare Facilities:

Have you ever faced a performance / career discussion? Yes / No

If Yes What Sort of Training was given?


Were you entitled to any promotions / career growths?

Is due recognition given to the work done? Yes / No

Is sufficient support given to you by the superiors? Yes / No

Are you satisfied with what you are today? Are you been motivated sufficiently?

What other suggestions could you make to improve the facilities the company provides you?

Your general comments:


List of References

Annual Report of Carsons Management Services ( Private ) Limited Carsons Management History Thomas K.W- Intrinsic motivation at work : Building Energy & Commitment Bruce A. and S. Peppiton J.- Motivating Employees Tracy B.-Motivating people to peak performance Sekaran- Research methods for business: A skills building approach Nelson, B. (1995)-Motivating employees with informal awards Course Manual,1st year, Introduction to Management ,University of Sri


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