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21 Qs and As on Mr.

Pitpits Classroom Procedures

1. Mr. Pitpit, May I leave the room to use the bathroom? There is ample time for you to visit the restroom before class starts in the morning, during class changes (10:15-10:25 a.m. and 12:55 1:00 p.m.). If you desperately need to visit the restroom you must inform me of this (towards the end of the period) and sign the student log located at/near the classroom door. Excessive and unnecessary bathroom usage will not be tolerated and result in loss of bathroom privileges. Bathroom request should be made at a distinct break in the class period (NOT DURING INSTRUCTION). Medical conditions/illness/emergencies are exceptions. 2. How should I behave in class? All students are expected to follow the Fifth Grade Students discipline plan. Remember that you, the student, choose how you will behave. The choices you make all have outcomes. They may be positive or negative. Refer to the discipline plan for the consequences. 3. What do I do when I come to class? Come into class quietly and be seated. All pencils should be sharpened before class begins/bell rings. Everyday you will have a Warm-Up activity. Begin working on this until I have instructed you to do otherwise. You should also have your textbook, writing tools, and assignment/homework on your desk unless told otherwise. 4. What do I do if I have finished my assigned tasks/assignments and others are still working? There will be times when assigned tasks or assignments are given and you may finish early. If other students are still working and we have not moved on to another task as a class you are not to disturb anyone. You have the option to read an AR book and do the AR test, complete a fun worksheet/puzzle, work on homework, or work on the student computers. Make sure you ask me first. 5. What about at the end? Remember, I dismiss you, NOT THE BELL, NOT THE CLOCK. I will give you ample time to pack your things and prepare to leave. My classroom should be clean and free of all materials before you are dismissed. Do not just jump up or line up at the door. I will dismiss you promptly. 6. Hmm. Homework? One whole point will be given for homework/assignment that will be graded. Each homework is given one full point. If you partially complete homework or dont turn it in ON TIME, you will NOT receive any point. At the end of the grading period, the amount of points that you end up with will be your overall homework grade. Homework is assigned for your practice and should be done completely. We will always go over homework answers in class. Take home tests and quizzes will be graded for correctness and result in an actual numerical grade for each.

7. How do I turn in homework, class work, quizzes or tests? Each paper should include full name, subject and period, and date in the upper left hand corner. If you do not do this, 1-3 points will be taken off the grade. 8. How do I attend tutorials? Tutorials will be held on specific days after school. I will inform you beforehand if you need to attend so that you can arrange your transportation with your parents. You must come to tutorial with questions and have already done independent studying. 9. Late work? All work should be turned in. NO EXCUSES. There will be daily point/s deducted as penalty for each day the projects and papers are turned in late. 10. ManI was sick? You will have 3-5 days to turn in your assignments after you return to school. Visit the makeup work center in order to find out what you missed (THIS IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY) and ask me any questions that you might have. For tests you will need to see me in order to set up a day to take it. Remember even if you were sick, you are still responsible for reading ahead. 11. What if I forget my required items? (book, notebook per subject, pen/pencil/eraser/sharpener, paper, markers, memory stick, etc.) It is important that you bring these items to class each day. You may quietly ask a neighbor if you can borrow one or see me. DO NOT disrupt class to obtain materials. 12. I might need a snack while the class is on going. NO DRINKS, NO GUM. NO FOOD. 13. How will I know what to study? At the beginning of each chapter/chapters you will be given a list of objective and vocabulary. This will be the information that you will be responsible for. During the lessons you will receive handouts and you will take notes. You will need to know all of the objectives and study the homework and class work assignments that have been given. You will also participate in review activities before each major test and/or quiz. 14. Ive got something to say. If you wish to speak, raise your index finger. If you wish to leave your seat, raise two fingers. If you need help, raise three fingers. Wait until I acknowledge you with a nod or a hand gesture. 15. Late for class? You are late when I already checked the roll and once class work begins. My door will be closed. If you come to class late you will be counted tardy and a daily point penalty (from your average) will be taken for each minute you are late. Extreme tardiness or repeat offenses will result in office referral. You will need to knock at the door three times; open it; and say your greetings. 16. Will we have projects or research papers?

Yes! Each unit will have 1 to 2 projects that you will either complete in groups or individually. There will be roughly 2 small research assignments for the rest of the year. 17. Can I use classroom materials and supplies? Yes. My classroom contains a Student Center that will house specific student items that you may use when appropriate (markers, highlighters, stapler, tape, crayons, etc..).These are the only items that you are allowed to use unless you are instructed otherwise. PLEASE TAKE CARE OF THESE ITEMS BECAUSE THEY ARE FOR ALL OF YOU. You must return all items to their appropriate location within the classroom. My personal items and ALL items on my desk are NOT for student use. 18. How do I work within a group? You will be required to work in groups many times throughout the year. To work effectively in a group you must do the following: a. Put all of your personal differences aside. Everyone is different and we should appreciate those differences. b. Your group is your support group. The role that you need to perform in your group is important. Work together to achieve the goal you have been assigned. Excessive noise will not be tolerated. Use soft voices to communicate to other group members. c. DO NOT visit other groups. Always ask me if you need to get supplies/etc. from someone outside of your group. d. Leave your area clean once your group has finished. Take all personal items with you, throw away trash and return items to their assigned location. REMEMBER: You are always graded on how well your group works. Make sure you are performing the assigned job. Off task behavior, loud talking, horseplay and less than 100% group participation will result in penalties/consequences. 19. How do I behave in the hallway? When we are moving through the hall as a class you should do the following: a. Line up against the wall quietly and one behind the other. b. Do not move the line until instructed. c. Always follow boy-girl sequence. d. There should be NO talking (except during bathroom breaks; you may talk softly to the person beside you, but I should not hear your individual conversations.) 20. How do I behave when Mr. Pitpit is absent or out? There may be times during the rest of the year when I will be absent from work. You should follow the classroom rules and behave in the proper manner. You should act the same way that you do when I am here. Any discipline problems that occur while I am gone will be investigated and corresponding consequences for the class/individuals will be implemented. Be familiar where I put my things so that whenever the substitute teacher needs some things, you can tell him/her where they are. 21. Anything else??? I hope that with your cooperation, we will have wonderful moments together until the end of the school year.

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