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Saturn conjunct Venus The conjunction of Venus and Saturn indicates that you feel you must make

concessions to others to get what you want. You are always the one who is expected to adjust to the demands of others in order to have a satisfactory relationship. As a result, you are often dissatisfied with the contacts you make, either because they are not fulfilling enough, or because you feel you are being used. You may become resigned to making the best of a relationship in which you give more than the other person does. On the positive side, however, this shows that you take the relationship seriously. You are loyal and sincere in your affections, but tend to be inhibited in demonstrating them, because you are afraid that others will take advantage of you. You have reasonably good judgement, which is reflected in your material affairs. You are selfdisciplined in handling money, and prudent enough to always save something regardless of your income. Such prudence is a way to compensate for the disappointments you may have in personal relationships, and you consider it a reasonable substitute. Saving money also gives you security and allows you some material comforts. You are temperamentally suited to occupations in which success depends on adhering to rules and regulations. Finance, banking, building trades, insurance, law, real estate, sales, and designing are some endeavors in which you can successfully apply yourself. Ideally, you should have a position that allows you to function independently. You are dutiful and responsible, and would accomplish more without a supervisor breathing down your neck. You are certainly able to work with others, but you prefer working in privacy. Your romantic interests are stimulated by individuals who are serious, sincere, honest. You need a person you can respect and who will respect you too. A mature individual represents security to you, in addition to providing social status. Your lover must be tactful and polished, and have a strong and admirable character. You are repulsed by vulgarity and disturbed by disorder. Your objectives are well-defined, and you will expect your mate to co-operate in reaching mutual goals. Because of your deep concern for the integrity of the family, you will unhesitatingly withdraw from any external situation that threatens your family. It is important that you look at the bright and positive side of life; negative attitudes can bring about negative effects. Problems in the throat glands may have a similar origin. You can improve your general well-being by adopting a more cheerful outlook, but the optimism must be genuine.

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