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Dr Illahi Bakhsh Marghazani Veterinary Officer BPRC, Sibi

Patron in Chief:

Dr Ghulam Muhammad Khetran Farm Superintendent BPRC, Sibi

Special Thanks

__________________________________________ Dr Muhammad Jamal Marri Divisional Director, L & DD Department, Sibi Dr Muhammad Iqbal Khetran Director General, Livestock & Dairy Development Department, Balochistan

In Pakistan, human population is increasing with an annual growth rate of 2.2 percent at a continuous pace which has resulted in increased demand of meat in the country. Cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat and poultry are the various sources of meat production. Of them, cattle and buffalo are 34.3 and 30.8 million heads respectively which contributes 56 % to the total (2965 thousand tons) meat production (Economic Survey of Pakistan, 2009-10) in the country. The major source of beef production in Pakistan is culled animals. These animals are still raised on traditional pattern and most of the beef is obtained from end of career or emergency slaughtered animals and baby calves. Hence, current beef production is based on horizontal strength of livestock rather than vertical production per animal.

Mutton 21%

Poultry 23%

Beef 56%

Fig.-1: Contribution of different sub-sectors in total meat production of Pakistan

The production of meat is almost stagnant as compared to the increase in human population. The gap between supply and demand is widening. The main reasons behind this are genetic potential of animals, feeding of animals,
Population (Million) Gr ow th T r e n d o f Po pu latio n of Pak is tan 170 160 150 140 130 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ye ar s (2001-10)

their management on scientific lines and marketing. Keeping in view these limitations, some attempts are made to improve the genetic profile of indigenous animals for beef production at Livestock Production Research Institute, Bhadurnagar, Okara

and Beef Production Research Centre, Sibi. Both components focused on improving the genetic potential of native breeds for beef production through cross breeding with well known beef breeds of the world. Livestock Production Research Institute, Bahadurnagar adopted the policy of cross breeding with beef breeds such as Charolais and Simmental. On the other hand, BPRC, Sibi which was established in 1969, followed the long term cross breeding cattle breed to develop native beef breed of Pakistan. In sixties, a consignment of Droughtmaster cattle was For imported into Pakistan.
Beef Production (000, tons) Gr ow t tr e nd of Be e f Pr od uction In Pak is tan 2000 1500 1000 500 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ye ar s (2001-10)




having similar environmental conditions of Queensland, a Beef Production Research Centre was established at Sibi in 1969. Preliminary experiments carried out to select best indigenous cattle breed for beef production among Sahiwal, Thari and Bhagnari cattle breeds with Droughtmaster crosses. Results showed that birth weight, weaning weight and average daily gain in first cross were comparatively better in Bhagnari cattle (24.451.5 kg,

145.155.5 kg, 0.69 0.05 g/d) than Sahiwal (22.68 0.92 kg, 92 .11 3.5 kg, 0.45 0.08 g/d) and Thari (22.230.15 kg, 104.33 4.20 kg, 0.49 0.06 kg/d) cattle breeds, respectively. These preliminary studies recommended Bhagnari cattle for breeding program with Droughtmaster. Breeding Program for Developing a Beef Breed Droughtmaster is the beef breed of Queensland, Australia which developed as a result of crossing Bos taurus and Bos indicus breeds. Bos indicus inheritances include Red American Brahman and Africander with some blood genetics of Santa Gertudis. Bos taurus inheritances include Devon, Shorthorn, Hereford and Red Poll breeds. Droughtmaster animals have good growth rate, fertility, docility and tick resistance. On the other hand, Bhagnari cattle breed is the heaviest draught breed of Pakistan which has its home tract in Sibi, Kachhi and Naseerabad territories. This breed has profound ability to survive in scorching hot climate of the region. Better conversion efficiency of poor nutritive roughages, growth rate and mothering are specialties of this breed. A long term cross breeding program for three generations (crosses) was chalked out to combine the unique characteristics of both breeds of the world. In first cross, male Droughtmaster mated with female Bhagnari cow. The resultant first cross was having 50% genetics of each breed. In second cross, female animals of first cross were bred with male Bhagnari bull. Consequently, the resultant progeny had 25% characteristics of Droughtmaster and 75 % of Bhagnari cattle. In third cross, female animals of second cross were selected to be bred with Droughtmaster bull. The obtained progeny was having 62.5 % genetics of Droughtmaster and 37.5 % of Bhagnari cattle. The resultant progeny named as Narimaster. After completion of breeding plan, Narimaster animals were crossed within its population for fixation of characters by adopting culling and selection process. Baseline strength of 300 animals of this breed obtained almost two decades ago and is being maintained as in situ (on farm) at BPRC Sibi. Bhagnari (BN: 100%) (Female) Droughtmaster (DM: 100%) (Male)

First Cross progeny (DM: 50%, BN: 50%) First Cross progeny (DM: 50%, BN: 50%) (Female) Bhagnari (BN: 100%) (Male)

Second Cross Progeny (DM: 25%, BN: 75%) Second Cross Progeny (DM: 25%, BN: 75%) (Female) Droughtmaster (DM: 100%) (Male)

Third Cross Progeny Narimaster (DM: 67.5%, BN: 37.5%)

Where, DM: Droughtmaster and BN: Bhagnari

Fig-2: Schematic breeding program of Narimaster

Breed Characteristics of Narimaster In its breed characteristics, Narimaster has reddish dun color with some percentage of light red color. In our tropical conditions, red color imparts beneficial effects on the health of animals. It protects cattle from the harmful rays of the sun which results in less or no incidence of eye cancer and pink eye. These animals are typically polled however horned animals can also be observed which facilitates easy handling and management of the herd. It has wide frame and muscular body structure. Hump is moderate to large and dewlap is loose enough. The more hide length and area, more will be the sweet glands. As evaporation is the main mechanism for regulation of temperature, hence, Narimaster cattle suffer less and are well adapted to scorching hot weather conditions of the region. Narimaster cattle are quite and docile in behavior. This quality makes them to consume less energy and grow better and produce more beef. It has good foraging ability and can be managed on maintenance ration with moderate growth rate. Its beef cuts has fine blend of tenderness and juiciness.

Potential of Narimaster as beef breed

Narimaster has comparatively better birth weight, weaning weight and pre-weaning growth rate than indigenous cattle breeds. However, the published work in hand did not represent the true potential of the developed beef breed. The plausible reasons are underfeeding of animals particularly at pre-weaning stage. Hence, true potential of the Narimaster can be obtained by proper feeding of calves at early stage so that they could express its worth at later stage. Keeping such conditions in view, a study was conducted under Restructuring and Strengthening of National Agriculture Research System in Balochistan (Pakistan Agriculture Research council (PARC) funded project). In this study, calves of maximum birth weight were tested in fattening trial. These calves showed quite promising growth rate (0.930.06 kg/d) fed at different fattening rations.

Areas that need prompt attention

1. Narimaster is rapidly losing it vigor and other characteristics due to continuous inbreeding without proper selection and culling procedures and lack of policy for its propagation. It is suggested that culling intensity need to be increased. Lengthy procedures for approval need to be minimized. It will be ideal approach that farm superintendent be made independent in this respect. Further, selection of elite animals, its conservation and propagation need sound approach. Breed and production characteristics should be kept in mind during this whole procedure. 2. Sale of milk from beef breed is unjustified. It leads to improper feeding of calves at the primary stage of age that has dire consequences on later growth rate and weight of animals. 3. Inadequate budget allocation retards smooth running of the farm. It often leads to alarming situation in case of ongoing research studies which can face deadly consequences. Hence, prior to start studies at research centers, finance availability be assured for the whole period. 4. Farms having research mandate always need investment instead of earnings. Therefore, income targets for research institutes need relaxation. 5. Capacity building of the existing staff, special package for conducting research studies and other facilities need special attention to encourage and acknowledge the dedicated efforts. 6. Proper functioning of research farm needs no interference. Political influence particularly in case of animals purchase and transfer and posting orders want to be criticized. It is suggested that we should feel our responsibility and there should be fashioned commitment for those tasks which are good in national cause rather than personal interests.

7. The performance of Narimaster cattle breed as in situ (on station, farm, zoo etc.) can be different from ex situ (open or traditional community based animal husbandry) environment. There are two main advantageous for ex situ husbandry of livestock. Primarily, keeping newly developed breed in to controlled environments of government farms poses the threat of losing adaptive traits. Secondly, livestock breeds are not static entities but are continuously being shaped and adapted. It is hence believed that livestock genetic wealth can only be conserved through utilization. Considering these fact, it is suggested an initial propagation plan of Narimaster cattle breed (which is already too delayed) need to be designed on priority basis to achieve the community-based performance of the developed beef breed.

Narimaster cattle are the live product of long time research. Despite of negligence, it has shown some promising features which could play a certain role in enhancing beef production in Pakistan. However, persistency in its performance need prompt attention from the both at provincial and federal levels. Further delay in its propagation and lack of intense selection and culling procedure will degrade the existing potential of this breed.

Gain ability, Docility, fertility and adoptability are the specialties of Narimaster cattle breed

Reproductive efficiency, calving ease, milk producing ability to rear heavy calves are the characteristics of Narimaster cows

Better feed efficiency, growth rate on poor feeding and lean meat. Narimaster is the unique combination of
Droughtmaster and Bhagnari characteristics

Gold Medalist
Historical Horse and Cattle show, Sibi National Horse and Cattle show, Lahore

First Beef Breed of


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