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Team Analysis

Group Meetings
Our team usually meets on class times and at nine oclock every Wednesday. The attendance to these dates havent been perfect which I would rate 75% of attendance. After having discussions with Brad Smith, about improving our attendance record, we have shown improvements, however we have lost a group member. When we meet at class times we usually try to answer these following questions. 1) What stage are we at? 2) What is the next step? 3) Who needs to do what to move the project forward? Then we assign a group member to the specific task. Not always have we answered these questions in every class but that procedure remains our goal. We also have group meetings on Wednesdays at 9 oclock as it gets recorded with minutes. We also keep a record of these minutes in our binder. After having assigned tasks in class times we try to resolve any issues if there is any at these meetings. I would rate these meetings about 50 per cent productive as we have not completed our research, but we expect to vastly improve this figure as the design and build phases of the project are initiated.

Group Members evaluation

Each member of our team has performed well which have helped us in submitting the required documents. The following are each group members contribution to the project; Scott Sumpter: Hanwook Jung: Issues Halil Canoglu: Project Proposal, Research establishments of communication within group via email, scope document Scope document, Responsibility Matrix, WBS, Gant Charts Scope Document, Research, WBS, Communication, Resolving

Group Members Communication and Documentation

Our primary method of communication is via fanshawe onlines e-mail features. We use this to resolve any non-critical issues and for general correspondence. We keep records of all these emails to indicate our progress. We have also set up a Google account to keep record of all email, documents, data sheets and etc. We use a binder to keep all these submitted documents in an organized manner. We keep two binders, one being draft, one original to provide protective redundancy. All electronic documentation is stored on Google documents, in folders that all group members have access to. This allows for us all to have access to review and work on documents, and also maintains a copy of all previous versions of these documents in case any issues arise.

Issue Report
We are all well aware of the existing issues and we are in progress to resolve the following issues as quickly as possible. Generally we have lacked in the research of the project for the most part and this may have caused consequences that did not work well for our project. The departure of a group member has given us more material to cover for each person. Participation of group members has been acceptable. All three remaining members have contributed to the submission of documents. Lack of research has caused knowledge gaps, therefore we have been unable to come up with a specific circuitry design as of yet, but the project is picking up steam and moving forward at a more accelerated pace. We have no financial issues since we have all decided to split the cost among group members. Before the departure of Arielle we had split all group work into four. One issue that we are facing is uncertainty pertaining to the loss of the group member, the main question being whether we will be assigned a new group member, or whether we will need to divide Arielles responsibilities among the remaining group members. In the interim we have all mutually taken on the tasks that this gap has left efficiently and successfully. For the most part lack of research and absence of one group member are two issues that could affect the outcome of our project, but seeing as we have already overcome the majority of the issues that have arisen from these issues, we cannot see any major stumbling blocks in the near future.

End of Semester (Project Status) Based on our performance as a group nearing the end of semester we have successfully kept up with documentation due dates. We have had gaps in areas such as research and communication. To combat these issues, we have taken on initiatives to resolve these issues, such as refining communication methods amongst group members and further subdividing the research into more manageable subtasks. We have also lost a member in our group which will in turn cause more work load for each team member. A fourth member who is knowledgeable in electronics would be an added asset to the project. If the projected completion date is at the end of April we need to further improve our efforts but we feel that we are well on our way to a successful project conclusion. Ideally our research was to be divided individually for specific parts of the project. Whether this would be the solar panel or voltage regulation each member is in charge of one specific part. Some parts have been ordered, although some are still waiting on completion of research to properly determine which components will suit our needs for this project. As a result, completion or research has become of paramount importance, and is currently the focus of our efforts. Finishing up the research would also assist in eliminating knowledge gaps that exist within the project. Other than being reduced to three members, we do not have any team membership issues.

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