Community Meeting Thursday May 3, 2012: Agenda

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Lutheran Social Service 2400 Park Avenue, Suite 240 Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-879-5383

Community Meeting Thursday May 3rd, 2012

(Meeting held at The Center for Changing Lives in the Centrum Room, 2400 Park Avenue)

6:00 to 7:30 p.m.

(Little Caesars Pizza & Beverages will be provided)
6:00 pm 6:02 pm 6:04 pm 6:05 pm Meeting called to order; Timekeeper assigned Introductions April 5th Community Minutes in packet for review.

Phillips West Business:

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Midtown Global Market Update- presented by Kim Hanna (3 minutes). Minneapolis Police Update & Targeted Enforcement at Chicago & Franklin- presented by CPS Don Greeley (5 minutes). American Swedish Institute 2nd Construction Update- presented by Nina Clark (15 minutes). 6th Ward City Council Update from City Council VP Robert Lilligren- (15 minutes). Phillips West Spring Clean Up- Saturday May 12th at 8:30 a.m. flyer in packet! New Hope Baptist Concert & Outreach- presented by Jake Rock flyer in packet! March Financials - in your packet for review. Phillips West NEW 2% Interest Rate Housing Program- Flyer in packet!
Phillips West Annual Community Meeting, Thursday June 7th, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. (LSS, Centrum Room)


Upcoming Phillips West Meetings:


7:17pm Adjourn
This Community Meeting is an Accessible Event and accommodations will be made for those attending. For those with children who wish to attend the cost of Childcare will be provided. To ensure time for Proper Accommodations please contact Crystal Trutnau at 612-879-5383 Eligibility: Eligibility for membership in the organization shall be open to: A. anyone 18 years or older and; B. anyone who lives in the Phillips West neighborhood or; C. anyone who owns residential property in the neighborhood or; D. An official representative of a business, organization, or institution located within the neighborhood. An official representative shall be so designated in writing (to be filed with the secretary annually) by the business, organization, or institution located within the neighborhood. Voting membership: Any eligible person may become a voting member by: (1) attending Regular Full Community, Special, or Committee meetings and recording his or her name on the sign-in sheet; or (2) submitting his or her name and address in writing to the Council along with a request for voting membership.

2400 Park Avenue, Suite 240 Minneapolis, MN 55404 Phone 612-879-5383 Fax 612-879-5217

Phillips West Community Meeting Minutes April 5th, 2012

Board Members in Attendance: Del Lundeen, Muriel Simmons, Trudy White, Jake Rock Board Members Absent: Robert Byrd, Patty Phillips 1. 2. 3. o Called to order: Meeting was called to order by Chair Del Lundeen at 6:05 p.m. with introductions and welcomes. March 1st Community Minutes were in packet for review. Phillips West Business: City of Minneapolis Police Update- CPS Don Greeley was present to discuss crime in Phillips. The Minneapolis Police are seeking the publics help to solve a series of 30 armed robberies that have occurred in Phillips over the past two and a half weeks. In each case the suspects are two black males in the age range of 18-25 who are armed with a sliver semi-automatic hand gun. The losses have included whatever valuables the victim has in their possession including laptops, cell phones, clothes, wallets, credit cards, eye glasses and credit cards. Most have occurred between 8:45 and 10:30 p.m. The last four cases have involved a gold dodge stratus. Don also explained what a Targeted Enforcement Area means (each month at the CJCP meetings the group picks a targeted rd rd enforcement area based on recent crime). There is an upcoming Block Leader training on Monday April 23 at the 3 Precinct. Topics to be covered include how to organize a block club, services available with Community crime prevention, how and when to use 911 and how to solve crime problems. If you plan on attending please RSVP at 673-3482. There is also a joint Phillips West, City Homes on Park and Police Meeting scheduled for Thursday April 19th to discuss crime on Chicago Avenue. All are welcome to attend the meeting will take place at CFCL in room 182 call Crystal with questions at 879-5383. Midtown Global Market Update- Kim Hanna was present to discuss current events at the Midtown Global Market. On Friday April 6 th the Global Market will host an Easter family night and provide free photos with Easter bunny from 5 to 8 p.m. Earth Day will be April 21st from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., a Red Cross Blood Drive will take place April 27th from 3 to 8 p.m., Nurses week will take place May 6th to May 12th special discounts will be given to all nurses who work at Childrens and ANW. There are also three new businesses opening one in late April called Well Seasoned, one in May called Left Handed Cook and one in early summer called El Burrito! Saint Marys Update- St. Marys is offering a Forum about Why Wikipedia Matters, Wikipedia is the most popular online encyclopedia in human history. The Executive Director of Wikipedia will be present to discuss what the future might hold. Event will take place April 19th from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. at the Saint Marys Event Center located at 2540 Park Avenue all Community members are welcome to attend. Midtown Safety Center Annual Report- presented by CPS John Baumann and Hennepin County Probation Officers Therese Rau and Anthony Gardner. The Safety Center is staffed by 1 full time Minneapolis Police Crime Prevention Specialist and 2 full time Hennepin County Probation Officers. The MPD provides services that include in person phone assistance, support of the Franklin Avenue Court watch, involvement in Community events, domestic abuse advocacy, assistance with crime related problems in Spanish, information distribution, meeting space, copying and the McGruff costume. They also provide business security checks; follow up with victims of abuse and robbery, personal safety training, assistance with crime, involvement with the Midtown Security Collaborative etc. Probation carries the caseload of some of the most dangerous offenders in the Midtown area, police ride alongs, information sharing with Police, participation in neighborhood events, backup from officers on dangerous client visits etc. This is a very unique partnership and the Midtown Safety Center is the only remaining Safety Center in the entire City! PWNO is the fiscal agent for the MSC. American Swedish Institute Construction Update- Bruce Karstadt and Nina Clark were present to talk about construction at ASI. The new Museum will open to the Public on Saturday June 30th and there will be a huge Kick off Celebration from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. The Ambassador of Sweden will even be present! The expansion is a great addition to the neighborhood and includes a caf that will be open 7 days a week and an event center where the public can book celebrations such as wedding and parties! The new addition includes a geo thermal heating & cooling system along with a green roof. A royal visit will also happen from the King and Queen of Sweden the 1st weekend of October. Bruce and Nina will be at the May Community Meeting to talk about the Grand Opening and Construction further. 6th Ward City Council Update from City Council VP Robert Lilligren- Robert was present to discuss current things happening at City Hall. He discussed the Redistricting that took place Roberts current ward includes Stevens Square, Loring Park, Whittier,

Ventura Village and Phillips West. His new ward will include Phillips West, Ventura Village, Seward, Cedar Riverside and Elliot Park. These changes will take place in November 2013. When you go to vote in 2012 you will however have to vote at your new ward. Robert also discussed the proposed Community Garden in Phillips West located off of 5th Avenue and said he will continue to work on this and would like to see the park implemented this summer. Robert also discussed the new gas station located off of Lake Street at the former Jordan Stop. The City did approve the gas station but had 11 requirements that need to happen in order to open. Robert never connected with the owner and will do some more research trying to find out who owns the property. Now it is listed as Edina Investment Group but we dont know anything about who owns this or the company? Robert also discussed other happenings in the City including Urban Agriculture, Street Sweeping, Clean Sweeps and City Board and Commission openings. If you would like to get in touch with Robert you can call his office at 612/673-2206 or email him at o o February Financials - were in the packet for review. Phillips West Spring Clean Up- will take place Saturday May 12th from 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. meet at Center for Changing Lives (2400 Park Avenue) at the Messiah Church door off of 24th Street between Oakland and Park Avenue. PW Housing Program: In addition to the current Deferred Loan Program PW has now started a program that owners/landlords can apply to borrow up to $25,000 for home improvements at a low 2% interest rate. For more information about the program contact CEE (Center for Energy & Environment) at 612/335-5884 or online at Flyers in Packet: Block Leaders Event, Saint Marys Forum, Tuesdays Together, Midtown Greenway Newsletter, Police Newsletter, Robert Lilligren Newsletter, ASI information, Midtown Safety Center Information, Spring Clean Up Flyer. Announcements: PW Board Meeting, Monday April 23rd, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. (CFCL, Room 182) PW Community Meeting, Thursday May 3rd, from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. (CFCL, Centrum Room)

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Meeting Adjourn: Del Lundeen adjourned the meeting at 7:15 p.m.

Phillips West Neighborhood Organization in cooperation with Community Partners & Residents invite you and your neighbors to help with the

Phillips West Spring Clean-up 2012

Saturday May 12th, 2012

8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Free Breakfast & Refreshments from 8:30 to 9:00 a.m.
Meeting place: The Center for Changing Lives (2400 Park Avenue) we will meet at the Messiah Lutheran Church Entrance located of off 24th Street!

Litter Pick Up! Block by Block from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. (Trash Bags & Gloves will be provided)
For more information or to RSVP, please call Crystal Trutnau at the PWNO Office (612) 879-5383 or email We will see you and your neighbors in May!

You Can Fix Up Your Home!

The Phillips West Neighborhood Organization has secured funds through the Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Program and is ready to finance your home improvement project.
Deferred Loan Program
0% fixed interest rate (0% Annual Percentage Rate) $5,000 maximum loan amount Loan is 100% forgiven if homeowner continues to own the property for 5 years Income limits apply (ex: $67,100 for a household of 4) Eligible improvements include exterior maintenance and remodeling, code violations, health, safety energy and major mechanical improvements.

2% Revolving Loan Program

2% fixed interest rate (2.006% Annual Percentage Rate*) $25,000 maximum loan amount Up to 15 year term No maximum income limit! Eligible projects include most exterior and interior permanent improvements.
*APR based on $25,000 loan for 15 years

For more information or to request an application call 612-335-5884, visit or email

The current loan terms and conditions stated, including interest rates, do not constitute a commitment to lend or an offer to enter into an agreement, and such an offer may only be made pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 47.206(3) and (4).

Phillips West Homeowners!

The Phillips West Neighborhood Organization offers BELOW-market fixed interest rates and flexible terms which mean monthly payments that you can afford!

Call 612-335-5884, visit or email


212 3rd Avenue North, Suite 560 Minneapolis, MN 55401

Para informacin en espaol de estos programas para mejoras en su hogar, llame al 612-335-5856.

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