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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Articles: A/An e The: .............................................................................................. 2 Diferena entre Present Perfect e Simple Past: ..................................................... 2 Erros Frequentes em Ingls: .................................................................................. 3 False Friends = Falso Amigo? ............................................................................... 4 Nmeros em Ingls: ............................................................................................... 5 Verbo To Be: ......................................................................................................... 6 Days of the week: .................................................................................................. 9 Numbers: ............................................................................................................... 9 Irregular Verbs: .................................................................................................... 10 Have to (objective obligation) ........................................................................... 15

Structure of Have to ................................................................................................ 15 Use of Have to ........................................................................................................ 16 11. Must (subjective obligation) .............................................................................. 16

Structure of Must ..................................................................................................... 16 Use of Must ............................................................................................................. 17 12. Must not, Mustn't (prohibition) .......................................................................... 18

Structure of Must not ............................................................................................... 18 Use of Must not ....................................................................................................... 18 BOOK NEW ENGLISH ELEMENTARY.................................................................... 19 CAPITULO 1 pg.122 ............................................................................................ 19 BOOK NEW ENGLISH PR-INTERMEDIATE ......................................................... 21 CAPITULO 1 pg.126 ............................................................................................ 21;jsessionid=4FBE8F280C1C33AA4EAA834 CDD50743B?cc=global&selLanguage=en

Biginner: Elementary: Pre-Intermediate: Intermediate: Upper: Advanced:

1. Articles: A/An e The:

Artigo definido: s h uma forma escrita the (o, a, os, as), usada antes de substantivos masculinos ou femininos, singulares ou plurais. E o gnero e nmero so invariveis. Ex: the clouds (as nuvens) the boy (o menino) Artigos indefinidos: a (um) ou an (uma) no usado antes de substantivos no plural. A deve ser utilizado antes de palavras singulares comeadas por som de consoantes e an antes de palavras singulares comeadas por som de vogal. Ex: an artist (um artista) a mouse (um rato)

2. Diferena entre Present Perfect e Simple Past:

Um usado para se referir ao presente e o outro ao passado

O simple past usado ao se referir a situaes que j aconteceram e que no tem nenhum tipo de vnculo com o presente. importante que se diga quando a situao ocorreu. Ex: I climbed a mountain last year. Eu escalei uma montanha no ano passado. She painted that picture an hour ago. Ela pintou esse quadro uma hora. O present perfect usado quando no existe possibilidade de definir o ocorrido no passado. usado para contar algo que serviu como experincia de vida ou que h vnculos com o presente. Ex. I have climbed a mountain. Eu escalei uma montanha. She has painted that picture. Ela pintou esse retrato.

3. Erros Frequentes em Ingls:

A lngua inglesa sofreu influncias de diversos povos, como os celtas, os anglosaxes, os romanos, etc. Por isso, muitas palavras parecem com outras. Quando se muda uma letra, s vezes, todo o contexto da palavra tambm modificado. Vejamos alguns erros mais freqentes: * To / Too / Two Embora a pronncia seja parecida, as palavras so empregadas diferentemente. A preposio To usada para indicar uma direo (Ex: I need to go to the shopping), ou para ser colocada antes do verbo no infinitivo (Ex: I need to visit the dentist). Too" usado como adjetivo, no sentido de algo mais do que necessrio (Ex: The film was too long) ou significando a palavra tambm (Ex: I thought it was too long, too). Two o nmero 2. (Ex: Send this message in two days.) * How do you do? e How are you?

How do you do? no uma pergunta. uma maneira muito formal e britnica de dizer Oi. O correto responder Pleased to meet you. ou How do you do.. How are you? j uma questo. Voc est perguntando como uma pessoa est como ela vai. Uma resposta educada seria Im fine thanks. And you?. * Look at e Watch O verbo to look usado, quase sempre, junto da preposio at. Quando queremos que algum veja uma coisa esttica, como um livro, usamos look at (Ex: Look at this book, its very good). Quando nos referimos a algo em movimento, como uma televiso, usamos watch (Ex: I watch TV every night). Veja links relacionados: Brasil Escola - Fala a respeito da lngua inglesa em geral. Learn English - Cita vrios erros comuns na lngua inglesa. (Site em ingls) UNESP - Retrata os erros mais comuns que os brasileiros cometem ao falar ingls.

4. False Friends = Falso Amigo?

Nem tudo que parece . Tudo que parece e no , essa a idia principal do "False friends". O termo False Friend na traduo ao p da letra quer dizer "Falso Amigo - falso conhecido", mas no bem o significado real do assunto que estamos abordando, false friends referem a uma palavra de outro idioma que se parece (em sua estrutura ou em sua pronuncia) a uma palavra de uma lngua materna nossa, no caso o Portugus, mas tem um significado diferente. O prprio termo "false friend - falso amigo" uma amostra disso, quando lemos esta palavra tiramos concluses que trata de um texto que desqualifica/qualifica uma pessoa por ter uma conduta ruim em relao a uma outra pessoa, mas no bem isso que tratamos. Algumas palavras interessantes que ao olhar voc acha que o significado um, mas no .
Palavra em ingls assign Falso cognato em portugus assinar Significado real atribuir;

designar actually advert appoint college conceit deception devolve eventually graduate inhabitable ingenuous injury library pretend push retribution scholar silicon spectacles (UK) atualmente advertir apontar colgio conceito decepo devolver eventualmente graduao inabitvel ingnuo injria livraria pretender puxe retribuio escolar silicone espetculos na verdade; realmente meno; propaganda marcar faculdade vaidade; presuno iluso; fraude transferir finalmente ps-graduao habitvel engenhoso leso biblioteca fingir empurre represlia; punico erudito silcio culos

Estes so apenas alguns exemplos retirados da Wikipdia.

5. Nmeros em Ingls:
Veja os principais nmeros em ingls: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 30 twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty one thirty 31 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 120 1.000 1.000.000 thirty one forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety one hundred one hundred twenty one thousand one million

6. Verbo To Be:

To be, or not to be, that is the question

Robin Williams is not a housekeeper He is an actor. Muito utilizado nas aulinhas da 5 Srie at o fim do Ensino Mdio (em algumas escolas) o Verto To be (ser ou estar) muito utilizado na construo de frases aqui no Brasil, pois possui uma das conjugaes mais fceis.

Verbo To Be I am (Eu sou, estou) You are (Voc , est) He is (Ele , est) She is (Ela , est) It is (Ele/Ela , est para coisas ou animais) We are (Ns somos, estamos) You are (Vocs so, esto) They are (Eles so, esto)

Forma Negativa I am not You are not He is not She is not It is not We are not You are not They are not

Forma Interrogativa Am I? Are You? Is He? Is she? Is it? Are we? Are you? Are they?

Confira alguns exemplos: Afirmativo You are a student (Voc um estudante). They are students, too. (Eles so estudantes, tambm). We are Brazilian. (Ns somos brasileiros). Mr. Smith is in the office. (Sr. Smith est no trabalho). Negativo We aren't in Canada now. (Ns no estamos no Canad agora). I'm not a teacher. (Eu no sou um professor).

Interrogativo Are they inteliggent? (Eles so inteligentes?) Am I Brazilian? (Eu sou brasileiro?) Who Am I? (Quem sou eu?)

1. O verbo "to be" o verbo que, em ingls, indica "ser" ou "estar". A conjugao do verbo "to be", no presente do indicativo, : I am (I'm) = eu sou/estou He is (he's) = ele /est She is (she's) = ela /est It is (it's) = ele/ela /est (animais, objetos, seres inanimados etc.) We are (we're) = ns estamos/somos You are (you're) = voc/vocs /so est/esto They are (they're) = eles/elas so/esto Exemplos: I'm hungry (=estou com fome) I'm a doctor (=sou mdico) She's beautiful (=ela bonita) You are ugly [=voc/vocs /so feio(a)/feios(as)] etc. 2. Perguntas com "to be": inverte-se a posio assumida pelo verbo em perodos afirmativos. Exemplos: Are you hungry? (=voc est com fome?) Are they teachers? (=eles/elas so professores(as)?) Am I ugly (=sou/estou feio(a)?) 3. Sentenas negativas com "to be": adiciona-se not aps o verbo. Exemplos: I'm not hungry (=no estou com fome)

She is not beautiful (=ela no /no est bonita) We are not teachers (=ns no somos professores(as)) Formas contradas: am not = ain't is not = isn't are not = aren't 4. Perguntas negativas com "to be": usa-se a forma contrada negativa na posio do verbo em sentenas interrogativas comuns.

Exemplos: Aren't you hungry? (=voc no est com fome?) Isn't it funny? (=isso no engraado?) 5. A forma verbal correta de "to be" a ser usada em sentenas onde no exista he, she, you, they etc. depende do sujeito, que pode ser plural (usa-se are) ou singular (usa-se is). No usa-se am quando o sujeito no for I. Exemplos: My brother is funny. Nesse caso, como o sujeito singular (my brother = meu irmo), a forma a ser usada is. My parents are young. Nesse caso, sendo o sujeito plural (my parents = meus pais), a forma a ser usada are. 6. O verbo "to be" pode ser usado com outros verbos, sem "to" aps ele. Normalmente o outro verbo estar no gerndio (-ing). Este tipo de construo chama-se "Present Progressive". Exemplos: She's working (=ela est trabalhando) We are playing (=ns estamos brincando) Is he speaking? (=ele est falando?)

It isn't working (=isso no est funcionando) Aren't they teaching? (=eles/elas no esto ensinando?)

7. Days of the week:

Segunda-feira - Monday Tera-feira - Tuesday Quarta-feira - Wednesday Quinta-feira - Thursday Sexta-feira - Friday Sbado - Saturday Domingo - Sunday Exemplo de uso: The meeting is on the fifth of April / April the fifth. Dica: Os dias da semana em ingls devem iniciar em letra maiscula. Os finais se semana so chamados de Weekend e os outros dias so Weekdays. O termo usado para traduzir dia til Business day.

8. Numbers:
1-one 2-two 3-thre 4-four 5-five 6-six 7-seven 8-eight 9-nine 10-ten 11-eleven 12-twelve 13-thirteen 14-fourteen 15-fiveteen 16-sixteen 17-seventeen 18-eighteen 19-nineteen 20-twenty. 20 = TWENTY (DEPOIS DE 'TWENTY'BASTA COLOCAR ONE, TWO, THRE...ETC) 21- TWENTY ONE 22 - TWENTY TWO.... A MESMA COISA SE PROCEDE NOS OUTROS NMEROS: 30 - THIRTY 31 - THIRTY ONE 40 - FORTY


9. Irregular Verbs:
Embora os verbos irregulares se constituam numa pequena minoria em relao a todos os verbos existentes na lngua, a frequncia com que ocorrem muito alta, o que lhes d uma importncia significativa. So todos de origem anglo-saxnica e se referem predominantemente a aes comuns. Os verbos irregulares do ingls so aqueles verbos que no seguem a regra geral de formao do Passado e do Particpio Passado. A formao do Past e do Past Participle, de acordo com a regra geral, que se aplica a todos os demais verbos, se d atravs do sufixo -ed. Portanto, todo verbo que no seguir este padro, ser classificado de irregular. interessante notar que a irregularidade dos verbos em ingls manifesta-se apenas nas formas do Past e do Past Participle, e no na conjugao dos mesmos, como em portugus. Os nicos verbos do ingls que tm tambm uma conjugao irregular so o verbo to be e os verbos auxiliares modais (can, may, might, shall, should, must, etc.). interessante notar tambm que, com relao a frequncia de ocorrncia, o Past mais importante para o aluno do que o Past Participle. Enquanto que o Past representa uma das estruturas gramaticais bsicas, o Past Participle ocorre apenas no Perfect Tense, na formao da Voz Passiva (veja aqui sobre o uso da Voz Passiva), e na forma adjetivada do verbo. Exemplos: Have you heard the news? Toyotas are made in Japan. - Perfect Tense - Passive Voice

English is a widely spoken language. - Adjective

Ns aqui classificamos as formas irregulares dos verbos como uma questo de vocabulrio, uma vez que as mesmas no interferem na estruturao das frases; e do ponto de vista do aprendizado, o aluno deve assimilar essas formas da mesma maneira que assimila vocabulrio.

Base se Form ion

------arise awake be bear de beat become befall beget begin behold bend bet bid oferta bind obrigar-se bite bleed blow break breed bring broadcast build buy cast catch choose

Past Tense
------arose awoke was, were bore beat became befell begot began beheld bent bet bid bound bit bled blew broke bred brought broadcast built bought cast caught chose

Past Participle
--------------arisen awoken been borne beaten become befallen begotten, begot begun beheld bent bet bid bound bitten bled blown broken bred brought broadcast built bought cast caught chosen

Portugue Translat

------------------surgir, erguer-se despertar ser, estar suportar, ser portador bater tornar-se acontecer procriar, gerar comear contemplar curvar apostar oferecer, fazer uma unir, encadernar, morder sangrar, ter hemorragia assoprar, explodir quebrar procriar, reproduzir trazer irradiar, transmitir construir comprar atirar, deitar pegar, capturar escolher

cling come cost creep cut deal dig do draw drink drive eat fall feed feel fight find flee fling fly forbid forget forgive freeze get give go grind grow have hear hide hit hold hurt keep know

clung came cost crept cut dealt dug did drew drank drove ate fell fed felt fought found fled flung flew forbade forgot forgave froze got gave went ground grew had heard hid hit held hurt kept knew

clung come cost crept cut dealt dug done drawn drunk driven eaten fallen fed felt fought found fled flung flown forbidden forgot, forgotten forgiven frozen gotten, got given gone ground grown had heard hidden, hid hit held hurt kept known laid led left

aderir, segurar-se vir custar rastejar cortar negociar, tratar cavocar fazer ** tracionar, desenhar ** beber dirigir, ir de carro comer cair alimentar sentir, sentir-se lutar achar, encontrar fugir, escapar arremessar voar, pilotar proibir esquecer perdoar congelar, paralisar obter ** dar ir moer crescer, cultivar ter, beber, comer ouvir esconder bater segurar machucar guardar, manter saber, conhecer colocar em posio liderar deixar, partir

lay laid horizontal, assentar lead leave led left

lend let lie lose make mean dizer meet overcome overtake pay put quit read ride ring rise run dirigir saw say see seek objetivar sell send

lent let lay lost made meant met overcame overtook paid put quit read rode rang rose ran sawed said saw sought sold sent

lent let lain lost made meant met overcome overtaken paid put quit read ridden rung risen run sawn said seen sought sold sent

dar emprestado deixar, alugar deitar perder, extraviar fazer, fabricar ** significar, querer encontrar, conhecer superar alcanar, surpreender pagar colocar abandonar ler andar tocar (campainha, etc.) subir, erguer-se correr, concorrer, serrar dizer ver procurar obter, vender mandar pr em determinada sacudir, tremer soltar, deixar cair ** brilhar, reluzir atirar, alvejar mostrar, exibir encolher, contrair fechar, cerrar cantar afundar, submergir sentar matar, assassinar dormir deslizar, escorregar atirar, arremessar

set set set condio, marcar, ajustar ** shake shed shine shoot show shrink shut sing sink sit slay sleep slide sling shook shed shone shot showed shrank shut sang sank sat slew slept slid slung shaken shed shone shot shown shrunk shut sung sunk sat slain slept slid slung

speak spend spin spit spread spring stand steal stick sting stink strike atacar string strive swear assegurar sweep swim swing take teach tear tell think throw tread undergo understand uphold defender wear win wind corda write

spoke spent spun spit, spat spread sprang stood stole stuck stung stank struck strung strove swore swept swam swung took taught tore told thought threw trod underwent understood upheld wore won wound wrote

spoken spent spun spit, spat spread sprung stood stolen stuck stung stunk struck strung striven sworn swept swum swung taken taught torn told thought thrown trodden undergone understood upheld worn won wound written

falar gastar fiar, rodopiar cuspir espalhar fazer saltar parar de p, agentar roubar cravar, fincar, enfiar picar (inseto) cheirar mal golpear, desferir, encordoar, amarrar esforar-se, lutar jurar, prometer, varrer nadar balanar, alternar tomar ** ensinar, dar aula rasgar, despedaar contar pensar atirar, arremessar pisar, trilhar submeter-se a, suportar entender sustentar, apoiar, vestir, usar, gastar vencer, ganhar enrolar, rodar, dar escrever, redigir

Base Form Arise

Past Simple Arose

Past Participle Arisen

Potuguese Surgir

Awake Be Bear Beat Become Befall

Awoke Was / were Bore Beat Became Befell

Awoken Been Borne Beaten Become Befallen

Despertar Ser / estar Suportar Bater Tornar-se Acontecer


Have to (objective obligation)

We often use have to to say that something is obligatory, for example:

Children have to go to school.

Structure of Have to
Have to is often grouped with modal auxiliary verbs for convenience, but in fact it is not a modal verb. It is not even an auxiliary verb. In the have to structure, "have" is a main verb. The structure is: subject + auxiliary verb + have + infinitive (with to) Look at these examples in the simple tense:
subject auxiliary verb main verb have has do not you have have infinitive (with to) to work. to see to go the doctor. to school?

+ ?

She I Did

Use of Have to
In general, have to expresses impersonal obligation. The subject of have to is obliged or forced to act by a separate, external power (for example, the Law or school rules). Have to is objective. Look at these examples:

In France, you have to drive on the right. In England, most schoolchildren have to wear a uniform. John has to wear a tie at work.

In each of the above cases, the obligation is not the subject's opinion or idea. The obligation is imposed from outside. We can use have to in all tenses, and also with modal auxiliaries. We conjugate it just like any other main verb. Here are some examples:
auxiliary verb main verb have had have will is have having

subject past simple present simple future simple present continuous I I I She

infinitive to work to work to work to wait. yesterday. today. tomorrow.

present perfect modal (may)

We They

have may

had have

to change to do

the time. it again.


Must (subjective obligation)

We often use must to say that something is essential or necessary, for example:

I must go.

Structure of Must
Must is a modal auxiliary verb. It is followed by a main verb. The structure is:

subject + must + main verb The main verb is the base verb (infinitive without "to"). Look at these examples:
subject I You We auxiliary must must must must main verb go visit stop home. us. now.

Like all auxiliary verbs, must CANNOT be followed by to. So, we say:

I must go now. (not *I must to go now.)

Use of Must
In general, must expresses personal obligation. Must expresses what the speaker thinks is necessary. Must is subjective. Look at these examples:

I must stop smoking. You must visit us soon. He must work harder.

In each of the above cases, the "obligation" is the opinion or idea of the person speaking. In fact, it is not a real obligation. It is not imposed from outside.
It is sometimes possible to use must for real obligation, for example a rule or a law. But generally we use have to for this.

We can use must to talk about the present or the future. Look at these examples:

I must go now. (present) I must call my mother tomorrow. (future)

We cannot use must to talk about the past. We use have to to talk about the past.


Must not, Mustn't (prohibition)

We use must not to say that something is not permitted or allowed, for example:

Passengers must not talk to the driver.

Structure of Must not

Must is an auxiliary verb. It is followed by a main verb. The structure for must not is: subject + must not + main verb The main verb is the base verb (infinitive without "to").
Must not is often contracted to mustn't.

Look at these examples:

subject I You Students auxiliary must + not mustn't mustn't must not main verb forget disturb be my keys. him. late.

NB: like all auxiliary verbs, must CANNOT be followed by "to". So, we say:

You mustn't arrive late. (not You mustn't to arrive late.)

Use of Must not

Must not expresses prohibition - something that is not permitted, not allowed. The prohibition can be subjective (the speaker's opinion) or objective (a real law or rule). Look at these examples:

I mustn't eat so much sugar. (subjective) You mustn't watch so much television. (subjective) Students must not leave bicycles here. (objective) Policemen must not drink on duty. (objective)

We can use must not to talk about the present or the future:

Visitors must not smoke. (present) I mustn't forget Tara's birthday. (future)

We cannot use must not to talk about the past. We use other structures to talk about the past, for example:

We were not allowed to enter. I couldn't park outside the shop.


CAPITULO 1 pg.122
1A Present tense verb be + FULL FORM I am your teacher You are in room 13 He is James She is Marta It is a school We are students You are in Class 2 They are teachers

CONTRACTION I`m your teacher You`re in room 13 He`s James She`s Marta It`s a school We`re students You`re in Class 2 They`re teachers

Use capital I. I`m your teacher. NOT i`m. You = singular and plural. Use he for man, she for woman, end it for a thing. Use they for people and things. In contraction `= a missing letter, e.g. `m = am. Use contractions in conversation.

1B Present tense verb be and ?

FULL FORM I am not You are not He/She/It is not We are not You are not They are not

CONTRACTION I`m not You aren`t He/She/It isn`t We aren`t You aren`t They aren`t ITALIAN. SPANISH. BRITISH.

Put not after the verb to make negative - . You can also contract are not and is not like this: You are not Italian. You`re not Italian. She is not Polish. She`s not Polish.

? Am I Are you Is he/she/it Are we Are you Are they

I am. German? Russian? Polish? you are. Yes, he/she/it is. we are. you are. they are.

I`m not. you aren`t. No, he/she/it isn`t.. we aren`t. you aren`t. they aren`t.

In questions, put(coloque) be before(antes) you, he, etc. Are you Spanish? NOT you are Spanish? Where are you from? NOT where you are from? Don`t use contractions in short answers. Are you Scottish? Yes, I am. NOT Yes, I`m.

1C -


CAPITULO 1 pg.126
1A Word order in questions: Questions with do / does / did in presente and past simple: Question word Auxiliary Do Does Where What food

Subject You Jenny you Jenny

Infinitive (=verb) Live with your parentes? Like Chinese food? live? like?

Do does

In the presente simple use the auxiliary verb do / does to make questions. In the past simple use the auxiliary verb did to make quastions. In these questions the subject goes after the auxiliary verb. Remember ASI (Auxiliary, Subject, Infinitive) or QUASI (Questions word, Auxiliary, Subject, Infinitive) to help you with word order in presente or past simple questions. be Is subject Ana they (adjective, noun, verb + ing, etc.) a student? doing?

Quastions with be, presente continuous, and going to. Question word



are Where

you he

talking about? going to live?


In questions with be, make quastions by inverting the verb and the subject. If a verb is followed by a preposition (listen to, talk about), the end of the questions. What are you talking about? NOT About what are you talking.

1B Present Simple I/ you / we / they + ? V X

He / she / it Danny knows me very well. It doesn`t often rain here. Does Nina like music? Yes, she does. No she doesn`t.

I usually work at home. They don`t live near here. Do you smoke? Yes, I do. / No, I don`t.

Use the presente simple for things you do every day, week, year, or which are always true.

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