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Matthew Irvine English 1102 Anthony Borrero 4/7/12

Main Pitch
The idea in creating a game that a person of almost any age above 13 could is to hook them with a decent story. Video game is the concept that I have so I had to develop not exactly a super detailed story but enough solid storyline where a gamer would commit their energies to finishing it. As much discussed in the first pitch of my research paper there was supposed to be a large RPG element in the game. What ended up happening as part of the story development was that it turned into a pretty linear style of playing with action based gameplay. The struggle between a soldiers duty to his country and to his family is a large conflict if not the main conflict (benedict Arnolds betrayal being the historical backbone) to the story. We can find examples of this every day in a regular office worker whose boss will not let them take a day or two off for a very important family member for a loose example. The main character having to choose whether to let Arnold get away on the boat up river and siding with his brother or confronting his brother to do what he believes right for his country is a riveting choice to make and will test the consumers will and make them really think. There is no real right answer because I want the consumer to be able to decide how the story ends either way. I would hope a as patriot that they would choose to fight your traitorous brother and catch the documents from Arnolds ship rather than going on the ship with your

brother and dooming the revolution to be rich in London but that is just me. It has game elements to those similar to fable in a way. I am already a very stout fan of history based on the American Revolution but when I further researched Benedict Arnold I really found a very gripping man. Arnold ties in well with my story based on his one life. Arnold is a glory grabbing man of honor when he fought in his battles of the revolution and especially that of Saratoga. But at every time Arnold did something commendable his fellow generals and officers would, out of jealousy, tell their commanders that Arnold did not deserve the credit leaving Arnold cheated in a sense. You can sort of feel bad for a man like that but that doesnt give him any excuses for betraying his brothers in arms. It shows how weak a man he was. The main antagonist besides Arnold is the main characters brother who can relate with Arnold and gives in to the temptations of wealth and power. Patriotism at the cost of ones life and a measure of full devotion. It is these ideas which I want to harvest in the hearts of the individuals playing the game while being entertained with all the battles in doing so.

PLOT: which main points should I look to include? Climax? Coclusionn? Introduction? Conflict: brother? Arnold? Revolution itself?

CHARACTERS: what about them? Physical characteristics? Motives and drives? Development?

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