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Becker 1

Farel Becker Beth Caruso English 1102 Renegade My book, Renegade, will follow young journalist, Jack Renalds as he uncovers a conspiracy involving a candidate. The book is set in New York City in the early nineties and draws much of its back-story from events like the Persian Gulf War and the 1992 presidential election. Renegade is a book about corruption in government and the desperate coverups that resulted from this corruption. The protagonist, Jack Renalds is an ambitious reporter who will stop at nothing to get a good story. As a child Jack was faced with the challenge of dealing with the death of his younger brother. This tragedy profoundly shaped Jack into the reporter that he eventually became. For two months Jack did not say a word. To help him overcome his depression Jack's school counselor gave him a notebook to write down his thoughts. Eventually, this became the became a part of his nature. He started recording the world around him, questioning everything and documenting anything that ca me to mind. Jack graduated high-school at the top of his class and got a full ride to Standford. At the age of twenty he dropped out of school to take care of his father who had been disnosed with terminal cancer. With the death of his father Jack became more motivated than every to pursue his passion, journalism. He finished school in three years and graduated at the age of twenty-four. His impressive resume earned him a place reporting for a local news network. Through a mutual friend
Comment [J1]: Change all instances of Jack to John.

Becker 2 he earned a position reporting for CNN, where he earned a reputation for his ability to see a story to its finish. Renegade opens with Jack in route to meet with a Gulf War veteran that promises him the biggest story of his career. The veteran makes some startling accusations about presidential candidate, Senator Ralph Edmonds. He accuses the Senator for funding a sting operation to assassinate Khalid bin Abdullah, a Saudi prince. Abdullah was the second richest man in Saudi Arabia next to the king. Most of his wealth came from owning a huge amount of stock in General Innovation, a weapon contracting company. Senator Edmond was the second largest holder. According the the veteran, with the assassination of Abdullah, the shares in the company were the distributed to his five children, resulting in Edmonds gaining ownership of the company. Now one of the most corrupt politicians in Washington was about to ascend to the Presidency with the backing of the largest weapons contractor in the world. The veteran provided Jack with a hard drive with documentation, pictures and video evidence of the raid and the senator's connections to it. How did you come about this information Jack asked. The veteran tells how he had been a US marine and had been injured in the battle of Khafji during the Gulf War (Atkison, 29). He had been sidelined for over two months. When he returned to active duty the war was over but instead of going home he was told that he had been selected for a special mission. The mission was to take out an Al Quaeda sleeper cell based in Saudi Arabia, code named Renegade (Atkison, 143). However, after being briefed the veteran noticed several inconsistencies. Intelligence did not seem to be very substantial and some even looked like it had been fabricated. When he mentioned this to the others who had been selected for the mission they
Comment [J3]: Reword everything here also this is an awful way to hook a reader. I will have this part of the story told by dialog exchange. Comment [J2]: Not a good way to start move this somewhere else

Becker 3 blew him off. Finally he brought his concerns to his commanding officer who told him he would look into it. The next day he was honorably discharged and sent home with a purple heart. The next three months were uneventful and then one day a package arrived. Inside was a hard-drive labeled Renegade. After hearing the veteran's story Jack left with the hard-drive. On his way home Jack was approached by two men who beat him within an inch of took the hard-drive and left him on the side of the road. He spent the next two weeks in the hospital recovering from his injuries. Any reservations about the veterans story were dispersed when he saw that the man's apartment had been burned to the ground and the body was burned beyond recognition. After seeing the report a certain determination settled over Jack. He would bring this story to light no matter what the cost. The Senator had sent a very clear message Stop digging! Now Jack would send one of his own, only his would be shared with the rest of the world. Renegade is unique because it shows the struggle of one man against a corrupted system. In this book Jack will sacrifice everything to bring to light a story that must be told. He will be ostracized from society and sacrifice his own reputation for the greater good. It is a story that anyone can sympathize and will engage the reader on a personal level.
Comment [J4]: I dont like this entire paragraph... Also the motivation for Edmonds isnt strong enough Im going to edit this part of my plot. Comment [J5]: Changing this to cd-rom

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