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First, the ancient state of Israel was re-established and reconstituted under international law from the territory

redistributed by Britain and France after the collapse of the Ottoman empire in 1918. Since the Jewish people comprised a significant percentage of the population of the empire, they were entitled to a corresponding share of the territory. The League of Nations approved a tract of land for this purpose. This comprised the land of Israel as it is today AND all of the land which later became the kingdom of Jordan. However the Jews were cheated by both the Arabs and the British. As a result the land assigned to them by the League of Nations was reduced to a mere 25 percent of what they had been guaranteed under international law, half of which was inhospitable desert terrain. Second, the Arabs expected the new state of Israel to be an easy target for destruction. After all, it was little bigger than a half dozen Irish counties. They launched a massive genocidal attack against her in 1948 but were defeated. They did the same in 1967 and again in 1973. Remember these attacks were designed, not simply to win some territory, but to utterly annihilate Israel and to kill or expel her entire population. The Arabs approved of the Holocaust in Europe and have long expressed the hope of carrying out another like it in the Middle East. Alas, anyone who chooses to be ignorant of these facts is effectively falling in with their plan. Third, since direct military intervention did not work, the Moslem states decided to turn world opinion against Israel by settling a large population of Arabs inside Israeli territory and using them as a base for terrorist operations against her.

- The Global Empire of Islam and the tiny state of Israel -

As you can see, the Islamic world is enormous compared to Israel (in red). So why do 1,570 million Moslems want to destroy a tiny population of 5 million Jews? Why do Moslems, with 10,830,000 square miles of land, covet the tiny parcel of land called Israel a mere 10,800 square miles (one thousandth that of Islam)? Why cant the

Moslem world, with its incredibly vast territory, find a home for four million Arab refugees? Why do so many Moslem countries continue to oppress and persecute thousands of peace-loving Christians living within their borders? Please take the time to reflect on these deeply disturbing questions and find Christ-honouring answers.

Hear the word of the LORD, O ye nations, and declare it in the isles afar off, and say, 'He who scattered Israel will gather him, and keep him, as a shepherd does his flock.'
Jeremiah 31:10

There is no doubt that the plight of these people known in the media as the Palestinians is very real. They should have been resettled long ago in Jordan, a country created by the British for all displaced Arabs in the region. Instead they were driven out of Jordan and Lebanon by their fellow Moslems and forced to become martyrs in the cause of Islam. In reality they are being oppressed and sacrificed by Radical Islam for political purposes. Fourth, there is no such ethnic group as the Palestinian people. Even the Arabs themselves do not recognise their separate ethnicity and never have. When Jordan controlled Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) in the period 1949-1967, it could have given the Palestinians their own territory but never did. Why? Because to them the very idea was ludicrous. The so-called Palestinians are actually the descendants of Arabs who were displaced during the break-up of the Ottoman empire or who chose to leave the territory of Israel before she was formally created in 1948. Those who left voluntarily lost their homes, but so did an even greater number of Jews who were expelled from Arab countries around the same time. Fifth, if the leaders of Islam today really wanted to solve the plight of the Palestinians they could do so in a matter of months by providing them with a small part of the vast tract of unused land in the Sinai peninsula or northern Arabia. The money could easily be found from international sources to finance such an initiative. But neither the Islamic radicals nor the league of Arab nations want a solution. The Palestinians are being deliberately sacrificed by their fellow Arabs in order to provide a never-ending excuse to attack Israel.

Despite the obvious importance of these five simple facts, they pale into insignificance beside the one major factor which the world media never mentions. The Bible clearly states that God will NEVER allow his chosen people, the children of Israel, to be destroyed. Furthermore, he has said that he will bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse her (Genesis 12:3). Israel today is the focus of a staggering supernatural battle between the forces of darkness and the will of God. The nations of the world will bring devastating judgment upon themselves if they side with Islam and abandon Israel. The land of Israel was given to the Jewish people in perpetuity by the LORD God of the Bible, to whom all things belong. The Arabs were given extensive tracts of land for their own use, much of which lies idle. The descendants of Jacob received a relatively small portion in comparison, but Arab and Islamic jealousy is such that it rejects the holy will of YAHWEH, the LORD God of Israel, and instead demands to have everything. [The map overleaf shows just how much of the world is controlled by Islam.] If you listen to the world media and fail to study the matter objectively, you too could end up opposing Gods holy will. Is that what you want? Please press the Irish government and the Irish media to support Israel and to reject all Arab and Islamic claims on Israeli territory, including Jerusalem, the West Bank, Gaza and the Golan Heights. Challenge the distortions and falsehoods. Make your voice heard. And pray for the well-being of Israel at this critical hour. copyright 2012


Christ will hold everyone accountable for the way they treat the nation of Israel
____________________________________ Be honest. You probably believe most of the claims in the media and elsewhere that the Palestinian people have had their land stolen from them by Israel, that they are being abused and persecuted by Israel, and that Israel is morally obliged to give back some of its territory, including part of Jerusalem, to create a separate Palestinian state? Please continue to be honest: If these claims are false, should you continue to believe them? Furthermore, if there is a major factor that has a decisive bearing on the dispute and how it should be resolved, a factor which the media never mentions, should you not know about this also? Read on and let us explain. It will only take a few minutes but will likely transform your view of the entire situation.

For the LORD is our defence; and the Holy One of Israel is our king.
Psalm 89:18

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