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Devin Von Tauffkirchen

620 south coast street, CA (95490) (707) 338-8732

OBJECTIVE: To obtain --------- position with --------- utilizing my --------skills. EDUCATION: Willits High School
ROP CP Theater Raised $600 Four lead roles Constructed 6 sets Nine productions, one directed Personal Finance (Dave Ramsey) Budgeting Avoiding debt Consumer awareness Money building Expected graduation: June, 2012 August 08 present

August 10 January 11

Harolds-a-handyman August 09 August 10 Job Title: Carpentry In this job I cleaned yards, rebuilt frames, repaired roofs, built roofs, put in tile flooring, took measurements, etc. Daily Bread (volunteer) August 09 July 10 Description: when I worked here I prepared food, served beverages, served food, cleaned tables, stack chairs, and move boxes to or from the second story. I worked four to seven hours a week while a full time student at WHS.

Food services Advertising and marketing Communication skills Debt awareness Consumer awareness Balance checkbook

Mentoring skills Basic first aid Budgeting experience Money building skills Hard worker Great with other employees Carpentry Inter-personal relationship skills


Boy Scouts November 06 June 10 Boy scouts gave me many skills. It taught me to work with anyone, even people I dont like. It also gave me very practical things like basic first aid, volunteering experience, and a self orientated environment. Retired as a star scout. Friday Night Live August 09 June 10 Friday Night Live is a mentoring extra curricular where I worked with a younger minor and taught them to say no to drugs and learn not to be pressured into doing anything they dont want to. Two and a half hours per week while a full time student and volunteering and Daily bread and participating in Boy Scouts REFERENCES: Mike Colvig 299 North Main Street Extension 1516 Jackie Pealatere 299 North Main Street Harold Curtis 630 South Coast Street (707) 367-6611 ------------------Roger ----Cindy ----Tina ------

Cover letter
Having done these things shows my commitment and ability to work not only hard, but also under pressure Being able to do these things makes me a better employee option because Ill be able to handle your money wisely.

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