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Mayday 2012



Mayday 2012

Understanding A Day Without The 99%, May 1 2012

In the complicated times of today with many people barely getting by financially, understanding worker, immigrant and immigration rights, as viewpoints under the umbrella of the Occupy Wall Street Movement for many might be hard to do. The fact that many Americans in America, feel that they have certain rights, that infringement on such rights, could be seen as part of the bigger problem in the USA today. Makes part of what the issue of Mayday 2012 will have to come face to face with, as many groups this year will be out in force to apply their rights to see some things change. The more simplistic view of what Immigrants especially those who are type cast as illegal, means in this country would also depend on whose view you use to look at the problem. The bigger part of the overall problem is somehow the world has become stagnant in its progress forward, that today sees many nations including the United States, deep in debt but at the same time still a necessary part of a world that is still in operation and functioning properly. In the past prior to many of the today problems that as individuals and as various groups we all face, in the backdrop is a somewhat bleak future of where we all are going if something doesnt change soon. The immigration problem that many nations face all over the world in America is part of what has always made us great. Great as a nation that took in just about everyone who could get here but somehow after over 100 years into the modern mechanical era has lost its way in what to do next. Its hard to say if it is the actual value of todays type of machine age that is coined closer to terms like technology or the computer age then to any type of machine. That somehow as America has led the way to a very different type of life for many all over the world. But at the same time has put a different value on the actual life of people who use this technology as maybe not being as important as the technology itself. Because America is a nation of immigrants from its foundation a little over 325 years ago, most of what we have achieved, accomplished and today possess in our hands as part of this achievement was founded, formulated and built by those who all came from immigrants. The interesting part that even through the vast landscape of the United States in over 300 years, we still only have a population of about 270 million as well as what some say is about 10 million undocumented people from around the world who also live here with us. And it was never in our past prior to the 1980s to turn them away but to simply embrace them and allow them to find their way as part of this nation to achieve some type of stability and normalcy that many came here to achieve. It was all the while as America was growing that in some ways the whole world grew too, but the fact of who were these people who came most in the early days and some still today by boat but the present day norm is to get a visitor visa, fly here on an air plane and then from that point just stay on once the legal time frame expired. But has the heart of America changed in the way that we were founded and kind of stuck with this method for many years and then suddenly over the last 30 or so years developed a new heart that now said we do not want any immigrants here anymore? That even though many of the cultures, nations and people who come from abroad, come from nations that have had successful societies for thousands of years. That just over night America has suddenly changed the rules and the playing field to say that now immigrants are not welcome even though they and their then future but now past descendents actually help build and up hold this country. Who are the real Americans and at what point in the same vein as a nation that we have turned into, are we to decide how you are a real American with more rights than the next? Is it if your Grandparents were not immigrants, your great grandparents not immigrants or how about your great great grand parents not being immigrants? Could there one day in the future if America


Mayday 2012

doesnt change its mind soon about what to do and what type of nation and people it wants to be that the actual proof of how many grand parents had to walk before you that would make you worthy to be an American at all. Of course it is understood that most immigration issues are dictated by law and procedure, which has its own set of rules and ways that these rules are seen to be enforced over the public at large. This is also still guided by the higher laws of Human Rights as well as Constitutional rights that state as law certain ways that people should and must be treated in different situations. But as we somehow as Americans fail our own past by not really understanding why things appeared so easy for so many for so long who came to this country with little fear unless they did something wrong, that they would be forced to leave, we today do not really grasp the bigger picture to why this was like that back then. The fact that there is no division as to what makes an American and many first generation immigrants are today full fledge Americans who have immigrated to this country and did everything that was legally necessary to become legal citizens, but at the same time they may also lack the understanding of the hows and why of a nation like America and the long running picture of how this plays out over time and how this relates to the relationship between one American to another American. That part of the original American dream is a type of shared identity, that new immigrant families, established immigrants families of the first immigrants who for each group of people may have migrated here hundreds of years ago and those who might be just visiting or just new legal Americans. All together made America and even the world great and greater as time progressed and that was part of the identity that we all once came from someplace else at some point in our family trees. Something that today seems to by many Americans to be a forgotten fact, but it is the basis of this nation and all that we are. That all of us are equal and the new division of the established Americans, who now want to change the program and do some of the same things that in the early years of the American Growth and Development Saga, many left their nations to get away from this type of reasoning and came to America. America was and still is a type of promise to the whole world as a piece of the pie. A pie that many now cut and do not want to share with others as has been the norm to do in the history of Americas place in this world That just like Americans of many generation of citizens by birthright they too may be missing a completely different piece of the puzzle as to why now the United States frowns on Immigrants. That the process of any nation, culture or peoples growth on to development has proven as fact that over time there can be many bumps in the road along the way. That if America and its Most Legal Citizens somehow over time becomes of a secular nature only to its self and its own needs this would not actually be the full purpose or foundation as America was in its original purpose. A purpose that was a testimony of mankind itself. That having a new place where everyone could come to and be free within each persons own will, liability and sense of justice under a singular clause which within law would protect these rights that there was no telling how far we could together get. A fact that since 1776 has shown a nation, a varied peoples who all at some point were too immigrants and how far we all have come since then as well as the world that watched and eventually joined in and advanced too. Because much of what todays Americans worry about in immigrants as their base worries always seems to extend to something that someone else chooses to do in their own life that is not directly effecting the other person, but then is scapegoated to make it seem that such people and their choices are taking away something from them. That outside of the issue if a person is illegal in the United States really is not giving someone else the right to every day worry, plan and plot


Mayday 2012

against what someone else is doing. This is also part of what America promised that people could be free of some day if they worked together at it. But what 30 years ago would have been almost impossible because of the lack of technology and the in experience of a new young nation and how people can naturally change as well as man kinds nature that tends to separate segregate and often time blame others as people somehow always seem to do this. Its not at first but it is often later on down the line as a nation or a people advances and grows. That these same types of social regulatory ideals start to emerge from the common man, that then sets a new type of trend and view that sometimes can just be a freedom of expression or a new idea. But many times, because its based on people and an individuals right to do, believe or live as they choose or are accustom too, somehow now become the focus of the contempt of others which can cause and upheaval in society itself. Upheavals that in todays time are no longer past on verbal stories from one generation to another about the how and why of how things went bad. But photographs, visual and sound recordings as well as written proof of how mankind time and time again would seek out those who were different or did not agree with how others might see things or feel as right to do. And then went on to by mental and physical force impose how someone should live or even just think their life to be even if they did not agree with living this way. The start of a scenario that is not that far away from when someone says illegal immigrants took my job when in fact they did not actually take your job but just had a job when maybe you did not. It might be a job that the imposing force would never do or want. But because society had allowed this type of digression against some of the people in its care at some point to become acceptable over time a type of consensus grew about certain types and groups of people that made them out to have less of a right then other people. This is also a much less addressed part of immigration issues, the social fact of a people living within a people who somehow are not as equal. It is also much harder to define when the people who are made to have fewer rights because they are immigrants are within a people who came by all they have because they too were immigrants at some point but just the family of immigrants who were there founding members who first came to this land. But to most that would fit this category today are all born here and so were their parents and maybe their parents parents too and so on if this applies. But at what point might that become the issue as how many parent to child, parent to child on to grand parents would it take to be the ideal number to make the ideal American that was perfect in every way and having more rights than an immigrant. Would in this type of an example a New US citizen who was not born in the United States but did legally everything to be a citizen in this country and now was a citizen in this country would they have less rights then a person that had 4 different generations of grandparents all born here and it was the 5th generation of grandparents who were the first immigrants? Because we have laws that set ground rules to what is legally needed to be a citizen in this country. A first time citizen or a long time generational citizen born here from many generations who were born here too today is almost the same. But 30 years ago and all the time prior to that from Americas founding immigrants who lived in this country many with no documentation of why they were even here. In the last 30 years many laws were enacted and changed, that reflects a different America an America that changed the rights of a type casted group, who were once just called immigrants. And although each generation of immigrants are different people, each one being an individual by law and also a people of their own timeline and experience of how the American dream came to them and they came to this country. But it is a written fact, that in the last 30 or so years unlike any time in the immigrants of the past and even the more naturalized citizens of America born here as the children and descendents of immigrants who once were born


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someplace else has the rules, the game, the plan and even our own sovrgientry as Americans been tested, as it has been in how the laws were changed not by the immigrants of America but around them and over them. Laws that encroached on the personal liberties of a human being, who was once a welcome friend in America, who helped build this nation. Who is now an illegal alien that many see as an enemy and burden to this country when most are not. An illegal alien who has been rumored to have taken all the jobs, the housing and anything else that may be added to this list in the future. In a nation that once made a promise to the whole world but then what happened next? In the last 30 years many laws were enacted and changed, that reflects a different America an America that changed the rights of a type casted group who were once just called immigrants now they just illegals.


Mayday 2012

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