Final Dear Reader

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Dear Reader, The purpose of this project is to educate you all on the effects of social media on adolescent and

teens. The three specific aspects I plan to focus on are: Derogatory Music, Violent Videogames, and Social Networks. When thinking of the best ways to get my points across, I wanted to make sure that the genres I chose would enable me to include all of the information Ive learned thus far as well as my position on each issue. The information include in my pieces all come from credible sources and gave me a new outlook on the topics I have been researching, in which I plan to share with you through my letter, pledge, brochure, and timeline. Before conducting research, my perspective on each of the issues was either completely opposite or somewhat disagreeing. I thought that violent video games created violent individuals, and only had negative effects on their minds. I later found out that such videogames can actually benefit our youth. They increase problem-solving skills, help in hand-eye coordination as well provide an outlet for anger. Upon learning the positive effects, I also learned more negative effects as well, such as a possible increase in aggression, decline in empathy and in helping others. Social isolation has also been linked to video game consumption. The next issue is social networks. Social networks are considered danger-zones because of the risks of cyber-bullying, and sexual predators, but this also provides benefits to its users. I now know that social medias enhance communication and technical skills as well provide an opportunity for respect, tolerance, and an increased discourse on personal and global issues. I must say, my perspective on sexual and degrading music differ from the information I came across during my research. Studies suggest that teens that listen to sexually hostile music are more likely to participate in sexual acts and that sexual lyrics have been linked to increased sexual behavior. I see where the concern comes up, but considering my personal experience, I simply disagree. Neither I, nor anyone I know have been affected or influenced by sexual lyrics. I am in agreement that sexually hostile music can increase sexual behavior in teens, but I personally have seen no relationship between the two. Selecting genre pieces were fairly easy considering my strength in creativity. I was able to choose several possible genres from the list provided to me in class, then narrow them down to which would allow me to get my point across the best depending on the topic I wanted to discuss. Because I had so much information on violent videogames, I figured a brochure would allow me to put as much into it as I would need to in order to state my position. I wanted to make sure whatever genre I chose for videogames allowed me to include both the negative and positive effects I came across during my research as well as the rest of the information I gained this semester. In researching violent video games and its effects, I came across a number of different accidents that have occurred over time whose blame were violence through video games. So, I felt the best way to share this information with you all was by creating a timeline of these events. The timeline include a number of incidents that have occurred since 2000 in hopes that you see the seriousness of this issue just as I did. As for my pledge, I wanted to suggest that youth do have good intentions when using social media, and the best way to get this across in my opinion was by creating a pledge. By doing this, I was able to list all of the good things that come from engaging in social media (specially the internet) and expose its bright side. My letter was the hardest to create. Although I am somewhat

in disagreement with the research I came across, I still wanted to show that I am not in complete disagreement. My goal was to express the concern of derogatory and degrading music and share the information I received throughout researching the topic. Before considering a repetend to tie all of my pieces together, I first had to figure out what tied all three of my topics together (which was not very easy). After revising my topics, it was clear that each of them covered the effects or influence society has on youth. Thus, I decided to the Live Above the Influence symbol. Coming up with a repetend was easier that figuring out how to use it in each of my pieces. I was sure I would be able to incorporate it into a brochure, a pledge, and a timeline, but the letter is what was the hardest. Luckily, I was able to use enough creativity to successfully include my repetend in each piece. In conclusion, these pieces are based on my opinions/perspectives on the issues I have been researching throughout the semester. Although some of my pieces focus more on one specific side, I would like for you to understand I that I am aware of the opposite side as well. Each genre was created to easily educate you on certain issues and to see where I stand on each of them. So with that being said, how does violent videogames, social media, and derogatory music effect our youth? Cardiellea Barksdale

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