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Period Modern Warfare


SAS Ultimate Guide to Combat

How to ght and survive in modern warfare
Available April 2012 ISBN 978 1 84908 763 6 Price 14.99 Illustrations 250 colour and black & white

Format Hardback, 242 x 178mm, 320pp

Ive written this book to help you the soldier kill the enemy when you get the chance and, most importantly, come back home in one piece. To achieve this, Ive covered combat training from boot camp up to the level required of a Special Forces soldier. And then gone on to add a few tricks of my own. Ive done a bit of soldiering (Northern Ireland, SAS deployments, Bush Wars in Africa, life as a mercenary) and been in my fair share of re-ghts. Ive only been wounded twice and learnt from both occasions. Im going to use my experience to teach you to play the game. Im not going to teach you how to survive in snowy mountains for a month with only one tea-bag or how to kill a room full of people with only a toothpick there are plenty of books that do that already. This book will teach you how to ght and survive war in the 21st century, from the tools of the trade to avoiding getting shot or blown-up, from surviving an interrogation to defending a position.


Red Eagles
Americas Secret MiGs
Author Steve Davies Available January 2012 ISBN 978 1 84603 970 6 Price 18.99 Period Modern Warfare Format Hardback, 233 x 152mm, 416pp Illustrations 90 colour and black & white

From the mid-1960s until the end of the Cold War, the United States Air Force acquired and ew Russian-made MiG jets, eventually creating a secret squadron dedicated to exposing American ghter pilots to enemy MiGs. In this programme, MiGs were secretly acquired and made air-worthy, before selected ace pilots were trained to y the assets as they were own by Americas enemies. First published in 2008, this second edition tells the fascinating story of the Red Eagles, using recently declassied information and rst-hand accounts from the pilots who took part in the programme.


Pass in Review
An Illustrated History of West Point Cadets: 1794Present
Author Clyde W. Cocke Price 20.00 Available March 2012 ISBN 978 1 84908 558 8 Illustrations 225 colour Period 18th Century / 19th Century / 20th Century / Modern Warfare Format Hardback, 242 x 190mm, 192pp

Established in 1802, the United States Military Academy at West Point is the oldest of the United States service academies. During nearly 210 years of existence, thousands of cadets have walked its halls and it has long been a leader in establishing traditions that have inuenced colleges and universities throughout the United States. In this new book, author Clyde W. Cocke and photographer Eilene Harkless Moore chronicle the lives, uniforms, events and traditions of West Point cadets, from dining in the Cadet Mess to strolling the Flirtation Walk. West Points Highlanders, the Pipes and Drums of the United States Corps of Cadets, are featured, as is the unique West Point Tartan. Contemporary images blend with seldom-seen artwork from the West Point Museum collection to provide a behind-the-scenes look into the lives of academy cadets.


Five Days that Shocked the World

Eyewitness Accounts from Europe at the end of World War II
Author Nicholas Best Period World War II Available March 2012 ISBN 978 1 84908 946 3 Price 17.99 Format Hardback, 233 x 152mm, 328pp Illustrations 15 colour and black & white

April 1945. The mutilated bodies of Mussolini and his mistress hang by their heels in Milan while a hostile crowd whistles and jeers. Desperate to avoid the same fate, Adolf Hitler leaves orders for his own body to be burned after his death. With the Russian Army closing in on Berlin and his world crashing down in ames, Germanys doomed leader would never allow his enemies the satisfaction of desecrating his corpse. This is the story of an immensely exciting few days, but it is also a snapshot of the whole world at the end of an extraordinary week. For most people the deaths of Hitler and Mussolini were unforgettable. Drawing on a wealth of unfamiliar material, both military and civilian, Nicholas Best tells a compelling tale of the men and women from all around the world who experienced the nal chaotic days of World War II. Fast-paced, at times brutal and at others poignant, this page-turner of a book recreates the dying days of the Axis powers as the Allied armies closed in on Berlin.


Battleground Prussia
The Assault on Germanys Eastern Front 194445
The terrible months between the arrival of the Red Army on German soil and the nal collapse of Hitlers regime were like no other in World War II. The Soviet Armys intent to take revenge for the horror that the Nazis had wreaked on their people produced a conict of implacable brutality in which millions perished. From the great battles that marked the Soviet conquest of East and West Prussia to the nal surrender in the Vistula estuary, this book recounts in chilling detail the desperate struggle of soldiers and civilians alike. These brutal campaigns are brought vividly to life by a combination of previously untold testimony and astute strategic analysis, recognizing a conict of unprecedented horror and suffering.
Author Prit Buttar Available February 2012 ISBN 978 1 84908 790 2 Price 9.99 / US $15.95 / CAN $17.95 Period World War II Format Paperback, 233 x 152mm/9 x 6'', 482pp Illustrations 32 black & white


Deliver Us From Darkness

The Untold Story of Third Battalion 506 Parachute Infantry Regiment during Market Garden


This follow-up to Tonight We Die As Men continues the story of the 506 Parachute Infantry Regiment of the 101st Airborne Division as they dropped into Holland as part of Operation Market Garden. The following 72-day campaign saw the 506PIR constantly on the move, defending various transport hubs around Eindhoven while desperately trying to keep open Hells Highway. From there, the airborne troops moved north to near Arnhem where they took a new position around Betuwe. For two months, the Americans battled against enemy tanks, constant artillery barrages and driving rain, and they grimly held their ground until the Germans nally abandoned the effort. Written with the help of numerous veterans, this book tells the complete story of many of Americas best soldiers as they fought and died in Holland.
Author Ian Gardner Period World War II Available April 2012 ISBN 978 1 84908 717 9 Price 20.00 / US $27.95 / CAN $33.00 Format Hardback, 234 x 156mm/9 x 6'', 352pp Illustrations 150 black & white


The Civil War Quiz Book

How well do you know the who, where, what, when and how of the Civil War? Can you name the captain of the USS Monitor during the battle of Hampton Roads or match-up famous generals with their horses? Test your knowledge in this unique guide to the famous, infamous and quirky facts of the American Civil War. Complete with over 1,000 questions ranging from easy to nearly impossible and including true or false, multiple choice, short answer and match-ups, this is a fun-lled gift book that will both delight and frustrate any Civil War fan.
Author Joseph McCullough Available April 2012 ISBN 978 1 84908 618 9 Price 6.99 / US $9.95 / CAN $11.95 Period American Civil War Format Paperback, 185 x 120mm/7 x 5'', 232pp Illustrations 35 black & white


Joshua Chamberlain
The Life in Letters of a Great Leader of the American Civil War
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain has been a central character in two feature lms, the title character in the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel Killer Angels, and the inspiration for Ken Burns production of the highly acclaimed PBS series The Civil War. His life is a remarkable story of perseverance, tragedy and triumph. From an insecure young man with a considerable stutter who grew up in a small town in eastern Maine, Joshua Chamberlain rose to become a major general, recipient of the Medal of Honor, Governor of Maine and President of Bowdoin College. In 1995, the National Civil War Museum acquired a collection of approximately 300 letters written by or sent to Chamberlain from his college years in 1852 to his death in 1914. Author Thomas Desjardin puts Chamberlains words in contemporary and historical context and uses this extraordinary collection of letters to reveal the full and remarkable life of Joshua Chamberlain.
Editor Thomas Desjardin Available May 2012 ISBN 978 1 84908 559 5 Period American Civil War Format Hardback, 233 x 152mm/9 x 6'', 336pp Price 17.99 / US $25.95 / CAN $30.00 Illustrations 25 colour and black & white


The Roman Army

The Greatest War Machine of the Ancient World
The image of the Roman legionary is as familiar today as it was to the citizens and enemies of the vast Roman Empire two thousand years ago. This book goes beyond the stereotypes found in popular culture to examine the Roman Army from the rst armed citizens of the early Republic through the glorious heights of the Imperial legions to the shameful defeats inicted upon the late Roman Army by the Goths and Huns. Tracing the development of tactics, equipment and training, this volume provides a detailed insight into the military force that enabled Rome to become the greatest empire the world has ever seen. The Roman Army also sheds light on the talented men who led these soldiers in battle and the momentous battles fought, including Cannae, Pharsalus and Adrianople. Illustrated with detailed maps, artwork and photographs.
Editor Chris McNab Available May 2012 ISBN 978 1 84908 813 8 Price 12.99 / US $18.95 / CAN $22.00 Period Ancient World Format Paperback, 242 x 190mm/9 x 7'', 280pp Illustrations 150 colour and black & white


El Alamein
The Battle that Turned the Tide of World War II
Before the battle of El Alamein in 1942, the British had never won a major battle on land against the Germans; nor indeed had anyone else. This victory, by a British Army actually composed of a variety of nationalities including men and women from the Indian sub-continent, southern Africa, Australia, New Zealand, France and Greece, as well as British troops, had a psychological and morale-raising signicance that exceeded even its strategic importance. Drawing on a remarkable array of rst-hand accounts, this book reveals the personal experiences of those on the frontline and provides fascinating details of how the war was actually fought. It also includes analysis of the strategic decisions made by the key generals including Montgomery and Rommel. El Alamein is the story of exactly how a seemingly beaten and demoralized army turned near-defeat into victory in a little over four months of protracted and bloody ghting in the harsh North African desert.
Author Bryn Hammond Period World War II Available June 2012 ISBN 978 1 84908 640 0 Price 18.99 / US $24.95 / CAN $27.95 Format Hardback, 233 x 152mm/9 x 6'', 344pp Illustrations 40 colour and black & white


The Daring Dozen

12 Special Forces Legends of World War II
In this new book, journalist Gavin Mortimer reveals the 12 legendary Special Forces commanders of World War II. Prior to the war, the concept of special forces simply didnt exist, but thanks to visionary leaders like David Stirling and Charles Hunter, our very concept of how wars can be fought and won has totally changed. These 12 extraordinary men not only reshaped military policy, but they led from the front, accompanying their troops into battle, from the sands of North Africa to jumping on D-Day and inltrating behind enemy lines. Each embodies the true essence of courage, what Winston Churchill remarked is esteemed [as] the rst of human qualities. Mortimer also offers a skilful analysis of their qualities as military commanders and the true impact that their own personal actions, as well as those of their units, had on the eventual outcome of the war.
Author Gavin Mortimer Available June 2012 ISBN 978 1 84908 842 8 Price 17.99 / US $24.95 / CAN $27.95 Period World War II Format Hardback, 233 x 152mm/9 x 6'', 304pp Illustrations 20 colour and black & white

IT GF TIN N! IGH TIO A EF N B R VAC A U C MME GENERAL O PY SU HEL OUR The Para Fitness Flickbook R Y OU OR ITH ME F W Every year getting t and losing weight is at the top of the list of resolutions but few of us TI IN manage to stick to any kind of tness regime. What you need is a military instructor watching over your exercise programme, helping you out and encouraging you along the way. Unfortunately, we cant supply you with your own personal tness expert, but this ickbook is the next best thing! With this smart new format printed on durable cards which easily ts into your pocket, everyone can get t using this easy-to-follow eight-week programme. An iPhone app has also been released so visit the Apple iTunes store to be fully equipped with the Para Fitness iPhone App.
Author Sam McGrath Available December 2011 ISBN 978 1 78096 002 9 Price 6.99 / US $9.95 / CAN $11.95 Format Flickbook, 170 x 60mm, 6 x 2'' Portrait, 75 cards printed both sides Illustrations Fully illustrated in colour

ACE 106

Spanish Republican Aces

At the start of the Spanish Civil War, most young ghter pilot ofcers joined the rebels, while the high ranking ofcers, grupo or escuadrilla commanders, NCOs, sergeants and corporals remained loyal to the government. Mostly ying the obsolete Nieuport Ni.52s these loyalists were soon outpaced by the more modern Fiat CR.32s and Heinkel He 51s. However, at this early stage of the war, there were several Republican airmen who became aces and famous in the process.
Author Rafael A Permuy Lpez Illustrator Julio Lpez Caeiro Available June 2012 ISBN 978 1 84908 668 4 Price 13.99 / US $22.95 / CAN $23.95 Period Modern Warfare Format Paperback, 96pp Illustrations Fully illustrated in colour and black and white

ACE 102

ACE 103

MiG-3 Aces of World War 2

Author Illustrator Available ISBN Price Period Format Illustrations Dmitriy Khazanov Andrey Yurgenson January 2012 978 1 84908 442 0 13.99 / US $22.95 / CAN $23.95 World War II Paperback, 96pp Fully illustrated in colour and black and white

Ki-27 Nate Aces

Author Illustrator Available ISBN Price Period Format Illustrations Nicholas Millman Ronnie Olsthoorn May 2012 978 1 84908 662 2 13.99 / US $22.95 / CAN $23.95 World War II / Modern Warfare Paperback, 96pp Fully illustrated in colour and black and white

ACE 104

ACE 105

Naval Aces of World War 1 part 2

Author Illustrator Available ISBN Price Period Format Illustrations Jon Guttman Harry Dempsey May 2012 978 1 84908 664 6 13.99 / US $22.95 / CAN $23.95 World War I Paperback, 96pp Fully illustrated in colour and black and white

Deant, Blenheim and Havoc Aces

Author Illustrator Available ISBN Price Period Format Illustrations Andrew Thomas Chris Davey June 2012 978 1 84908 666 0 13.99 / US $22.95 / CAN $23.95 World War II Paperback, 96pp Fully illustrated in colour and black and white

COM 91

COM 92

He 111 Kampfgeschwader in the West

Author Illustrator Available ISBN Price Period Format Illustrations John Weal John Weal February 2012 978 1 84908 670 7 13.99 / US $22.95 / CAN $23.95 World War II Paperback, 96pp Fully illustrated in colour and black and white

P-47 Thunderbolt Units of the Twelfth Air Force

Author Illustrator Available ISBN Price Period Format Illustrations Jonathan Bernstein Chris Davey February 2012 978 1 84908 672 1 13.99 / US $22.95 / CAN $23.95 World War II Paperback, 96pp Fully illustrated in colour and black and white

DUE 41

DUE 42

B-24 Liberator vs Ki-43 Oscar

China and Burma 1943
Author Illustrator Available ISBN Price Period Format Illustrations Edward Young Jim Laurier April 2012 978 1 84908 702 5 12.99 / US $17.95 / CAN $18.95 World War II Paperback, 80pp Fully illustrated in colour and black and white

DH 2 vs Albatros D I/D II
Western Front 191617
Author Illustrator Available ISBN Price Period Format Illustrations James F. Miller Jim Laurier May 2012 978 1 84908 704 9 12.99 / US $17.95 / CAN $18.95 World War I Paperback, 80pp Fully illustrated in colour and black and white

DUE 43

DUE 44

M4 Sherman vs Type 97 Chi-Ha

The Pacic 194145
Author Illustrator Available ISBN Price Period Format Illustrations Steven J. Zaloga Richard Chasemore May 2012 978 1 84908 638 7 12.99 / US $17.95 / CAN $18.95 World War II Paperback, 80pp Fully illustrated in colour and black and white

Bonhomme Richard vs Serapis

Flamborough Head 1779
Author Illustrator Available ISBN Price Period Format Illustrations Mark Lardas Giuseppe Rava June 2012 978 1 84908 785 8 12.99 / US $17.95 / CAN $18.95 18th Century Paperback, 80pp Fully illustrated in colour and black and white

CAM 239

CAM 241

Plataea 479 BC
Greeces greatest victory
Author Illustrator Available ISBN Price Period Format Illustrations William Shepherd Peter Dennis January 2012 978 1 84908 554 0 14.99 / US $19.95 / CAN $20.95 Ancient World Paperback, 96pp Fully illustrated in colour and black and white

The Fall of English France 144953

Author Illustrator Available ISBN Price Period Format Illustrations David Nicolle Graham Turner February 2012 978 1 84908 616 5 14.99 / US $19.95 / CAN $20.95 Medieval World Paperback, 96pp Fully illustrated in colour and black and white

CAM 242

CAM 243

Metz 1944
Pattons fortied nemesis
Author Illustrator Available ISBN Price Period Format Illustrations Steven J. Zaloga Steve Noon March 2012 978 1 84908 591 5 14.99 / US $19.95 / CAN $20.95 World War II Paperback, 96pp Fully illustrated in colour and black and white

The Philippines 194142

Author Illustrator Available ISBN Price Period Format Illustrations Clayton Chun Howard Gerrard April 2012 978 1 84908 609 7 14.99 / US $19.95 / CAN $20.95 World War II Paperback, 96pp Fully illustrated in colour and black and white

CAM 244

CAM 245

The Falklands 1982

Author Illustrator Available ISBN Price Period Format Illustrations Gregory Fremont-Barnes Graham Turner May 2012 978 1 84908 607 3 14.99 / US $19.95 / CAN $20.95 Modern Warfare Paperback, 96pp Fully illustrated in colour and black and white

Demyansk 194243
The frozen fortress
Author Illustrator Available ISBN Price Period Format Illustrations Robert Forczyk Peter Dennis June 2012 978 1 84908 552 6 14.99 / US $19.95 / CAN $20.95 World War II Paperback, 96pp Fully illustrated in colour and black and white

WAR 161

WAR 162

Tunnel Rat in Vietnam

Author Illustrator Available ISBN Price Period Format Illustrations Gordon L. Rottman Brian Delf February 2012 978 1 84908 783 4 11.99 / US $18.95 / CAN $19.95 Vietnam War Paperback, 64pp Fully illustrated in colour and black and white

Roman Republican Legionary 298105 BC

Author Illustrator Available ISBN Price Period Format Illustrations Nic Fields Sen Brgin April 2012 978 1 84908 781 0 11.99 / US $18.95 / CAN $19.95 Ancient World Paperback, 64pp Fully illustrated in colour and black and white

CMD 22

CMD 23

Georgy Zhukov
Author Illustrator Available ISBN Price Period Format Illustrations Robert Forczyk Adam Hook March 2012 978 1 84908 556 4 9.99 / US $17.95 / CAN $18.95 World War II Paperback, 64pp Fully illustrated in colour and black and white

Author Illustrator Available ISBN Price Period Format Illustrations Nic Fields Peter Dennis March 2012 978 1 84908 572 4 9.99 / US $17.95 / CAN $18.95 Ancient World Paperback, 64pp Fully illustrated in colour and black and white

CMD 25

CMD 24

Omar Bradley
Author Illustrator Available ISBN Price Period Format Illustrations Steven J. Zaloga Steve Noon May 2012 978 1 84908 660 8 9.99 / US $17.95 / CAN $18.95 World War II Paperback, 64pp Fully illustrated in colour and black and white

Tokugawa Ieyasu
Author Illustrator Available ISBN Price Period Format Illustrations Stephen Turnbull Giuseppe Rava June 2012 978 1 84908 574 8 9.99 / US $17.95 / CAN $18.95 16th Century / Samurai Paperback, 64pp Fully illustrated in colour and black and white

CMD 26

MAA 479

Yamamoto Isoroku
Author Illustrator Available ISBN Price Period Format Illustrations Mark Stille Adam Hook June 2012 978 1 84908 731 5 9.99 / US $17.95 / CAN $18.95 World War II / Naval Paperback, 64pp Fully illustrated in colour and black and white

Roman Centurions 31 BCAD 500

The Classical and Late Empire
Author Illustrator Available ISBN Price Period Format Illustrations Raffaele DAmato Giuseppe Rava February 2012 978 1 84908 795 7 9.99 / US $17.95 / CAN $18.95 Ancient World Paperback, 48pp Fully illustrated in colour and black and white

MAA 476

MAA 480

Napoleons Swiss Troops

Author Illustrator Available ISBN Price Period Format Illustrations David Greentree Gerry Embleton March 2012 978 1 84908 678 3 9.99 / US $17.95 / CAN $18.95 Napoleonic Paperback, 48pp Fully illustrated in colour and black and white

Napoleons Dragoons of the Imperial Guard

Author Illustrator Available ISBN Price Period Format Illustrations Ronald Pawly Patrice Courcelle April 2012 978 1 84908 806 0 9.99 / US $17.95 / CAN $18.95 Napoleonic Paperback, 48pp Fully illustrated in colour and black and white

MAA 469

MAA 478

World War II Soviet Armed Forces (3)

Author Illustrator Available ISBN Price Period Format Illustrations Nigel Thomas Darko Pavlovic May 2012 978 1 84908 634 9 9.99 / US $17.95 / CAN $18.95 World War II Paperback, 48pp Fully illustrated in colour and black and white

The Australian Army in World War I

Author Illustrator Available ISBN Price Period Format Illustrations Robert Fleming Mike Chappell June 2012 978 1 84908 632 5 9.99 / US $17.95 / CAN $18.95 World War I Paperback, 48pp Fully illustrated in colour and black and white

NVG 186

NVG 187

US Marine Corps Tanks of World War II

Author Illustrator Available ISBN Price Period Format Illustrations Steven J. Zaloga Richard Chasemore January 2012 978 1 84908 560 1 9.99 / US $17.95 / CAN $18.95 World War II Paperback, 48pp Fully illustrated in colour and black and white

Imperial Japanese Navy Light Cruisers 194145

Author Illustrator Available ISBN Price Period Format Illustrations Mark Stille Paul Wright February 2012 978 1 84908 562 5 9.99 / US $17.95 / CAN $18.95 World War II Paperback, 48pp Fully illustrated in colour and black and white

NVG 188

NVG 189

Great Lakes Warships 18121815

Author Illustrator Available ISBN Price Period Format Illustrations Mark Lardas Paul Wright March 2012 978 1 84908 566 3 9.99 / US $17.95 / CAN $18.95 19th Century / Napoleonic Paperback, 48pp Fully illustrated in colour and black and white

The Rolls-Royce Armoured Car

Author Illustrator Available ISBN Price Period David Fletcher Henry Morshead April 2012 978 1 84908 580 9 9.99 / US $17.95 / CAN $18.95 World War I / World War II / Modern Warfare Format Paperback, 48pp Illustrations Fully illustrated in colour and black and white

NVG 190

NVG 191

British Heavy Cruisers 193945

Author Illustrator Available ISBN Price Period Format Illustrations Angus Konstam Paul Wright May 2012 978 1 84908 686 8 9.99 / US $17.95 / CAN $18.95 World War II Paperback, 48pp Fully illustrated in colour and black and white

Italian Light Tanks

Author Pier Paolo Battistelli & Filippo Cappellano Illustrator Richard Chasemore Available June 2012 ISBN 978 1 84908 777 3 Price 9.99 / US $17.95 / CAN $18.95 Period World War II Format Paperback, 48pp Illustrations Fully illustrated in colour and black and white

WPN 17

WPN 15

The Lee-Eneld Rie

Author Illustrator Available ISBN Price Period Format Illustrations Martin Pegler Peter Dennis January 2012 978 1 84908 788 9 12.99 / US $17.95 / CAN $18.95 World War I / World War II Paperback, 80pp Fully illustrated in colour and black and white

The Browning Automatic Rie

Author Illustrator Available ISBN Price Period Format Illustrations Robert R. Hodges Johnny Shumate April 2012 978 1 84908 761 2 12.99 / US $17.95 / CAN $18.95 World War I / World War II Paperback, 80pp Fully illustrated in colour and black and white

WPN 16

WPN 18

The M1 Garand
Author Illustrator Available ISBN Price Period Format Illustrations Leroy Thompson Peter Dennis May 2012 978 1 84908 621 9 12.99 / US $17.95 / CAN $18.95 World War II Paperback, 80pp Fully illustrated in colour and black and white

The Bazooka
Author Illustrator Available ISBN Price Period Format Illustrations Gordon L. Rottman Johnny Shumate June 2012 978 1 84908 801 5 12.99 / US $17.95 / CAN $18.95 World War II Paperback, 80pp Fully illustrated in colour and black and white


Gothic Serpent
Black Hawk Down Mogadishu 1993
Made famous by the movie, Blackhawk Down, Operation Gothic Serpent remains one of the most popular topics in modern United States warfare. Written by Clayton Chun, a professor at the US Army War College, this book offers a fresh analysis of both the operational planning and the chaotic battle that developed in the streets of Mogadishu.
Author Clayton Chun Illustrator Johnny Shumate & Alan Gilliland Available May 2012 ISBN 978 1 84908 584 7 Price 11.99 / US $18.95 / CAN $19.95 Period Modern Warfare Format Paperback, 80pp Illustrations Fully illustrated in colour and black and white



Tomahawk and Musket

French and Indian Raids in the Ohio Valley 1758
Author Illustrator Available ISBN Price Period Format Illustrations Ren Chartrand Peter Dennis & Donato Spedaliere January 2012 978 1 84908 564 9 11.99 / US $18.95 / CAN $19.95 18th Century Paperback, 80pp Fully illustrated in colour and black and white

Run The Gauntlet

The Channel Dash 1942
Author Illustrator Available ISBN Price Period Format Illustrations Ken Ford Howard Gerrard & Alan Gilliland February 2012 978 1 84908 570 0 11.99 / US $18.95 / CAN $19.95 World War II Paperback, 80pp Fully illustrated in colour and black and white



The Hunt for Pancho Villa

The Columbus Raid and Pershings Punitive Expedition 191617
Author Illustrator Available ISBN Price Period Format Illustrations Alejandro de Quesada Peter Dennis & Donato Spedaliere March 2012 978 1 84908 568 7 11.99 / US $18.95 / CAN $19.95 Modern Warfare Paperback, 80pp Fully illustrated in colour and black and white

Red Christmas
The Tatsinskaya Aireld Raid 1942
Author Illustrator Available ISBN Price Period Format Illustrations Robert Forczyk Johnny Shumate & Paul Kime April 2012 978 1 84908 586 1 11.99 / US $18.95 / CAN $19.95 World War II Paperback, 80pp Fully illustrated in colour and black and white


FOR 106

Knights Move
The Hunt for Marshal Tito 1944
Author Illustrator Available ISBN Price Period Format Illustrations David Greentree Johnny Shumate & Paul Kime June 2012 978 1 84908 601 1 11.99 / US $18.95 / CAN $19.95 World War II Paperback, 80pp Fully illustrated in colour and black and white

Forts of the War of 1812

Author Illustrator Available ISBN Price Period Format Illustrations Ren Chartrand Donato Spedaliere February 2012 978 1 84908 576 2 11.99 / US $18.95 / CAN $19.95 19th Century Paperback, 64pp Fully illustrated in colour and black and white

ESS 74

ELI 119

The Second War of Italian Unication 185961

Author Available ISBN Price Period Format Illustrations Frederick Schneid June 2012 978 1 84908 787 2 12.99 / US $19.95 / CAN $20.95 19th Century Paperback, 96pp Fully illustrated in colour and black and white

Apache Tactics 183086

Author Illustrator Available ISBN Price Period Format Illustrations Robert Watt Adam Hook January 2012 978 1 84908 630 1 11.99 / US $18.95 / CAN $19.95 19th Century Paperback, 64pp Fully illustrated in colour and black and white


he Napoleonic Wars have always been one of the most popular conflicts amongst wargamers thanks to their colourful uniforms, tactical battles, and the number of different nation-states involved in the fighting. Now the hugely popular Field of Glory series is bringing historical accuracy and high production values to the wars of Napoleon. Designed in an approachable and easy-to-learn manner, the game allows players to concentrate on realistic deployments and battlefield tactics of the era, from the early wars of the French Republic, through the rise of Bonaparte and the Grande Arme, to the Empires last stand at Waterloo.


Field of Glory Napoleonic

Author Cover artist Available ISBN Price Period Format Illustrations Slitherine Peter Dennis March 2012 978 1 84908 926 5 25.00 / US $34.95 / CAN $36.95 Napoleonic / Wargaming Hardback, 212pp Fully illustrated in colour


Triumph of Nations
Author Slitherine Cover artist Peter Dennis Available June 2012 ISBN 978 1 84908 928 9 Price 25.00 / US $34.95 / CAN $36.95 Period Napoleonic / Wargaming Format Hardback, 200pp Illustrations Fully illustrated in colour



Day of the Rangers

Somalia 1993
Author Cover artist Available ISBN Price Period Format Illustrations Ambush Alley Games Ramiro Bujeiro March 2012 978 1 84908 767 4 14.99 / US $24.95 / CAN $25.95 Modern Warfare / Wargaming Paperback, 100+ pp Fully illustrated in colour

Bush Wars
Africa 19672010
Author Cover artist Available ISBN Price Period Format Illustrations Ambush Alley Games Ramiro Bujeiro May 2012 978 1 84908 769 8 14.99 / US $24.95 / CAN $25.95 Modern Warfare / Wargaming Paperback, 100+ pp Fully illustrated in colour

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