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ROLES Role is a set of expected behavior patterns attributed to someone occupying a given position in a social unit.

People have the ability to shift roles rapidly when the recognize that the situation and its demands clearly require major changes. So, different groups impose different role requirement on individuals: 1) Role Identity: Certain attitudes and behaviors consistent with a role are known as role identity. 2) Role Perception: An individuals view of how he or she is supposed to act in a given situation. 3) Role Conflict: A situation in which an individual is confronted by divergent role expectations. 4) Role Expectation: How others believe a person should act in a given situation. IMPORTANCE OF ROLES 1) INITIATOR-CONTRIBUTOR : Recommended new solutions to group problems. 2) INFORMATION-SEEKER : Attempt to obtain the necessary facts. 3) OPINION-GIVERS : Share own opinions with others. 4) ENERGIZERS : Stimulate the group into action whenever interest drops. 5) HARMONIZERS : Mediate group conflicts. 6) COMPROMISERS : Shift own opinions to create group harmony. 7) ENCOURAGERS : Praise and encourage others. 8) EXPEDITERS : Suggest ways the groups can operate more smoothly. 9) BLOKERS : Act stubborn and resistant to the group. 10) RECGNITION-SEEKERS : Call attention to their own achievements. 11) DOMINATORS : Assert authority by manipulating the group. 12) AVOIDERS : Maintain distances; isolate themselves from fellow group members.


The performance of a person working in an organization depends on his own potential effectiveness, technical competence, managerial experience as well as the design of the role that he performs in the organization. It is the integration of the two that ensures a persons effectiveness in the organization. Unless a person has the requisite knowledge, technical competence and the skills required for the role, he cannot be effective. If the role does not allow the person to use his competence, and if he constantly feels frustrated in the role, his effectiveness is likely to be low. The integration of a person and the role comes about when the role is able to fulfill the needs of the individual, and when the individual in turn is able to contribute to the evolution of the role. The more we move from role taking to role making, the more the role is likely to be effective. Effectiveness of a person in a role in an organization will depend on his own potential effectiveness the potential effectiveness of the role, and the organizational climate. Role efficacy would mean potential effectiveness of an individual occupying a particular role in an organization. Role efficacy is the potential effectiveness of a role.


Role efficacy has several aspects. These aspects can be classified into three groups or dimensions-

Dimension 1: Role Making

1) Self-Role Integration- Every person has his strengths experience, technical training, special skills, and some unique contribution that he may be able to make. The more the role a person occupies provides an opportunity for the use of such special strengths, the higher the efficacy is likely to be. This is called self-role integration. The self or the person and the role get integrated through the possibility of a persons use of his special strengths in

the role. Our special strengths are used in the role so that it may be possible for us to demonstrate how effective we can be. Integration contributes to high role efficacy. On the other hand if there is a distance between the self and the role, role efficacy is likely to be low. 2) Proactivity- A person who occupies a role, responds to the various expectations that people in the organization have from that role. While this certainly gives him satisfaction, it also satisfies others in the organization. However, if he is also expected to take initiative in starting some activity, the efficacy will be higher. Reactive behavior helps a person in being effective to some extent, but proactivity contributes much more to efficacy. If a person feels that he would like to take initiative but has no opportunity to do so in the role that he occupies in the organization, the efficacy will be low. 3) Creativity- It is not only initiative which is important for efficacy. An opportunity to try new and unconventional ways of solving problems or an opportunity to be creative is equally important. If a person perceives that he has to perform only routine tasks, it is detrimental towards a high role efficacy. If he feels that the role does not allow any time or opportunity to be creative, the efficacy is bound to be low. 3) Confrontation- If people in an organization avoid problems or Shift the problems to the others; their role efficacy will be low.The tendency to confront problems and find relevant solutions contributes to efficacy. When people facing inter-personal problems sit down, talk about these problems, and search out solutions, their efficacy is likely to be higher when compared with situations in which they either deny such problems or refer them to their higher officers.

Dimension 2: Role Centering

1) Centrally- If a person occupying a particular role in organization feels that the role he occupies is central in the organization; his role efficacy is likely to be high. Every employee would like to fee that his role is important to the organization. If persons occupying various roles feels that their roles are peripheral i.e. not very important, their potential effectiveness will be low. 2) Personal Growth- If a person feels that he is stagnating in a role without any opportunity to grow he is likely to have a low role efficacy. In many institutes of higher learning, the roles of the staff pose problems of low efficacy. The main factor behind this is the lack of

opportunity for them to grow systematically in their roles.Institutes which are able to plan the growth of such people in the roles will have higher efficacy and obtain a great deal of contribution from them.

Dimension 3: Role Linking

1) Inter-role Linkage- Linkages of ones role with other roles in the organization increases efficacy. If there is a joint effort in understanding problems, finding solutions, the efficacy of the various roles involved is likely to be high. The feeling of isolation of a role reduces role efficacy. 2) Helping Relationship- If persons performing a particular role feel that they can get help from some source in the organization whenever the need arises, they are likely to have higher role efficacy. On the other hand, if there is a feeling that no help is forthcoming when asked for, or that the respondents are hostile, role efficacy will be low. 4) Super ordination- When a person performing a particular role feelthat what he does is likely to be of value to a larger group, his efficacy is likely to be high. Roles in which people feel that what they are doing is helpful to the organization in which they work, result in role efficacy. But if a person feels that he does not get an opportunity to be of help to a larger group, the role efficacy is likely to be low.


In order to determine how much role efficacy a person has, the strengths of the 10 aspects of role efficacy need to be measured.The various materials that can be used to measured role efficacy are1) WRITING THE ESSAY The best method of measuring role efficacy is the EMR. It gives a high pay-off especially in programmes of increasing role efficacy. The role occupant may be asked to write an essay of about 500 words on his role which is then analyzed for role efficacy. When a person writes such an essay, he projects his perceptions about the role and provides enough material from which role efficacy can be measured. 2) SCORING ESSAYS The essays can be scored either by the one who writes the essay or by an expert. Each aspect can be given one of the three scores: +2, +1, or -1. After trying out various ways of scoring, this was the method decided upon: give a score of 2 on each aspect, if that particular aspect is present; score of 1 when that aspect is present to some extent; -1 if the negative side of the

aspect is shown. 3) ROLE EFFICACY SCALE ( RES ) Role Efficacy Scale is a structured instrument consisting of 20 triads of statement in each triad which describes his role most accurately. A respondent marks one statement in each triad which describes his role most accurately. These three alternatives are pre-weighted. There are two statements for each dimension of role efficacy and the same scoring pattern is followed. 4) INTERVIEW An unstructured interview with a role occupant to know his perceptions about the role can help collect data for scoring role efficacy. Interview has an advantage, it gets spontaneous responses, and necessary probes can be made to find out more about the various dimensions. 5) CHECKLIST OF ADJECTIVES Role efficacy can also be measured by asking a role occupant to list as many adjectives as he can think of to describe the role. In such a lasting the person reflects his significant perceptions of the role. 6) ROLE EFFICACY DIFFERENTIAL (RED ) Semantic differential scale can also be used to measure role efficacy. These scales are bipolar, having contrasting adjectives at each of the two ends, with 7-point or 9-point scales in between.

7) ROLE EFFICAC INDEX Role efficacy Index represents the percentage of role effectiveness of a respondent in an organization. It ranges from 0 to 100. A high REI indicates that the respondent perceives that he has a great deal of opportunity to be effective in the role. To find out the REI, scores on all the 10 aspects of role efficacy may be totalled and then the relevant formula can be used. Role Essay & Interview: (Total Score+ 10)/30 * 100 Role Efficacy Scale: (Total Score + 20 )/60* 100 Role Efficacy Differential: ( Total Score-10 )/80* 10 ROLE CLARITY

Role clarity is a foundational step for implementing strategy building learning and development programs and competing successfully in todays environment . A comprehensive model contains the essential elements of business practices, knowledge and skill requirements, behavioral expectations; and, success / performance measurements. These factors must be addressed with a degree of specificity thatallows them to be a sound basis for action, management andassessment. Development of a comprehensive model is only the firststep. For optimal performance, the model needs to be internalizedand owned by line managers and professionals. A complex processof consensus building, communication and coaching is required toensure effective implementation. Ideally, an internal team willimplement the plan. Role clarification must address all of thefollowing questions: What are the roles and responsibilities of the functions, withinthe team and the manner in which they interface with otherfunctions (e.g. credit and other product specialists) outside theteam and with external parties such as clients, partners andadvisors? What internal roles intersect with the each other, and what arethe mutual expectations of the various professionals/functionsthat intersect? How do the various roles relate to the strategic objectives of:the team, clients; external referral sources; and otherinterested parties? What tactics and/or business practices need to be employed? Are there policy or process issues that need to be addressed(i.e.: developed, revised or eliminated)? What is the desired operating style of the unit/function?

What expectations exist among various stakeholders regardingspecific deliverables (both results and behavior)? What leadership and managerial practices should beimplemented? What support is required in new/changed roles (i.e.:administrative, MIS, etc.)? What knowledge and skills are required in each position? What measures, both objective and subjective, can beexamined to gauge success and interim progress? After answering the above questions, organizations need to address the following two questions: 1 . H o w w i l l w e c o m m u n i c a t e t h i s i n f o r m a t i o n t o t h e a f f e c t e d individuals, business units and the entire organization? 2 . W h a t m a n n e r o f c o n v e y a n c e e n s u r e s b u y - i n a n d understanding and leads to efficient and effectiveimplementation?





Lead to conflicts and confusion on tasks. Team members may not understand what exactly is expected of each of them. Some team mebers may land up shouldering the bigger share of their work and find themselves overstretched and stressed out. Conversely,some may take on too small a share as a result of poor understanding of the role and therefore feel underutilized and demotivated. this lack of awareness may also mean that not all goals are reached as there are parts of the teams responsibilies that are not getting done.

WHY CLARITY? 1) Exactly how people do their jobs is often not visible to anorganization. Through the process of knowledge mapping, Clarityprovides a way for people to understand what they need to know,where to access that knowledge and why it is important to theirwork. And, while Clarity may have implications for work processdesign, it is not intended to analyze or redesign business processes.2) Clarity simulates work so it is used to clarify a process or dryrun a new process.3) A dynamic, living tool, Clarity continues to strengthen theorganization long after the mapping sessions by providing thecritical structure, process and context for knowledge.4) Clarity identifies the skills necessary to perform successfully,the responsibilities for knowledge sharing, and the importantknowledge connections between people. It clearly provides thecontext and direction for individuals to understand how they canwork smarter.During the session Clarity knowledge maps illustrate: A cross-organizational view of how knowledge flowsthrough the core work process. The barriers to getting work done today. Skills relevant to accomplishing individual jobs and howthese skills are developed. Critical knowledge gaps in the process. The identification and location of critical tools andtemplates that support the process.

Strategic linkages with other functions

This section would display the research process adopted by the research in approaching towards the aims and objectives. Use of specific tools put to use has been justified in the section step by step. The chapter would clearly showcase the approach used in completing the research activity. RESEARCH Before discussing the research literature it is important to know that what research exactly is. Research is derived from the Latin word which means to know. In other words, research means to re-search. Searching for information and presenting it is the job of the researcher. I will conduct this entire research in the area of role efficacy and role clarity in employees. Firstly my research will be problem solving and systematic. Secondly it will have logic and flow that others can easily understand the main theme of the research. It will be based on facts, so that decision making and conclusions can be derived from the information collected. It will be reductive so that the smaller sample area can be investigated and can be generalized to a larger set of population. Lastly it will be replicable so that others test it or carry out other analysis.

To summarize research is the organized and systematic procedure of finding solutions to the problems.

RESEARCH PROBLEM In any research it becomes very important to know the problem area. Determining problem area helps in chalking out plans to conduct the research in an appropriate manner. It is said that problem which is well defined is half solved. The problem area which the research is testing related to the subject of role clarity and role efficacy. In this the researcher wants to investigate how role clarity and role efficacy are important for the employees. This problem stems from the fact that both role clarity and role efficacy leads to role ambiguity which deprives the performance level. The researcher by way of this thesis also wants to find out what an organization should do for enhancing the level of role efficacy and role clarity among the employees. RESEARCH DESIGN Personally for the researcher, the research design is the useful step in the entire research process. I would be choosing the research design as an entire framework by which I would decide the way in which the research would be conducted and the tools and techniques which would be employed. There are three types of research design which have been listed below;1. Exploratory Research Design 2. Descriptive Research Design 3. Causal Research Design



The objective is to extract the background information and story behind it, to have clarification on the problem area and to establish detailed analysis.

Exploratory research design

To investigate and describe and measure phenomena at a particular point of time.

Descriptive research design

To determine causality, to make ifthen decisions and define experimental relationships.

Causal research design

THE BASIC RESEARCH OBJECTIVE AND RESEARCH DESIGN JUSTIFICATION FOR USING RESEARCH DESIGN The researcher would be conducting two research designs for carrying out this research. Firstly the researcher would be using the descriptive style of research design. The main purpose of using the descriptive style of research design is so that the data collected is very concise and structured which makes analysis factual and simple. Secondly the researcher would be using the exploratory design in limited format. The researcher would try and conduct in-depth interview with some of the top executives in the sample companies involved. The main context of covering the in-depth interview is that the researcher can understand the way they are directed towards the role clarity and role efficacy for the employees. However the main limitation is that in depths interviews cannot be conducted for all sample companies involved. Secondly companies where top executive appointment can be sought would be considered for the analysis.

DATA COLLECTION Two form of data collection and information gathering techniques prevail in the research environment. Both the collection techniques are listed below;1. Primary data collection 2. Secondary data collection

PRIMARY DATA COLLECTION Primary data is that type of data which is collected for the first time and for the specific purpose of the research. In simple words this data does not prevail to be collected unless the need is desired for it. This type of information is the first hand information collected exclusively for the purpose of the research. The main advantage of using primary data is because it can be easily relied upon as the data is fresh and without any contamination and adulteration. Secondly this data is collected as this data is not collected anywhere. However the main disadvantage of using collecting primary data is that it takes lot of time to conduct the data. Also it takes a lot of effort and cost in conducting the research. Some of the common tools of conducting primary data are by way of surveys, interview, focus group discussion, in-depth interview, observation techniques and other form of discussion forums and panels. JUSTIFICATION- PRIMARY DATA

The researcher would be using primary form of data collection to collect data required for the collect the required data the researcher would conducting an in-depth interview with the top executives and

employees of the organization. The main of the researcher here is to collect first-hand information as to determine how efficiently they perform their role and to determine the level of clarity of roles among the employees. The researcher would be preparing a list of basic guidelines questions which would drive the way for conducting the in-depth interview. The basic questions would help the researcher to collect the primary data in a desires manner which would not lead an interview to go in a different direction. SECONDARY DATA COLLECTION Secondary data is the form of data which is already present in the market and was collected by some other persons for some different purpose. Any form of data which is collected and used immediately becomes secondary data for others. For example researchers carry our research which is primary but for the students academicians this later becomes secondary which we then refer in journals and magazines. This type of data has more to be with past rather than the present since it is historical in nature. In simple words secondary from of data is any form of data which is present in the universe and is collected by someone else for some other purpose. The main advantage of using secondary form of data is that it is easy to collect. Secondly the time involved is relatively less than the primary data. Similarly the efforts in collecting the secondary data are less than in collecting the primary data. Secondary data can be available to the researcher from multiple modes and source vis--vis primary data collection. However there are few disadvantages which secondary data has. 1. The data which is available might not purely satisfy the needs of the researcher since this data was collected by someone else for some other purpose. 2. If there is any error in that secondary data it could carry the same for the researcher as well. Thus trusting the authenticity of data is very important before using it.

Some of the common sources of collecting secondary data are with the help of journals, magazines, newspaper articles, books, periodicals, annual reports, company circulars, libraries, e-libraries, search engines etc. JUSTIFICATION- SECONDARY DATA The researcher would purely be using secondary sources of data for collecting the information. The previous records and circulars of the organization are very helpful in collecting the information related to the role clarity and role efficacy.

SAMPLING The main decision which the researcher has to decide is to whether go for census or sample research. Census means each and every element which forms the part of the research will be investigated and sample means few elements which represent the entire research area will be investigated. Practically it is not possible to conduct a census since it is time consuming and by the time each and every element is investigated which helps to reach the conclusion. Sample is where certain elements are studied which forms a representative of all the other elements. The process of sampling means to identify and select certain elements which would represent the entire population under study. The main rationale behind choosing samples is so that they would represent the similar characteristics of the entire population set. The main advantage of using sampling is so that it can save a lot of time and efforts on the part of the research and yet help to generalize the findings for the entire set.


Defining the target population Target population: for this research, the target population is all the workers and employees working in the organization. Defining the sampling frame Sampling frame: for this research the sampling frame covers the large and medium sized organizations where the employees and workers are working on the regular basis.

Techniques of sampling There are two important techniques of sampling i.e. Probability sampling technique and Non Probability sampling technique. Probability sampling technique The researcher would not be using probability sampling technique since the employees and workers level in the different organizations is very high. Secondly it would be very time consuming to list down each and every employee working in the organizations. Non Probability sampling technique The researcher would be using non probability sample technique for this research wherein the sample would be chosen purely on the basis of convenience rather than any form of statistical tool involved in it. The main advantage of convenience sampling is that the researcher can select the employees on the basis of easy availability and according to their own convenience.

SAMPLE SIZE The sample size is chosen simple based on the convenience and not my any means of statistical analysis. DATA ANALYSIS Once the data is collected it needs to be analyzed. Data Analysis is a very important step in the entire research process. The entire research activity can be a failure if the data analysis is not done properly so as to reach the objectives framed for the research. The process for analyzing the data starts with data editing, coding and data entry and last data analysis. The researcher would collect all secondary information related to role efficacy and role clarity collected from the research and edits the data. Then the researcher would input all the relevant data in the excel sheet. Data entry would be done on all the parameters which are chosen to be analyzed for the research. The main place for the data entry would be an excel spreadsheet where the data would be entered, stored and analyzed for further use. This data can be analyzed at the users convenience by various forms like charts, bars, and diagrams.

QUESTIONNAIRE PART A (Role efficacy) Please fill up the following information:Name..Age... Sex..Education Designation....Department. Organization..Experience (in years)..

Q1 What do you feel about your role in the organization? a) Very important b) Fairly important c) Very little important

Q2 How do you feel about your training and knowledge in the present role? a) Fully utilized b) Less utilized c) Not utilized

Q3 Do you use creativity in your role? a) Yes b) No

Q4 How you perform your role within the organization? a) Alone b) Collaboration with other colleagues c) Team

Q5 How other people help you when you are facing any problem? a) No one helps me b) Others help me c) Get hostile responses Q6 By performing your role, Are you really contributing towards the society? a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Disagree

Q7 Do you contribute towards the decisions taken in the organization? a) Always b) Rarely c) Never

Q8 Do you feel your professional knowledge adds value to your role? a) Yes b) No

Q9 How you feel when a subordinate brings any problem to you? a) Like b) Dislike c) No answer

Q10 What do you feel about your in the organization? a) Quite central role b) Fairly important role c) Peripheral role

Q11 Do you enjoy your role in the organization? a) Yes b) No

Q12 How much freedom is present in your role? a) Little freedom b) A great deal of freedom c) Enough freedom

Q13 What is the opinion of others about your role in the organization? a) Others in the organization see my role as significant to their work b) I am a member of a task force or a committee c) I do not work in any committees

Q14 Do you learn anything from your role? a) I learn a great deal of things from my role

b) I learn a few new things from role c) I am involved in routine or unrelated activities and have learned nothing Q15 According to your opinion, which one is more important for the role? a) Role efficacy b) Role clarity c) Other factors

In your organizational role, you need clarity on various dimensions. For each item indicate how clear you are, tick the option best suited by you SR. NO ITEMS QUITE CLEAR FAIRLY CLEAR CLEAR UNCLEAR VERY LITTLE CLEAR


What your senior officer expect from you ( what they




expect you to perform) What your colleagues and peers expected from your role. What your juniors expect from your role. Priorities in your role task. Reward system for good or effective work. Appraisal system to access how well you perform in your role. Reporting relationship (whom do you report regarding your work).




Q. Indicate the means for providing roles and responsibilities? a. Interview b. written orders c. co - employees d. manager incharge Q. Your awareness level of role clarity at the time of joining? a. 0 25 %

b. 25 50 % c. 50 75% d. above 75 % Q. To what extend the level of role clarity improved after the involvement of the job? a. 0 25 % b. 25 50 % c. 50 75% d. above 75 % Q. To what extend you are aware of your roles in the active p a r t i c i p a t i o n i n t h e organization? a. 0 25 % b. 25 50 % c. 50 75% d. above 75 % Q. To what extend the manager help you in the execution of role? a. 0 25 % b. 25 50 % c. 50 75% d. above 75 %

Q. In what way the role clarity is effectively made out? a. Interactive session b. meeting c. training d. supply of brochure

Q. To what extend the role clarity is useful in work place? a. High c.very little b. little d. none

Q. Describe ranking of benefits in the role clarity as given below. a.Job Efficiency satisfactory b. Management involvement satisfactory c. Improved team work Satisfactory not satisfactory not satisfactory not satisfactory

d. Reduce the imbalance in the departmental function Satisfactory e. Reduce the down time Satisfactory f.Conflict Resolution Satisfactory g.Effective recruitment Satisfactory h.the benefits of training Satisfactory not satisfactory not satisfactory not satisfactory not satisfactory not satisfactory

Q1 what do you feel about your role in the organization? OPTIONS a) Very important b) Fairly important c) Very little important RESPONDENTS 30 15 5

70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 very important fairly important very little important

Interpretation From the above graph, it is clear that 60% employees feel that their role is very important in the organization and only 10% employees feel very little importance of their role in the organization. Q2 How do you feel about your training and knowledge in the present role? OPTIONS a) Fully utilized b) Less utilized c) Not utilized RESPONDENTS 15 20 25
fully utilized less utilized not utilized

INTERPRETATION From the above graph, it can be seen that majority of the respondents feel that their knowledge and training is not utilized in their present role .30% respondents feel that their knowledge and training is fully utilized in their present role and are satisfied with their present role. Q3 Do you use creativity in your role?



a) Yes 30 b) No
25 20 15 10 5 0 yes


INTERPRETATION This question was asked to the respondents to know about the use of creativity in their present role. From the graph ,it is clear that majority of the employees use creativity in their role to enhance their performance .Only a small number of respondents do not use creativity in their present role.

Q4 By performing your role, Are you really contributing towards the society? OPTIONS d) Strongly agree e) Agree f) Disagree RESPONDENTS 32 17 1

35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 strongly agree agree disagree

INTERPRETATION From the above graph, it is clear that 64% of the respondents strongly agree that by performing their role, they are really contributing towards the society. Only 2% of respondents do not feel that through their role, they are not contributing towards the society Q5 Do you feel your professional knowledge adds value to your role? OPTIONS
c) Yes d) No

yes no

INTERPRETATION From the graph, it is clear that 100% of the respondents say that their professional knowledge adds value to their role. None of the respondents say that professional knowledge do not add value to their role. Q6 How much freedom is present in your role? OPTIONS
d) Little freedom e) A great deal of freedom f) Enough freedom






0 little freedom a great deal of freedom enough freedom

INTERPRETATION From the graph, it is clear that 48% of respondents are of opinion that a great deal of freedom is present in their role which help them in performing their role in an efficient manner.28% respondents say that little freedom is present in their role. Q7 According to your opinion, which one is more important for the role? OPTIONS
30 25


d) Role efficacy 20 e) Role clarity c) Both

15 10 d) Other factors 5 0 role efficacy

role clarity


other factors

INTERPRETATION From the above graph, it is clear that majority of respondents are of opinion that both role efficacy and role clarity are important for their role which help them in understanding their roles and performing it in an efficient manner. Only a few respondents are of opinion that other factors are important for the role. Q8. To what extend the role clarity is useful in work place? OPTIONS a. High


b. little 40
35 c. very little

d. none
25 20 15 10 5 0 high little


very little


INTERPRETATION From the above graph, it is clear that 90% employees say that role clarity is useful in work place for doing their job well. they are also in favor of role efficacy as major part in performing their roles well for achieving their tasks.

Q9 Your awareness level of role clarity at the time of joining? OPTIONS a. 0 25 % b. 25 50 % c. 50 75% d. above 75 % RESPONDENTS 21 18 6 5





0 0-25% 25-50% 50-75% above 75%

INTERPRETATION The respondents were asked about their awareness level of role clarity at the time of joining. Majority of respondents were very little aware about their role clarity. Only a few respondents were completely aware about the clarity of their roles at the time of joining. Q10 To what extend the level of role clarity improved after the involvement of the job? OPTIONS a. 0 25 % b. 25 50 % c. 50 75% d. above 75 % RESPONDENTS 5 6 18 21

0-25% 25-50% 50-75% above 75%

INTERPRETATION The respondents were asked to what extend the level of role clarity was improved after the involvement of the job.42% respondents say that after involvement in the job, the level of role clarity was increased to above 75% and 36% respondents say that only 50-75% of their role was cleared to them after involvement in the job. Q11 To what extend you are aware of your roles in the active OPTIONS a. 0 25 % b. 25 50 % c. 50 75% d. above 75 % `` p a r t i c i p a t i o n i n t h e organization? RESPONDENTS 5 12 25 8

25 20 15 above 75% 10 5 0 1 50-75% 25-50% 0-25%

INTERPRETATION From the graph, it is clear that only 50% respondents are aware of their roles in the active participation in the organization. Only 10% respondents are less aware of their roles in the active participation in the organization. Q12 To what extend the manager help you in the execution of role? OPTIONS
30 25 a. 0 25 %


b. 25 20 % 50 c. 50 75% d. above 75 %
10 5 0 0-25% 25-50% 15


above 75%

INTERPRETATION It is clear from the graph that in todays challenging era, the managers help the employees in the execution of the role which enhances both role clarity and role efficacy and thus, it increases the performance level of the organization. Q13 In what way the role clarity is effectively made out? OPTIONS a. Interactive session b. meeting c. training d. supply of brochure RESPONDENTS 20 12 13 5

s upply of broc hure 10% training 26%

interac tiv e s es s ion 40%

meeting 24%

INTERPRETATION From the graph, it is clear that most of the respondents say that interactive session is the way to enhance role clarity among employees. While some of the respondents are in favor of training as a way for role clarity to be effectively made out. Few respondents also say that by conducting meetings between seniors and employees, the role clarity can be enhanced among them. SUGGESTIONS FOR INCREASING ROLE EFFICACY & ROLE CLARITY WHAT YOU CAN DO FOR YOUR OWN ROLE1. Prepare a balance sheet of personal assets and liabilities. 2. Increase the receptivity/eagerness to know about yourself. 3. Request, encourage and get feedback from others. 4. Change the role, within realistic limits, to utilize your strengths.

5. Take initiatives in giving ideas at meetings to which you are invited. 6. Become aware of others expectations. 7. Maintain & review the past records. 8. Plan our activities well in advance. 9. Always try new ways and means of doing things. 10.Clarify a problem or its symptoms. 11.Study a problem thoroughly before taking a decision. 12.Listen to others grievances and problems. 13.Understand the basic contribution made by your role to the organizational objectives. 14.Search areas in which you feel proud of doing something. 15.Understand the role thoroughly through various sources. 16.Think of innovations which would influence your role. 17.Work hard and be effective. 18.Acquire knowledge relevant to the problem before attending the discussion. 19.Take initiatives when there is appropriate opportunity to explain your understanding of your role. 20.Keep up communication with other roles/ departments. 21.Provide feedback to others. 22.Identify the areas in which coordination is needed.


1. Work with the employees in redesigning their roles whereby their strengths can be utilized. 2. Minimize supervision of employees, and encourage them to ask for your help when they need it. 3. Listen to the employees, respect their views, and use these wherever possible. 4. Arrange for employees to visit other organizations. 5. Encourage our employees to give ideas to solve the problems. 6. Create a climate which encourages people to generate ideas without fear of being criticized. 7. Appreciate and use new ideas given by the employees. 8. Encourage and reward suggestions to solve problems. 9. Take the employees into confidence while confronting a problem. 10.Encourage employees to bring forth the problem. 11.Encourage subordinates to solve problems and report to you. 12.Communicate the importance of the role as perceived in others. 13.Give increasingly difficult and challenging responsibilities. 14.Delegate enough authority. 15.Transmit the good ideas of employees to higher management. 16.Be willing to accept mistakes. 17.Do not snub the employees for their shortcomings but cooperate to improve them.


1. Develop a good placement programme, allotting roles according to knowledge and skills. 2. At the time of job allocation, design a job, taking into consideration the existing skills of the perspective role occupants. 3. Introduce a programme for role definition and clarity in which the role occupants also participate in defining their roles. 4. Allow change. 5. Prepare schemes motivating the employees to bridge the inadequacies of job skills. 6. Provide special facilities to employees to pursue their lines of interest/specialization. 7. Include initiatives in the performance appraisal form. 8. Include creativity as an attribute to be rated in the performance appraisal form. 9. Develop schemes of rewarding innovations, suggestions for productivity. 10.Once a decision has been taken, support the concerned employees through its implementation and do not back out. 11.Support personnel in all their actions, within the rules. 12.Do not label jobs in the order of importance. 13.Review delegation of authority from time to time to provide more powers at all levels of the organization. 14.Introduce supervisory training which helps them to support rather police their employees. 15.Encourage employees to contribute to professional meetings, associations and journals.

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