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Andean Community of Nations

Andean Community of Nations

Seat of Secretariat Official Languages Type

Lima, Peru Spanish (Community's working language), Quechua, Aymara, 34 other indigenous languages Trade bloc 4 South American states 2 North American 1 European 1 African observer states Leaders


- Secretary General

Adalid Contreras Baspineiro Establishment

- as the Andean Pact 1969 - as the CAN 1996 Population - 2010estimate GDP(PPP) - Total - Per capita 101,119,783 (from combined census estimates of member states)(12th) estimate $902.86 billion $8,928.62 Website
[6] [1][2][3][4][5]


Union of South American Nations

Andean Community of Nations

The Andean Community (Spanish: Comunidad Andina, CAN) is a customs union comprising the South American countries of Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. The trade bloc was called the Andean Pact until 1996 and came into existence with the signing of the Cartagena Agreement in 1969. Its headquarters are located in Lima, Peru. The Andean Community has 98 million inhabitants living in an area of 4,700,000 square kilometers, whose Gross Domestic Product amounted to US$745.3 billion in 2005, including Venezuela, (who was a member at that time). It's estimated GDP PPP for 2011 amounts to US$902.86 billion, excluding Venezuela.

The original Andean Pact was founded in 1969 by Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. In 1973, the pact gained its sixth member, Venezuela. In 1976, however, its membership was again reduced to five when Chile withdrew. Venezuela announced its withdrawal in 2006, reducing the Andean Community to four member states. Recently, with the new cooperation agreement with Mercosur, the Andean Community gained four new associate members: Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. These four Mercosur members were granted associate membership by the Andean Council of Foreign Ministers meeting in an enlarged session with the Commission (of the Andean Community) on July 7, 2005. This moves reciprocates the actions of Mercosur which granted associate membership to all the Andean Community nations by virtue of the Economic Complementarity Agreements (Free Trade agreements) signed between the CAN and individual Mercosur members.[7] Current members: Bolivia (1969) Colombia (1969)

Member states

Ecuador (1969) Peru (1969) Associate members:[8] Argentina (2005) Brazil (2005) Paraguay (2005) Uruguay (2005) Chile (2006) Observer countries:[9] Mexico Panama Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic Spain

Andean Community of Nations Former full members: Venezuela (19732006), in the process of joining Mercosur Chile (full member 1969-1976, observer 1976-2006, associate member since 2006)

Relationship with other organizations

The Andean Community and Mercosur comprise the two main trading blocs of South America. In 1999, these organizations began negotiating a merger with a view to creating a "South American Free Trade Area" (SAFTA). On December 8, 2004 the Andean Community (CAN) signed a cooperation agreement with Mercosur and they published a joint letter of intention for future negotiations towards integrating all of South America in a Union of South American Nations (USAN), patterned after the European Union. It was formally established by the May 23, 2008, Constitutive Treaty of the USAN signed in Braslia. During 2005, Venezuela decided to join Mercosur. Venezuela's official position first appeared to be that, by joining Mercosur, further steps could be taken towards integrating both trade blocs. CAN Secretary General Allan Wagner stated that the Venezuelan Foreign Minister Al Rodrguez had declared that Venezuela did not intend to leave the CAN, and its simultaneous membership to both blocs marked the beginning of their integration.[10] However some analysts interpreted that Venezuela might eventually leave the CAN in the process.[11] This prediction seems to have been finally verified in April 2006, with Venezuelan President Chvez's announcement of his country's withdrawal from the Andean Community after stating that, as Colombia and Peru have signed free trade agreements (FTAs) with the United States, the Community is "dead".[12] Officials in Colombia and Peru have expressed their disagreement with this view, as did representatives from Venezuela's industrial sector (Conindustria).[13] Despite this announcement, Venezuela has yet to formally complete all the necessary withdrawal procedures. According to Venezuela's Commerce Minister Mara Cristina Iglesias, the entire process will take up to five years. Until then, Venezuela and its partners remain bound by the effects of the community's preexisting commercial agreements.[14] During a visit to Colombia in August 2007, President Hugo Chvez said that he has agreed to rejoin the Andean Community of Nations after the presidents of Ecuador and Bolivia asked him to do so. Recently, relations between Mercosur and Venezuela have weakened since Mercosur does not agree with some of his proposals.[15] In addition to CAN, Bolivia is also a member of the WTO, UNASUR and ALBA. Its attitude is considered crucial to relations between UNASUR and ALBA specifically, says Marion Hrmann, since Bolivia is traditionally seen as a mediator between the Andean countries and the rest of South America.[16]

The groundwork for the Community was established in 1969 in the Cartagena Agreement. In 1973 Venezuela joins Andean Pact. In 1976, Augusto Pinochet withdrew Chile from the Andean Community claiming economic incompatibilities. In 1979, the treaty creating the Court of Justice was signed and the Andean Parliament created and the Andean Council of Foreign Ministers were created. In 1983, the treaty creating the Court of Justice entered into effect. In 1991, the presidents approved the open skies policy and agree to intensify integration. In 1992, Peru temporarily suspended its obligations under the Liberalization Program. In 1993, the Free Trade Zone entered into full operation for Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. In 1994, the Common External Tariff was approved.

In 1996, the Cartagena Agreement Commission approved the regulatory context for the establishment, operation, and exploitation of the Simn Bolvar Satellite System.

Andean Community of Nations In 1997, an agreement was reached for Peru's gradual incorporation into the Andean Free Trade Zone. In 1998, the Framework Agreement for the creation of a Free Trade Area between the Andean Community and the Mercosur was signed in Buenos Aires. In 2000, a meeting of the South American Presidents, at which the Andean Community Heads of State and Mercosur decide to launch negotiations for establishing a free trade area between the two blocs as rapidly as possible and by January 2002 at the latest. In August 2003, the Andean Community and Mercosur Foreign Ministers, during a meeting in Montevideo at which the CAN delivered a working proposal containing guidelines for the negotiation, reaffirmed their governments' political determination to move ahead with the negotiation of a free trade agreement between the two blocs. In April 2006 President Hugo Chvez announced that Venezuela would withdraw from the Andean Community, claiming the FTA agreements signed by Colombia and Peru with the USA caused irreparable damage to the community. In October 2011, Mexico, Panama, the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic and Spain joined the Andean Parliament as permanent observer members.

Andean Presidential Council Andean Foreign Relations Ministers Council Commission Headquarters (Lima, Peru) Andean Court of Justice Andean Parliament (Bogot, Colombia) Latin American Reserve Fund Simn Bolvar Andean University

Sebastin Alegrett (Venezuela) 19972002 Guillermo Fernndez de Soto (Colombia) 20022004 Edward Allan Wagner Tizn (Peru) 20042006 Alfredo Fuentes Hernndez (Colombia), interim 20062007 Freddy Ehlers Zurita (Ecuador), 2007[17]2010[18]

Free flow of people

From January 1, 2005, the citizens of the member countries can enter the other Andean Community member states without the requirement of visa. The passengers should present the authorities their national ID cards. Visitors to Venezuela will have to present their passports; they will then receive the Andean Migration Card (Tarjeta Andina de Migracin), in which the time of temporary residence in the country is stated.

Andean passport
The Andean passport was created in June 2001 pursuant to Decisin 504. This stipulates the issuing of a passport based on a standard model which contains harmonised features of nomenclature and security. The passport is effective in Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela, Bolivia, and Colombia (Bolivia and Colombia since early 2006).

Andean Community of Nations

[1] "Ecuador" (http:/ / www. imf. org/ external/ pubs/ ft/ weo/ 2011/ 01/ weodata/ weorept. aspx?sy=2008& ey=2011& scsm=1& ssd=1& sort=country& ds=. & br=1& pr1. x=32& pr1. y=4& c=248& s=NGDPD,NGDPDPC,PPPGDP,PPPPC,LP& grp=0& a=). International Monetary Fund. . Retrieved 2011-04-21. [2] "Bolivia" (http:/ / www. imf. org/ external/ pubs/ ft/ weo/ 2011/ 01/ weodata/ weorept. aspx?sy=2008& ey=2011& scsm=1& ssd=1& sort=country& ds=. & br=1& c=218& s=NGDPD,NGDPDPC,PPPGDP,PPPPC,LP& grp=0& a=& pr. x=42& pr. y=7). International Monetary Fund. . Retrieved 21 April 2011. [3] "Colombia" (http:/ / www. imf. org/ external/ pubs/ ft/ weo/ 2011/ 01/ weodata/ weorept. aspx?pr. x=100& pr. y=7& sy=2008& ey=2011& scsm=1& ssd=1& sort=country& ds=. & br=1& c=233& s=NGDPD,NGDPDPC,PPPGDP,PPPPC,LP& grp=0& a=). International Monetary Fund. . Retrieved 2011-04-21. [4] "Colombia" (http:/ / www. imf. org/ external/ pubs/ ft/ weo/ 2011/ 01/ weodata/ weorept. aspx?pr. x=100& pr. y=7& sy=2008& ey=2011& scsm=1& ssd=1& sort=country& ds=. & br=1& c=233& s=NGDPD,NGDPDPC,PPPGDP,PPPPC,LP& grp=0& a=). International Monetary Fund. . Retrieved 2011-04-21. [5] "Peru" (http:/ / www. imf. org/ external/ pubs/ ft/ weo/ 2011/ 01/ weodata/ weorept. aspx?sy=2008& ey=2011& scsm=1& ssd=1& sort=country& ds=. & br=1& c=293& s=NGDPD,NGDPDPC,PPPGDP,PPPPC,LP& grp=0& a=& pr. x=35& pr. y=6). International Monetary Fund. . Retrieved 2011-05-06. [6] http:/ / www. comunidadandina. org/ [7] http:/ / www. comunidadandina. org/ ingles/ common/ mercosur2. htm [8] In the framework of the Union of South American Nations and/or Mercosur-CAN cooperation agreements [9] In the framework of the Andean Parliament [10] "Secretario general de la CAN: Es positivo el ingreso de Venezuela al Mercosur" (http:/ / www. eluniversal. com/ 2005/ 12/ 08/ msur_ava_08A642103. shtml) (in Spanish). 2005-12-08. . Retrieved 2008-12-24. [11] Prada, Paulo (December 8, 2005). "South American Trade Bloc Moves to Admit Venezuela" (http:/ / www. nytimes. com/ 2005/ 12/ 08/ business/ worldbusiness/ 08trade. html). New York Times. . Retrieved 2008-12-24. [12] "Venezuela to Withdraw From Andean Free Trade Group" (http:/ / www. bloomberg. com/ apps/ news?pid=10000086& sid=akFZvMSnew8s). 2006-04-19. . Retrieved 2008-12-24. [13] "Conindustria: "Inevitable" y negativa salida de Venezuela de la CAN" (http:/ / www. eluniversal. com/ 2006/ 04/ 20/ eco_ava_20A695825. shtml) (in Spanish). 2006-04-20. . Retrieved 2008-12-24. [14] "Secretario general de la CAN espera que convoquen cita sobre Venezuela" (http:/ / www. eluniversal. com/ 2006/ 04/ 22/ eco_ava_22A697119. shtml) (in Spanish). 2006-04-22. . Retrieved 2008-12-24. [15] "Vocero de las Farc se reunir en Venezuela con Hugo Chvez para hablar sobre acuerdo humanitario" (http:/ / www. eltiempo. com/ archivo/ documento/ CMS-3702910). 2007-08-31. . Retrieved 2008-12-24. [16] Marion Hrmann: "Key role for Bolivia" (http:/ / www. inwent. org/ ez/ articles/ 168821/ index. en. shtml) D+C Development and Cooperation, German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, 2010/03, Focus, Page 103-105 [17] Andean Community of Nations, 18 Jan 2007, Ecuadorian Freddy Ehlers is elected CAN Secretary General (http:/ / www. comunidadandina. org/ ingles/ press/ press/ np18-1-07. htm) [18] Andean Community of Nations, 20 Apr 2010, (Spanish) Freddy Ehlers renuncia a la Secretara General de la CAN (http:/ / www. comunidadandina. org/ prensa/ notas/ np20-4-10. htm)

External links
Andean Community official webpage ( BBC - S America launches trading bloc ( News of CAN ( Andean Community and Mercosur ( Andean Community membership ( The Council on Hemispheric Affairs ( An Independent Source of Latin American News and Opinion A U.S.-Colombia Free Trade Agreement: Strengthening Democracy and Progress in Latin America (http://www. Tensions Rise Over Andean Election ( by Nathaniel Kenninger, Indiana Daily, June 17, 2009

Article Sources and Contributors

Article Sources and Contributors

Andean Community of Nations Source: Contributors: Acuzena, Adoniscik, Agent 86, Alex Coiro, Alinor, Andrwsc, Apokrif, Aris Katsaris, BaboneCar, Blue-Haired Lawyer, Blupper92, Bolivian Unicyclist, Bushhopper, CR85747, Camilo Sanchez, Chicocvenancio, Chigliak, CieloEstrellado, Cybercobra, Daa89563, David Kernow, Dnadan, Espoo, Euzpr, F, Gabbec, Goatchurch, Good Olfactory, Guilherme Paula, HCPUNXKID, Huhsunqu, IANVS, JLogan, JRSP, Japo, Jcmenal, Jersey Devil, John Vandenberg, JorgeGG, Juancarlos2004, Kaihsu, Kees.verhoog, Kintetsubuffalo, Kiteinthewind, Koavf, Koraki, Kpjas, Le Enfente Orange, Lightmouse, Ligulem, LipeFontoura, Manop, Mappase, Marco Antonio Merchn, Mlpearc, Naerhu, Nightstallion, Paul K., PaulHanson, Pfainuk, Pgan002, Piece.of.eight, Quendus, Rd232 public, Redthoreau, Rif Winfield, Rizalninoynapoleon, Rjwilmsi, Robert Brockway, Sholto.mac, SimonP, Stevertigo, Sunquanliangxiuhao, Suruena, Sven-steffen arndt, Tayman279, Tequendamia, Tim1357, TriniMuoz, Vanjagenije, Viajero, Vikingstad, WhisperToMe, Wik, , 93 anonymous edits

Image Sources, Licenses and Contributors

File:Flag of the Andean Community of Nations.svg Source: License: Public Domain Contributors: Guilherme Paula File:Andean Community (orthographic projection).svg Source: License: Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0 Contributors: Keepscases File:Flag of Bolivia.svg Source: License: Public Domain Contributors: User:SKopp File:Emblem of the Union of South American Nations.svg Source: License: Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0 Contributors: Oficina de Coordinacin UNASUR File:Comunidad andina.svg Source: License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Contributors: Camilo Sanchez File:Flag of Colombia.svg Source: License: Public Domain Contributors: SKopp File:Flag of Ecuador.svg Source: License: Public Domain Contributors: President of the Republic of Ecuador, Zscout370 File:Flag of Peru.svg Source: License: Public Domain Contributors: User:Dbenbenn File:Flag of Argentina.svg Source: License: Public Domain Contributors: Work of Dbenbenn about a national sign File:Flag of Brazil.svg Source: License: Public Domain Contributors: Anomie File:Flag of Paraguay.svg Source: License: Public Domain Contributors: Republica del Paraguay File:Flag of Uruguay.svg Source: License: Public Domain Contributors: Alkari, CommonsDelinker, Fry1989, Homo lupus, Huhsunqu, Kineto007, Klemen Kocjancic, Kookaburra, Lorakesz, Mattes, Neq00, Nightstallion, Pumbaa80, Reisio, ThomasPusch, Zscout370, , 8 anonymous edits File:Flag of Chile.svg Source: License: Public Domain Contributors: SKopp File:Flag of Mexico.svg Source: License: Public Domain Contributors: Alex Covarrubias, 9 April 2006 Based on the arms by Juan Gabino. File:Flag of Panama.svg Source: License: Public Domain Contributors: -xfi-, Addicted04, Alkari, Duduziq, Fadi the philologer, Fry1989, Klemen Kocjancic, Liftarn, Mattes, Nightstallion, Ninane, Pumbaa80, Reisio, Rfc1394, TFCforever, Thomas81, ThomasPusch, Zscout370, , , 17 anonymous edits File:Flag of Western Sahara.svg Source: License: unknown Contributors: File:Flag of Spain.svg Source: License: Public Domain Contributors: Anomie File:Flag of Venezuela.svg Source: License: Public Domain Contributors: Alkari, Bastique, Denelson83, DerFussi, Fry1989, George McFinnigan, Herbythyme, Homo lupus, Huhsunqu, Infrogmation, K21edgo, Klemen Kocjancic, Ludger1961, Neq00, Nightstallion, Reisio, Rupert Pupkin, ThomasPusch, Vzb83, Wikisole, Zscout370, 12 anonymous edits

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