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[Guide] Setup your o2jam server 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Server Files here or here or here SQL server here Client V.

18 here O2JamMusic, O2JamPatch, PatchInfo ([O2jam Resource Center])here How to install SQL ([Guide] Installing MSSQL 2000)here

Place the server files and client in C drive or any drive you would preferred. Set your language to Chinese(PRC) as well. Check Local IP Go to Run > type CMD > type ipconfig First, open Enterprise Manager in start-->All Programs--> Microsoft SQL Server, and click Enterprise Manager. Next, you need to create databases. To create databasesFirst, select Databases, right click and Create a new Databases, name it test2, create two more and name it o2jamtrade and onlinereport. Next, restoring the database.ore d onlinereport database. Next, u need to amend some files in the Tables, double click test2(right side of the list), click Tables Look for a file called -> T_o2jam_gatewayaddr, right click it -> open -> return all rows. Change all the IP to your LAN IP and all the ports to 15010. Close it. Look for another file called -> T_o2jam_planetInfo, right click it-> Design Table. You will see a data type called char, click it and drag down the list and click var-char. Save and close it. Now, right click T_o2jam_planetInfo (yes the previous one) -> open table ->return all rows. Change all the IP to your LAN IP and all the ports to 15030 and Close it. Adding ODBC links Go control panel -> Administrative Tools -> Data Sources (ODBC) Next, click System DSN, click Add, Select SQL server, click finish. Next, go to C:\o2jam-ragezone\SERVER-COMERCIAL\SERVER\DATA Double click Channel.txt. You will see this

[SQL] DNS = test2 UID = sa(change to your ID) PWD = 123(change to your PW) Save and close it Next, go to C:\o2-ragezone\SERVER-COMERCIAL\SERVER Double click config.

You will see this [CONFIG] PORT = 15030(make sure is 15030) CHANNEL = [0/0] CAPACITY = 150 PLAYMODE = 0 [DBmanager] IP = LAN IP) PORT = 15037 [SQLCONFIG] DRIVER = (SQL Server) Server = LAN IP) [SQL1] DSN = test2 UID = sa(make sure ID and PW are correct) PWD = 123 [SQL2] DSN = test2 UID = sa PWD = 123

[SCORE] GEM = 1.0 EXP = 1.0 Save and close it. Next, double click config_gm. You will see this [CONFIG] PORT1 = 15037 PORT2 = 15047 CAPACITY = 100 [SQLCONFIG] DRIVER = (SQL Server) SERVER = LAN IP) [SQL1] DSN = test2 UID = sa (make sure ID and PW are correct) PWD = 123 [SQL2] DSN = test2 UID = sa PWD = 123 Save and close it Next, double click config_gw. You will see this [CONFIG] PORT = 15010(make sure is 15010) CAPACITY = 1000 [DBmanager]

IP = LAN IP) PORT = 15047 [SQLCONFIG] DRIVER = (SQL Server) SERVER = LAN IP) [SQL1} DSN = test2 UID = sa(make sure ID and PW are correct) PWD = 123 [SQL2] DSN = test2 UID = sa PWD =123 Save and close it.

No matter what version of the client you're going to use, Always Use a China O2jam Client !!
Now you are done with the config, next launch the server. Click O2JamGManager first, follow by O2JamGateWay and finally O2JamServer. When you successfully launch all 3, your own server is up! Next, connect to the server. Go to C:\o2jam-ragezone\o2-clientpatchok for a launcher place the IP in the notepad with your IP, Save and close it. Next, copy launchserv, OTwo1 and and a folder call o2jam and paste over to your client. Double click the launcher to get into the game.

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