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Details /Documents required to convert Balance Sheet as per new Schedule -VI of Companies Act, 1956 Balance Sheet

(1) SHARE : Details required for the Reconciliation of number of shares at the beginning, issued during the year and as at the end of reporting period .It should be disclosed separately. Separate class of shares to be disclosed separately with rates of dividend. Details required for shares held by each shareholder holding more than 5% shares specifying the number of shares held which further is to be disclosed separately. Share Application Money: Application money received for allotment and due for refund and interest accrued thereon is disclosed as Other Current Liability. Share Application Money not exceeding Issued Capital and to the extent non-refundable shall be shown as Equity. Details on number of shares issued, the amount of premium, etc. shall be disclosed. (3) Debit balance of Profit and Loss Account shall be shown as ve balance under the head Reserve and Surplus even if the result come in negative. Surplus of Profit will show allocations and appropriations such as transferred to Reserve or distribution as dividend. Loan Funds:(i) Details required on loan funds which are to be sub-classified into long term and short term borrowings and further to secured and unsecured portions. Security on each loan should be stated. Also loan guaranteed by directors and others shall be disclosed. Details of loan and advances from related party are to be shown separately. Period and amount of continuing default as on the balance sheet date in repayment of Loans and interest shall be specified separately.



(ii) (iii)


Other Liability and Provision:-

Details required on Other Liability and Provision which are to be classified into other long term liability, long term provisions, other current liabilities and short term provision. Liability and provision which are to be settled within 12 months and within operating cycle period from the financial reporting, are stated under head Current Liability. Proposed dividend to be disclosed. (6) Fixed Assets:Details are required on Fixed Assets which has to be classified into Tangible and Intangible Assets & WIP. (7) Investments: Details required on Investments which are to be classified into Non Current and Current Investments, under each classification, details shall be given for the name of body corporate i.e. subsidiaries, associates, Joint Ventures, controller, special purpose entities separately. Details required on Loan Advances which are given to Related Parties. It has to be disclosed separately. (8) Other Assets, Loan Advances Details required on Other Assets and Loan Advances which are to be classified into Long Term Loans and Advances, Other Non Current Assets, Inventory, Trade Receivables, Cash and Cash Equivalents, Short Term Loans & Advances and other Current Assets. Stated as Secured/ unsecured and further divided as less than 6 months and others. Assets/ Deposits which are expected to be realized within 12 months or within Operating Cycle Period are stated under the head Current Assets. Otherwise, it will be stated under head Non Current Assets in name of Loan & Advances. Capital advances are to be disclosed under head long term loan and advances. Foreign currency in cash and bank balance to be disclosed. Details are required on debt due by Directors or other officers of the Company or any of them severally or jointly and due by firm or private company where Director is a Partner or Director or member should be separately stated in all cases. Profit and Loss

Any item of income or expenditure which exceeds 1% of revenue from operations or rupees one lakh, whichever is higher, shall be disclosed separately. No separate disclosure of amount paid to Managing Director or Manager is required. Employee benefit expenses such as ESOP/ESPP to be shown separately. Disclosure regarding items related to Discontinued Operations. In case of Manufacturing and Trading Companies, following to be disclosed separately: Raw Material used under broad heads. Goods purchased under broad heads. Goods traded by companies under broad heads.

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