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IS :456-2000: PLAIN AND REINFORCED CONCRETE Section 3 : General Design considerations Final deflection due to all loads including

effect of temperature, creep and shrinkage and measured from as cast level of the supports of floors, roofs and all other horizontal members should not exceed The deflection including the effects of temperature, creep and shrinkage occurring after erection of partitions and the application of finishes The vertical deflection limits : Cantilever Simply supported continuous For spans above 10metres Cantilever Simply supported continuous 5 6 7 Depending on area and stress of steel for tension reinforcement the values in above shall be modified by multiplying with Depending on area of compression reinforcement the span to depth further modified by multiplying with For flanged beams the values in (3) and (4) be modified as per and reinforcment percentage for use in fig 4and 5 should be based on 8 9 Max crack width Formulae for Crack width = Design surface crack width = Wcr =

2 3

acr = distance from the point considered to the surface of the nearest longitudinal bar Cmin = minimum cover to the longitudinal bar m =average steel strain at the level considered h =overall depth of member x =depth of neutral axis 10 Calculation of Average steel strain m =average steel strain at the level considered As =area of reinforcement b =width of section at the centriod of the tensile steel 1 = strain at the level considered, calculated ignoring the stiffening of the concrete in the tension zone, a =distance from the campression face to the point at which the crack width is being calculated, and

d =effective depth Modulus of elasticity of steel = Es = may be taken as Modulus of elasticity of concrete = Ec = 5000 (fck)


Vertical Deflection l = effective span in metres D = overall depth of section Vertical deflection = (40 * l ) / D Note : If abve vertical deflection is greater than the deflection happened during 24hours loading then it is not necessary to measure recovery deflection.


Shrinkage The total shrinkage of concrete depends upon the constituents of concrete, size of the member and environmental conditions. For a given humidity and temperature, the total shrinkage of concrete is most influenced by the total amount of water present in the concrete at the time of mixing and, to a lesser extent, by the cement content. For design purposes design Shrinkage strain taken as For more information IS:1343


Creep of concrete Creep of concrete should not more than Creep may be assumed proportional to Creep coefficient Age at loading 7 days 28 days 1 year


Thermal Expansion The value of coefficient of thermal expansion for concrete with different aggregates may be taken as below: Quartzite sand stone Granite Basalt Lime stone Note : In In ordinary buildings, such as low rise dwellings whose lateral dimension do not exceed 45 m, the effects due to temperature fluctuations and shrinkage and creep can be ignored in &sign calculations.


Other forces and Effects

16 17

Combination of loads Design load Design load is the load to be taken for use in the appropriate method of design; it is the characteristic load in case of working stress method and characteristic load with appropriate partial safety factors for limit state design. Stability of Structure Shall not be less than The stability of a structure as a whole against overturning shall be ensured so that the restoring moment shall be not less than the sum of 1.2 times the maximum overturning moment due to the charac&stic dead load and 1.4 times the maximum overturning moment due to the characteristic imposed loads. In cases where dead load provides the restoring moment, only 0.9 times the characteristic dead load shall be considered. Restoring moment ilue to imposed loads shall be ignored.



Sliding Factor against sliding should be greater than 1.4 under the most adverse combination of applied charecterstic forces. In this case 0.9 times charecterstic dead load shall be taken in account.



Moment connection In designing the framework of a building provisions shall be made-by adequate moment connections or by a system of bracings to effectively transmit all the horizontal forces to the foundations Lateral Sway Under transient wind load the lateral sway at top For seismic loading ref IS :1893 Fire Resistence The fire Resistence of structural element is expressed in terms of General requirements of fire resistence Min requirements of concrete cover and member dimensions for normal weight aggregate concrete members


nominal cover required exceeds 40 mm for beams and 35 mm for slabs, to give protection against~spalling.



Analysis All strucures may be analysed by the Linera elastic theory tocalculate internal actions produced by design loads. Effective Span is Clear span + effective depth of slab Clear span + effective depth of beam Centre to Centre of supports whichever is less Continuous beam or slab For end span with one end fixed and the other continuous or for intermediate spans, the effective span shall Abe the clear span between supports; For end span with one end free and the other continuous, the effective span shall be equal to the clear span plus half the effective depth of the beam or slab or the clear span plus half the width of the discontinuous support, whichever is less; In the case of spans with roller or rocket bearings, the effective span shall always be the distance between the centres of bearings.


should not exceed span/350 or 20mm whichever is less 7 20 26 deflection calculations should be made separately above value multiplied by 10/span in metres above value multiplied by 10/span in metres modification factor obtained as per Fig 4 in IS modification factor obtained as per Fig 5 in IS Fig 6 area of section equal to 0.3mm 3 acr m 1+ 2(acr -Cmin) h-x br d

1 -

b (h-x) (a-x) 3 Es As (d-x)


KN/mm2 KN/mm

1 1 40

m m m


1/3rd of charecterstic compressive strength stress Coefficient 2.2 1.6 1.1

coefficient of Thermal expansion/ C 1.2 to 1.3 x 10-5 0.9 to 1.2 x 10-5 0.7 to 0.95 x 10-5 0.8 to 0.95 x 10-5 0.6 to 0.9 x 10-5

Foundation Movement (IS 1904) Elastic axial shortening Soil and fluid pressures Vibration Fatigue Impact (IS 875 (Part-5) ) Erection loads (IS 875 (Part-2) ) Stress concentration effect due to point load and the like As per IS 875 (Part-5)

should not exceed H/500 H = Total height of building

hours in accordance of IS:1641 Ref IS :1642 Ref Page 47,34 IS 456-2000

Additional measures such as application of tire resistant finishes, provision of fire resistant false ceilings and sacrificial steel in tensile zone

If width of supprot is less than 1/12 of clear span

If width of supprot is more than 1/12 of clear span or 600mm whichever is less.

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