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Aeolus? Wind walker?

Storm clouds darkened the skies above Ancient Greece; the din of battle was heard across the whole world, such as it befits a battle between the Gods and the Titans. The Earth shook and broke under the relentless fighting, and the future looked grim indeed. However, the Gods were determined to win the war and were unfazed as the Earth crumbled beneath them. Such was their tenacity to win even the Titans began to have a worm of doubt gnaw at them, and the blossoms of fear sprouting up. The war ended when a daring god named Aeolus led a devastating rear charge that decimated the Titans numbers. Caught between the hammer of Aeolus and the anvil of Zeus, the Titans lost their will to fight and broke away only to be captured by the Gods. They were never seen again after the war, many believed they had just perished but Zeus knew otherwise that a Titan could never be killed. He had tasked his brother Hades personally to watch over the Titans in the jail of Tartarus in the underworld in case they would ever try to break free. Of the many titans imprisoned, the name Chronos was feared above all. Chronos, the Lord of Time. Hades knew that he had to be ever vigilant in case Chronos had a milliseconds opportunity, and that would be all the time in the world to escape. After the War the gods enjoyed many millennia of prosperous rule and created humans in their own likeness. Humans were flawed in character but the Gods could see the same flaws in themselves, vanity, greed and corruption above all. So began the age of Humanity.
I finished reading the web page, intrigued at the thought of Gods and Titans, I clicked on Aeolus and his description popped up.

Aeolus, the God of Wind in Greek Mythology. The war between Gods and Titans was ended by a bold assault made by Aeolus. He was

rewarded with four gifts to help him with controlling the weather. They were so listed as a helmet, a sword, an amulet and a bag filled with winds (that was later given to Odysseus to aid him in his journey). They were items of immense power and were always available to those with a noble heart even mortals who were worthy could wield these items. The sword was given the name Ventus (which translated to Wind) which cut with a thousand gales and was capable of slicing whole forests down if wielded correctly. It crackled with a lightning corona when drawn and had the ability to absorb or disperse energy. The amulet Aetos (translates to bird) was used to control the four winds with a mere thought. This has never been wielded by a mortal due to its destructive potential and the Gods believed that only a God should have the power to change the world. The helmet Nelius gave eagle vision to all who donned it, giving the wearer near-unlimited range of sight when used. It also had the ability to confer flight upon the user that wears it. The last know fact about Aeolus life was that he lived on the island of CDing-Dong, the doorbell rang at my front door. I closed the web page and ran down stairs to open the door. My friend Robert stood there drenched with rain, holding a wrapped present. It was a dark gloomy day out side, it had rained since the early hours of the morning and was still drizzling at the moment. I hurriedly ushered my friend inside out of the wet, cold day. He handed me a present and muttered Happy Birthday as he walked into the living room. It was my 15th birthday

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