Maturity Benchmarks Survey Sheet

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Maturity Benchmarks Survey Sheet

School Pseudonym: Acme Publishing Services Your Name or Group Name: Doug Wolfe Clearly mark the box that best represents the level of maturity achieved at your school site. Please refer to the Model Benchmark Rubric for detailed descriptions of the categories. behavioral Policy resource/infrastructure x behavioral Planning resource/infrastructure behavioral ADMINISTRATIVE Budget resource/infrastructure x x x x Emergent Islands Integrated Intelligent x Many articulated, some informal, approval mechanism is unclear when it comes to infrastructure. Planning tends to be ad hoc, focused around the latest need or crisis. Planning tends to be ad hoc, focused around the latest need or crisis. Very little technology budgeting takes place. Most technology spending plans are related to urgent project needs. Acme does not readily fit any of these categories. There are still remnants of paper systems, but most are now paperless and everyone desires to eliminate the few remaining paper systems Hard to choose a category--some systems are used by all, others accessible only to a few, but that's largely based on a need to know basis. Those who need access generally get it. I am choosing to define this filter for Acme as referring to whether people are using technology to get their jobs done. Working with curricular materials is the bread and butter for students and teachers; likewise, for Acme, getting projects done is our bread and butter. Specifics for electronic info: access to project specifications and guidelines, files needed for production, workflow status information, etc. Comprehensiveness of resources varies from project to project. Some of this is in Acme's control, and some is controlled by Acme's clients. N/A N/A Technology is used comprehensively throughout, however there are situations where a brute-force approach is used for expediency where there might be better technology-based solutions. Some departments have better technology access than others. Evaluator Comments

behavioral x Administrative Information resource/infrastructure x

behavioral Electronic Information

x CURRICULAR resource/infrastructure x Assessment behavioral resource/infrastructure

behavioral Curriculular Integration x resource/infrastructure x

Maturity Benchmarks Survey Sheet

School Pseudonym: Acme Publishing Services Your Name or Group Name: Doug Wolfe Clearly mark the box that best represents the level of maturity achieved at your school site. Please refer to the Model Benchmark Rubric for detailed descriptions of the categories. Emergent Islands Integrated Intelligent Evaluator Comments For purposes of this exercise, "teachers" = "managers" at Acme. Managers' work is not possible without technology at Acme. Some managers are working on old computers that will not run all needed software. They have to use machines elsewhere or ask others to take care of certain tasks for them. For purposes of this exercise, "students" = "non-managerial employees". Technology is essential for all employees to do their work. Due to budget restrictions (caused by 4 years of severe recession in Acme's industry), some employees are using older computers that cannot run needed software. Employees sometimes need to swap workstations or share computers in order to get work done. One of the weaknesses at Acme-technology decisions are often made by a very small group of people. For example, I needed a new laptop, but expected I would have to wait because of budget issues. I found out that a new laptop had been purchased for me after it arrived. No one asked what features, etc. I needed or wanted. I was fortunate that the person who selected the model knows me and my preferences pretty well, but it could have been a disaster. As noted above, consultation with stakeholders tends to be minimal. However, at least some efforts are made to be aware of and address stakeholder needs.

behavioral Teacher Use resource/infrastructure x x

behavioral x Student Use resource/infrastructure

behavioral SUPPORT Stakeholder Involvement

resource/infrastructure x

Maturity Benchmarks Survey Sheet

School Pseudonym: Acme Publishing Services Your Name or Group Name: Doug Wolfe Clearly mark the box that best represents the level of maturity achieved at your school site. Please refer to the Model Benchmark Rubric for detailed descriptions of the categories. Emergent Islands Integrated Intelligent Evaluator Comments I'm defining "administration" for Acme as the President, and possibly the next layer of management as well. This one is rated fairly low because there simply isn't a lot of planning for technology at Acme. When it does happen, the administration is somewhat involved (not so much the president, but the next layer down). However, there's not a lot of time dedicated to it by the administration. See above. Training is generally limited to only what is necessary to get a job done. There is very little opportunity for general training or developmental training--helping people to go beyond the essentials they need to do their job. However, note that people need a certain level of technology experience and knowledge to get hired at Acme in the first place. See above. All staff utilize formal support; many but not all utilize informal support. Acme has an outstanding full-time technical support person, often assisted by one or more assistants (depending on company financial health and project time demands). Staff make extensive use of the data services available. Video needs are limited, but LAN can support it. Acme has excellent LAN infrastructure, including gigabit ethernet, a Sun server with 12 TB of data storage backed up to tape with fast restore capabilities, a bug database system, VOIP phone system, etc. Acme does not have any clear analog for a WAN. Most WAN-type needs are satisfied via the Internet. For example, Acme has a production facility in India that accesses all project files from the server in our main office via Internet. Acme also uses client VPN systems when projects require it.


Administrative Support


x resource/infrastructure x



x resource/infrastructure behavioral Technical/Infrastructure Support resource/infrastructure x behavioral x Local Area Networking (LAN) resource/infrastructure CONNECTIVITY x x x

District Area Networking (WAN)


Maturity Benchmarks Survey Sheet

School Pseudonym: Acme Publishing Services Your Name or Group Name: Doug Wolfe Clearly mark the box that best represents the level of maturity achieved at your school site. Please refer to the Model Benchmark Rubric for detailed descriptions of the categories. Emergent Islands Integrated Intelligent Evaluator Comments Acme's WAN needs are satisfied via our Internet connections. Speeds are adequate for needs, but not as fast as we'd like. The problem is a lack of available service in our service area. There are plans to bring in a fiber line within the next 4 months. Some staff rely heavily on video and voice applications (e.g., Webex). Some staff do not need much more than email and occasional Web access. However, it is available to them when needed, and is used when needed. Both the U.S. and India offices have direct Internet access. All staff use email; for most, it is an essential part of the job. Email available to all; additional email addresses and forwarding systems are used for special needs. The staff readily accept new technologies; budget constraints hold Acme back a bit. The only thing preventing more systematic adoption of new technologies is budget. Otherwise, this would rate Intelligent. Acme does extensive video and audio conferencing. Most staff make use of scanners. Bug database is a basic tool used by all staff on digital projects. Use of personal iPads and iPhones in the office is encouraged. Acme does extensive video and audio conferencing. Most copiers are also scanners, set up with one button access to personal storage areas on the server. Bug database as noted above; implementation was home-grown based on open-source software. Acme also has both a SMART board and a Promethean board, as well as clicker systems for both. The interactive whiteboards are used frequently.


behavioral Internet Access x resource/infrastructure behavioral Communication Systems resource/infrastructure x behavioral New Technologies resource/infrastructure x x x x

behavioral INNOVATION Comprehensive Technologies x


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