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The unique of non-verbal language

Body language is a form of non-verbal communication, which consists of body posture, gestures, facial expressions, and eye movements. Humans send and interpret such signals subconsciously. In the past, the people using body language or gestures to communicate with others. Because body language is an important part of communication which can constitute 50% or more of what we are communicating. If you wish to communicate well, then it makes sense to understand how you can use your body to say what you mean. Body language comes in clusters of signals and postures, depending on the internal emotions and mental states. Recognizing a whole cluster is thus far more reliable than trying to interpret individual elements.

Body language in different places

Something in your eye? Think before you touch the lower lid. If a Saudi sees you, he will think you are calling him or her stupid. Meaning that, this kind of gesture in Saudi Arabia used to insulting someone. But, This condition will different in another country. For example in south American senorita. If you doing this gesture especially to a woman, The woman will think you are making a pass at her. Meaning that you are flattering her. In Greece, give your two finger to another people is very taboo. But, The Cretan or Athenian traveler, ordering two teas in a Heathrow restaurant, will carefully reverse his palm and give the waiter two finger.

Using this meaning if we place. The people

kind of gesture has different compare in one place to another in Japan use it to represent about money. This situation

is different if we use this kind of gesture to America. The people of America use this kind of gesture to approve something or say OK.

Romantic body language

A significant cluster of body movements has to do with romance, signaling to a person of the opposite sex that you are interested in partnering with them. From afar From afar, the first task of body language is to signal interest (and then to watch for reciprocal body language). For example Eyes The eyes do much signaling. Initially and from a distance, a person may look at you for slightly longer than normal, then look away, and then look back up at you, again for a longer period. Preening There are many preening gestures. What you are basically saying with this is 'I am making myself look good for you'. This includes tossing of the head, brushing hair with hand, polishing spectacles and brushing clothes. Actually People do this romantic gesture used to attract people. So the people admire her or him. :

The unique of verbal language


The history of Malangis slang At the past time, the people of Malang make a code of language that they used to make a secret what they said. Just their community know about this kind of unique language. This language is very useful for the people of Malang when they want to make an interaction with others especially in colonial era. So when the people of Malang make a strategy to attack the colonialism their opposite didnt understand anything that the people of Malang said. This is an effective way to make their opposite confused about this language. Malangis slang Actually Malangis slang come from Javanese language. But the people of Malang improve it into the unique language called Malang walikan. This one is the characteristic of Malang people. Pattern The pattern is very simple. Just change the way to read the word. If the Javanese people read the word from the first letter to the last, the people of Malang change it from the last to the first letter. But not all Malangis language can be change like that. Example No 1 2 : Javanese word Makan Rujak Malangis word Nakam Kajur

Noun in Malangis slang

Name of Place

Adapes Rotom Libom Utapes Landas Soak

: : : : : :

Sepeda Motor Mobil Sepatu Sandal Kaos

Hamur Ngalam Ayabarus Arudam Amalatok Rajajowas

: : : : : :

Rumah Malang Surabaya Madura Kotalama Sawojajar

Special Exception in Malangis slang Not all Malangis slang has a rule to read from first letter to the last. There are some exception from Malangis slang. This is the examples of the exception. Ngayambes Ewul (drop H letter) Ngalam Itreng Ngalup Ngonceb Additional when we make a question The people of Malang use an additional when they want to ask something with others. Actually the people of Malang add a in the last of the sentence. For example : Sembahyang Luweh ( lapar) Malang Ngerti Pulang Bencong .etc

Tenanan a ? Iyo a ?

But this is different in another city. In Lamongan, people used to or sometimes ta as additional when the Lamongan people ask something to others.

For example

Tenanan to? Or Tenanan ta? Iyo to? Or iyo ta ?





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