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Grammar structures Accountant

Full Forms of the verb to be I He She It We You They am is is is are are are a student. a teacher. a journalist. a book. mechanics. pilots. policemen. a student. a teacher. a journalist. a book. mechanics. pilots. policemen. of the verb to be a singer. a receptionist. a nurse. my book. not musicians. a shop assistant. taxi drivers. a singer. a receptionist. a nurse. my book. not musicians. a shop assistant. taxi drivers.

Contracted forms of the verb to be I m He s She s It s We re You re They re Full negative forms I am not He is not She is not It is not We are not You are not They are not I'm not isn't isn't isn't aren't aren't aren't

Contracted negative forms of the verb to be He She It We You They

Forms of To Have Present I / you / we / they he / she / it have has Past had had Continuous having having

Demonstrative Pronouns
demonstrate (verb): to show; to indicate; to point to

A demonstrative pronoun represents a thing or things:

near in distance or time (this, these) far in distance or time (that, those) near far that those

singular plural

this these

Here are some examples with demonstrative pronouns, followed by an illustration:

This tastes good. Have you seen this? These are bad times. Do you like these? That is beautiful. Look at that! Those were the days! Can you see those? This is heavier than that. These are bigger than those.

Forms of Possessive Pronouns and Adjectives

1st singular






3rd (female)



3rd (male)



3rd (neutral)



1st plural



3rd plural



2. Using Possessive Pronouns and Adjectives

A possessive pronoun is used instead of a noun: Julie's car is red. Mine is blue. A possessive adjective is usually used to describe a noun, and it comes before it, like other adjectives: My car is bigger than her car. Remember: There are no apostrophes in possessive pronouns and adjectives. The dog wagged its tail. It's is not a possessive pronoun or adjective it means it is: It's not my dog.

The definite article - the

The definite article the is the same for all genders in singular and in plural. the boy, the girl, the cat, the computers [ ] [ ]

the following word starts with a spoken consonant the girl the book the school

the following word starts with a spoken vowel the English girl the blue book the old school

the unit Here a [ ] is pronounced at the beginning of the word.

the uncle Here a [ ] is pronounced at the beginning of the word.

We have listed some examples in the following table. There you can see when we use the definite article and when we don't. without the definite article general words (indefinite) Life is too short. I like flowers. names of persons on the singular, relatives Peter and John live in London. Aunt Mary lives in Los Angeles. public buildings, institutions, means of transport (indefinite) Mandy doesn't like school. We go to school by bus. Some people go to church on Sundays. with the definite article general words (definite) I've read a book on the life of Bill Clinton. I like the flowers in your garden. family names in the plural

The Smiths live in Chicago.

public buildings, institutions, means of transport (definite) The school that Mandy goes to is old. The bus to Dresden leaves at 7.40. The round church in Klingenthal is famous.

names of countries in the singular; summits of mountains; names of countries in the plural; mountain ranges; continents; towns regions Germany, France; Mount Whitney, Mount McKinley; Africa, Europe; Cairo, New York

the United States of America, the Netherlands; the Highlands the Rocky Mountains, the Alps; the Middle East, the west of Australia

single islands Corfu, Bermuda, Sicily parks; lakes; streets

groups of islands the Bahamas, the British Isles, the Canaries name with of-phrase; oceans; seas; rivers the the the the

Central Park, Hyde Park; Lake Michigan, Loch Ness; 42nd Street, Oxford Street months, days of the week (indefinite) The weekend is over on Monday morning. July and August are the most popular months for holidays.

Statue of Liberty, the Tower (of London), the Isle of Wigh Atlantic (Ocean); Mediterranean (Sea); Nile, the Rhine, the Suez Canal

months, days of the week (definite) I always remember the Monday when I had an accident. The August of 2001 was hot and dry.

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