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Sazedul Karim
Tarail, Kishoregonj Mobile No: +8801674786315 E-mail :

Career Objectives
To be a person with challenging career in which I have to work hard, practice creativity, take greater responsibilities, keep myself honest and show my leadership quality and communication skills.

Handled Projects
Microcredit Management
Tools Database Description: It was my 3 microcredit.

PHP MySQL year 1st semester Database project. Complete NGO management for

Site Inspection Management

Tools Database
rd nd

PHP, CSS, javascript MySQL

Description: It was my 3 year 2 semester project. Complete webs based site management system where 4 levels user can maintains their works and connect with each other.

SMS Sender
Tools Database C# MySQL

Description: (As personal Interest) Small software which can send SMS via any mobile or GSM modem. It also can send schedule SMS & send SMS querying by user keyword from Database.

Map Based Surveillance System Tools Circuit Tools C# 555 Timer, 3capasitor, 3 resistor, Pc parallel connection.

Description: As my interfacing Project. A burglar alarm system circuit which set on different location and it send signal to pc parallel port when the thin wire cut. Pc has the map and signal on exact position on the map.

Under Graduate Thesis

Implementation E-agriculture Perspective of Bangladesh. An automated System where Farmers can get information easily about price, fertilizer, insects, plant nutrients, market Price, Weather etc. A information Center where all agricultural information, a mobile software for image capture & upload to know about any type agricultural information like insects, crop, soil, fish etc. Automated SMS server which can send SMS from sever by querying on database based on user SMS.

Academic Projects & assignment

Simple Notepad using J2SE. Simple website "Computer Hardware" using PHP, MySQL. Intelligent Tic Tac Toe game (man to pc & man to man) using c.

Technical Skills
Programming Languages Database Web Designing Other Languages Operating Systems C, C# Oracle 10g, MySQL. PHP, CSS, HTML, Java Script, Wordpress. Assembly Language, Matlab, perl. Linux (Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Puppy Linux, and some portable Linux), Windows XP, Windows7.

Academic Credentials
B.Sc.(Engineering) in Computer Science and Engineering Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet. CGPA: Appeared. Session : 2005-06. Passing Year : 2011 Higher Secondary Certificate Examination, obtaining GPA 4.40 out of 5. Secondary School Certificate Examination, obtaining GPA 3.19 out of 5.


Prof. Dr. M. Zafar Iqbal

Head Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering Shahjalal University of Science & Technology E-mail:

Abu Naser Bikas

Lecturer Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering Shahjalal University of Science and Technology Phone :+88 01911614279

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