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Form Sem Day 1 Minutes

Saturday, April 28, 2012 9:19 AM 10:20 PM

Von Cruz - Talk Budget Requests - send to vince.cruz Max 2 weeks. RECEIPTS!!! - as usual, official receipts addressed to Ateneo de Manila University Place on clean sheets of bond paper ARSA already has log stuff We/Von have/has to check kung may TIN, so Ateneo will accept request. Requested money = receipts + money left Stevenson Yu - Talk Code of Internal Procedures: WEEKLY MEETINGS because we are of a special project. 75% of team should be present. If less, it's unofficial and heads have to schedule another one. If a member has to miss a meeting, he must send valid excuse letter to the Secretariat head. Secretariat: Send minutes after the meeting. At most one day. If 3 cuts, may get terminated/replaced under the discretion of the Top 4. Promos: send requests at least 1 1/2 or 2 weeks before. Logistics: lights and sound, venues, etc. AS SOON AS NEXT WEEK!

NOTE: Language used - English and Tagalog

Break: Meet with partners/deputies for initial brainstorming and preparation for core presentations GD1: Turning a blanket over using our feet. GD2: Do you love me game

ORSEM 2012 (FormSem Objectives) 1. Defining ORSEM 2. Defining of roles 3. Calendaring 4. Brainstorming a. Theme b. Sig Sheet Costumes 5. Presentation a. Events b. Operations - DAY 2!!! c. Authority

Rissa and Paul Miki: Defining ORSEM Kicks off 4/5 years stay of new resident in RH. Getting to know people (freshies to upperclass and vice versa) Helping in orienting the new students to life in Manila away from home INSTILL SIGNIFICANCE OF ORSEM TO US TO THE FRESHMEN 4 main pillars: ISAS - integrity solidarity accountability service Ralph: Operations Committees Description of Roles (For complete information, see Ralph's PPT) Operations - job is during the whole week of ORSEM, unlike events committee. Consists of long term tasks. Gist of tasks for absent core team members: Logistics Purpose: provide and manage venues, equipment, supplies, materials, and other needs of orsem events Composition: 2 heads, 7 devoted members (NEED LOTS OF MANPOWER) Responsibilities: Reservation of facilities Handle manpower during set ups and restoration of venues Listing and fulfilling all needs of core team Manage and verify dates of the different events Ensure logistical operations will not cost beyond allotted budget Contact and confirm contracts for log transactions Ensure essential matl's and supplies are present for each event Oversee an verify venue layout requirements Anticipate needs and prepare for last minute changes Communicate with event heads continuously Reports to Top 4 and Event heads Works with events heads, doc and pub (layout for shots, etc.), finance head Authorities Ensure discipline and good manners. Responsibilities: Make lasting impression during first encounter Set ORSEM rules Handle processing sessions of freshies during ORSEM week Speak fluently and authoritatively regarding importance and purpose of ORSEM, ARSA pillars, value of discipline SANCTIONS Oversee the different events to make sure discipline and proper behavior is observed by ORSEM stakeholders SERVES AS RULE AND DISCIPLINE DIGURE TO WHICH FRESHMEN WILL LOOK UP TO Notify top 4 of any incidents Reports to orsem top 4 Works with top 4 and fcc

FCC heads To serve as leaders who will manage and coordinate FCC 2 coheads, FCC groups Responsibilities: List possible reasons for being sanctioned Take care of well-being of freshies Facilitate GDs and processing of FCC groups per day Distribute sigsheets to heroes at start of day Prepare and conduct FCC training Make effective FCC manual to guide heroes and hits with their jobs Works with authority, events heads, secretariat, medics Finance Manage financial concerns Responsibilities: Allocates budgets; constantly-update record of such (per week) Keep in touch with everyone, esp mafia. Acquire event/operations/budget plans beforehand Archive financial forms WORKS WITH THE CORE TEAM AND MAFIA

EVENTS HEADS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PROJECT PROPOSALS. Submit proposals ASAP to finance head for budget allocation.

Voted schedule for regular meetings: Wednesdays, 8PM.

Timetable of events: 2 weeks of ORSEM June 7 or 8 for core. June 10: dry run for amazing race, first encounter with FCC June 11: first encounter with authority - BY 11, ID'S ARE DONE (Sec) June 12: POGA June 15: Foster Family Picnic June 16: Welcome dinner and talent night June 17: amazing race June 20: Solemn Night June 22: Salubong June 23: ORSEM Party Deliberations: No surprise attack of authorities (originally June 14) Concern: Talent night rehearsals, foster family picnic Taking into consideration NO CLASSES JUNE 15 (8AM-5PM)


Over-all ideas: Change, wind, freedom, memories, feel at home, constellations, welcome home and not away from home Elements exercise: Placing what we want ORSEM to have on post its and consolidating ideas. WHAT WE WANT BASED ON POST ITS EXERCISE: Memorable Taking off/ taking flight Exciting and fun Internal change - growth of a person Unity Excellence Feeling of home New beginnings/ change Bonding and relationship building Adventure and journey Inspiring NOTE: Thrust of this year is to make ARSAns fall in love with ARSA all over again. THEMES FORMULATED: Arrival/Airport ARSA as the destination: the freshies are from different places Too similar to ARSA Fest It's not the journey, it's the stay. Medyo gasgas yung flight Metamorphosis Growing Emphasis on different stages. You are different from who you are yesterday Medyo abstract yung theme Adventure Time/Land Everyday is an adventure. Taking risks in a whole new place but you are not alone. Hitch hiking If you're in the middle of a highway, you just wait for that certain car to pass by para isakay ka. Tayo yung truck na magsasakay sa mga freshies. Indigo Bridge Dandelion's Breeze Picture yourself as a dandelion. You know the wind is gentle, but when you're alone, you fly away and you lose your petals. If you're a lot, you just sway Bayanihan Melting pot of culture Common goal Not so marketable Maybe just incorporate it into other themes

Treasure Hunting Treasure is the things we learn Superhero Mainstream Helpful for FCCs - possible different thing Chronotopia Chronotopic when associated automatically to a memory to the past. For the freshies, it's what you make of it. Fire, Sparks, Light Spark is the start of a lot of things, it starts the fire. IGNITE THE FIRE WITHIN THEM, dorm people will be there to help them sustain the fire in the next years. Candle lighting, bonfire SYMBOLIC Sana more powerful yung term Magical Fun and exciting. ARSA is magical. Taking flight ARSA is final destination. SEND OFF SIMILARITY? Racing If you wanna join a race, you have to be ready na. You have to prepare yourself. When you're in a track, race car drivers know how to take control. It's like taking control of your life and for the turns. You have a team to help you. Picturesque How do you jump start your beginning if you're not in ORSEM? You paint your canvas. It takes a long time to learn how to paint. You set your foundations in ARSA. In connection to Zhan's concept of ROYGBIV Colors - It's hard for the authorities to back up. Lego Blocks Convergence Joining the family of ARSA, you are that one piece to make the puzzle. THE FAILURE OF ONE IS THE FAILURE OF ALL. Discovery Hard to concretize; merge with another theme because general. Circus People have a lot of talents. They form a team to have a successful show. Scared of the notion of freakshow. Time Warp Related to time encompassing

People left after: Miki, Ralph, Justin, Kitkat, Dav, Tenten, Zhan, Ches, Nina, Dea, Coleen, Mel, Giselle, Rachel

From the first few suggestions (cut down): Arrival/Airport Metamorphosis Adventure Time Hitch hiking Indigo Bridge Dandelion's Breeze Treasure Hunting Chronotopia/Time Warp Fire, Sparks, Light Magical Racing Convergence Discovery Circus Additional: Olympics - old Greek, people from diff province; Greek mythology?? Big Bang - collision made a family; people converging to form a family Simple GD - saying a word related to what the person before you said but no S's in the words. Consequence: develop an old or create a new theme. Big Bang and Adventure time collaboration - space theme Arrival + Hitch hiking = backpacking: bring your own set of skills and personality in your back pack and you travel with people; emphasis on independence Backpacking + old Greek olympics = HERO ON A QUEST Backpacking: annual, adventure, hitch hiking, treasure hunt, you keep on going but you also have to settle down Backpacking problems: 1. Too much travel 2. Mahirap to relate to events 3. Too concrete (limiting) 4. Temporary Cutting down: Arrival/Airport - "TOUCHDOWN" Positives: Good promo materials (Flight No. for events, etc.) Authority - strictness sa airplane/airport Problems: Redundancy: travel na naman Indigo Bridge + Treasure Hunting: HAVING GOALS. Authority: if you fail, you are a hindrance to attaining the goal.

Olympics Camp idea Mas bagay sa IAC SCRATCH. Big Bang Good idea on the convergence and stuff Scratch the space and sci-fi part Backpacking: (above)

Sir Tats arrives and gives new perspective: WHAT DO WE WANT TO TELL THE STUDENTS ABOUT IT? Think of you want the freshmen to know as they enter college. It's about a general idea. Emotions you relate to the experience will bring out the idea then you create the grander look. What are we selling to freshies or their parents? Example: Everyday sleepover. Di mo mararamdaman na gagraduate ka na pala. You're never alone. We spent 3 years building the playground It's time to play. PACKAGE THE FUN IN THE RELATIONSHIPS.


Emotions we correlate to ORSEM and ARSA: Belongingness Home Relationships Comfort Delivery Fun Formation Family Maturity Freedom Independence Convenience Network People to catch you - support "IBA" World without strangers Diversity Habit Adventure Exploration

Separate small group discussion: "Something unbreakable" The ties that bind Playtime/playground Playtime is where we find freedom, fun, and family Home is where you're happy "Sandbox" "RECESS" ARSA is just there, but it's up to you if you want to take part in it

Orsem is one big harana to freshies We're offering everything we have to let them into ARSA However, freshies become the passive ones


Play with words to seem more serious.

People left after: Ralph, Justin, Davin, Tenten, Zhan, Nina, Sai, Dea, Coleen, Dino, Mel, Giselle, Paul, Rissa, Rachel Arrived after: Igi

IDEAS Taglines: Where the fun never ends Bringing playtime to a new level Sandbox Where fun meets forever It's a bigger playground out here Growing up doesn't mean growing old ARSA Playground: Where playtime just got serious You're never too old to play It's a different playground "Playground: A steeper slide, a bigger sandbox" ?

Titles: Home court It's Recess Go Play Recess Tag, You're It! Back to the Playground Jumpstart


"Playground: In Full Swing"

Sig sheet Signing costumes ideas (cut down) Cartoon Character Favorite Toy Alter ego Songs taken literally Software/apps taken literally Phil folklore Landmarks Room: Main ingredients of a dish Zombie apocalypse survival kit Things in a room

FINAL: Songs taken literally -- Monday (Sing Me to Life) Alter ego -- Tuesday (Mirror Mirror on the Wall) Zombie apocalypse survival kit -- Wednesday Phil folklore -- Thursday (Tabi, Tabi Po) Landmarks -- Friday (Wear in the World)

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