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All Ideas for Channel Sting

Invasion Camera pans in a Post Apocalyptic City and sees small creature running across and crashes into logo and turns into dust Ship hovers near a cloud, a noise grows closer and an alien ship peers through and shoots it with a laser, the ship disintegrates and then reforms into logo A small character looks out to see alien swarm flying towards it, so character runs away and escapes them. The character stops and signs but then a bunch of shadows and lights of the swarm cover the ground surface and slowly land, fades into logo Character feels something strange inside of it as it squirms. Character explodes into a mass of alien mess and the logo emerges covered in it A giant robotic form stomps across a Post Apocalyptic City and sees something small hiding away, robot pokes it and logo comes out and grows to become bigger than robot and then logo taps robot to make it dissolve into particles A group of space ships flying and attacking a block of ... and their lasers, missiles or ... blow chunks out and then camera pans to show the logo formed from it. An alien trying to capture logo and thinks it has upper hand but then logo turns back and engulfs creature

A substance like form engulfing a city/ planet/etc, then it grows up until it forms logo

An Aftermath city with junk/ metal scraps that all react and join together t form an alien craft which flies towards the camera and

pans round to see a group of them fly off in the distance. Followed by logo A normal town where a substance gets poured over and transforms everything in its path into a gooey form and becomes animated by it the gooey forms run up the screen and form together to create the logo An alien city where massive of cracks appear and a range of alien like vines shoot up and wrap around and consume it, small pollen lights float up and off screen which the camera follows and they light up the logo A character crashes into the logo and breaks into multiple alien like forms that run towards the camera A small child character founds a small creature such as a lizard or monkey and tries to go up and stroke it but then the creature forms its wings and flies off, the child looks up to see a whole group flying above them. Followed by logo A robot makes a shape in the shadows which is copied and then makes a new shape that the shadow doesnt copy but instead turns into a hand and pulls it through the wall. Followed by logo

A small dog character sniffs a pile of rubble and licks it which transforms it into an army of robotic dogs (through static charge) and chases the normal dog off the screen. Followed by logo

Time Travel Small character looks at an oval portal and steps into it halfway to see a past world, character tries to struggle back to its world but portal entraps it completely Small character looks at a clock and touches it, it unravels and loops round the character and then both disappear Character bumps into logo and wisps of colour emerge from it and engulfs character in light and both spin in a chaotic pattern of swirls and then emerge at new place with the character dizzy and then camera pan across to logo A laboratory from the future with electric pylons powering up and then one giant flash and a dinosaur (or something else from the past emerges ) A character bounces around and then spins around quickly and colour patterns swirl around it. The character stops and discovers it is in the past or future A flash of new logo and then vanishing through time-machine like object (or logo itself could be time machine), flash of electricity and then returns to old logo to simulate the travel Character gets zapped into the future and looks up and sees on bill board or advertising tower SyFy Time Travel Week Begin in a simple like place or character starts as fresh colour contemporary but then shifts into black and white screen could become grainy, lines on screen and then fade into logo

Object/ character teleports from white space to futuristic like planet bright colours, etc and then forms change through interference into old fashioned man made like world e.g gears rotating that pushes up the logo A portal that starts up (Star Gate like), an old object comes through and then transforms into new logo (or alternative) A character stares at a poster on a wall and leans on it. It falls through into another world/ time and the logo rises from the centre camera zooms into logo A character walks into a tunnel and combination of swirling colourful lights fill the inside as it walks through. At the other end it walks into a new world/ time zone Character steps into an elevator and presses the button and goes up, the elevator pushes into a new place and lands into past/ future Character walks up to an exhibit of a futuristic car, etc and walks through it and turns back to see a very old version of it indicated that the character has time travelled. Followed by logo A character walks into a museum and a flash of electricity or a glow of light/s and the exhibits come to life and a few forms of the past run across the screen. Followed by logo

Classic Sci Fi Character looks curiously at pod-like object and goes inside, door closes behind it and flies off screen Flying saucer hovers and bumps into logo, the saucer transforms into words Classic Sci Fi Week A small character walks by hillside and hears a noise, a giant bmovie creature e.g. ant crawls up and creature screams and runs from it and bumps into another of the creatures and forms into logo Small insect such as dragonfly hovers over to the logo and taps it, the creature enlarges and flies straight at the screen. Flashes black and then logo appears Stationary robot sits in one spot, logo zaps it with electric spark and then robot moves around logo moving manically and then heads straight to the camera and exits scene A curious cheesy robot looks at logo and then jumps onto it. When the two make contact, the robot splits into smaller versions of itself A b-movie like space ship files through futuristic city/ or no space and then propels beam so that the logo forms A scene from classic film used for foundation of sting e.g pod like creatures from war of the worlds attacking and react this through another character

Logo could glow cheesy Sci Fi green and project light onto surface casting Logo on it Massive purple blob substance rises up as watery like dripping and covering space which then pans round to focus on b- movie style ship coming in using its laser to destroy the blob, the remains form together to create logo An object first seen as normal and then a b-movie like form e.g. plant monster grows from it and takes it over. Followed by logo A hand wonders onto screen and walks into another robotic one, the robotic hand realises particle jets and hovers off and the other hand looks at it in wonderment. Followed by logo A robot/ character looks at an exhibit set in the future of an unusual object, turns its back and an alien noise occurs, the character looks back and the object has gone. The object has become a ship and flies off screen behind the character. Followed by logo

A noise of hammer hitting metal leads the camera in to view a real like hand and then moves across to show it is connected to a robotic arm building a machine, ship, etc. Followed by logo A robot stands in front of a metal form of canvas and fires up its laser and the noise crackles as it works into it. The laser shuts down and then the camera focuses on the artwork which is the logo

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