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ROOMMATE AGREEMENT THIS ROOMMATE AGREEMENT (hereinafter "Agreement") is entered into, this _______________, 2012, by and between the

following: _________________ (Hereinafter "Roommate") and _________________ (Hereinafter "Landlord")

In regards to the House located at: address (Hereinafter "House")

1. LEASE AGREEMENT There is not a written lease agreement with the landlord, for the House (the "Lease Agreement"). 2. PAYMENT SCHEDULE AND DETAILS The Roommate agrees to pay ___________________ ($______.00 USD), Monthly. Roommate, _________________________ shall pay $______.00 per month. Payment shall be made to Stacie Anderson, in the form of Cash, on or before: 1st of Month of each term during the entire length of this Agreement. The Roommates understand that they are jointly and severally liable for the full amount of the rent, which means that each roommate is responsible to the landlord for the full amount of the rent if the other roommates fail to pay their share. Should a Roommate's payment be 10 days late, the Roommate shall be liable to the Landlord for $35 as a penalty. The following Roommates have been named in the Lease Agreement: roommate #1 3. LENGTH OF AGREEMENT This Agreement shall begin _______________, 2012. Unless terminated, this Agreement shall be automatically renewed Yearly. Only with the express and written permission of the Landlord, may this Roommate Agreement may be terminated by giving 60 days advance written notice to the other Roommates. (Note: This option does not affect any liability a roommate may have to the landlord pursuant to the Rental Agreement.)

4. SECURITY DEPOSIT The total security deposit for the House is has $ _____.00. Any damage by roommate or guests of roommate will be deducted based on estimate for repair or replacement provided by the Landlord. 5. EARLY TERMINATION OF THE TENANCY If any roommate elects to leave before the end of the lease term as described in this agreement and with Landlords agreement, it is that roommate's responsibility to find a replacement. The departing roommate will continue to be responsible for his/her share of the rent until the end of the lease term or a replacement roommate starts paying rent, whichever occurs first. All of the remaining roommates will have the right to approve the replacement roommate. Approval of a replacement roommate may not be withheld unreasonably, but the replacement roommate must satisfy the same criteria all previous roommates have been subjected to. 6. LIVING ARRANGEMENTS Front Guest Bedroom ~ ______________ Master Bedroom - ______________________________ Spare Small Bedroom - may be rented out at later date with agreement and approval of all roommates. 7. UTILITY AND SERVICES Each roommate agrees to pay his/her share as of the utility and service charges detailed bellow and will pay for all of those charges for which they are directly and individually responsible. 8. Roommate ________________: 50%. or other percentage based on equal split of utilities amongst all persons living within the House.
Each roommates' share of the monthly charge of utilities to include Electricity and Water shall be paid to Landlord ______________________

9. CLEANING AND OTHER HOUSEHOLD CHORES The Roommates will divide all household chores as follows: Split evenly alternating responsibility. The roommates agree to share the all responsibilities of cleaning, household chores and maintenance of the premises. This includes cleaning shared areas, kitchen and washrooms, dusting, vacuuming, emptying trash, mopping floors, yard work and other if required. The Roommate agrees that the House shall be a non-smoking environment. No smoking is allowed anywhere in the House or within the property boundaries. The Roommate agrees that no additional pets of any kind shall be allowed in the House without express permission of the Landlord.

10. RESPONSIBILITIES The Roommate agrees to accept responsibility for the following: a. .Optional Lawncare during non-winter months will deduct $25 per mowing of front and back. The Roommate shall comply with all obligations imposed upon tenants by applicable provisions of building, housing, and health codes; maintain the House in good condition during the entire length of this Agreement and shall neither cause nor allow any abuse of the facilities therein. The Roommate shall inform the Landlord of any condition that may cause damage to the House. If the House, or any part of the House, is partially damaged by fire or other casualty not due to the negligence or willful act of the Roommate or an agent of the Roommate, the House will be immediately repaired by the Landlord and there will be an abatement of rent corresponding with the time during which the House was untreatable. Upon the termination or expiration of this Agreement the Roommate shall redeliver the property, amenities, furniture, appliances and any other applicable aspects of the House, in as good condition as at the commencement of the Agreement or as may be put in during the Agreement. Reasonable wear and tear from use and obsolescence to the House shall be accepted. Furthermore, the Landlord retains a Landlords Lien on all personal property placed upon the premises to secure the payment of rent and any damages to the House. 11. HOUSE ALTERATIONS Roommate shall make no alterations, additions or improvements to the House (including the application of paints, stains, nails or screws to the woodwork, walls, floors or furnishings) without first obtaining the express written consent of the Landlord. 12. GOVERNING LAW This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of ___________. 13. ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS Smoking is not permitted on the premises at any time.

The parties hereby indicate by their signatures below that they have read and agree with the terms and conditions of this Agreement in its entirety. Signature: ________________________________________ Roommate Signature: ________________________________________ Landlord

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