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The topic comparative study and market analysis of acc has been done extensively viewing the market scenario in dhanbad and its market surveying the dealers & retailers and knowing the knowhow of the market.

RESEARCH & METHODOLOGY Research Methodology

Research Method may be understood as all those methods/techniques that are used for conducting a research. Research methods are techniques, thus refer to the methods, researchers use for performing operations. In other words all those methods, which are used by the researcher during the course of studying his research problem, are termed as research method. And either the problem can be solved at the end of the whole process of research or if the solution is not according to the hypothesis then one may go for the main reason.

(a) Research Design:

Research design is a framework or blueprint for conducting the research project. It specifies the details of the procedures necessary for obtaining the information needed to structure and /or solve research problems. It provides guidelines for the research process. Research design is a method of data collection and data analysis. Research design for this project is descriptive in nature, which comes under conclusive research design. Conclusive research design is to assist the decision maker in 1|Page

determining, evaluating and selecting the best course of action to take in a given situation and a descriptive research has its major objective the description of some characteristics.

(b) Sample Design:

Sample is subgroup of the element of the population selected for participation in the study. Sample design is a definite plan of obtaining some items from the whole population. The sample design used in this project is to obtain a fair result so that the project can reach to meaningful conclusions.

Data Research Design Format of Design Type of Questionnaire Sample Size Period of completion Area covered
(i) Sample unit:

Primary and Secondary data Descriptive Research Design Unstructured and Structured Open and Close ended 26 1st june-30th june Dhanbad

Sample units for this project are the employee's of Human Resource department

(ii) Sample size: Sample size refers to the number of elements to be included in the study .The sample size of this research project is (iii) Sample technique: Sampling technique used for this project is Simple Random Sampling. It is a probabilistic sampling technique. Since there was a time constraint and a lot of work 2|Page

pressure on the employees, so it was not possible to get the response from all of them for collecting the primary data. (iv) Sample Area: Sampling area used for this project is Dhanbad & its market

(c) Data Collection:

Data collection method is an important step in research design process. Once the researchers have specified the information they require to solve the problem at hand. They precede on to find that information. In this study both internal (Primary Data) and external (Secondary Data) sources has been used for data collection. (i) Sources: Primary Data Primary data is collected through information by circulating questionnaire to the employees of the organization. I have visited the different departments of NTPC-Pakri Barwadih CMP to collect the primary data.The questions were designed in such a way as to elicit maximum information an data. Secondary Data Secondary data has been collected through various books & Journals, magazine, internet, literature survey and HR Surveys Compendium book of the company.


Research is an ORGANIZED and SYSTEMATIC way of FINDING ANSWERS to Q UESTIONS. It is Systematic Because there is a definite set of procedures and steps which you will follow. There are certain things in the research process which are always done in order to get the most accurate results. ORGANIZED in that there is a structure or method in going about doing research. It is a planned procedure, not a spontaneous one. It is focused and limited to a specific scope. FINDING ANSWERS is the end of all research. Whether it is the answer to a hypothesis or even a simple question, research is successful when we find answers. Sometimes the answer is no, but it is still an answer. QUESTIONS Are central to research. If there is no question, then the answer is of no use. Research is focused on relevant, useful, and important questions Without a question, research has no focus, drive, or purpose.

A .Sample Size:

Sample size is 26. Data was analyzed by surveying dealers and the competitors of ACC limited. B. Sample Design: This part is done through discussing and analyzing with my project guide and referring to the subject regarding this topic. It was a random sampling

C. Mode of Analysis

The methods used to analyze the data are as follows: 1) To study the distributors of cement and their involvement in sales of different brands of cement. 2) To find out whether the distributors of cement and to assess the preference of different brands of cement by the distributors. 3) Interpret and analysis of the data and present it in a proper manner. 4) Uses of Microsoft excel for preparation of graph.


D. THE TITLE OF THE STUDY The title of the study is A Project Report on A Comparative Study and Market Analysis of ACC Ltd.

Objective of the study To know the market share of Cement product. To know the marketing techniques adopted by the cement factory to increase the sale. To know the distribution method adopted by the organization. To know the per day sale of cement and its competitors. To know about the stock position of cement and its competitors at different outlets. To know the financial position of cement factory G.Sources of Data Data collection is the collection of necessary detail to gain further Information. This requires both primary and secondary data. a.)Secondary Data: Mr. P.P Pal, Manager Logistics ACC Limited and

Mr. Aditya mishra Officer (marketing) in ACC Limited., helped me in secondary data collection. H. Field Work: Fieldwork is done for the purpose of collection of data. The fieldwork Involved here are:


Regular research together information on the relevant topic and have them compiled according to the project specification. For getting proper guidance for the project, often discussion with the guide


Q 1. Type of Outlet: Cement / Non-cement CEMENT60% NON-CEMENT40%

Analysis and interpretation It shows 60% of the dealers of the company are deals with cement outlet and40% of the dealers using Non-cement outlet. Q 2. Dealers Classification: A) ACC (Exclusive.) B) Non-ACC (Exclusive) C) acc (mB) d) acc non (Mb) e) sub dealer (Mb) F) sub dealer non (Mb)

This Graph Shows the Classification of Dealers, 30%Dealers are comes under category of ACC (Exclusive) these dealers deals with only ACC cement and


20% Dealers comes under the category of Non-ACC (Exclusive) they deals with other brands except Acc Cement. 20% Dealers comes under Non-ACC (MB) and 15% Dealers comes under Non-ACC (MB), these dealers deals with Mixed brand of Acc Cement and they also deals with other brands. Another classification of dealers is Sub-Dealer (Exclusive), after analyzing it is 10% and the Sub-Dealers Mixed Brand is 5.3. How many years you have spent in this cement business Analysis and interpretation This graph shows classification of duration of Dealers in Cement Business, 25%Businessmen doing their cement business between 0-3 years and where 33%Businessmen doing their Cement business between 4-7years.On the other hand 22% Businessmen continuing their business under 8-10 years and 20% businessmen doing their business Above 10 years




The cement industry is experiencing a boom on account of the overall growth of the Indian economy. The demand for cement, being a derived demand, depends primarily on the industrial activity, real estate business, construction activity, and investment in the infrastructure sector. India is experiencing growth on all these fronts and hence the cement market is flourishing like never before. Indian cement industry is globally competitive because the industry has witnessed healthy trends such as cost control and continuous technology up gradation. Global rating agency, Fitch Ratings, has commented that cement demand in India is expected to grow at 10% annually in the medium term buoyed by housing, infrastructure and corporate capital expenditures. Cement Industry originated in India when the first plant commenced production in 1914 in Porbandar, Gujarat. The industry has since been growing at a steady pace, but in the initial stage, particularly during the period before Independence, the growth had been very slow. Since indigenous production was not sufficient to meet the entire domestic demand, the Government had to control its price and distribution statutorily. Large quantities of cement had to be imported for meeting the deficit. The industry was partially decontrolled in 1982 and this gave impetus to its pace of growth. Installed capacity more than doubled during the period 1980-90. It increased from 27 million tonnes in 1980-81 to 62 million tonnes in 1989-90. Encouraged by the positive response of the industry to the policy liberalization in the cement industry, Government decontrolled the industry fully on 1st March 1989. With the Industrial Policy Statement made by the Government in 1991, the cement industry stands de-licensed. It has also been listed as a priority industry in Schedule III of the Industry Policy Statement making it eligible for automatic approval for foreign investment up to 51 per cent and also for technical collaboration on normal terms of payment of royalty and lump sum know-how fee.


In the most general sense of the word, a cement is a binder, a substance which sets and hardens independently, and can bind other materials together. The word "cement" traces to the Romans, who used the term "opus caementicium" to describe masonry which resembled concrete and was made from crushed rock with burnt lime as binder. The volcanic ash and pulverized brick additives which were added to the burnt lime to obtain a hydraulic binder were later referred to as cementum, cimentum, cment and cement. Cement used in construction is characterized as hydraulic or non-hydraulic. Hydraulic cements (e.g. Portland cement) harden because of chemical reactions that occur independently of the admixture's water content; they can harden even underwater or when constantly exposed to wet weather. The chemical reaction that results when the dry cement powder is mixed with water produces hydrates that are not water-soluble. Non-hydraulic cements (e.g. lime and gypsum plaster) must be kept dry in order to gain strength. The most important use of cement is the production of mortar and concretethe bonding of natural or artificial aggregates to form a strong building material which is durable in the face of normal environmental effects. Early uses:It is uncertain where it was first discovered that a combination of hydrated non-hydraulic lime and a pozzolan produces a hydraulic mixture, but concrete made from such mixtures was first used on a large scale by Roman engineers.They used both natural pozzolans (trass or pumice) and artificial pozzolans (ground brick or pottery) in these concretes. Many excellent examples of structures made from these concretes are still standing, notably the huge monolithic dome of the Pantheon in Rome and the massive Baths of Caracalla. The vast system of Roman aqueducts also made extensive use of hydraulic cement.The use of structural concrete disappeared in medieval Europe, although weak pozzolanic concretes continued to be used as a core fill in stone walls and columns.

Modern cement:Modern hydraulic cements began to be developed from the start of the Industrial Revolution (around 1800), driven by three main needs: Hydraulic renders for finishing brick buildings in wet climates Hydraulic mortars for masonry construction of harbour works etc., in contact with sea

water. Development of strong concretes.

In Britain particularly, good quality building stone became ever more expensive during a period of rapid growth, and it became a common practice to construct prestige buildings from the new industrial bricks, and to finish them with a stucco to imitate stone. Hydraulic limes were favored for this, but the need for a fast set time encouraged the development of new cements. Most famous was Parker's "Roman cement".This was developed by James Parker in the 1780s, and finally patented in 1796. It was, in fact, nothing like any material used by the


Romans, but was a "Natural cement" made by burning septaria - nodules that are found in certain clay deposits, and that contain both clay minerals and calcium carbonate. The burnt nodules were ground to a fine powder. This product, made into a mortar with sand, set in 515 minutes. The success of "Roman Cement" led other manufacturers to develop rival products by burning artificial mixtures of clay and chalk. John Smeaton made an important contribution to the development of cements when he was planning the construction of the third Eddystone Lighthouse (1755-9) in the English Channel. He needed a hydraulic mortar that would set and develop some strength in the twelve hour period between successive high tides. He performed an exhaustive market research on the available hydraulic limes, visiting their production sites, and noted that the "hydraulicity" of the lime was directly related to the clay content of the limestone from which it was made. Smeaton was a civil engineer by profession, and took the idea no further. Apparently unaware of Smeaton's work, the same principle was identified by Louis Vicat in the first decade of the nineteenth century. Vicat went on to devise a method of combining chalk and clay into an intimate mixture, and, burning this, produced an "artificial cement" in 1817. James Frost,working in Britain, produced what he called "British cement" in a similar manner around the same time, but did not obtain a patent until 1822. In 1824, Joseph Aspdin patented a similar material, which he called Portland cement, because the render made from it was in color similar to the prestigious Portland stone. All the above products could not compete with lime/pozzolan concretes because of fast-setting (giving insufficient time for placement) and low early strengths (requiring a delay of many weeks before formwork could be removed). Hydraulic limes, "natural" cements and "artificial" cements all rely upon their belite content for strength development. Belite develops strength slowly. Because they were burned at temperatures below 1250 C, they contained no alite, which is responsible for early strength in modern cements. The first cement to consistently contain alite was made by Joseph Aspdin's son William in the early 1840s. This was what we call today "modern" Portland cement. Because of the air of mystery with which William Aspdin surrounded his product, others (e.g. Vicat and I C Johnson) have claimed precedence in this invention, but recent analysisof both his concrete and raw cement have shown that William Aspdin's product made at Northfleet, Kent was a true alite-based cement. However, Aspdin's methods were "rule-of-thumb": Vicat is responsible for establishing the chemical basis of these cements, and Johnson established the importance of sintering the mix in the kiln. William Aspdin's innovation was counter-intuitive for manufacturers of "artificial cements", because they required more lime in the mix (a problem for his father), because they required a much higher kiln temperature (and therefore more fuel) and because the resulting clinker was very hard and rapidly wore down the millstones which were the only available grinding technology of the time. Manufacturing costs were therefore considerably higher, but the product set reasonably slowly and developed strength quickly, thus opening up a market for use in concrete. The use of concrete in construction grew rapidly from 1850 onwards, and was soon the dominant use for cements. Thus Portland cement began its predominant role.

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Types of modern cement:-

Portland cement:Cement is made by heating limestone (calcium carbonate), with small quantities of other materials (such as clay) to 1450C in a kiln, in a process known as calcination, whereby a molecule of carbon dioxide is liberated from the calcium carbonate to form calcium oxide, or quicklime, which is then blended with the other materials that have been included in the mix . The resulting hard substance, called 'clinker', is then ground with a small amount of gypsum into a powder to make 'Ordinary Portland Cement', the most commonly used type of cement (often referred to as OPC). Portland cement is a basic ingredient of concrete, mortar and most non-speciality grout. The most common use for Portland cement is in the production of concrete. Concrete is a composite material consisting of aggregate (gravel and sand), cement, and water. As a construction material, concrete can be cast in almost any shape desired, and once hardened, can become a structural (load bearing) element. Portland cement may be gray or white.

Portland cement blends:These are often available as inter-ground mixtures from cement manufacturers, but similar formulations are often also mixed from the ground components at the concrete mixing plant.

Portland blast furnace cement contains up to 70% ground granulated blast furnace
slag, with the rest Portland clinker and a little gypsum. All compositions produce high ultimate strength, but as slag content is increased, early strength is reduced, while sulfate resistance increases and heat evolution diminishes. Used as an economic alternative to Portland sulfateresisting and low-heat cements.

Portlandflyash cement contains up to 30% fly ash. The fly ash is pozzolanic, so that
ultimate strength is maintained. Because fly ash addition allows a lower concrete water content, early strength can also be maintained. Where good quality cheap fly ash is available, this can be an economic alternative to ordinary Portland cement.

Portlandpozzolan cement includes fly ash cement, since fly ash is a pozzolan, but also
includes cements made from other natural or artificial pozzolans. In countries where volcanic ashes are available (e.g. Italy, Chile, Mexico, thePhilippines) these cements are often the most common form in use.

Portland silica fume cement. Addition of silica fume can yield exceptionally high
strengths, and cements containing 5-20% silica fume are occasionally produced. However, silica fume is more usually added to Portland cement at the concrete mixer.

Masonry cements are used for preparing bricklaying mortars and stuccos, and must not be
used in concrete. They are usually complex proprietary formulations containing Portland clinker and a number of other ingredients that may include limestone, hydrated lime, air entrainers, retarders, water proofers and coloring agents. They are formulated to yield workable mortars that allow rapid and consistent masonry work. Subtle variations of Masonry

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cement in the US are Plastic Cements and Stucco Cements. These are designed to produce controlled bond with masonry blocks.

Expansive cements contain, in addition to Portland clinker, expansive clinkers (usually

sulfoaluminate clinkers), and are designed to offset the effects of drying shrinkage that is normally encountered with hydraulic cements. This allows large floor slabs (up to 60 m square) to be prepared without contraction joints.

White blended cements may be made using white clinker and white supplementary
materials such as high-purity metakaolin.

Colored cements are used for decorative purposes. In some standards, the addition of
pigments to produce "colored Portland cement" is allowed. In other standards(e.g. ASTM), pigments are not allowed constituents of Portland cement, and colored cements are sold as "blended hydraulic cements".

Very finely ground cements are made from mixtures of cement with sand or with slag or
other pozzolan type minerals which are extremely finely ground together. Such cements can have the same physical characteristics as normal cement but with 50% less cement particularly due to their increased surface area for the chemical reaction. Even with intensive grinding they can use up to 50% less energy to fabricate than ordinary Portland cements.

Non-Portland hydraulic cements:Pozzolan-lime cements. Mixtures of ground pozzolan and lime are the cements used by
the Romans, and can be found in Roman structures still standing (e.g. the Pantheon in Rome). They develop strength slowly, but their ultimate strength can be very high. The hydration products that produce strength are essentially the same as those produced by Portland cement.

Slag-lime cements. Ground granulated blast furnace slag is not hydraulic on its own, but is
"activated" by addition of alkalis, most economically using lime. They are similar to pozzolan lime cements in their properties. Only granulated slag (i.e. water-quenched, glassy slag) is effective as a cement component.

Supersulfated cements. These contain about 80% ground granulated blast furnace slag,
15 % gypsum or anhydrite and a little Portland clinker or lime as an activator. They produce strength by formation of ettringite, with strength growth similar to a slow Portland cement. They exhibit good resistance to aggressive agents, including sulfate.

Calciumaluminatecements are

hydraulic cements made primarily from limestone and bauxite. The active ingredients are monocalcium aluminate CaAl2O4 (CaO Al2O3 or CA in Cement chemist notation, CCN) and mayenite Ca12Al14O33 (12 CaO 7 Al2O3 , or C12A7 in CCN). Strength forms by hydration to calcium aluminate hydrates. They are welladapted for use in refractory (high-temperature resistant) concretes, e.g. for furnace linings.


cements are





include ye'elimite (Ca4(AlO2)6SO4 or C4A3 in Cement chemist's notation) as a primary phase. They are used in expansive cements, in ultra-high early strength cements, and in "low-energy" cements. Hydration produces ettringite, and specialized physical properties (such as expansion or rapid reaction) are obtained by adjustment of the availability of calcium and sulfate ions.

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Their use as a low-energy alternative to Portland cement has been pioneered in China, where several million tonnes per year are produced.Energy requirements are lower because of the lower kiln temperatures required for reaction, and the lower amount of limestone (which must be endothermicallydecarbonated) in the mix. In addition, the lower limestone content and lower fuel consumption leads to a CO2 emission around half that associated with Portland clinker. However, SO2 emissions are usually significantly higher.

"Natural" cements correspond to certain cements of the pre-Portland era, produced by

burning argillaceous limestones at moderate temperatures. The level of clay components in the limestone (around 30-35 %) is such that large amounts of belite (the low-early strength, high-late strength mineral in Portland cement) are formed without the formation of excessive amounts of free lime. As with any natural material, such cements have highly variable properties. Geopolymer cements are made from mixtures of water-soluble alkali metal silicates and aluminosilicate mineral powders such as fly ash and metakaolin.


As already mentioned Sindri Cement Works is grinding unit, so the major raw materials are clinker, gypsum, BFG slag and coal which is required for drying BFG Slag, the waste product of iron & steel industries available in wet condition. Cement can be manufacture by grinding clinker along with gypsum which is known as Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC). It is found that addition of BFG slag to a some extent give better quality of cement and on the other hand it is economical.

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The main raw materials used in the cement manufacturing process are limestone, sand, shale, clay, and iron ore. The main material, limestone, is usually mined on site while the other minor materials may be mined either on site or in nearby quarries. Another source of raw materials is industrial by-products. The use of by-product materials to replace natural raw materials is a key element in achieving sustainable development.

Raw Material Preparation

Mining of limestone requires the use of drilling and blasting techniques. The blasting techniques use the latest technology to insure vibration, dust, and noise emissions are kept at a minimum. Blasting produces materials in a wide range of sizes from approximately 1.5 meters in diameter to small particles less than a few millimeters in diameter. Material is loaded at the blasting face into trucks for transportation to the crushing plant. Through a series of crushers and screens, the limestone is reduced to a size less than 100 mm and stored until required. Depending on size, the minor materials (sand, shale, clay, and iron ore) may or may not be crushed before being stored in separate areas until required.

Raw Grinding
In the wet process, each raw material is proportioned to meet a desired chemical composition and fed to a rotating ball mill with water. The raw materials are ground to a size where the majority of the materials are less than 75 microns. Materials exiting the mill are called "slurry" and have flowability characteristics. This slurry is pumped to blending tanks and homogenized to insure the chemical composition of the slurry is correct. Following the homogenization process, the slurry is stored in tanks until required. In the dry process, each raw material is proportioned to meet a desired chemical composition and fed to either a rotating ball mill or vertical roller mill. The raw materials are dried with waste process gases and ground to a size where the majority of the materials are less than 75 microns. The dry materials exiting either type of mill are called "kiln feed". The kiln feed is pneumatically blended to insure the chemical composition of the kiln feed is well homogenized and then stored in silos until required.

Whether the process is wet or dry, the same chemical reactions take place. Basic chemical reactions are: evaporating all moisture, calcining the limestone to produce free calcium oxide, and reacting the calcium oxide with the minor materials (sand, shale, clay, and iron). This results in a final black, nodular product known as "clinker" which has the desired hydraulic properties. In the wet process, the slurry is fed to a rotary kiln, which can be from 3.0 m to 5.0 m in diameter and from 120.0 m to 165.0 m in length. The rotary kiln is made of steel and lined with special refractory materials to protect it from the high process temperatures. Process temperatures can reach as high as 1450oC during the clinker making process.

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In the dry process, kiln feed is fed to a preheater tower, which can be as high as 150.0 meters. Material from the preheater tower is discharged to a rotary kiln with can have the same diameter as a wet process kiln but the length is much shorter at approximately 45.0 m. The preheater tower and rotary kiln are made of steel and lined with special refractory materials to protect it from the high process temperatures. Regardless of the process, the rotary kiln is fired with an intense flame, produced by burning coal, coke, oil, gas or waste fuels. Preheater towers can be equipped with firing as well. The rotary kiln discharges the red-hot clinker under the intense flame into a clinker cooler. The clinker cooler recovers heat from the clinker and returns the heat to the pyroprocessing system thus reducing fuel consumption and improving energy efficiency. Clinker leaving the clinker cooler is at a temperature conducive to being handled on standard conveying equipment.

Finish Grinding and Distribution

The black, nodular clinker is stored on site in silos or clinker domes until needed for cement production. Clinker, gypsum, and other process additions are ground together in ball mills to form the final cement products. Fineness of the final products, amount of gypsum added, and the amount of process additions added are all varied to develop a desired performance in each of the final cement products.Each cement product is stored in an individual bulk silo until needed by the customer. Bulk cement can be distributed in bulk by truck, rail, or water depending on the customer's needs. Cement can also be packaged with or without color addition and distributed by truck or rail.


Name of the Company ACC Ltd. ACC Ltd. (G) ACC Ltd. ACC Ltd. ACC Ltd. Location Gagal Tikaria Lakheri Kymore Chaibasa State Himachal Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Rajasthan Madhya Pradesh Jharkhand Process Used Dry Grinding Unit Dry Dry Chaibasa

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ACC Ltd. ACC Ltd. ACC Ltd. ACC Ltd. ACC Ltd. - New ACC Ltd. ACC Ltd.

Sindri Jamul Chanda Wadi Wadi Macherial Madukkarai

Jharkhand Chhattisgarh Maharashtra Karnataka Karnataka Andhra Pradesh Tamil Nadu

Grinding Unit Dry and Semi-Dry Dry Dry Dry Grinding Unit Semi-Dry

Indian cement industry has thus been one of the pioneering industries in introducing policy reforms. After the liberalization measures and globalization of Indian economy, the cement industry has been growing rapidly at an average rate of 8 per cent except for a short period in 1991-92 when the industry faced demand recession. The country is now the second largest producer of cement in the world. India has also started exporting large quantities of cement and clinker.


The method of procurement of various inputs and the mode of transportation is shown here below in the following table:Type of inputs Mode of Transport

Method of procurement


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Stock transfer

Chaibasa, Barghar, Jamul and Kymore works (sister units)




Bokaro Steel plant & Tata steel


Imported Gypsum






Raniganj, Meghalaya




Dhanbad, Jamshedpur Jhalda


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There are 11 departments in the plant:Cement mill


Packing House


Quality Control

HR & A





Safety & Environment

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Environment & Safety:The ACC is committed to the protection and betterment of the environment by Prevention of Pollution (emanating from all known sources of our process) and continual improvement in its environment performance by regular review of objectives and targets. The ACC is also committed to conserve water, energy, and natural resources, minimize and reutilize waste generation. The policy is communicated to all our employees and the same is being made available to public on request. The company has successfully installed Environmental Management System and got the certification of ISO 14001 in July 2002. The company has installed Wastewater Treatment Plant to treat the water coming out of our plant and the colony. The company has also installed three nos. Rain Water Harvesting projects in plant and colony areas to conserve the water and taken afforestation projects in the same area to make the environment better. Industrial Safety is an essential and integral part of every operation at ACC. The ACC Sindri Cement Work has a tremendous record in the field of safety and it has received the prestigious National Safety Award for year 2003. It follows the British Safety Councils 5-Star rating system for auditing. Objective of the Safety dept. is to ensure and attain a target to achieve zero accident. The factory also emphasizes on the safety of its workers. The factory has built some safety rules and all the workers should abide those rules. The workers are also provided with safety equipment by the factory which is called as PPE(personal protective equipment) There is a workshop where most of the repairing jobs of the parts of the machines in the factory. There is a store where lubricants, nuts, bolts, v-belts, bearing, and other machinery parts are stored.

There is some achievements for plant:

WINNER - National Safety Award of Govt. of India for three consecutive years 2003, 2004 & 2005. IInd ranking in TPM competition for the year 2008. WINNER 9th Greentech silver award in cement sector in 2008 for environment excellence. WINNER- Best Team Work award in Team East in Apr08 & June08. WINNER- Best Grinding unit for the year 2008 in ACC.

Certification of all three Management Systems viz.

IS/ISO 9001:2000 (since year 1999) IS/ISO 14001:2004 (since year 2002) IS: 18001:2000 (since year 2006)

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STRENGTH Availability of Railway Wagons for dispatch of Cement . Very high Brand image and acceptability of Cement in the market. The market consumption place is near to Sindri hence logistics is not a problem WEAKNESS Covered clinker storage capacity is only 20000 MT. So we have to store clinker in open area and its strength is deteriorating specially in the rainy season or winter season. 100 % dependency on DVC power Availability of Slag from cost economic sources i.e SAIL Bokaro is reducing and likely to be reduced further.


OPPORTUNITY The future growth rate in Bihar and Jharkhand is estimated very high and will lead to high cement demand hence we may expand our capacity. Provision of bulk cement loading in packing plant for new RMX, which is already in place.

THREAT The Rail track from Railways serving station is passing through FCI premises Lack of skilled and trained man power Entry of new competitors is there in near future and they have come up with a plant at Mezia (Lafarge) & another plant is coming up of JP Group as Joint Venture with SAIL, Bokaro at Bokaro in year 201

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ACC (ACC Limited) is India's foremost manufacturer of cement and concrete. ACC's operations are spread throughout the country with 14 modern cement factories, 19 Ready mix concrete plants, 19 sales offices, and several zonal offices. It has a workforce of about 9000 persons and a countrywide distribution network of over 9,000 dealers. ACC's research and development facility has a unique track record of innovative research, product development and specialized consultancy services. Since its inception in 1936, the company has been a trendsetter and important benchmark for the cement industry in respect of its production, marketing and personnel management processes. Its commitment to environment-friendliness, its high ethical standards in business dealings and its on-going efforts in community welfare programs have won it acclaim as a responsible corporate citizen. ACC has made significant contributions to the nation building process by way of quality products, services and sharing its expertise. In the 70 years of its existence, ACC has been a pioneer in the manufacture of cement and concrete and a trendsetter in many areas of cement and concrete technology including improvements in raw material utilization, process improvement, energy conservation and development of high performance concretes. ACCs brand name is synonymous with cement and enjoys a high level of equity in the Indian market. It is the only cement company that figures in the list of Consumer Super Brands of India. The company's various businesses are supported by a powerful, in-house research and technology backup facility - the only one of its kind in the Indian cement industry. This ensures

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not just consistency in product quality but also continuous improvements in products, processes, and application areas. ACC has rich experience in mining, being the largest user of limestone, and it is also one of the principal users of coal. As the largest cement producer in India, it is one of the biggest customers of the Indian Railways, and the foremost user of the road transport network services for inward and outward movement of materials and products.ACC has also extended its services overseas to the Middle East, Africa, and South America, where it has provided technical and managerial consultancy to a variety of consumers, and also helps in the operation and maintenance of cement plants abroad. ACC is among the first companies in India to include commitment to environmental protection as one of its corporate objectives, long before pollution control laws came into existence. The company installed pollution control equipment and high efficiency sophisticated electrostatic precipitators for cement kilns, raw mills, coal mills, power

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plants and coolers as far back as 1966. Every factory has state-of-the art pollution control equipment and devices. ACC demonstrates the practices of being a good corporate citizen undertaking a wide range of activities to improve the living conditions of the under-privileged classes living near its factories.


ACC was formed in 1936 when ten existing cement companies came together under one umbrella in a historic merger - the country's first notable merger at a time when the term mergers and acquisitions was not even coined. The history of ACC spans a wide canvas beginning with the lonely struggle of its pioneer F E Dinshaw and other Indian entrepreneurs like him who founded the Indian cement industry. Their efforts to face competition for survival in a small but aggressive market mingled with the stirring of a country's nationalist pride that touched all walks of life - including trade, commerce and business. The first success came in a move towards cooperation in the country's young cement industry and culminated in the historic merger of ten companies to form a cement giant. These companies belonged to four prominent business groups - Tatas, Khataus, Killick Nixon and F E Dinshaw groups. ACC was formally established on August 1, 1936. Sadly, F E Dinshaw, the man recognized as the founder of ACC, died in January 1936; just months before his dream could be realized.

F.E. Dinshaw the founder of ACC

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ACC stands out as the most unique and successful merger in Indian business history, in which the distinct identities of the constituent companies were melded into a new cohesive organization - one that has survived and retained its position of leadership in industry. In a sense, the formation of ACC represents a quest for the synergy of good business practices, values and shared objectives. The use of the plural in ACC's original name, The Associated Cement Companies Limited, itself indicated the company's origins from a merger. Many years later, some stockbrokers in the country's leading stock exchanges continued to refer to this company simply as 'The Merger'.

The ACC Board comprises of 13 persons. These include executive, non-executive, and nominee directors. This group is responsible for determining the objectives and broad policies of the Company - consistent with the primary objective of enhancing long-term shareholder value. The Board meets once a month. Two other small groups of directors - comprising Shareholders'/Investors' Grievance Committee and Audit Committee of the Board of Directors also meet once a month on matters pertaining to the finance and share disciplines. During the last decade, there has been a streamlining of the senior management structure that is more responsive to the needs of the Company's prime business. A Managing Committee comprising, in addition to the Managing Director and the two executive directors, the presidents representing multifarious disciplines: finance, production, marketing, research and consultancy, engineering and human resources meets once a week. Besides these bodies, there are senior executives and other regional managers - based at the Company's corporate office and at its marketing offices and manufacturing units -who contribute to the development and operation of the various functions. While these groups form the core management team that frames and guides corporate policy, ACC is proud of its manpower strength of about 9,000 people, who comprise experts in various disciplines assisted by a dedicated workforce of skilled persons. Quite a number of them have logged many years of service with the organization. They come from all parts of the country and belong TO A variety of ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds. Because of such a cosmopolitan make-up, ACC can rightly be said to embrace within its fold a family that forms a 'mini-India'.

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The house of Tata was intimately associated with the heritage and history of ACC, right from its formation in 1936 up to 2000. The Tata group sold all 14.45% of its shareholdings in ACC in three stages to subsidiary companies of Gujarat Ambuja Cements Ltd. (GACL), who are now the largest single shareholder in ACC. This enabled ACC to enter into a strategic alliance with GACL; a company reputed for its brand image and cost leadership in the cement industry.


A new association was forged between ACC and The Holcim group of Switzerland in 2005. In January 2005, Holcim announced its plans to enter into long term alliances with Ambuja Group by acquiring a majority stake in Ambuja Cements India Ltd. (ACIL),which at the time held 13.8% of total equity shares in ACC. Holcim simultaneously announced its bid to make an open offer to ACC shareholders, through Holdcem Cement Pvt. Ltd. and ACIL, to acquire a majority shareholding in ACC. An open offer was made by Holdcem Cement Pvt. Ltd. along with ACIL, following which the shareholding of ACIL increased to 34.69% of Equity share capital of ACC. Consequently , ACIL has filed declarations indicating their shareholding and declaring itself as a promoter of ACC.

Holcim is the world leader in cement as well as being large supplier of concrete, aggregates and certain construction related services. Holcim is also a respected name in information technology and research and development. The group has its headquarters in Switzerland with worldwide operations spread across more than 70 countries. Considering the formidable global presence of Holcim and its excellent reputation, the broad of ACC has welcomed this new association. In the 70 years of its existence, ACC has been a pioneer in the manufacture of cement and concrete and a trendsetter in many areas of cement and concrete technology including improvements in raw material utilization, process improvement, energy conservation and development of high performance concretes.

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ACCs Head Office - Cement House, 121 MaharshiKarve Road, Mumbai.

ACCs registered office was first located at Esplanade House in South Mumbai, a graceful edifice that still stands out in its neighbourhood. The head office then shifted to its own premises in Cement House shown here. The address of this stately building was then Number 1, Queens Road, Churchgate. An all-India competition in 1938 had invited leading architects of the time to send in their designs of which this elegant design made by Ballardie Thompson & Mathews was chosen as the winning entry. Work on its construction began in 1939 and was completed during the War period. The building was occupied by the Royal Air Force and vacated only in 1946.


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Sindri Cements Works, a unit of the ACC limited situated at Sindri, Dhanbad (Jharkhand),which wasinaugurated on 21st December 1955 by Mr. Khatau. CaCO3 sludge was used as raw material for producing clinker which was waste product of Fertilizer Corporation of India. Plant started with two kilns, two ball mills and one raw mill. CaCO3 which was used for producing clinker an intermediate product to cement. With the closure of FCI (Fertilizer Corporation of India) the clinker production was badly affected. SCW tried to continue the production of clinker by purchasing the limestone, but since there was no limestone quarry nearby, the production of clinker was stopped. SCW is currently receiving clinker from there sister units, like Chaibasa, Jamul, Barghar and Kymore on stock transfer basis. Thereafter SCW is only engaged in process of grinding clinker, gypsum and slag to produce Portland Slag Cement (here in referred as PSC).In 1996, SCW undertook expansion by establishing a vertical roller mill (VRM) for grinding of slag. The process has been changed from inter grinding to separate grinding. The four ball mills were used for grinding of clinker and gypsum and on the other hand Vertical Roller Mill (VRM) was installed for separate grinding of Slag, and two different intermediate products are separately stored in two intermediate hopper. After that the said two intermediate products are mixed together for manufacture of Portland Slag Cement in controlled manner in blender and sent to Packing House cement silos for packing. At packing house cement is packed by 12 spout electronic roto-packer and loaded in wagons / trucks by mechanical loader.

SUBSIDIARIES AND ASSOCIATES Bulk cement corporation (India) Limited (BCCI) ACC Concrete Limited Lucky Minmat

Bulk cement corporation (India) Limited (BCCI): Situated at Kalamboli, in Navi Mumbai (formerly New Bombay), this company caters to bulk cement requirements of the city of Mumbai and its environs. It has two cement storage silos with a capacity of 5,000 tons each. The plant receives cement in bulk from ACC plants at Wadi. The plant has its own special purpose railway wagons and rakes and its own railway siding. The first of its kind in India, BCCI is equipped with all the facilities required by increasingly sophisticated construction sites in a bustling metropolis, including a laboratory, a fleet of specialized trucks and site silos for the convenience of customers and is capable of offering loose cement in bulk-tanker vehicles as well as packed cement in bags of varying sizes from 1 tonne down to 25 kg bags. BCCI is situated strategically on the outskirts of Mumbai, just offthe new Mumbai-Pune Expressway. It is a landmark structure spread over 30 acres of land.

ACC Concrete Limited: 27 | P a g e

ACC set up India's first commercial Ready Mix Concrete (RMX) plant in Mumbai in 1994 which together with the promotion of bulk cement has played a key role in redefining the pace and quality of construction activity in our large cities and mega infrastructure projects. The Ready Mix Concrete business of ACC was reorganized as a separate wholly owned subsidiary which was incorporated as ACC Concrete Limited with headquarters in Mumbai. Today this company is one of the largest manufacturers of Ready Mix Concrete in India with a countrywide network of over 30 plants, with modern equipment and a large fleet of transit mixers.

Lucky Minmat:
ACC acquired 100 per cent of the equity of Lucky Minmat Private Limited. This company holds limestone mines in the Sikar district of Rajasthan, and helps supplement limestone supply to the Lakheri Plant.


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The company wants to capitalize on the synergies seeing the big picture. The company would visualize a bubbling with vim and vitality for occupying a vantage position in the best cement companies across the globe At ACC we believe that being a passive onlooker and keep waiting for life to happen something is not the right way to achieve success. Success comes through innovation and innovation can happen only to those who are drawn by the unknown and driven by the magnitude of challenge. The performance as a cement industry in the country has prompted everyone to pronounce our worthiness. .

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YEAR 1936 1947 1955 1956 1961 1961 1961 1965

Achievements The Associated Cement Companies Limited incorporated on August 1 India's first entirely indigenous cement plant installed at Chaibasa. ACC Sindri uses waste material - calcium carbonate sludge -from fertilizer factory at Sindri to make cement Bulk Cement Depot established at Okhla, Delhi Blast furnace slag, (a waste by-product from steel) from TISCO used at ACC Chaibasa to manufacture Portland Slag Cement. Oilwell Cement manufactured at ACC Shahabad for cementation of oil wells up to adepth of 6,000 feet. Manufacture of Hydrophobic (waterproof) cement at ACC Khalari. Manufacture of Portland Pozzolana Cement using naturally available materials. An Ecofriendly cements using an eco-friendly process. ACC inducts use of pollution control equipment and high efficiency sophisticated electrostatic precipitators for its cement plants and captive power plants decades before it becomes mandatory to do so. Introduction of the energy efficient pre-calcination technology for the first time in India. ACC achieves a breakthrough in import substitution by developing and supplying a special G type of oil well cement to ONGC. ACC develops a new binder, working at sub-zero temperature, which is successfully used in the Indian expedition to Antarctica. Incorporation of Bulk Cement Corporation of India, a JV with the Government of India. Commercial manufacture of ready-mixed concrete at Mumbai. Commissioning of the new Wadi plant of 2.6 MTPA capacity in Karnataka, the largest in India, and among the largest sized kilns in the World.

1966 1978 1984 1987 1992 1993 2001


ACC was the first recipient of ASSOCHAMs first ever National Award for outstanding performance in promoting rural and agricultural development activities in 1976. Decades later, PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry selected ACC as winner of its Good Corporate Citizen Award for the year 2002. Over the years, there have been many awards and felicitations for achievements in Rural and community development, Safety, Health, Tree plantation, afforestation, Clean mining, Environment awareness and protection Awards &Accolades : IMC Ramkrishna Bajaj National Quality Award Gagal wins Commendation Certificate and New Wadi Plant wins Special Award for Performance Excellence in the Manufacturing Sector, 2007. National Award for outstanding performance in promoting rural and

agricultural development by ASSOCHAM Sword of Honour - by British Safety Council, United Kingdom for excellence in safety performance. Indira PriyadarshiniVrikshamitra Award --- by The Ministry of Environment and Forests for "extraordinary work" carried out in the area of afforestation. FICCI Award --- for innovative measures for control of pollution, waste management & conservation of mineral resources in mines and plant. Subh Karan Sarawagi Environment Award - by The Federation of Indian Mineral Industries for environment protection measures. Drona Trophy- By Indian Bureau Of Mines for extra ordinary efforts in protection of Environment and mineral conservation in the large mechanized mines sector. Indo German Greentech Environment Excellence Award Golden Peacock Environment Management Special Award - for outstanding efforts in Environment Management in the large manufacturing sector. Indira Gandhi Memorial National Award - for excellent performance in prevention of pollution and ecological development Excellence in Management of Health, Safety and Environment : Certificate of Merit by Indian Chemical Manufacturers Association

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VishwakarmaRashtriyaPuraskar trophy for outstanding performance in safety and mine working

Good Corporate Citizen Award - by PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry Jamnalal Bajaj UchitVyavaharPuraskar - Certificate of Merit by Council for Fair Business Practices

Greentech Safety Gold and Silver Awards - for outstanding performance in Safety management systems by Greentech Foundation

FIMI National Award - for valuable contribution in Mining activities from the Federation of Indian Mineral Industry under the Ministry of Coal.

RajyaSthariyaParyavaranPuraskar Board.






Protection and Environment Performance by the Madhya Pradesh Pollution. Control

National Award for Fly Ash Utilisation - by Ministry of Power, Ministry of Environment & Forests and Dept of Science & Technology, Govt of India - for manufacture of Portland Pozzolana Cement.

Good Corporate Citizen Award - by Bombay Chamber of Commerce and Industry for working towards an environmentally sustainable industry while pursuing the objective of creation of a better society.

National Award for Excellence in Water Management - by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)

Golden Peacock Eco-Innovation Award 2008won by AFR Business for efficient disposal of industrial wastes

Best Audit Committee Award 2008 - ACC Audit Committee has been awarded the Best Audit Committee Award 2008 by the Asian Centre of Corporate Governance & Sustainability and Indian Merchants' Chamber.

"VanvasiSantGahiraGurujiMaharaj - Chhattisgarh ParyavaranPuraskar"2008, in the Industrial Category for best efforts in Environment Conservation in ChhattisgarhState .

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Safety Innovation Award by the Institution of Engineers, New Delhi Greentech Environment Excellence Award by Greentech Foundation Good Green Governance Award by Srishti Publications, Delhi The Federation of Indian Mineral Industries, (FIMI) New Delhi has selected ACC, one of the four companies in India, to be Members of the "Sustainable Miners Club" for outstanding contribution to the national goal of sustainable development through excellence in environmental conservation' scientific research and social development in harnessing natural resources.

Tikaria wins IMC Ramkrishna Bajaj Certificate of Merit 2008 Gagal wins IMC Ramkrishna Bajaj National Quality Performance Excellence Trophy 2008

CNBC-TV18's India Business Leaders Award in the category India Corporate Citizen of the Year 2008

Greentech Safety Gold Awards 2009 - for outstanding performance in Safety management systems by Greentech Foundation

Council for Fair Business Practices, Jamnalal Bajaj UCHIT VYAVAHAR PURASKAR 2008 in the category Manufacturing Enterprises Large for exemplary record of practicing and promoting fair business practices.

Organizational Background

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Sindri Cement Works (SCW) is a unit of ACC Limited having its factory at P.O ACC Colony, District Dhanbad, Jharkhand, was commissioned in year 1955. The factory was primarily established for using the waste product of the Fertilizer Corporation of India Ltd. (FCI), which had high content of lime in it. This was used for producing clinker an intermediate product to cement. With the closure of the FCI the clinker production was badly affected. SCW tried to continue the production of clinker by purchasing lime stone, but since there was no lime stone quarry nearby, the production of clinker was stopped. SCW is currently receiving clinker from the sister unit CHAIBASA on stock transfer basis. There after SCW is only engaged in the process of grinding clinker, gypsum and slag to produce Portland slag cement. In 1996 SCW undertook expansion by establishing Vertical Rolling Mill (VRM) and mechanizing the packing cement and loading system. The commercial production of the expanded capacity commenced on 1st April 1998 with an installed capacity of 10 lakhs tones per annum. In respect of incremental production SCW was granted an exemption from payment of sales tax under the Bihar industrial policy, 1995. It has been made to understand that SCW has also undertaken a restructuring and modification activity which has increased the installed capacity to 1 million tonnes per annum.

Brief introduction ACC Sindri cement works

Plant inaugurated by Mr. Khatau, the chairman of ACC on 21st DEC. 1955.
Manufactures Portland slag cement in the brand name of ACC super. Present rated capacity; 10 lakhs tones per annum (LTPA). It is an ISO 9001 (since Feb, 2000), ISO 14001 (since July 2002) and ISO 18001 (Since 2007) certified unit.

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Product Distribution Process of ACC Ltd.

PRODUCTS DISTRIBUTION PROCESS OF ACC Ltd. INTRODUCTION:Cement production commenced in India as early as 1914. The first cement unit was set up at Porbandar in 1914 with a capacity of 1,000 tonnes per annum. The cement industry in India is estimated at Rs. 24-25 billion in value terms and 114 million tonnes by volume. The domestic cement industry is highly fragmented, with over 50 cement players and more than 120 manufacturing plants. This apart, the industry is highly regionalized, as cement units are concentrated in clusters, close to the limestone deposits. Competition is also regionalized since the low-value of the commodity makes transportation over long distances uneconomical. Concentration, in terms of the number of units and the dominance of large players, is moderate. The minimum economic size of a cement plant is 1 million tonnes. However, concentration has improved over the past 6 years with the top six players accounting for 52 per cent of the total cement capacity in 2003 up from 33 per cent in 1997. The share of cement plants with capacities of less than 3 million tonnes has declined over the past 6 years from 48 per cent in 1997, to 28 per cent in 2003. During 1999-2000 to 2003-04, the installed capacity of the industry increased at a CAGR of around 7.5 per cent to 146.4 mtpa. (The capacity of the industry is taken as the sum of the installed capacity of all the players in the industry.) The seven states: Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra, account for around 74 per cent of the total domestic capacity. Cement sector is characterized by the following: 1. Units concentrated near raw material sources or markets 2. Power intensive 3. High freight costs 4. Small value chain

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5. Regional variation and volatility in prices and margins 6. High debt levels 7. Regional distribution of demand 8. Seasonality of demand and cyclicality of the industry

However the future of Cement Sector is as follows:

Steady price growth over the next 2-3 years Housing and government infrastructure spending to translate into an 8 per cent CAGR in demand Greenfield/Brownfield capacity additions of around 35 million tonnes will be required to match the robust demand growth Blending to contribute around 10 million tonnes of capacity Operating rates to touch 88 per cent by 2006-07 Production costs to increase moderately Consumer Demographics & Buying Patterns of Indian Consumers. The per capita consumption of cement in India is very low, as compared with the developed economies and the overall world average per capita cement consumption. The per capita consumption of cement in India is even less than that in Africa, a relatively underdeveloped continent. Over the past decade, the per capita cement consumption of cement has increased in most states, except Chandigarh, where it has declined by 7 %. Mechanics of Distribution Channels of Sector Companies invariably hire c & f agents or transport cements to own or government warehouses either via roadway or railways. In case of exports, cement reaches the nearest port via roadways or railways and is then transferred to the importing country.

Domestically, from c & f agents or warehouses the cement is transported to the dealers/distributors and in turn to sub dealers who finally sell it to the end users. There may or may not be physical ownership of goods. In the second case, dealers and sub dealers take order from buyers and place it to the companies, co ordinate and monitor the timely dispatch of said orders, transportation of goods and final delivery. Distributor network in cement industry is highly dominating and companies are compelled to hire as they do not really have that rapport and touch with the end consumer of their product. Apart, from this, the distributors have storage facilities as well which help control well in the entire supply chain as they are the ones who bring orders and therefore are directly responsible for the business that a manufacturer

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would do. Industry dynamics in Cement Industry do not favor entry of MNCs into the Indian market. This report contains detailed analysis of renowned Cement companies and distributors.

Cement is mostly packed in paper bags now. It is then transported either by rail or road. Road transportation beyond 200 kms is not economical therefore about 55% cement is being moved by the railways. There is also the problem of inadequate availability of wagons especially on western railways and southeastern railways. Under this scenario, manufacturers are looking for sea routes, this being not only cheap but also reducing the losses in transit. Today, 70% of the cement movement worldwide is by sea compared to 1% in India. However, the scenario is changing with most of the big players like L&T, ACC and Grasim having set up their bulk terminals.

A well-knit and coordinated system of transport plays an important role in the sustainable economic growth of a country. India has a well-developed transport network comprising rail, road, coastal shipping, and air transport etc.

The total length of road in India is over 30 lakh kms including both metalled and unmettaled roads. In terms of road length, India has one of the largest road network in the world. The national highways account for less than 2% of the total road network but carry 40% of the movement of goods and passengers.

The total rail route length is about 63,000 km and of this 13,000 km is electrified. The railways carry over 11 million passengers and 11 lakh tones of goods every day.

India has a long costal line, about 90% of sea borne trade is handled via major ports of kandla, Mumbai, Nhavasheva, Marmagao, Cochin, Tuticorin, Chennai, Vishakapatanam, Parawadip, Haldia, Goa and Kolkata.

Air travel is fastest means to reach in any part of the world. Domestic air services is looked after by Indian airlines and private airlines while the international airports services is looked by Air India, Mumbai, Chenni, Kolkata and Delhi are the four major international air ports of India.

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The distribution network of ACC cement is very good and well equipped, in cement plant of ACC there is C&F (Carry and forward) office near by the manufacturing plant. For Sindri cement works, there is C&F office in SriRamPlaza, Dhanbad. C&F have appointed three transporters in Sindri Cement works. In one month these transporterstransport 23,000 tons on monthly basis.

1. 2. 3.

Associated Road Ways (ARW). Bajrang Transport Company (BTC). Krishna Road Ways (KRW).

These transporters are getting orders from C&F office Dhanbad. Marketing officers of ACC are taking orders directly from Dealers of ACC through:

1) 2) 3) 4)

E-mails, Telephone, Agents appointed by dealers and, Marketing officers by visiting dealers outlets.

DIVISION OF CLUSTER IN AN AROUND DHANBAD After taking orders from Dealers C&F prepares a final list of dealers to dispatch to cement t dealers counter, then marketing officers Mail the final list to transporters for delivery of cement through road network. For this the complete Dhanbad is divided into six different clusters are listed below:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

Sindri Cluster, Jharia Cluster, Dhanbad Cluster, Govindpur Cluster, Gomo (Topchachi) Cluster and, Nirsa (Chiraguda) Cluster.

According to these clusters marketing officers are taking orders from dealers for delivery of cement through transporters. After taking orders from C&F office transporters make the list of

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trucks for loding cement for different destinations. Then the cement is delivered to dealers through road network along with consignment paper given by transporters to truck drivers. After delivery of cement dealers make payment to trucks drivers along with receiving paper from dealers.


By Rail By Road


By Rail By Road


C&F (Distributors)

(Large Buyers)




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Cement plant:In cement plant production of cement take place in Sindri cement works Portland Slag Cement (PSC) is produced intergrinding high quality. After production cements are sent to its destination through rail and road network. Consignment agents:Consignment agents are the agents appointed by the cement manufacturer to sell the cement in those areas where industry is not having distributors(C&F) for distribution of cements in that area. ACC cement is not using consignment agents for availability of cement in those areas, but OCL-Konarksell its cement to its consignment agents for providing availability of cement in local market. Consignment agents are buying directly from industry for supply of cement in local market. In these places consignment agents are using a small chain of its own dealers or retailers for selling of cement. End user:End Users or large buyers like Contractors, Builders and industries etc. are buying cements directly from manufacturing industry through rail or road network. C& F (carry & forward):C & F office is also called as distributors of cement and C&F is appointed by manufacturing industry for taking orders from dealers and order processing. After taking orders from Dealers C&F prepares a final list of dealers to dispatch to cement to dealers counter, then marketing officers Mail the final list to transporters for delivery of cement through road network. For this the complete Dhanbad is divided into six different clusters. According to these clusters marketing officers are taking orders from dealers for delivery of cement through transporters. After taking orders from C&F office transporters make the list of trucks for loding cement for different destinations. Then the cement is delivered to dealers through road network along with consignment paper given by transporters to truck drivers. After delivery of cement dealers make payment to truck drivers along with receiving paper from dealers. Dealers:Dealers in Sindri cement work is appointed by C&F for selling of cement in different areas, in a particular area ACC is not appointing more than one dealer. Dealers are placing orders to C&F office for cement in their counter. And C&F officers are visit to dealers for taking feedback relating to cement availability, prices, competition from competitors, demand of cement in particular area, demand of display articles, relation between transporters and dealers and asking about delay in payment and directing dealers to increase in sales through appointing more sub dealers. Retailers:

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Retailers are the seller of cement to end user, they are taking cements from dealers for sale. Retailers are not having direct contact with the C&F, they are giving orders to dealers as per the requirement and dealers are supplying cements to retailers.










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CHANNEL OBJECTIVES: Making smooth availability of product to the target market. Achievement of the best possible coverage of the target market. Ensuring that the consumer incurs the minimum extenuation in procuring the product. Safe in quality & accuracy in quantity. Quick services. Ensuring that the firm is able to carry on with its manufacturing activities, confident that the channel will take care of the distribution job. Ensuring that the distribution is cost effective. The primary objective of channel of the distribution is to bridge the gap by resolving spatial (geographical distance) and temporal (relating to time) discrepancies as to supply and demand.

ROLE OF CHANNEL MEMBERS: Channel members are not play only the role of sales the products to the customers but also play the role as they promote the products, gathering the customer interest, complaints, suggestion, and information to the organizations they are work as the co-ordination between the targeted customers & manufactures. Members of the marketing channel perform many key functions as follows: Gathering & distributing marketing research and intelligence information about actors & forces in the marketing environment. Helpful in making marketing strategy. Developing & spreading the promotional offer of company and promote the sales activity. Easily make a sales contact with the customers. Intermediaries are taking the title to goods, so they invest the fund. Through the intermediaries, manufactures are made physical distribution of goods. Intermediaries are taking various type of risks, in the term of storing, dispatching etc.


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Make available on time. Reduce the cost of distribution Save the distribution time. Helpful in product design & developments. Flow of feedback from consumer. Flow of money consumers to manufacture.

VARIOUS TYPES OF CHANNEL LEVELS: While a marketers wants to sell or marketing about the products or services, requirement of design a distribution channel to make product & services available to customers in different ways. In the process of distribution of products, each layer of marketing intermediaries are performs some work in bringing the product and its ownership closer to the final buyer is a channel level. Generally two methods of distribution are in the practices. 1. DIRECT MARKETING CHANNEL 2. INDIRECT MARKETING CHANNEL DIRECT MARKETING CHANNEL: DMC is a marketing channel that has no intermediary levels. Manufacture or sellers are advertise their product through the various method of advertising & make awareness about the products, then contact to the needful customers through their salesmen, internet, e-mail, telephone or by post.



INDIRECT MARKETING CHANNEL: IMC is a channel containing one or more intermediary levels. Manufactures or sellers are appointed various type of marketing intermediaries in the context of nature of the products & segmentation of markets.

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The market for Cement in India is very widespread Geographically By diversified of end user

Further, there are a large number of small and medium consumers and a select a few large consumers. Hence there is large potential for introducing the new uses and the increasing the consumption. As a strategy therefore, ACC decided to cater to as many consumers as possible. Their distribution system therefore, is designed to the object. ACC manufacture the products with very specification as desired by the various customers. ACCs market may be segmented in the following manner. (A) MARKET SEGMENTATION BASED ON THE PRODUCT GROUP:-

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On the basis of product groups, ACCs market may be segmented in the following manner: Ordinary Portland Cements o o OPC - 43 Grade OPC - 53 Grade

Blended Cements o o Fly ash based Portland Pozzolana cement(PPC) Portland slag cement(PSC)

Bulk Cement Ready Mix Concrete

(B) MARKET SEGMENTATION BASED ON THE DEMAND PATTERN:Based on size & frequency of order, ACCs market may be segmented as follows: BULK CUSTOMERS

Bulk customers are those customers, whose demand is very high and consistence. Some of the bulk customers are Dealers & Distributors, PSUs like Railways, construction firms, Government projects etc. SMALL & MIDIUM

Small & medium customers may be bracketed as those customers, whose demand is comparatively low and not so consistence, some of the small customers of ACC areRetailers, Sub-dealers etc. (C) MARKET SEGMENTATION BASED ON THE PRIORTY:On the basis of priority given to various orders ACC market may be segmented in the following manner: ROUTINE CUSTOMERS

Routine customers are those customers, who are regularly sourcing the company. Their orders are processed in the normal course of working.

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Special customers are those customers, whose orders are for products under developments. Since their demand is usually urgent in nature they are given priority under routine customers. Examples: Government organization like Defence, Establishment etc. continues this category. (D)MARKET SEGMENTATION BASED ON CONSUMPTION SECTOR:Uses of cement are everywhere. It is not easy to categorize in some particular heads. However, we categorize in the following major sectors. Real estate Govt. Projects Building & constructions Other

(E) MARKET SEGMENTATION BASED ON GEOGRAPHICAL AREAS:Cement consumers are spread all over the country. Different area has different type of consumers, who use cement of different quality and of different quantity. Here, segment the market in geographical areas based on consumption or demand pattern.





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Mostly used in Coastal Areas and in Govt. sectors

It is a all purpose cement commonly used in housing.

Mostly used in Hilly Areas

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1. Time Constraints: There was limited time each day and lots of task to be performed
(i.e. to prepare various reports on Excel and to spend lot of time in the market). 60 days were not sufficient enough to study the market complexity and to formulate strategy. Though, I tried my best to complete assigned work effectively. 2. There were many Issues/problems between dealers and distributor which I had to sort out before implementing Model market which resulted in wastage of time. 3. There was lot of intervention from company personnel during formulation and implementation of the strategy. 4. Budgetary Constraints were there. 5. Strategy was formulated on the basis of assumption that during the course of implementation all the other factors which affect the Sales (in volumes) remain constant. 6. Due to heavy engagement of the top management people and other personnel, much other information could not be collected within the limited span of time. 7. To maintain secrecy, the company people do not provide various types of information, such as actual sales to various customers, zone wise sales, depot setup cost, depot handling cost etc. 8. Their recommendations are the outcome of an analysis made individually. 9. Another analysis may arrive at certain other recommendations after using same data. 10. There were transportation problems out sides of the campus.

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1. The market share of ACC Cement is higher than the other cements in Eastern India in the state of Bihar & Jharkhand. 2. ACC is leading producer of cement in India and the distribution the distribution network of ACC is well equipped as ACC is having network of 9,000 Dealers and 50,000 retailers. 3. Gifts and quantity discount are main part of sales promotion. 4. ACC Cement is having 14 cement plants in India, due to this ACC cement provides better customer services. 5. Availability of ACC Cement in the market was at the large scale. 6. In some cases cements of ACC and Lafarge are placed together in same counter by the retailers, these retailers are called as multi brand dealers. 7. The visibility of the ACC Cement is more attractive because of its promotional tools and schemes. 8. ACC Produces a large variety of cement which are used for different purpose in areas such as construction like Roads, Bridges, Fly-over, Buildings etc. 9. ACC is increasingly focusing on export of its products in the countries where high quality cement is in demand. 10. ACC has an efficient production department, which produces high quality cement on the basis of customer demand. 11. Scheduled maintenance and minimum wastage of the raw materials and finished products due to implementation of TPM (Technical process management). 12. Implementation of TPM has lead to efficient handling of machines by human resources, finally resulting high turnover. 13. Findings at Warehouse: Minor Problems- Nature Calamity Employees health problems Customer Denied Volumetric Problems Delay Packaging Changes in Market Scenario Dependency on other Departments

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SUGGESTIONS ACC should come out with such an advertisement, which can block the customers mind and can change the customers perception about the product. In the new market scenario price is considered as the main attribute of a product, which can stimulate maximum number of customers.

More improvement is required in the distribution network in the out skit and in the remote areas, because in the peak season the small dealers are taking goods twice or thrice and in between if the distributors could not supply them, the competitors will get the opportunities to supply the goods.

Salesmen should have good interaction with dealers, which result company in increases sales.

Company executives should visit the counter on weekly basis.

Executive should take the feedback from the dealers about the services of the salesman and distributors.

The entire ACC product should be displayed at one place so that the customer can be aware about the different types of cement.

The company has to take serious step for changing its packaging style as many local companies are imitating the same and confusing the customers. Regular visit of sales force is required to solve the problem of dealers in the market at the right time.

51 | P a g e

CONCLUSION The conclusion of this project report is that ACC Limited Company & its product are the profitable not only in India but also in the whole world. Its main competitor is Lafarge. In Duopoly market cement product has 65% market share. As far as ACC Sindri Cement works has got a brand name which is very popular among the consumers due to its good quality service chain. Keeping pace with changing times and an ever-growing need for specialized services, ACC has begun offering its marketing expertise and distributaries facilities to other producers in cement and related areas. However a precondition of all such agreement is quality control supervision to be carried out by an ACC expert located at the franchisees plant. Each of the regional Marketing offices has a customer services cell that is managed by qualified civil engineers. These, in addition to handling aftersales servicing, function as advisory bodies that can help customers, make the right choice of cement for a specific area of application. ACC can provide expert advice on getting the best value from cement and offer assistance on related issues in civil construction projects. Besides this, technical books/booklets on cement, concrete and building construction and maintenance are regularly must be available for the benefit of the customers. In addition to this, ACC also publish free booklet, which profiles the latest information on concrete research, design, construction and maintenance. Manufacturer Dealer End-user Manufacturer End-user Zero level is any possible when marketing department gives order to end-user to take their cement from manufacturing unit. The co. (A.C.C or about cement brand) produce facilities to his channel members such as provision for settlement of claims regarding quality, less weight of packages and lumps formation of the product for a particular period of time. ACC is preferred because it is the market leader amongst the cement while JP is preferred due to market demand. JP does the maximum sales promotion (i.e. advertisement) in the opinion of dealers. But ACC does not give more advertisement to promote sales. Mode of transportation of cement by road is better one in the dealers whose shop is near to railway godown.Minimum order acceptance by every company is 9 tonnes i.e. one truck Company of any cement doesnt accept less than 9 tones.From selling point of view ACC brand is no 1, which means that selling ACC brand cement is easier to other.

52 | P a g e


1. Kotler, Philip.Marketing Management Millenium Edition- Pearson Custom


2. Batra,Myers, Aaker Advertising Managemnt Edition- 5th

Magazines & Journals: 1. Business Today 2. Business world 3. Outlook business 4. 4Ps Business 7 Marketing

Web-Sites: www.scribd.COM

53 | P a g e


54 | P a g e


55 | P a g e


56 | P a g e

57 | P a g e

P roduct Attributes
W o rld C lass T echno lo g y A product developed with latest world class technology with technical expertise from the world leader AC C , leader in Indian cement industry since 1936 + H olcim, leader in global cement industry ( operation in more than 70 countries )
B ulgaria S lovakia om ania R Germ any S w itzerland C zec h R ./ Hungary F rance/B elgium S pain US A Mexic o Guatem ala E l S alvador C os ta R ic a C olom bia 1999 E c uador
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 HG R S S hu ro vo V ols k

R us s ia

C anada

Italy Moroc co S erbia

B angladesh Vietnam Thailand + HS E A P hilippines Mala ysia Az erbaijan Indones ia

Lebanon B rasil

Venez uela C hile

S ri Lanka Madagas c ar/ La R eunion, Mauritius Aus tralia New Zealand


S outh Afric a

58 | P a g e


B u ilt W ith A C C

59 | P a g e




60 | P a g e



61 | P a g e




62 | P a g e


63 | P a g e


64 | P a g e

Cement Market Survey at Dhanbad (Dealers/Retailers)

(Vinod Nagar, Prof. Colony)

1) Dealer/ Retailer Name 2) Name of the Shop -

Champak Dutta


3) Date of Visit -


4) No. of Brands -

Birla Cement & Mini Plant

5) Phone / Mobile No.-


6) Order & Demand power?


Good (2) Very Good (3)


7) What is the price:

65 | P a g e

Wholesale Price / Purchasing Price

Retail Price / Selling Price Birla 260



Mini Plant 150

300 250 200 150 100 50 0 wholes le price a reta price il

Mini Plant 170 / 175

birla m pla ini nt 3-DColum 3 n

8) No. of years dealing this cement :

15 years

9) Deals only : Birla & Mini Plant Cement

10) Deals mostly only with:


Wholesaler (2) Retailer (3) Direct Company

11) Why you prefer this Brand: Because it is a very good brand.

66 | P a g e

12) No. of quantity sales per month: 50 tons i.e., 1000 bags

13) Reason for selling cement:

1) 2) 3) 4)

Customer Acceptance Increase profitability Demand All these

14) What is the mode of payment:

1) Cash (2) Credit (3) NEFT (4) RTGS

15) Does the company provide any scheme


Yes (2) No

16) Mention about this scheme whatever it provides: Gold coin, incentive, tour. Gifts and other things.
67 | P a g e

17) Your opinion about the companys scheme The scheme is good. I am happy.

18) Do you get C D( Cash Discount):

Yes we get CD with 4 Rs. / bag

19) Whether the company conduct dealers meet regularly: 18


Yes (2) No

20) If yes specify the frequency in which the meet were conducted: 1) Once in a year 2) Twice in a year 3) More than twice

21) What is your view about the meeting? It is good, discussions, whatever the problem we present
68 | P a g e

It is solved.

Feedback: Quality should be good, and it is a good cement. We have no complain for this.

69 | P a g e

Cement Market Survey at Dhanbad (Dealers/Retailers)

(Chiragora, Dhanbad)
1) Dealer / Retailer Name 2) Name of the Shop Kumar Jeetentdra Rajneesh Enterprises

3) Date of Visit -


4) No. of Brands -

Ultratech Cement

5) Phone / Mobile No.-


6) Order & Demand power?


Good (2) Very Good (3)


70 | P a g e

7) What is the price:



Selling Price

285 8) No. of years dealing this cement : 8 years


9) Deals only : Ulratech Cement

10) Deals mostly only with:


Wholesaler (2) Retailer (3) Direct Company

11) Why you prefer this Brand: Their was a reason that when I started the cement business, I wanted to do business with ACC Cement & Lafarge also, as it has its name but I did not got chance. So I started
71 | P a g e

business with Ultratech and now I am happy with it, Thank you.

12) No. of quantity sales per month: 100 tons, i.e, 2000 bags.

13) Reason for selling cement:

1) Customer Acceptance 2) Increase Profitability 3) Demand 4) All these

14) What is the mode of payment:


Cash (2) Credit (3) NEFT (4) RTGS

15) Does the company provide any scheme


1) Yes

(2) No

72 | P a g e

16) Mention about this scheme whatever it provided: Gold and Gifts, right now in this year a tour to China.

17) Your opinion about the companys scheme The scheme is good. I am very happy.


Do you get CD(Cash Discount):

Yes we get CD with 4 Rs. to 5 Rs./ bag.

19) Whether the company conduct dealers meet regularly: 20 1) Yes (2) No


If yes specify the frequency in which the meet were conducted:

73 | P a g e

1) Once in a year 2) Twice in a year 3) More than twice

21) What is your view about the meeting? All types of solutions and good service.

22) Feedback: It is very good cement, but one problem is that I am expecting slag cement and I want that company should deliever slag cement as it is customers demand also.

74 | P a g e

Cement Market Survey at Dhanbad (Dealers/Retailers)


1) Dealer/ Retailer Name 2) Name of the Shop -

Kanhaiya Lal Gupta Gauri Enterprises

3) Date of Visit -


4) No. of Brands -

Ambuja Cement

5) Phone / Mobile No.75 | P a g e


6) Order & Demand power?

1) Good (2) Very Good (3) Average

7) What is the price:

Purchasing Price 290

Selling Price 300

8) No. of years dealing this cement :

11 years

9) Deals only : Ambuja Cement

10) Deals mostly only with:

1)Wholesaler (2) Retailer (3) Dealer

76 | P a g e

11) Why you prefer this Brand: Because it is a very good brand, goodwill among the public and its quality and quantity is good, overall it is a good brand and also demand.

12) No. of quantity sales per month: 20 tons 22 tons

13) Reason for selling cement:

1) Customer Acceptance 2) Increase profitability 3) Demand 4) All these

14) What is the mode of payment:

1) Cash (2) Credit (3) NEFT (4) RTGS

15) Does the company provide any scheme

77 | P a g e


1) Yes (2) No


Do you get C D( Cash Discount):

Yes we get CD with 2 Rs. / bag

17) Whether the company conduct dealers meet regularly


Yes (2) No

28) Feedback:

78 | P a g e

I dont need any dealership and one thing there should be not more than one dealer in one place.

Cement Market Survey at Dhanbad (Dealers/Retailers)


1) Dealer/ Retailer Name 2) Name of the Shop -

Shiv Prasad Sharma Yashoda Enterprises

3) Date of Visit -


4) No. of Brands Duraguard / PSC)

Lafarge ( Concreto /

5) Phone / Mobile No.79 | P a g e


6) Order & Demand power?

1) Good (2) Very Good (3)


7) What is the price:



Selling Price

Duragguard 286







8) No. of years dealing this cement :

Since 2001

9) Deals only : Lafarge (CONCRETO / DURAGUARD / PSC)

80 | P a g e

10) Deals mostly only with:

1)Wholesaler (2) Retailer (3) Direct Company

11) Why you prefer this Brand: He has believe stick up with this company and the customer demand this brand and also his faith.

12) No. of quantity sales per month:

500 tons

13) Reason for selling cement: 1)Customer Acceptance (2)Increase profitability 3)Demand 4)All these

14) What is the mode of payment:

1) Cash (2) Credit 3) both

81 | P a g e

15) Does the company provide any scheme

1) Yes (2) No

16) Mention about this scheme whatever it provided: tour and gifts

17) Your opinion about the companys scheme The scheme is good. I am happy and I am also satisfied with it.

18) Do you get C D ( Cash Discount):

Yes, 3rs/bag

19) Whether the company conduct dealers meet regularly: 22 1) Yes (2) No
82 | P a g e

20) If yes specify the frequency in which the meet were conducted: 1) Once in a year 2) Twice in a year 3) More than twice

21) What is your view about the meeting? Get knowledge about companys policy and other sectors, we discuss the matter related with the cement.

22) Feedback: One feedback it is good, no problem.

83 | P a g e

Cement Market Survey at Dhanbad (Dealers/Retailers)

1) Dealer/ Retailer Name 2) Name of the Shop Deepak Kumar Gorai Gorai Cement Agency

3) Date of Visit -


4) No. of Brands Duraguard / PSC)

Lafarge ( Concreto /

5) Phone / Mobile No.-


84 | P a g e

6) Order & Demand power?


Good (2) Very Good (3)


7) What is the price:



Selling Price 300 315 More than 10

Duraguard/PSC Concreto 8) No. of years dealing this cement : years, since 10 years

9) Deals only : Lafarge

10) Deals mostly only with:


Wholesaler (2) Retailer (3) Direct Company

85 | P a g e

11) Why you prefer this Brand: demand is the big factor

12) No. of quantity sales per month: 750 ton

13) Reason for selling cement:


Customer Acceptance 2) Increase profitability 3) Demand 4)All these

14) What is the mode of payment:

1) Cash (2) Credit 3) both

15) Does the company provide any scheme


Yes (2) No

16) Mention about this scheme whatever it provides: watch, tour and many gifts
86 | P a g e

17) Your opinion about the companys scheme the scheme is good


Do you get C D( Cash Discount):

Yes we get CD with 4 Rs. / bag

19) Whether the company conduct dealers meet regularly: 23


Yes (2) No


If yes specify the frequency in which the meet were conducted: 1) Once in a year 2) Twice in a year 3) More than twice

87 | P a g e

21) What is your view about the meeting? We are happy with the meeting and we get more and more knowledge, how to sale more and more

22) Feedback: It is a very good company and we get no problem

88 | P a g e

Cement Market Survey at Dhanbad (Dealers/Retailers)

Telipadha, Hirapur
1) Dealer/ Retailer Name 2) Name of the Shop Hari Ram Mahato

Jai Maa Durga

3) Date of Visit -


4) No. of Brands -


5) Phone / Mobile No.-


89 | P a g e

6) Order & Demand power?

1)Good (2) Very Good (3)


7) What is the price:



Selling Price

300 8) No. of years dealing this cement :

310 7years

9) Deals only : ACC Cement

10) Deals mostly only with:


Wholesaler (2) Retailer (3) Dealer

90 | P a g e

11) Why you prefer this Brand: Its marketing is good and shopkeeper says that it is very fresh . It is a very good brand and it has its name

12) No. of quantity sales per month: 50 ton

13) Reason for selling cement:

1)Customer Acceptance 2)Increase profitability 3)Demand 4) All these

14) What is the mode of payment:

1) Cash (2) Credit (3) NEFT (4) RTGS

15) Does the company provide any scheme

91 | P a g e

1)Yes (2) No

16) Mention about this scheme whatever it provides: watch, tour and many gifts

17) Your opinion about the companys scheme the scheme is good


Do you get C D

No sometimes we were getting with 2rs/ bag and now no CD.

19) Whether the company conduct dealers meet regularly: 24 1)Yes (2) No


If yes specify the frequency in which the meet were conducted: 1) Once in a year 2) Twice in a year 3) More than Twice 4) Never

92 | P a g e

21) What is your view about the meeting? No view

22) Feedback: He need s a scheme because he believes that the works very hard more than a dealer but he did not get any gift. Many times dealer and company person has given assurance that they will provide scheme or any other facility but he never got any single things except cement.

93 | P a g e

Cement Market Survey at Dhanbad (Dealers/Retailers)


1) Dealer / Retailer Name Vikas Singh 2) Name of the Shop Baba Cement

3) Date of Visit -


4) No. of Brands -

only 1 ACC Cement

5) Phone / Mobile No.-


6) Order & Demand power?

94 | P a g e

1) Good (2) Very Good (3)


8) What is the price:

Wholesale Retail

310 305 sell 320

9) No. of years dealing this cement :

25 years

10) Deals only : ACC Cement

11) Deals mostly only with:

12) Wholesaler (2) Retailer (3) Direct Company

95 | P a g e

13) Why you prefer this Brand: Its dispactch and delivery has no problem, good brand, very old brand, it has its name, customers are satisfied with it, for over many years ACC has made it nice relation in the market whether it is with customer, dealer and retailor.

14) No. of quantity sales per month: 100 tons, i.e, 2000 bags

15) Reason for selling cement: 1) Demand (2) Customers demand & acceptance (3) Increase profitability 4) All these

16) What is the mode of payment:


Cash (2) Credit (3) both

17) Does the company provide any scheme


1) Yes

(2) No

18) Mention about this scheme whatever it provided:

96 | P a g e

The nane of the scheme is Lakshya, and it has provided me tour for holidays, gifts.

19) Your opinion about the companys scheme I am satisfied with the scheme.


Do you get C D ( Cash Discount):

Yes we get CD with 4 Rs. to 5 Rs./ bag.

21) Whether the company conduct dealers meet regularly: 26 1) Yes (2) No


If yes specify the frequency in which the meet were conducted: 1) Once in a year

97 | P a g e

2) Twice in a year 3) More than twice

23) What is your view about the meeting?

We get solution after the meeting, if any sort of problem we present it and every solution is solved andit is solved quickly . We are very happy with the meeting., we get every knowledge of cement.

23) Feedback: It is very good cement and also very fresh, but marketing needs to be strengthened, delaers profit needs to be revised.

98 | P a g e

Cement Market Survey at Dhanbad (Dealers/Retailers)


1) Dealer / Retailer Name no name 2) Name of the Shop Patherdih Cement Dukaan

3) Date of Visit -


4) No. of Brands - 2 brands (1) Miniplant (Durga Cement) (2) Big plant ( ACC Cement)

99 | P a g e

5) Phone / Mobile No.- unknown

6) Order & Demand power?

1) Good (2) Very Good (3)


7) What is the price: Purchasing Price

ACC 315


Selling Price

Durga Cement 170


Selling Price


No. of years dealing this cement :

8 years

100 | P a g e

9) Deals only : ACC & Durga Cement (but mostly miniplant)

10) Deals mostly only with:

1)Wholesaler (2) Retailer (3) Dealer

11) Why you prefer this Brand: I prefer both Durga Cement & ACC cement because they both are good brands, they both have demand.

12) No. of quantity sales per month: Mini Plant Durga Cement 80-90 bags Big Plant - ACC Cement 10-20 bags

13) Reason for selling cement: 1) Demand (2) Customers demand (3) Increase Profitability

14) What is the mode of payment:

101 | P a g e

1) Cash (2) Credit (3) both

15) Does the company provide any scheme


1) Yes

(2) No

16) Mention about this scheme whatever it provided: Copy , pen

17) Your opinion about the companys scheme I am not so happy with the scheme

18) Do you get C D ( Cash Discount):


19) Whether the company conduct dealers meet regularly:

102 | P a g e


Yes (2) No ( but contractor meeting)

19) If yes specify the frequency in which the meet were conducted: 1) Once in a year 2) Twice in a year 3) More than twice

21) What is your view about the meeting? In this meeting they (company) wants to know that what is the performance of cement and what is the view of audience, whether they are liking it or not, allover the view of audience.

22) Feedback:

less competition should be done.

103 | P a g e

Cement Market Survey at Dhanbad (Dealers/Retailers)

1) Dealer / Retailer Name Ravi Ranjan Singh 2) Name of the Shop Ravi Ranjan Cement Shop

3) Date of Visit -


104 | P a g e

4) No. of Brands - 4 brands (3 brands i.e., big plant cement and 1 brand i.e. Miniplant ) (1)Big plant ACC, Jaypee, Ultratech (2) Mini plant Legend

5) Phone / Mobile No.- 9955335292

6) Order & Demand power?

1) Good (2) Very Good (3)


7) What is the price:

Purchasing Price

Selling Price

ACC 310 Ultra tech 310 Jaypee 300 Legend 180

105 | P a g e

300 300 290 160

Selling Price Selling Price Selling Price Selling Price

8) No. of years dealing this cement :


9) Deals only : ACC, UT, Jaypee, Legend (miniplant)

10) Deals mostly only with:

1)Wholesaler (2) Retailer (3) Dealer

11) Why you prefer this Brand: Demand , it is a very good cement.

12) No. of quantity sales per month:

U.T. 100 bag, ACC 50 bag, Jaypee 10 bag , Legend 50 bag

13) Reason for selling cement:

106 | P a g e

1) Customer Acceptance (2) Increase profitability (3) Demand (4) All these

14) What is the mode of payment:


Cash (2) Credit (3) both

15) Does the company provide any scheme


1) Yes U.T)

(2) No

( but not in ACC and Jaypee, only in

16) Mention about this scheme whatever it provided:

By selling we get incentive commission (per bag 2rs. silver coin) only in U.T.

17) Your opinion about the companys scheme: I am very happy and the scheme is very good

18) Do you get C D ( Cash Discount):

107 | P a g e


19) Whether the company conduct dealers meet regularly: 30


Yes (2) No


If yes specify the frequency in which the meet were conducted: 1) Once in a year 2) Twice in a year 3) More than twice

21) What is your view about the meeting? Every knowledge of cement, we get time more to learn about the cement studying of cement, all the instructions are being given.

22) Feedback: 3 cement ACC, U.T. and Jaypee these all are very good and excellent and their strength power is good as it sets very quickly.

108 | P a g e

Cement Market Survey at Dhanbad (Dealers/Retailers)

Prabhu Singh Chawla Guru Kripa Cement

1) Dealer / Retailer Name

2) Name of the Shop -

109 | P a g e

3) Date of Visit - 10/06/2011

4) No. of Brands - (1) Big Plant Birla Gold (2) Mini Plant Durgapur Cement

5) Phone / Mobile No.- 9031919744

6) Order & Demand power?

1) Good (2) Very Good (3) Average

7) What is the price:

Purchasing Price Birla Gold - 275-280

Selling Price 290 170

Durgapur Cement - 160

110 | P a g e

8) No. of years dealing this cement :

10 years

9) Deals only : Birla Gold & Durga Cement (mini plant)

10) Deals mostly only with:

1) Wholesaler (2) Retailer (3) Dealer

11) Why you prefer this Brand: Demand and very known brand.

12) No. of quantity sales per month: 250 bags and Miniplant (Durgapur Cement ) - 8090 bags i.e, 4 tons (approx)

13) Reason for selling cement: 1) Customer Acceptance (2) Increase profitability (3) Demand (4) All these

111 | P a g e

14) What is the mode of payment:


Cash (2) Credit (3) both

15) Does the company provide any scheme


1) Yes

(2) No

19) Whether the company conduct dealers meet regularly: 32


Yes (2) No

20) Feedback: It is a good cement . very nice and its also branded and about Durga Cement it is also good in both term term quality, demand and also in budget.

112 | P a g e

Cement Market Survey at Dhanbad (Dealers/Retailers)

1) Dealer/ Retailer Name Vasim

113 | P a g e

2) Name of the Shop -

Bharat Cement Agency

3) Date of Visit -


4) No. of Brands -


5) Phone / Mobile No.-


6) Order & Demand power?


Good (2) Very Good (3)


7) What is the price:

114 | P a g e

Wholesale Price / Purchasing Price

Retail Price / Selling Price Selling Price 320 8 years

Purchasing Price 312 8) No. of years dealing this cement :

9) Deals only : ACC

10) Deals mostly only with:


Wholesaler (2) Retailer (3) Direct Company

11) Why you prefer this Brand: Brand Loyality. It has its name, it is a very old company, when customer demands we not have to explain much about this cement and it is a branded cement. It is certified, customers know about it, they know that ACC is a very good cement as well as a very good company.

12) No. of quantity sales per month: 150-180 ton.

115 | P a g e

13) Reason for selling cement:

1)Customer Acceptance 2) Increase profitability 3)Demand 4) All these

14) What is the mode of payment:

1) Cash (2) Credit (3) both

15) Does the company provide any scheme:


Yes (2) No

16) Mention about this scheme whatever it provides: The scheme name is Lakshya, and it has provided us gold, tours and gifts

17) Your opinion about the companys scheme

116 | P a g e

The scheme is good. I am much satisfied with it.

18) Do you get C D

Yes we get CD with 4 Rs. / bag

19) Whether the company conduct dealers meet regularly: 33 1) Yes (2) No

20) If yes specify the frequency in which the meet were conducted: 1) Once in a year 2) Twice in a year 3) More than twice

21) What is your view about the meeting? It is good, discussions, whatever the problem we present It is solved.

117 | P a g e

22) Feedback: ACC is a very good cement, but only problem is that with Jaypee we have to face the competition because of its prize.

Cement Market Survey at Dhanbad (Dealers/Retailers)

( Hatia Mor., Kandra)

118 | P a g e

1) Dealer/ Retailer Name 2) Name of the Shop -

Rajesh Kumar Mahato

Shri Ram Traders

3) Date of Visit -


4) No. of Brands -


5) Phone / Mobile No.-


6) Order & Demand power?

7) Good (2) Very Good (3)


8) What is the price:

119 | P a g e

Wholesale Price / Purchasing Price

Retail Price / Selling Price Selling Price 320

Purchasing Price 305 9) No. of years dealing this cement : 12 yrs

9) Deals only : ACC

10) Deals mostly only with:


Wholesaler (2) Retailer (3) Direct Company

12) Why you prefer this Brand: Brand image , customer belief

13) No. of quantity sales per month: 100 ton

14) Reason for selling cement:

120 | P a g e

(1) Demand (2) increase profitability (3) Customer acceptance (4)All these

15) What is the mode of payment: 1) Cash (2) Credit (3) both

16) Does the company provide any scheme (1) Yes (2) No

17) Mention about this scheme whatever it provides: The scheme name is Lakshya, and it has provided us gold (2-3 times), tours and gifts

18) Your opinion about the companys scheme The scheme is good. I am much satisfied with it.


Do you get C D

Yes we get CD with 3 - 4 Rs. / bag

121 | P a g e

20) Whether the company conduct dealers meet regularly: 34 1) Yes (2) No

21) If yes specify the frequency in which the meet were conducted: 1) Once in a year 2) Twice in a year 3) More than twice

22) What is your view about the meeting? It is good, discussions, whatever the problem we present It is solved.

Feedback: ACC is a very good cement, but only problem is that with there is a communication gap , problem with price updates.

122 | P a g e

Cement Market Survey at Dhanbad (Dealers/Retailers)

(Paras Mor., Jharia)

1) Dealer/ Retailer Name 2) Name of the Shop -

Sunil Kumar Dey

S Modak & Sons

3) Date of Visit -


4) No. of Brands -


5) Phone / Mobile No.- 9835953731

6) Order & Demand power?

1) Good (2) Very Good (3)


123 | P a g e

7) What is the price:

Wholesale Price / Purchasing Price

Retail Price / Selling Price Selling Price 320 10 yrs.

Purchasing Price 305 8) No. of years dealing this cement :

9) Deals only : ACC

10) Deals mostly with:


Wholesaler (2) Retailer (3) Direct Company

124 | P a g e

11) Why you prefer this Brand: It is a very good brand and also very cement.

12) No. of quantity sales per month: 100 ton

13)Reason for selling cement: (1) Demand (2) increase profitability (3) Customer acceptance (4) All these

14) What is the mode of payment: 1) Cash (2) Credit (3) both

15) Does the company provide any scheme (1) Yes (2) No

16) Mention about this scheme whatever it provides: The scheme name is Lakshya, and it has provided us gold (2 times gold coins), tours (2times) and gifts
125 | P a g e

17) Your opinion about the companys scheme The scheme is good. I am much satisfied with it.

18) Do you get C D( Cash Discount):

Yes we get CD with 3 - 4 Rs. / bag

19) Whether the company conduct dealers meet regularly:

1)Yes (2) No

20) If yes specify the frequency in which the meet were conducted: 1) Once in a year 2) Twice in a year 3) More than twice

21) What is your view about the meeting?

126 | P a g e

It is good, discussions, whatever the problem we present It is solved, we get more to learn new things.

Feedback: ACC is a very good cement, but one request that their should be advertisement done, gifts should be given to customer so satisfaction should be given to both dealers and customers.


Competitor - Lafarge

127 | P a g e

Cement Market Survey at Dhanbad (Dealers/Retailers)

(Kola Kusuma, Dhanbad)

1) Dealer/ Retailer Name 2) Name of the Shop -

Ramesh Bharti Bharti Sales

3) Date of Visit -


4) No. of Brands -


5) Phone / Mobile No.-


6) Order & Demand power?


Good (2) Very Good (3)


128 | P a g e

7) What is the price:

Wholesale Price / Purchasing Price

Retail Price / Selling Price Selling Price 320 20 yrs

Purchasing Price (wholesale) 300 8) No. of years dealing this cement :

9) Deals only : ACC

10) Deals mostly only with:

1) Wholesaler (2) Retailer (3) Direct Company

129 | P a g e

11) Why you prefer this Brand: Brand image , customer belief

12) No. of quantity sales per month: 300 ton

13)Reason for selling cement: (1) Demand (2) increase profitability (3) Customer acceptance (4) All these

14) What is the mode of payment: 1) Cash (2) Credit (3) both

15) Does the company provide any scheme (1) Yes (2) No

16) Mention about this scheme whatever it provides: The scheme name is Lakshya, and it has provided us gold (2-3 times) received tours and gifts, tours

17) Your opinion about the companys scheme

130 | P a g e

I am not satisfied with the scheme (Lakshya) because the points are not rewarded.

13) Do you get C D( Cash Discount):

Yes 70%

19) Whether the company conduct dealers meet regularly:

1) Yes (2) No


If yes specify the frequency in which the meet were conducted: 1) Once in a year 2) Twice in a year 3) More than twice

21) What is your view about the meeting? Solution not provided to problems

131 | P a g e

22)Feedback: It is a very good cement.

23)Complain rates should be revised. Market prices revealed through Market not through company.

24) competitors Lafarge & Jaypee good competitors Lafarge (285-90 wholesale price) Jaypee ( 260)

132 | P a g e

Cement Market Survey at Dhanbad (Dealers/Retailers)

(memco mor., Barwadda, Rita Verma Petrol Pump )

1) Dealer/ Retailer Name 2) Name of the Shop Niranjan Kumar

Shivam Traders

3) Date of Visit -


4) No. of Brands -


5) Phone / Mobile No.-


6) Order & Demand power?

133 | P a g e


Good (2) Very Good (3)


7) What is the price:

Wholesale Price / Purchasing Price

Retail Price / Selling Price Selling Price 320 1 month

Purchasing Price 300/305 (wholesale) 8) No. of years dealing this cement :

9) Deals only : ACC

10) Deals mostly only with:


Wholesaler (2) Retailer (3) Direct Company

134 | P a g e

11) Why you prefer this Brand: As being a good brand customer blindly purchase ACC.

12) No. of quantity sales per month: 20 ton

13)Reason for selling cement:

1) Demand (2) increase profitability (3) Customer acceptance (4) All these


What is the mode of payment: 1) Cash (2) Credit (3) both

Cement Market Survey at Dhanbad (Dealers/Retailers)

1) Dealer/ Retailer Name Udeshwar Yadav

135 | P a g e

2) Name of the Shop -

Ganpati Enterprise

3) Date of Visit -


4) No. of Brands -


5) Phone / Mobile No.-


6) Order & Demand power?

1) Good (2) Very Good (3)


7) What is the price:

Wholesale Price / Purchasing Price

Retail Price / Selling Price Selling Price 310

Purchasing Price 300 8) No. of years dealing this cement : 1 year

136 | P a g e

9) Deals only : ACC

10) Deals mostly only with:

1)Wholesaler (2) Retailer (3) Direct Company

11) Why you prefer this Brand: It is a good brand we dont have to say anything to the customers because they deseve it, they have faith in it.

12) No. of quantity sales per month: 100 ton

13) Reason for selling cement: (1) Demand (2) increase profitability (3) Customer acceptance (4) All these

137 | P a g e

14) What is the mode of payment: 1) Cash (2) Credit (3) both

15) Does the company provide any scheme (1) Yes (2) No

16) Mention about this scheme whatever it provides: The scheme name is Lakshya, and it has provided us gold (2-3 times), tours and gifts

17) Your opinion about the companys scheme The scheme is good. I am much satisfied with it as i got the gold coin of 10 gm.

18) Do you get C D

Yes we get CD with 3 - 4 Rs. / bag

19) Whether the company conduct dealers meet regularly:

138 | P a g e


1) Yes (2) No

20) If yes specify the frequency in which the meet were conducted: 1) Once in a year 2) Twice in a year 3) More than twice

21) What is your view about the meeting? When the meeting goes and whatever the problem comes we present those problems we get solutions.

22) Feedback: very good cement excellent.

23) Complain : Problem with the price update, rate should be uniform among all the dealers.

139 | P a g e

24) Competitor : Nowadays Lafarge & Jaype are the biggest competitor but mostly Lafarge.

Cement Market Survey at Dhanbad (Dealers/Retailers)

(Jharia, close to Hanuman Giri Mandir)

1) Subdealer / Retailer/ Name 2) Name of the Shop Ram Mureet Singh

Hanuman Giri Cement

3) Date of Visit -


4) No. of Brands (Durga Cement)

Big Plant (ACC) and Mini Plant

5) Phone / Mobile No.-


6) Order & Demand power?


Good (2) Very Good (3)


140 | P a g e

7) What is the price:

Wholesale Price / Purchasing Price

Retail Price / Selling Price 300 160 310 170

ACC Durga Cement

8) No. of years dealing this cement : 2 year

9) Deals only : ACC & Durga Cement

10) Deals mostly only with: Wholesaler (2) Retailer (3) Direct Company

141 | P a g e

11) Why you prefer this Brand: Both the brands are good and it depends on area, the demand of the customer.

12) No. of quantity sales per month: 20-30 bags (ACC) and 60-70 bags (Durga Cement)


Reason for selling cement: (1) Demand (2) increase profitability (3) Customer acceptance (4) All these

14) What is the mode of payment: 1) Cash (2) Credit (3) both

15) Does the company provide any scheme (1) Yes (2) No

16) Mention about this scheme whatever it provides: Mistri gift , copy and pen

142 | P a g e

17) Your opinion about the companys scheme o.k. (both ACC & Durga Cement)

18)Do you get C D ( Cash Discount):


19) Feedback: we also want to be like dealers, so what dealers are getting, at least little profit should be given to us, so that we should be satisfied.

143 | P a g e

Cement Market Survey at Dhanbad (Dealers/Retailers)

(Saraidhela near Ajay Talkies)

1) Dealer/ Retailer Name 2) Name of the Shop Ranjit Kumar Dasu Enterprises

3) Date of Visit -


4) No. of Brands -

ACC & Lafarge

5) Phone / Mobile No.-


6) Order & Demand power?

144 | P a g e

1) Good (2) Very Good (3)


7) What is the price:

Wholesale Price / Purchasing Price

Retail Price / Selling Price 300 Selling Price 315

Lafarge 295 ACC 300 8) No. of years dealing this cement : 1 year

9) Deals only : ACC & Lafarge

10) Deals mostly only with: Wholeseller (2) Retailer (3) Direct Company

11) Why you prefer this Brand:

145 | P a g e

12) No. of quantity sales per month: 200 250 bags Lafarge and 500 bags ACC.

13) Reason for selling cement: (1) Demand (2) increase profitability (3) Customer acceptance (4) All these

14) What is the mode of payment: 1) Cash (2) Credit (3) both

15) Does the company provide any scheme (1) Yes (2) No

16) Mention about this scheme whatever it provides:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

17) Your opinion about the companys scheme

18)Do you get C D( Cash Discount): NO

146 | P a g e

19) Feedback: The company needs to look into the dealers problems periodically.

Cement Market Survey at Dhanbad (Dealers/Retailers)

(Jora Phatak Mor., Dhanbad)

1) Dealer/ Retailer Name 2) Name of the Shop Rajesh Kesri Maa Kalyani Enterprises

3) Date of Visit -


4) No. of Brands -


5) Phone / Mobile No.-


6) Order & Demand power?

147 | P a g e


Good (2) Very Good (3)


7) What is the price:

Wholesale Price / Purchasing Price

Retail Price / Selling Price ACC Selling Price 315

ACC Purchasing Price 300 8) No. of years dealing this cement 15 yrs

9) Deals only : ACC

10) Deals mostly only with:

Wholesaler (2) Retailer (3) Direct Company

148 | P a g e

11) Why you prefer this Brand: It is a good brand, fresh cement.

12) No. of quantity sales per month:

18) Reason for selling cement: (1) Demand (2) increase profitability (3) Customer acceptance (4) All these

14) What is the mode of payment: 1) Cash (2) Credit (3) both

15) Does the company provide any scheme (1) Yes (2) No

16) Mention about this scheme whatever it provides: The scheme name is Lakshya and it provided me tours, foreign tour one time. India many times

17) Your opinion about the companys scheme good, satisfied.

149 | P a g e

18) Whether the company conduct dealers meet regularly: Yes

19) if yes specify the frequency in which the meet were conducted: 1) Once in a year 2) Twice in a year. 3) More than twice.

21)What is your view about the meeting? Whenever any problem arises, we present those problem and our problem is solved. I am satisfied with the meeting.

22) Feedback: good excellent.

150 | P a g e

Cement Market Survey at Dhanbad (Dealers/Retailers)

(Dhansar , Dhanbad)
1) Dealer/ Retailer Name 2) Name of the Shop Manoj Kumar Manoj Kumar Dubey

3) Date of Visit -


4) No. of Brands -


5) Phone / Mobile No.-

6) Order & Demand power?

151 | P a g e

1)Good (2) Very Good (3)


7) What is the price:

Wholesale Price / Purchasing Price

Retail Price / Selling Price 290 305 325-330

Lafarge Duraguard 285 Concreto

8) No. of years dealing this cement : 12yrs

9) Deals only : Lafarge

10) Deals mostly only with:


Wholesaler (2) Retailer (3) Direct Company

152 | P a g e

11) Why you prefer this Brand: It is a good brand. It has good strength, good result.

12) No. of quantity sales per month: 300 ton

20) Reason for selling cement: (1) Demand (2) increase profitability (3) Customer acceptance (4) All these

14) What is the mode of payment: 1) Cash (2) Credit (3) both

15) Does the company provide any scheme (1) Yes (2) No

16) Mention about this scheme whatever it provides: many schemes tours, cash, quarterly discount, Quality Discount, Cash Discount

17) Your opinion about the companys scheme - very nice and I am satisfied as well as very happy, excellent.

153 | P a g e

18)Do you get C D yes, 4rs/ bag

19) Whether the company conduct dealers meet regularly: Yes 36 20) if yes specify the frequency in which the meet were conducted: 1) Once in a year 2) Twice in a year. 3) More than twice.

21)What is your view about the meeting? We get lot more to learn, new ideas, any sort of problem is their we present in the meeting and we get the solution.

22) Feedback: Good, very good.

154 | P a g e

23)Competitor : ACC is the competitor, but the selling power of Lafarge is more, sell is increasing and increasing.

Cement Market Survey at Dhanbad (Dealers/Retailers)

Dhansar, Dhanbad
1) Dealer (Authorised) / Retailer Name 2) Name of the Shop Store Ganesh

Shri Ganesh

3) Date of Visit -


4) No. of Brands -

Prism, Konark, Birla Gold

5) Phone / Mobile No.-


6) Order & Demand power?

155 | P a g e

1) Good (2) Very Good (3)


(he says order in 2 hours only vehicle should be available)

7) What is the price:



Selling Price









280 7years

8) No. of years dealing this cement :

9) Deals only : Konark, Birla and Prism

156 | P a g e

10) Deals mostly only with:

1)Wholesaler (2) Retailer (3) Dealer

11) Why you prefer this Brand: I prefer because they are very good cement, no problem at all.

12) No. of quantity sales per month: 100-200 tons ( Prism, Konark & Birla)

13) Reason for selling cement:

4) 5) 6) 4)

Customer Acceptance Increase profitability Demand All these

157 | P a g e

14) What is the mode of payment:

1) Cash (2) Credit (3) both

15) Does the company provide any scheme


Yes (2) No

16) Mention about this scheme whatever it provides: In Prism & Birla we havent had any scheme, but in Konar I definitely received and I got outside tour break.

17) Your opinion about the companys scheme: Good of Konark

158 | P a g e

Cement Market Survey at Dhanbad (Dealers/Retailers)

Jalgora, Digwadih

1) Dealer/ Retailer Name 2) Name of the Shop -

Duga Das Duga Cement Store

3) Date of Visit - 27/05/2011

4) No. of Brands - Ambuja Cement

159 | P a g e

5) Phone / Mobile No.- 09905745188

6) Order & Demand power?

1) Good (2) Very Good (3)


7) What is the price:

Purchasing Price

Selling Price

305 8) No. of years dealing this cement :

310 1years

9) Deals only : Ambuja Cement

10) Deals mostly only with:


Wholesaler (2) Retailer (3) Dealer

160 | P a g e

11) Why you prefer this Brand: It is a good cement and also demand which it matters.

12) No. of quantity sales per month: 100 bags. i.e, 5 tons

13) Reason for selling cement:

1)Customer Acceptance 2) Increase profitability 3)Demand All these

14) What is the mode of payment:

1) Cash (2) Credit (3) bothe

15) Does the company provide any scheme

1) Yes (2) No
161 | P a g e

16) Mention about this scheme whatever it provides: Tours, gifts.

17) Your opinion about the companys scheme the scheme is good.

18) Do you get C D

Yes, 4rs. per bag

19) Whether the company conduct dealers meet regularly: 37 1) Yes (2) No

20) If yes specify the frequency in which the meet were conducted: 1) Once in a year 2) Twice in a year 3) More than Twice 4) Never

162 | P a g e

21) What is your view about the meeting? We are happy with the meeting, since we are attending the meeting, we get know more about what is going in the cement industry, we also get knowledge about the company launching new cement.


Feedback: no complain, good strength.

163 | P a g e

Cement Market Survey at Dhanbad (Dealers/Retailers)

1) Dealer/ Retailer Name 2) Name of the Shop Samir Kumar

Ganesh Store

3) Date of Visit -


4) No. of Brands -

Birla Gold

5) Phone / Mobile No.-


6) Order & Demand power?

164 | P a g e

1)Good (2) Very Good (3)


7) What is the price:



Selling Price

Birla Gold 260

Birla Gold 270



Konark 1 years


8) No. of years dealing this cement :

9) Deals only : Birla Gold & Konark.

10) Deals mostly only with:

1) Wholesaler (2) Retailer (3) Dealer

165 | P a g e

11) Why you prefer this Brand: It is a good brand and it also gives credit facility.

12) No. of quantity sales per month: 300 bags

13) Reason for selling cement:

1)Customer Acceptance 3)Demand 4)All these

2) Increase profitability

14) What is the mode of payment:

1) Cash (2) Credit 3) both

15) Does the company provide any scheme


Yes (2) No

166 | P a g e

16) Mention about this scheme whatever it provides:

17) Your opinion about the companys scheme

No, never

Do you get C D( Cash Discount):

19) Whether the company conduct dealers meet regularly: 38


Yes (2) No

22) If yes specify the frequency in which the meet were conducted: 1) Once in a year 2) Twice in a year 3) More than Twice 4) Never
167 | P a g e

20) What is your view about the meeting?

21) Feedback: It is an immense pleasure to work with ACC Cement & I am totally satisfied with the services offered.

168 | P a g e

Cement Market Survey at Dhanbad (Dealers/Retailers)

Bank Mor., Dhanbad

1) Dealer/ Retailer Name 2) Name of the Shop Shiv Kumar

Cement Center

3) Date of Visit -


4) No. of Brands - Ultratech

5) Phone / Mobile No.- 9204486884

6) Order & Demand power?

1) Good (2) Very Good (3)


7) What is the price:

169 | P a g e



Selling Price

300 8) No. of years dealing this cement :

320 1years

9) Deals only : Ultra tech Cement

10) Deals mostly only with:

1) Wholesaler (2) Retailer (3) Dealer

11) Why you prefer this Brand: because the reason is only brand name.

12) No. of quantity sales per month: 50 bag

170 | P a g e

13) Reason for selling cement:

1) Customer Acceptance 2) Increase profitability 3) Demand 4) All these

14) What is the mode of payment:

1) Cash (2) Credit (3) both

15) Does the company provide any scheme

1)Yes (2) No

16) Do you get C D

Yes, 3%

17) Whether the company conduct dealers meet regularly: 39


Yes (2) No

171 | P a g e

18) If yes specify the frequency in which the meet were conducted: 1) Once in a year 2) Twice in a year 3) More than Twice

20) What is your view about the meeting?

The meetings should be held on a periodical basis & also the team should regularly interact with us.


Feedback: It is a good brand.

172 | P a g e

Cement Market Survey at Dhanbad (Dealers/Retailers)

(Paras Mor., Jharia)

1) Dealer/ Retailer Name 2) Name of the Shop Sushil Dey Yashoda Enterprises

3) Date of Visit -


4) No. of Brands -

Ultratech Cement

5) Phone / Mobile No.- 9334851674

6) Order & Demand power?

1) Good (2) Very Good (3)


173 | P a g e

7) What is the price:



Selling Price





Concreto , PSC




8) No. of years dealing this cement :

30 year

9) Deals only : Lafarge (CONCRETO / DURAGUARD / PSC)

10) Deals mostly only with:

174 | P a g e

1)Wholesaler (2) Retailer (3) Direct Company

11) Why you prefer this Brand: Believe, very fresh, demand power, good quality.

12) No. of quantity sales per month:

300 tons

13) Reason for selling cement: 1)Customer Acceptance (2)Increase profitability 3)Demand 4)All these

14) What is the mode of payment:

1) Cash (2) Credit 3) both

175 | P a g e

15) Does the company provide any scheme

1) Yes (2) No

16) Mention about this scheme whatever it provided: tour and gifts

17) Your opinion about the companys scheme The scheme is good. I am happy and I am also satisfied with it.

18) Do you get C D( Cash Discount):

Yes, 3rs/bag

19) Whether the company conduct dealers meet regularly: 40 1) Yes (2) No

20) If yes specify the frequency in which the meet were

176 | P a g e

conducted: 1) Once in a year 2) Twice in a year 3) More than twice

21) What is your view about the meeting? Get knowledge about companys policy and other sectors, we discuss the matter related with the cement.

22) Feedback: One feedback it is good, no problem.

Cement Market Survey at Dhanbad (Dealers/Retailers)

177 | P a g e

(Lakshminiya Mor., Jharia)

1) Dealer/ Retailer Name 2) Name of the Shop Mundun Singh

Jai Mata Di Cement Agency

3) Date of Visit - 10/06/2011

4) No. of Brands - ultratech cement agency

4) No. of Brands - only Ultratech

5) Phone / Mobile No.- 9334851674

6) Order & Demand power?

1) Good (2) Very Good (3) Average


What is the price: Purchasing Price Selling Price

178 | P a g e

Ultra tech 310


Selling Price

8) No. of years dealing this cement :

7 yrs.

9) Deals only : Ultratech Cement

10) Deals mostly only with:

1)Wholesaler (2) Retailer (3) Direct company

11) Why you prefer this Brand: Demand , it is a very good cement, satisfaction, profit.

12) No. of quantity sales per month:

U.T. 200 bag

179 | P a g e

13) Reason for selling cement:

1) Customer Acceptance (2) Increase profitability (3) Demand (4) All these

14) What is the mode of payment:


Cash (2) Credit (3) both

15) Does the company provide any scheme


1) Yes

(2) No

16) Mention about this scheme whatever it provided:

Incentives, tours, gifts ,discounts.

17) Your opinion about the companys scheme: I am very happy and the scheme is very good

18) Do you get C D ( Cash Discount):

180 | P a g e


19) Whether the company conduct dealers meet regularly: 42


Yes (2) No


If yes specify the frequency in which the meet were conducted: 1) Once in a year 2) Twice in a year 3) More than twice

21) What is your view about the meeting? Every knowledge about cement. Knowledge and new ideas, new methods.

22) Feedback good excellent, very good

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