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"Let there be light, and there was light." My degrees in both Missionary and Edu cational activities from 1920 - 1979 from Pastor to Archbishop did not give me any light. My sister (wife) and
became new creatures born to, and for the Spirit by baptism of the Holy Spirit by immersion in the Calabar River in 1980. The light truly emerged following the prayers and impo sition of the Iron Hands of the Holy Father. In an instance, wonderrul changes in my life were realized: Power of Prayer, of vision, of prophecy, of discerning, of healing and of dynamism, gifts from my Holy Father Olumba Olumba Obu, Sole Spiritual Leader. Likened to my Holy Father'who placed me in the Ministry of the Brotherhood of the Cross and Star with the next ranking post of World Ambassador. I have had the power of effective

preaching, and inter pretation of the true meaning of the Bible and endeavoured to hear the voice of the Father speaking to me. These blessings revealed the true light. What is this light? Where is the

. overcome '. the tricky lies and temptations of the flesh and lusts; the power of healing and the successful effects of blessing others, the removal of anger and bad temper. My Holy Father has by

Most Rev. Col. E. S. Yekorogha Senior Archbishop and World Ambassador, B. C. S source and who is the giver? The light is the Spiritual Power. It is from the Heavenly Father; and the giver is the Holy Father through Jesus Christ the Lord. Despite my age, I appear fresh and younger. The Holy Father.'s blessings on me are innumerable: , long life; Spirit to placed me upon an unbroken rock. He IS the Rock and the solid one. The life I live is rested through simple faith in Olumba Olumba Obu and I believe I shall be unshrinkable. All my prophecies and reve lations are real ,and unopposed. The Fat her in me did all. I have no power. I am


the Father's special weapons and tools. I pta,? f'tfr' an iffifTStfml, lost and betrayed. There has been no occasion that I have failed in my prayers to bring the lost and the betrayed to this light of the world. I give honour, glory, praises and adoration to my Holy Father for these divine gestures. My flesh is fully spirited. I am not sick, neither weak. I visit other churches and tell them that they all are Brotherhood, created in love and righteousness by the one Holy Father and. in most cases set up committees and have Bible classes that these churches see for themselves their doctrinal errors. Finally, it is my world-wide prayer to all Bethels in the world and other religions that are not yet in the New Jerusalem that the pattern towards the goal of eternal heri tage and blessings be aehieved through our Holy Father in whose hands rests the excellent judgement. Thank You Father.

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